2023 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Sanders, Blackmon, Karriem, Osborne, Taylor

House Resolution 69

(As Adopted by House)


     WHEREAS, it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the Heaven," and as such, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny summoned the mortal presence of dearly beloved, Joseph Grafton Barnes, to eternal rest on Friday, January 27, 2023, at the blessed age of 103 years, rendering immense heartache and loss to his family, friends and community; and

     WHEREAS, the Rosedale Community of Bolivar County and the State of Mississippi lost a loving father, wonderful friend, community treasure and World War II veteran with the passing of Mr. Barnes, who was born on July 20, 1919, to the late Mr. Preston Barnes and Mrs. Myrtle Barnes in Carthage, Mississippi, and there is now a hush in our hearts as we come together to pay our respects to the memory of one who has been called to join that innumerable heavenly caravan; and

     WHEREAS, after graduating from high school in Carthage, Mr. Barnes answered Uncle Sam's call to serve and defend the interest of liberty and principles of democracy afforded us as citizens of this great nation by joining the United States Army, wherein he devoted six years in service during World War II, where he participated in the invasion of Italy and southern France; and

     WHEREAS, having been wounded in action, Mr. Barnes spent 33 months in Army hospitals in various locations, and was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries received in the line of duty, the Combat Infantry Badge, and several other medals including the Bronze Star for gallantry in action, becoming one of the first members of his battalion to receive a battlefield commission during his time on the front lines, before concluding his Army career as a 1st Lieutenant; and

     WHEREAS, it was during his time abroad in service to this great nation that, while recuperating from wartime injuries, he met and married his first love, an Army nurse and 1st Lieutenant, Dorothy Kern, with whom he would spend 42 years in unity of holy matrimony with the addition of two daughters, Linda Wilfling and Julie Brown, before her presence was requested within the inner courts of Heaven in 1989; and

     WHEREAS, upon his return to civilian life, Mr. Barnes attended Mississippi State University where he received his bachelor's degree in education in 1948, and subsequently matriculated through the university's graduate program to attain his master's degree, in addition to undertaking post-graduate coursework in education administration, devoting 33 years as a highly revered educator; a teacher, principal and eventually superintendent of education, with his final 19 years spent in Rosedale before his retirement in 1982; and

     WHEREAS, raised by his parents on the precepts of Christian servanthood and humility, Mr. Barnes, who was baptized into kingdom fellowship under these godly tenets and during his adult life, he became an active member of Rosedale Methodist Church, and lived a life of service through active involvement in civic affairs, including service as:  Chairman of the nonprofit Levee Street Clinic Board; Chairman of the Rosedale Election Committee; member of the Board of Directors of the First National Bank of Rosedale; President of the Rosedale Lions Club and Rosedale Rotary Club; and in 2017 received the highest award given by the Daughters of the American Revolution for valor, service and sacrifice; and

     WHEREAS, as fate would lend itself to following the divine blueprint of his life as designed by the grand architect of all creation, after Mr. Barnes' first wife, Dottie, yielded her life to the spirit realm, God would allow his heart to heal and experience love again, through the life, presence and compassion of Gladys Morgan Welshans, with whom he would spend the next 32 years of his life, and further expand the footprint of his family with the addition of Gladys' two children, Carolyn Welshans and Al Welshans, who affectionately referred to him as "Daddy Joe"; and

     WHEREAS, one who enjoyed spending quality time with his family and many good friends, woodworking and gardening, Mr. Barnes also enjoyed traveling, which afforded him the opportunity to revisit some of the sites he had seen during World War II during a trip to Italy, and travels to Japan blessed him with the gift of visiting his oldest daughter and her family; and

     WHEREAS, though he has traversed the river of life to now stand upon the celestial shore of Heaven, in joyous reunion with those who made life's transition before him, the enduring legacy of Mr. Barnes will continue to refresh the hearts and memories of his beloved survivors:  wife, Gladys Morgan Welshans Barnes; children, Linda Wilfling, Julie Brown (Mike) and Al Welshans (Suzanne); grandchildren, Jennifer Hammons (Josh), Ashley Stogner (Shane), Marcus Schlansker (Lauren) and Michael Brown (Claudia); several great-grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends; and

     WHEREAS, we encourage the family to find solace from the overwhelming sadness created by the earthly departure of their beloved family member in Revelation 21:4, wherein is recorded, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" and renewed in their faith that Mr. Barnes fulfilled the commandment of II Timothy 4:7 by having "fought a good fight, finishing his course and keeping the faith until the hour of his departure was at hand"; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize and honor the lives of upstanding Mississippians, especially those of patriotic and selfless public service and spiritual servitude such as Mr. Barnes, a gracious man who loved his family and friends unconditionally and worshipped the Lord God Almighty with all of his heart and soul:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the life and legacy of Mr. Joseph Grafton Barnes, and express deepest sympathy to his family and friends upon his passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of Mr. Joseph Grafton Barnes and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.