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Representatives W. Brawley, West, Horn, and Cleveland (Primary Sponsors).

For a complete list of Sponsors, refer to the North Carolina General Assembly Web Site.

Referred to:


April 1, 2013

A HOUSE RESOLUTION expressing gratitude and appreciation to our veterans.

Whereas, throughout our country's history, generations of men and women have worn the uniform of the United States and have valiantly defended our nation and its inalienable rights; and

Whereas, our veterans have personally sacrificed so much for the greater good of our nation; some of these brave men and women made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our country and the freedoms enjoyed by our citizens and all Americans; and

Whereas, six major Department of Defense (DOD)/Department of Homeland Security (DHS) installations are located in North Carolina: Coast Guard Station, Elizabeth City; Fort Bragg; Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point; Marine Corps Air Station New River; Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune; and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, as well as the North Carolina National Guard and other DOD/DHS activities and organizations; and

Whereas, more than 771,000 veterans of our nation's Armed Forces live in North Carolina and about 147,000 active‑duty guard and reserve military personnel reside in the State, making North Carolina one of the largest active‑duty military populations in our entire country; and

Whereas, the people of North Carolina are grateful and appreciative to all of our veterans for their selfless service to this State and the United States; Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

SECTION 1.  The House of Representatives expresses its profound gratitude and appreciation to all the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces.

SECTION 2.  The House of Representatives wishes to honor the memory of all the North Carolinians who gave their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

SECTION 3.  This resolution is effective upon adoption.