2015 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Gandy

Senate Concurrent Resolution 612

(As Adopted by Senate)


     WHEREAS, an unconventional motorcycle gang hit the streets of Kosciusko in March 2015, spreading a message of hope and love.  The group, coordinated by Kosciusko native Mike Myers, was in town for its annual mission week in Central Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, Myers is the Executive Director of Beautiful Feet Ministries, a street ministry in Fort Worth, Texas.  He said the annual mission trip to Mississippi has grown and includes several of his partners in ministry.  The passage in Romans 10:15, from which the ministry's name is derived, says "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news," which may have furthered Myers' desire to spread the Gospel outside walls; and

     WHEREAS, a 1980 Mississippi State graduate, the Animal Science major's energy and enthusiasm has been contagious, especially with church groups who volunteer their time year-round and travel from Kansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama and other states.  Even criminal court judges in the area are sending prisoners to complete required community service hours.  While giving back their time as cooks, plumbers and painters, many begin to see their lives turn around and become productive; and

     WHEREAS, during their week in Mississippi, the group visited several prisons, including the Carroll County and Attala County jails.  "We interact with homeless people on a daily basis in Fort Worth, and I've noticed how similar the homeless are to people in prison," said Myers.  "This is an eye-opening experience for all of us."  Along with spending time in area prisons, the group also ministered at area churches and nursing homes; and

     WHEREAS, as the Executive Director, part of Mike's calling is to assess the enhancement of services that can make Beautiful Feet even more of an outreach program than it already is.  "We're not through growing," he said.  "We need to find space to open up additional programming such as tutoring, counseling, literacy, skills training and parenting"; and

     WHEREAS, since leasing a building from a church in the early years, Beautiful Feet has progressed from simply owning its own structure to having health services, including medical, dental and ophthalmic; and

     WHEREAS, whatever the challenge, Myers knows he has been "raised up to be an ambassador" and will continue to be known as a champion for those who many don't even notice in society; and it is with great pride that we commend the vision of a young Mississippi Minister whose project became a reality:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby recognize the charitable outreach mission of "Beautiful Feet" Ministries and its Director, Kosciusko native Mike Myers, and extend our best wishes for future success from their enormous mission energy.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Mike Myers and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.