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Short Title:        Pol. Comm. Treas. Training/Org. Rpt Req.



Representative Randleman (Primary Sponsor).

For a complete list of Sponsors, see Bill Information on the NCGA Web Site.

Referred to:


March 15, 2011


AN ACT Relating to political action committee treasurer training and TO require the filing of an organizational report prior to being placed on the ballot.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:

SECTION 1.  G.S. 163‑278.7(f) reads as rewritten:

"(f)       Every treasurer of a political committee shall participate in training as to the duties of the office as follows: (i) a treasurer of a political committee which files its organizational report prior to the start of the time for filing of notice of candidacy shall participate in training within three months of appointment and at least once every four years thereafter.thereafter and (ii) a treasurer of a political committee which files its organizational report during or after the time for filing of notice of candidacy shall participate in training within 45 days of appointment and at least once every four years thereafter. The State Board of Elections shall provide the training as to the duties of the office in person, through regional seminars, and through interactive electronic means. The treasurer may designate an assistant treasurer to participate in the training, if one is named under subdivision (b)(8) of this section. The treasurer may choose to participate in training prior to each election in which the political committee is involved. All such training shall be free of charge to the treasurer and assistant treasurer."

SECTION 2.  G.S. 163‑278.9(a)(1) reads as rewritten:

"§ 163‑278.9.  Statements filed with Board.

(a)        Except as provided in G.S. 163‑278.10A, the treasurer of each candidate and of each political committee shall file with the Board under certification of the treasurer as true and correct to the best of the knowledge of that officer the following reports:

(1)        Organizational Report. – The appointment of the treasurer as required by G.S. 163‑278.7(a), the statement of organization required by G.S. 163‑278.7(b), and a report of all contributions and expenditures not previously reported shall be filed with the Board no later than the tenth day following the day the candidate files notice of candidacy or the tenth day following the organization of the political committee, whichever occurs first. Any candidate who has not filed the organizational report within the required time period shall not be eligible to be placed on the ballot. Any candidate whose campaign is being conducted by a political committee which is handling all contributions and expenditures for his campaign shall file a statement with the Board stating such fact at the time required herein for the organizational report. Thereafter, the candidate's political committee shall be responsible for filing all reports required by law."

SECTION 3.  G.S. 163‑165.5 reads as rewritten:

"§ 163‑165.5.  Contents of official ballots.

Each official ballot shall contain all the following elements:

(1)        The heading prescribed by the State Board of Elections. The heading shall include the term "Official Ballot".

(2)        The title of each office to be voted on and the number of seats to be filled in each ballot item.

(3)        The names of the candidates as they appear on their notice of candidacy filed pursuant to G.S. 163‑106 or G.S. 163‑323, or on petition forms filed in accordance with G.S. 163‑122. However, any candidate who has failed to file an organizational report as required by G.S. 163‑278.9(a)(1) shall not be included on the ballot. No title, appendage, or appellation indicating rank, status, or position shall be printed on the official ballot in connection with the candidate's name. Candidates, however, may use the title Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms. Nicknames shall be permitted on an official ballot if used in the notice of candidacy or qualifying petition, but the nickname shall appear according to standards adopted by the State Board of Elections. Those standards shall allow the presentation of legitimate nicknames in ways that do not mislead the voter or unduly advertise the candidacy. In the case of candidates for presidential elector, the official ballot shall not contain the names of the candidates for elector but instead shall contain the nominees for President and Vice President which the candidates for elector represent. The State Board of Elections shall establish a review procedure that local boards of elections shall follow to ensure that candidates' names appear on the official ballot in accordance with this subdivision.

(4)        Party designations in partisan ballot items.

(5)        A means by which the voter may cast write‑in votes, as provided in G.S. 163‑123. No space for write‑ins is required unless a write‑in candidate has qualified under G.S. 163‑123 or unless the ballot item is exempt from G.S. 163‑123.

(6)        Instructions to voters, unless the State Board of Elections allows instructions to be placed elsewhere than on the official ballot.

(7)        The printed title and facsimile signature of the chair of the county board of elections."

SECTION 4.  This act becomes effective January 1, 2012, and applies with respect to elections held on or after that date.