2018 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Currie

House Resolution 25

(As Adopted by House)


     WHEREAS, many women die each year because they are unaware that heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States, and the "Go Red for Women" movement is the American Heart Association's solution to bring much needed awareness to cardiovascular disease in women; and

     WHEREAS, Go Red for Women encourages women to take control of their heart health by knowing five numbers that can be life-changing, their total cholesterol, HDL (good)cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index; and

     WHEREAS, heart disease is largely avoidable, with 80% of cardiac events in women being preventable if women make the right lifestyle choices for their hearts, such as making necessary changes in diet and exercise and abstinence from smoking; and

     WHEREAS, each year, one in three women die of heart disease and stroke, with these diseases killing approximately one woman every minute, and statistics show that women in the United States who are involved with the "Go Red for Women" movement live healthier lives, with 90% of those women having made at least one healthy behavior change, more than one-third of those having lost weight, more than 50% of those having increased their exercise, six out of ten of those having made changes in their diets, more than 40% of those having checked their cholesterol levels and one-third of those having talked with their doctors about developing heart health plans; and

     WHEREAS, the first Friday in February is when Americans nationwide wear red to celebrate National Wear Red Day and show their support for women's heart disease awareness, and this awareness campaign introduces the Red Dress as the national symbol  to deliver an urgent wake-up call to women in the United States, with the Red Dress reminding women of the need to protect their heart health and inspiring them to take action to make the necessary lifestyle changes; and

     WHEREAS, National Wear Red Day provides an opportunity for everyone to unite in this life-saving awareness movement by showing off a favorite red dress, red shirt, red tie or Red Dress pin, and each year, thousands of men and women at companies, organizations, churches and schools wear red to bring awareness to women's heart disease on this day, with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, the Office on Women's Health, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, the Mississippi Chapter of the American Heart Association and many other groups promoting Wear Red Day in Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to National Wear Red Day it is most appropriate for the State of Mississippi to designate a day to show support for women and the fight against heart disease by commemorating that day and by wearing the color red, and by increasing awareness, speaking out about heart disease and empowering women to reduce their risk for cardiovascular diseases, we can save thousands of lives each year:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That in recognition of the importance of the ongoing fight against heart disease and stroke in women, we do hereby designate February 8, 2018, as "Wear Red Day" in Mississippi and encourage all citizens to join in bringing awareness to the effects of cardiovascular disease in women.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to the Mississippi Chapter of the American Heart Association, forwarded to the State Board of Health for appropriate distribution to the citizens of our state, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.