2017 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Henley

House Resolution 1

(As Adopted by House)


     WHEREAS, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the Heaven," and as such, Mrs. Natalie Crawford Stovall-Frady has made life's final transition to heavenly reward, rendering great sorrow and loss to her family and friends; and

     WHEREAS, the DeSoto County community unexpectedly lost a wonderful friend and selfless advocate of Mississippi's veterans with the heartbreaking passing of Mrs. Stovall-Frady on May 26, 2016; and

     WHEREAS, Mrs. Stovall-Frady tirelessly dedicated her life to helping veterans and their families through the Stovall's Sacrifice for Soldiers Foundation, which she began after her late husband, First Lieutenant Matt Stovall, was tragically killed in action in 2004 during the Iraq War, the first casualty in that war from DeSoto County; and

     WHEREAS, since its inception, the Stovall's Sacrifice for Soldiers Foundation has helped bring together children and surviving spouses of fallen soldiers with others who have gone through the same experiences for fun-filled and uplifting weekends, and each year the events have grown bigger; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to helping the families of fallen soldiers, the foundation has helped those soldiers who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan by taking them on guided hunting trips and setting up "Weekend for Warriors" which helps veterans and their families enjoy a relaxing weekend on the Mississippi Gulf Coast; and

     WHEREAS, a true testament to the strength that Mrs. Stovall-Frady possessed, even after losing her late husband, was that she was able to keep on going while taking care of her son, Walker, eventually finding love again in the heart and life of Howard Frady and bringing a second son, Will, into this world; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to her work with veterans, Mrs. Stovall-Frady will be remembered for being a loving, generous and kind person, who was always willing to help others in their time of need, and it is her family who will ensure that the foundation she cherished will continue its noble cause; and

     WHEREAS, though she has traversed the river of life to reunite with those who answered God's summons to life eternal, including her late husband, First Lieutenant Matt Stovall and her grandparents, James and Ola Mae Pugh and Leroy Crawford, the legacy of Mrs. Stovall-Frady will continue to live on in the memories of her survivors:  husband, Howard Frady; sons, Walker Stovall and Will Frady; parents, Lora Pugh Crawford and Ron Crawford; brother, Justin Crawford; grandparents, Red and Martha Norman and Sue Crawford; and a host of other family and friends; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to honor those with the strength of character as that of Mrs. Stovall-Frady, whose commitment to the veterans of this state brings pride to everyone who knew her and thankfulness to those she helped:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commend the life and legacy of Mrs. Natalie Crawford Stovall-Frady, and extend sincere and deepest sympathy to her family and friends upon her passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the family of Mrs. Stovall-Frady and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.