2017 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Weathersby

House Concurrent Resolution 91

(As Adopted by House and Senate)


     WHEREAS, Ryan Estep, a resident of Florence, Mississippi, and one of the world's best wheelchair fencers, retired from his sport in 2014 after reaching a level of success at the pinnacle of the wheelchair fencing that few other athletes have realized; and

     WHEREAS, after sustaining an injury in 2005 that left him paralyzed from the waist down, Ryan was introduced to fencing when he was challenged to a bout by Sonia Fogal, a member of the United States National Wheelchair Team, and she "mopped the floor with him," instilling in him a desire to improve and within a few months he reached the national championships in 2009 and earned a silver medal; and

     WHEREAS, after his success at the 2009 national championships, Ryan realized that he was still rough around the edges and needed someone to take him to the next level, and that is when he connected with Les Stawicki, whom Ryan considers to be the best coach in the world and instrumental to his success over the years; and

     WHEREAS, after diligently training with his coach, Ryan quickly climbed up the national and international rankings, and after his World Cup debut in Paris, he made the top 16 or better at every World Cup/World Championship he participated in; and

     WHEREAS, in addition to winning seven national titles (3 epee, 2 foil and 2 saber), Ryan also held a top five world ranking for two years and finished top eight or better at every World Cup/Championship since Germany in 2012, until he finished his career in Warsaw, Poland, in 2014 where he took 6th place and maintained his top five world rank; and

     WHEREAS, throughout his fencing career, Ryan received numerous medals and accolades, and won the Pan American Zonal in Brazil in 2011 for epee, which was his primary weapon, defeating all athletes from the Western Hemisphere; and

     WHEREAS, Ryan served as the athlete representative for wheelchair fencing on Team USA from 2012-2014, and throughout his career, Ryan's attitude and hard work served as an inspiration for all athletes who knew him, including fellow Florence High School graduate, Joey Brinson, who participated in the 2012 Olympic Games in London alongside Ryan; and

     WHEREAS, after retiring, Ryan finished his degree at Hinds Community College, started working for KLLM and finally traded in his saber for a bass boat; and

     WHEREAS, even with his fencing success, Ryan considers his crowning achievement, and the thing he is most proud of, to be finding his way back to God, and credits fencing with showing him what it takes to "finish the race"; and

     WHEREAS, it is the policy of this Legislature to recognize and commend the lives of fine Mississippi athletes, especially those such as Ryan Estep, whose unwavering dedication to his sport  will serve as an inspiration to young Mississippians for many years to come:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Ryan Estep for his outstanding wheelchair fencing career and for his numerous achievements in the sport, and extend best wishes for his continued success in all facets of his life.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Ryan Estep and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.