2023 Regular Session

To: Workforce Development

By: Representative Bell (21st)

House Bill 807



     SECTION 1.  Section 37-71-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-71-5.  The State Board of Education, in conjunction with the Department of Employment Security, the State Workforce Investment Board, the Mississippi Community College Board, and any relevant licensing authority shall identify high-school-to-work apprenticeships and other student internship programs that may be eligible for exemptions from those federal and state labor laws and regulations for which exemptions are available for student apprenticeship programs.  The State Board of Education, the Department of Employment Security, the State Workforce Investment Board and the Mississippi Community College Board shall also establish procedures by which such exemptions may be obtained for high-school-to-work apprenticeships and other student internship programs.

     SECTION 2.  Section 37-73-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-73-7.  The State Workforce Investment Board, by and through the Office of Workforce Development, shall create, in consultation with the Mississippi Department of Education, the Mississippi Community College Board, the Mississippi State University Research and Curriculum Unit and other appropriate business and industry stakeholders, a single list of nationally recognized industry certifications for use in the Mississippi statewide accountability system, in diploma endorsement requirements and for reimbursement under Section 37-153-15.

     SECTION 3.  Section 37-153-5, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-5.  For purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

          (a)  "State board" or "board" means the Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board.

          (b)  "District councils" means the Local Workforce Development Councils.

          (c)  "Local workforce investment board" means the board that oversees the workforce development activities of local workforce areas under the federal Workforce Investment Act.

          (d)  "Office" means the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development, housed at the Department of Finance and Administration.

     SECTION 4.  Section 37-153-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-7.  (1)  There is created the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development and the Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board, which shall serve as the advisory board for the office.  The Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board shall be composed of thirty-one (31) voting members, of which a majority shall be representatives of business and industry in accordance with the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or any successive acts.

     (2)  The members of the State Workforce Investment Board shall include:

          (a)  The Governor, or his designee;

          (b)  Nineteen (19) members, appointed by the Governor, of whom:

              (i)  A majority shall be representatives of businesses in the state, who:

                   1.  Are owners of businesses, chief executives or operating officers of businesses, or other business executives or employers with optimum policymaking or hiring authority, and who, in addition, may be members of a local board described in Section 3122(b)(2)(A)(i) of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.  At least two (2) of the members appointed under this item 1. shall be small business owners, chief executives or operating officers of businesses with less than fifty (50) employees;

                   2.  Represent businesses, including small businesses, or organizations representing businesses, which provide employment opportunities that, at a minimum, include high-quality, work-relevant training and development in high-demand industry sectors or occupations in the state; and

                   3.  Are appointed from among individuals nominated by state business organizations and business trade associations;

              (ii)  Not less than twenty percent (20%) shall consist of representatives of the workforce within the state, which:

                   1.  Includes labor organization representatives who have been nominated by state labor federations;

                   2.  Includes a labor organization member or training director from an apprenticeship program in the state, which shall be a joint labor-management apprenticeship program if such a program exists in the state;

                   3.  May include representatives of community-based organizations, including organizations serving veterans or providing or supporting competitive, integrated employment for individuals with disabilities, who have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing employment, training or education needs of individuals with barriers to employment; and

                   4.  May include representatives of organizations, including organizations serving out-of-school youth, who have demonstrated experience or expertise in addressing the employment, training or education needs of eligible youth;

              (iii)  The balance shall include government representatives, including the lead state officials with primary responsibility for core programs, and chief elected officials (collectively representing both cities and counties, where appropriate);

          (c)  Two (2) representatives of businesses in the state appointed by the Lieutenant Governor;

          (d)  Two (2) representatives of businesses in the state appointed by the Governor from a list of three (3) recommendations from the Speaker of the House; and

          (e)  The following state officials:

              (i)  The Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security;

              (ii)  The Executive Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Services;

              (iii)  The State Superintendent of Public Education;

              (iv)  The Executive Director of the Mississippi Development Authority;

              (v)  The Executive Director of the Mississippi Community College Board;

              (vi)  The President of the Community College Association; and

              (vii)  The Commissioner of the Institutions of Higher Learning.

          (f)  One (1) senator, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, and one (1) representative, appointed by the Speaker of the House, shall serve on the state board in a nonvoting capacity.

          (g)  The Governor may appoint additional members if required by the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, or any successive acts.

          (h)  Members of the board shall serve a term of four (4) years, and shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.

          (i)  The membership of the board shall reflect the diversity of the State of Mississippi.

          (j)  The Governor shall designate the Chairman of the Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board from among the business and industry voting members of the board, and a quorum of the board shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the board.

          (k)  The voting members of the board who are not state employees shall be entitled to reimbursement of their reasonable expenses in the manner and amount specified in Section 25-3-41 and shall be entitled to receive per diem compensation as authorized in Section 25-3-69.

     (3)  Members of the state board may be recalled by their appointing authority for cause, including a felony conviction, fraudulent or dishonest acts or gross abuse of discretion, failure to meet board member qualifications, or chronic failure to attend board meetings.

     (4)  The Mississippi Department of Employment Security shall establish limits on administrative costs for each portion of Mississippi's workforce development system consistent with the federal Workforce Investment Act or any future federal workforce legislation.

     (5)  The Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board shall have the following duties.  These duties are intended to be consistent with the scope of duties provided in the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, amendments and successor legislation to this act, and other relevant federal law:

          (a)  Through the office, develop and submit to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House a strategic plan for an integrated state workforce development system that aligns resources and structures the system to more effectively and efficiently meet the demands of Mississippi's employers and job seekers.  This plan will comply with the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, as amended, the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 and amendments and successor legislation to these acts;

          (b)  Assist the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House in the development and continuous improvement of the statewide workforce investment system that shall include:

              (i)  Development of linkages in order to assure coordination and nonduplication among programs and activities; and

              (ii)  Review local workforce development plans that reflect the use of funds from the federal Workforce Investment Act, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act and the amendment or successor legislation to the acts, and the Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and Education Consolidation Act;

          (c)  Recommend to the office the designation of local workforce investment areas as required in Section 116 of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.  There shall be four (4) workforce investment areas that are generally aligned with the planning and development district structure in Mississippi.  Planning and development districts will serve as the fiscal agents to manage Workforce Investment Act funds, oversee and support the local workforce investment boards aligned with the area and the local programs and activities as delivered by the one-stop employment and training system.  The planning and development districts will perform this function through the provisions of the county cooperative service districts created under Sections 19-3-101 through 19-3-115; however, planning and development districts currently performing this function under the Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1974, Sections 17-13-1 through 17-13-17, may continue to do so;

          (d)  Assist the Governor in the development of an allocation formula for the distribution of funds for adult employment and training activities and youth activities to local workforce investment areas;

          (e)  Recommend comprehensive, results-oriented measures that shall be applied to all of Mississippi's workforce development system programs;

          (f)  Assist the Governor in the establishment and management of a one-stop employment and training system conforming to the requirements of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, as amended, recommending policy for implementing the Governor's approved plan for employment and training activities and services within the state.  In developing this one-stop career operating system, the Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board, in conjunction with local workforce investment boards, shall:

              (i)  Design broad guidelines for the delivery of workforce development programs;

              (ii)  Identify all existing delivery agencies and other resources;

              (iii)  Define appropriate roles of the various agencies to include an analysis of service providers' strengths and weaknesses;

              (iv)  Determine the best way to utilize the various agencies to deliver services to recipients; and

              (v)  Develop a financial plan to support the delivery system that shall, at a minimum, include an accountability system;

          (g)  To provide authority, in accordance with any executive order of the Governor, for developing the necessary collaboration among state agencies at the highest level for accomplishing the purposes of this article;

          (h)  To monitor the effectiveness of the workforce development centers and WIN job centers;

          (i)  To advise the Governor, public schools, community/junior colleges and institutions of higher learning on effective school-to-work transition policies and programs that link students moving from high school to higher education and students moving between community colleges and four-year institutions in pursuit of academic and technical skills training;

          (j)  To work with industry to identify barriers that inhibit the delivery of quality workforce education and the responsiveness of educational institutions to the needs of industry;

          (k)  To provide periodic assessments on effectiveness and results of the overall Mississippi comprehensive workforce development system and district councils;

          (l)  Develop broad statewide development goals, including a goal to raise the state's labor force participation rate;

          (m)  Perform a comprehensive review of Mississippi's workforce development efforts, including the amount spent and effectiveness of programs supported by state or federal money; and

          (n)  To assist the Governor in carrying out any other responsibility required by the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, as amended and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, successor legislation and amendments.

     (6)  The Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board shall coordinate all training programs and funds within its purview, consistent with the federal Workforce Investment Act, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, amendments and successor legislation to these acts, and other relevant federal law.

     Each state agency director responsible for workforce training activities shall advise the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development and the State Workforce Investment Board of appropriate federal and state requirements.  Each state agency, department and institution shall report any monies received for workforce training activities or career and technical education and a detailed itemization of how those monies were spent to the state board.  The board shall compile the data and provide a report of the monies and expenditures to the Chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Committee, the Chair of the House Workforce Development Committee and the Chair of the Senate Economic and Workforce Development Committee by October 1 of each year.  Each such state agency director shall remain responsible for the actions of his agency; however, each state agency and director shall work cooperatively to fulfill the state's goals.

     (7)  The State Workforce Investment Board shall establish an executive committee, which shall consist of the following State Workforce Investment Board members:

          (a)  The Chair of the State Workforce Investment Board;

          (b)  Two (2) business representatives currently serving on the state board selected by the Governor;

          (c)  The two (2) business representatives currently serving on the state board appointed by the Lieutenant Governor;

          (d)  The two (2) business representatives currently serving on the state board appointed by the Governor from a list of three (3) recommendations from the Speaker of the House;

          (e)  The two (2) legislators, who shall serve in a nonvoting capacity, one (1) of whom shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor from the membership of the Mississippi Senate and one (1) of whom shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives from the membership of the Mississippi House of Representatives.

     (8)  The executive committee shall select an executive director of the Office of Workforce Development, with the advice and consent of a majority of the State Workforce Investment Board.  The executive committee shall seek input from economic development organizations across the state when selecting the executive director.  The executive director shall:

          (a)  Be a person with extensive experience in development of economic, human and physical resources, and promotion of industrial and commercial development.  The executive director shall have a bachelor's degree from a state-accredited institution and no less than eight (8) years of professional experience related to workforce or economic development;

          (b)  Perform the functions necessary for the daily operation and administration of the office, with oversight from the executive committee and the State Workforce Investment Board, to fulfill the duties of the state board as described in Chapter 476, Laws of 2020;

          (c)  Hire staff needed for the performance of his or her duties under Chapter 476, Laws of 2020.  The executive director, with approval from the executive committee, shall set the compensation of any hired employees from any funds made available for that purpose;

          (d)  Enter any part of the Mississippi Community College Board, individual community and junior colleges, or other workforce training facilities operated by the state or its subdivisions;

          (e)  Serve at the will and pleasure of the executive committee;

          (f)  Promulgate rules and regulations, subject to oversight by the executive committee, not inconsistent with this article, as may be necessary to enforce the provisions in Chapter 476, Laws of 2020; and

          (g)  Perform any other actions he or she, in consultation with the executive committee, deems necessary to fulfill the duties under Chapter 476, Laws of 2020.

     (9)  The Office of Workforce Development and Mississippi Community College Board shall collaborate in the administration and oversight of the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund and Mississippi Works Fund, as described in Section 71-5-353.  The executive director shall maintain complete and exclusive operational control of the office's functions.

     (10)  The office shall file an annual report with the Governor, Secretary of State, President of the Senate, Secretary of the Senate, Speaker of the House, and Clerk of the House not later than October 1 of each year regarding all funds approved by the office to be expended on workforce training during the prior calendar year.  The report shall include:

          (a)  Information on the performance of the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund and the Mississippi Works Fund, in terms of adding value to the local and state economy, the contribution to future growth of the state economy, and movement toward state goals, including increasing the labor force participation rate; and

          (b)  With respect to specific workforce training projects:

              (i)  The location of the training;

              (ii)  The amount allocated to the project;

              (iii)  The purpose of the project;

              (iv)  The specific business entity that is the beneficiary of the project; and

              (v)  The number of employees intended to be trained and actually trained, if applicable, in the course of the project.

          (c)  All information concerning a proposed project which is provided to the executive director shall be kept confidential.  Such confidentiality shall not limit disclosure under the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 of records describing the nature, quantity, cost or other pertinent information related to the activities of, or services performed using, the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund or the Mississippi Works Fund.

     (11)  Nothing in Chapter 476, Laws of 2020 [Senate Bill No. 2564] shall void or otherwise interrupt any contract, lease, grant or other agreement previously entered into by the State Workforce Investment Board, Mississippi Community College Board, individual community or junior colleges, or other entities.

     SECTION 5.  Section 37-153-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-11.  (1)  There are created workforce development centers to provide assessment, training and placement services to individuals needing retraining, training and upgrading for small business and local industry.  Each workforce development center shall be affiliated with a separate public community or junior college district and shall coordinate with the Office of Workforce Development.

     (2)  Each workforce development center shall be staffed and organized locally by the affiliated community college.  The workforce development center shall serve as staff to the affiliated district council.

     (3)  Each workforce development center, working in concert with its affiliated district council, shall offer and arrange services to accomplish the purposes of this article, including, but not limited to, the following:

          (a)  For individuals needing training and retraining:

              (i)  Recruiting, assessing, counseling and referring to training or jobs;

              (ii)  Preemployment training for those with no experience in the private enterprise system;

              (iii)  Basic literacy skills training and high school equivalency education;

              (iv)  Vocational and technical training, full-time or part-time; and

              (v)  Short-term skills training for educationally and economically disadvantaged adults in cooperation with federally established employment and training programs;

          (b)  For specific small businesses, industries or firms within the district:

              (i)  Job analysis, testing and curriculum development;

              (ii)  Development of specific long-range training plans;

              (iii)  Industry or firm-related preemployment training;

              (iv)  Workplace basic skills and literacy training;

              (v)  Customized skills training;

              (vi)  Assistance in developing the capacity for total quality management training;

              (vii)  Technology transfer information and referral services to business of local applications of new research in cooperation with the University Research Center, the state's universities and other laboratories; and

              (viii)  Development of business plans;

          (c)  For public schools within the district technical assistance to secondary schools in curriculum coordination, development of tech prep programs, instructional development and resource coordination; and

          (d)  For economic development, a local forum and resource center for all local industrial development groups to meet and promote regional economic development.

     (4)  Each workforce development center shall compile and make accessible to the Office of Workforce Development and Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board necessary information for use in evaluating outcomes of its efforts and in improving the quality of programs at each community college, and shall include information on literacy initiatives.  Each workforce development center shall, through an interagency management information system, maintain records on new small businesses, placement, length of time on the job after placement and wage rates of those placed in a form containing such information as established by the state council.

     (5)  The Mississippi Community College Board is authorized to designate one or more workforce development centers at the request of affiliated community or junior colleges to provide skills training to individuals to enhance their ability to be employed in the motion picture industry in this state.

     SECTION 6.  Section 37-153-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-15.  (1)  As used in this article:

          (a)  The words "industry certification" mean a process through which students are assessed by an independent, third-party certifying entity using predetermined standards for knowledge, skills and competencies, resulting in the award of a credential that is nationally recognized and must be at least one (1) of the following:

              (i)  Within an industry that addresses a critical local, regional or statewide economic need;

              (ii)  Linked to an occupation that is included in the State Department of Employment Security's occupations in high-demand list; or

              (iii)  Linked to an occupation that is identified as emerging.

          (b)  The words "qualifying industry certification" mean an industry certification that is linked to an occupation with wages of at least seventy percent (70%) of the median state income unless the industry certification is stackable to another postsecondary or professional credential which is linked to an occupation which meets the wage criterion.

     (2)  The State Workforce Investment Board shall provide the State Board of Education annually with a list of qualifying industry certifications.  If the occupations identified in the list are not substantially the same as those occupations identified in the prior year, the State Board of Education shall provide reasonable notice of the changes to school districts.

     (3)  Beginning in fiscal year 2019-2020 and subject to available funding, the Department of Education shall pay a career and technical education incentive grant to the public school for each student enrolled in the public school who earns a qualifying industry certification.  The amount per student for the career and technical education incentive grant shall be Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00).  If the statewide sum of the career and technical education incentive grants awarded pursuant to this section exceeds the amount of available funds appropriated for the grants, the grants per student shall be reduced proportionately to cover all eligible grants under this section.  Any costs accrued during one (1) fiscal year may be claimed and reimbursed in the following fiscal year. 

     (4)  The grants may be used for qualifying industry certification examination fees, professional development for teachers in career and technical education programs under this section, student instructional support for programs that lead to qualifying industry certifications, or to increase access to qualifying industry certifications.  Any grants awarded under this section may not be used to supplant funds provided for the basic operation of the career and technical education programs.

     (5)  On or before October 1 of each year, the Department of Education, working in collaboration with the Office of Workforce Development and any other entities as necessary, shall submit a report to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chairmen of the House and Senate Education Committees, the Chairman of the House Workforce Development Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Economic and Workforce Development Committee on the following:

          (a)  The number of students who enrolled in a career and technical education course or program that leads to a qualifying industry certification.

          (b)  The number of students who earned a qualifying industry certification by certification.

          (c)  The amount of career and technical education incentive grants awarded by the school.

          (d)  The amount of career and technical education incentive grants awarded per student.

          (e)  Aggregated demographic data on the students who earned a qualifying industry certification, including the qualifying industry certifications earned by rural and urban students.

     SECTION 7.  Section 37-153-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-153-17.  Sections 37-153-1, 37-153-3, 37-153-5, 37-153-7, 37-153-9, 37-153-11, 37-153-13 and 37-153-15 shall stand repealed on July 1, 2023.

     SECTION 8.  Section 37-154-1, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-154-1.  (1)  To improve quality of life, education and employment opportunities for all citizens, the appropriate agencies of the State of Mississippi listed in subsection (2) of this section shall develop and maintain a State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS).  The system will allow stakeholders and policymakers access data on state residents from birth to the workforce to drive accountability and investment decisions.  The system will include data from multiple state agencies and entities.  The system will provide decision makers a tool to develop policies to support objectives, including, but not limited to:

          (a)  Enabling Mississippians to secure and retain employment and receive better pay after completing training or postsecondary degrees;

          (b)  Enabling Mississippi to meet the education and job skill demands of business and industry;

          (c)  Developing an early warning system, which allows the state to intervene early, improving the graduation rates in high school and college;

          (d)  Identifying teachers, teaching methods and programs that lead to positive student outcomes; and

          (e)  Encouraging the sharing of electronic data across educational and other entities.

     (2)  Individual state agencies and state entities will send data from their internal system to the Statewide Longitudinal Data System.  These initial agencies and entities shall provide data to the SLDS under the provisions developed by the SLDS Governing Board established in Section 37-154-3:

          (a)  Mississippi Department of Education (MDE);

          (b)  Mississippi Community College Board;

          (c)  Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL);

          (d)  State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB);

          (e)  Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES);

          (f)  Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS); and

          (g)  State Early Childhood Advisory Council (SECAC).

     Any agencies or entities added to SLDS shall provide a representative to the SLDS Governing Board and be governed in the same manner as the initial agencies and entities.

     (3)  The system will be based on an existing system currently housed, developed and maintained by the National Strategic Planning and Analysis Research Center (nSPARC) at Mississippi State University.  The initial agencies participating in the SLDS Governing Board and nSPARC have worked collaboratively to secure funding through the United States Department of Education to expand and enhance the capacity of the state's existing technology infrastructure for the purposes of developing the SLDS.  The State Data Center, operated by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services (ITS), will provide application hosting services for the SLDS until such time the SLDS Governing Board approves that another entity should perform these services.

     SECTION 9.  Section 37-154-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     37-154-3.  (1)  The SLDS will be governed by a SLDS Governing Board (the board), which shall be composed of a representative from each agency or entity providing data to the system.  Each agency or entity will appoint their representative to sit on the Governing Board.  For the two (2) years following July 1, 2013, the State Workforce Investment Board Chair will also serve as Chair of the SLDS Governing Board.  In subsequent years, the SLDS Governing Board will elect a chair from among its members.  The Chair of the SLDS Governing Board will serve a two-year term.

     (2)  The SLDS Governing Board shall develop and promulgate all rules and regulations governing the activities of the SLDS in accordance with applicable state and federal laws.  The board is authorized to contract with a third party to manage and maintain the system and to insure the policies and procedures developed by the board are enforced.

     (3)  The SLDS Governing Board shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the following objectives:

          (a)  Identifying critical research and policy questions that need to be addressed by education (P-20) and workforce programs;

          (b)  Identifying reports and other information that should be available to education and workforce entities and other public stakeholders;

          (c)  Developing a funding mechanism for sustaining the system after it is developed;

          (d)  Defining and maintaining standards for privacy, confidentiality and security of data; and

          (e)  Performing other advisory functions that are necessary for the successful continuation and management of the longitudinal data system.

     (4)  Nothing in this chapter shall prevent an individual agency or entity from maintaining control of their agency's individual data.

     (5)  All data provided to the SLDS shall be provided in accordance with all local, state and federal laws governing the protection and sharing of such data.

     SECTION 10.  Section 71-5-353, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     71-5-353.  (1)  (a)  Each employer shall pay unemployment insurance contributions equal to five and four-tenths percent (5.4%) of taxable wages paid by him each calendar year, except as may be otherwise provided in Section 71-5-361 and except that each newly subject employer shall pay unemployment insurance contributions at the rate of one percent (1%) of taxable wages, for his first year of liability, one and one-tenth percent (1.1%) of taxable wages for his second year of liability, and one and two-tenths percent (1.2%) of taxable wages for his third and subsequent years of liability unless the employer's experience-rating record has been chargeable throughout at least the twelve (12) consecutive calendar months ending on the most recent computation date at the time the rate for a year is determined; thereafter the employer's contribution rate shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 71-5-355.

          (b)  Notwithstanding the newly subject employer contribution rate provided for in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the contribution rate of all newly subject employers shall be reduced by seven one-hundredths of one percent (.07%) for calendar year 2013 only.  The contribution rate of all newly subject employers shall be reduced by three one-hundredths of one percent (.03%) for calendar year 2014 only.  For purposes of this chapter, "newly subject employers" means employers whose unemployment insurance experience-rating record has not been chargeable throughout at least the twelve (12) consecutive calendar months ending on the most recent computation date at the time the contribution rate for a year is determined.

     (2)  (a)  (i)  There is hereby created in the Treasury of the State of Mississippi special funds to be known as the "Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund" and the "Mississippi Works Fund" which consist of funds collected pursuant to subsection (3) of this section.

              (ii)  Funds collected shall initially be deposited into the Mississippi Department of Employment Security bank account for clearing contribution collections and subsequently appropriate amounts shall be transferred to the Mississippi Workforce Investment and Training Fund Holding Account described in Section 71-5-453.  In the event any employer pays an amount insufficient to cover the total contributions due, the amounts due shall be satisfied in the following order:

                   1.  Unemployment contributions;

                   2.  Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, State Workforce Investment contributions and the Mississippi Works contributions, known collectively as the Mississippi Workforce Investment and Training contributions, on a pro rata basis;

                   3.  Interest and damages; then

                   4.  Legal and processing costs.

     The amount of unemployment insurance contributions due for any period will be the amount due according to the actual computations unless the employer is participating in the MLPP.  In that event, the amount due is the MLPP amount computed by the department.

     Cost of collection and administration of the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contribution, the State Workforce Investment contribution and the Mississippi Works contribution shall be allocated based on a plan approved by the United States Department of Labor (USDOL).  The Mississippi Community College Board shall pay the cost of collecting the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, the State Workforce Investment Board shall pay the cost of collecting the State Workforce Investment contributions and the Mississippi Department of Employment Security shall pay the cost of collecting the Mississippi Works contributions.  Payments shall be made semiannually with the cost allocated to each based on a USDOL approved plan on a pro rata basis, for periods ending in June and December of each year.  Payment shall be made by each organization to the department no later than sixty (60) days after the billing date.  Cost shall be allocated under the USDOL's approved plan and in the same ratio as each contribution type represents to the total authorized by subparagraph (ii)2 of this paragraph to be collected for the period.

          (b)  Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions and State Workforce Investment contributions shall be distributed as follows:

               (i)  For calendar year 2014, ninety-four and seventy-five one-hundredths percent (94.75%) shall be distributed to the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund and the remainder shall be distributed to the State Workforce Investment Board bank account;

               (ii)  For calendar years subsequent to calendar year 2014, ninety-three and seventy-five one-hundredths percent (93.75%) shall be distributed to the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund and the remainder shall be distributed to the State Workforce Investment Board bank account;

              (iii)  Workforce Enhancement Training contributions and State Workforce Investment contributions for calendar years 2014 and 2015 shall be distributed as provided in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this paragraph regardless of when the contributions were collected.

          (c)  All contributions collected for the State Workforce Enhancement Training Fund, the State Workforce Investment Fund and the Mississippi Works Fund will be initially deposited into the Mississippi Department of Employment Security bank account for clearing contribution collections and subsequently transferred to the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account and will be held by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security in such account for a period of not less than thirty (30) days.  After such period, the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions shall be transferred to the Mississippi Community College Board Treasury Account, with oversight provided by the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development, the State Workforce Investment contributions and the Mississippi Works contributions shall be transferred to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security Mississippi Works Treasury Account in the same ratio as each contribution type represents to the total authorized by paragraph (a)(ii)2 of this subsection to be collected for the period and within the time frame determined by the department; however, except in cases of extraordinary circumstances, these funds shall be transferred within fifteen (15) days.  Interest earnings or interest credits on deposit amounts in the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account shall be retained in the account to pay the banking costs of the account.  If after the period of twelve (12) months interest earnings less banking costs exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), such excess amounts shall be transferred to the respective accounts within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar year on the basis described in paragraph (b) of this subsection.  Interest earnings and/or interest credits for the State Workforce Investments funds shall be used for the payment of banking costs and excess amounts shall be used in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Workforce Investment Board expenditure policies.

          (d)  All enforcement procedures for the collection of delinquent unemployment contributions contained in Sections 71-5-363 through 71-5-383 shall be applicable in all respects for collections of delinquent unemployment insurance contributions designated for the Unemployment Compensation Fund, the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund, the State Workforce Investment Board Fund and the Mississippi Works Fund.

          (e)  (i)  Except as otherwise provided for in this subparagraph (i), all monies deposited into the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund Treasury Account shall be directed by the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development, in collaboration with the Mississippi Community College Board, in accordance with the Workforce Training Act of 1994 (Section 37-153-1 et seq.) and under policies approved by the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development for the following purposes:  to provide training in collaboration with the Mississippi Community College Board and individual community and junior colleges to employers and employees in order to enhance employee productivity.  Such training may be subject to a minimal administrative fee to be paid from the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund as established by the Office of Workforce Development.  The initial priority of these funds shall be for the benefit of existing businesses located within the state.  Employers may request training for existing employees and/or newly hired employees from the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development.  The office, in consultation with the Mississippi Community College Board, will be responsible for approving the training.  A portion of the funds collected for the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund shall be used for the development of performance measures to measure the effectiveness of the use of the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund dollars.  These performance measures shall be uniform for all training projects and shall be reported to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, and members of the Legislature.  Nothing in this section or elsewhere in law shall be interpreted as giving the Office of Workforce Development or State Workforce Investment Board authority to direct the Mississippi Community College Board or individual community or junior colleges on how to expend other funds, aside from funds appropriated to the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund and Mississippi Works Fund, appropriated or received for workforce training.  The Mississippi Office of Workforce Development, Mississippi Community College Board, individual community or junior colleges, State Workforce Investment Board and other agencies implementing or coordinating state-funded workforce development programs under state law shall cooperate with each other to promote effective workforce training in Mississippi, under the direction of the office.  Any subsequent changes to these performance measures shall also be reported to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, and members of the Legislature.  A performance report for each training project and community college, based upon these measures, shall be submitted annually to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House, and members of the Legislature.

              (ii)  Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (e), all funds deposited into the State Workforce Investment Board bank account shall be used for administration of State Workforce Investment Board business, the Office of Workforce Development, grants related to training, and other projects as determined appropriate by the State Workforce Investment Board and shall be nonexpiring.  Policies for grants and other projects shall be approved through a majority vote of the State Workforce Investment Board.

              (iii)  All funds deposited into the Mississippi Department of Employment Security Mississippi Works Fund shall be disbursed exclusively by the Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Office of Workforce Development in support of workforce training activities approved by the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development in support of economic development activities.  Funds allocated by the executive director under this subparagraph (iii) shall only be utilized for the training of unemployed persons, for immediate training needs for the net new jobs created by an employer, for the retention of jobs, to create a work-ready applicant pool of Mississippians with credentials and/or postsecondary education in accordance with the state's Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act plan, or for the support of local economic and community development activities related to workforce development in the state.  The Mississippi Office of Workforce Development, in collaboration with the Mississippi Public Community College System and its partners, shall be the primary entity to facilitate training.  Training conducted utilizing these Mississippi Works funds may be subject to a minimal administrative fee to be paid from the Mississippi Works Fund as authorized by the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development.  All costs associated with the administration of these funds shall be reimbursed to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security from the Mississippi Works Fund.

              (iv)  1.  The Department of Employment Security shall be the fiscal agent for the receipt and disbursement of all funds in the State Workforce Investment Board bank account, subject to the administrative oversight of the Office of Workforce Development.

                   2.  In managing the State Workforce Investment Board bank account, the Office of Workforce Development, in coordination with the Mississippi Department of Employment Security as fiscal agent, shall ensure that any funds expended for contractual services rendered to the Office of Workforce Development over Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) shall be paid only to service providers who have been selected on a competitive basis.  Any contract for services entered into using funds from the Workforce Investment Fund bank account shall meet the requirements for state contracts set out in Section 31-7-1 et seq.

                   3.  Any commodities procured for the office shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of Section 31-7-13.

               (v)  In addition to other expenditures, the Office of Workforce Development shall expend from the State Workforce Investment Board bank account for the use and benefit of the Office of Workforce Development, such funds as are necessary to prepare and develop a study of workforce development needs that will consist of the following:

                    1.  An identification of the state's workforce development needs through a well-documented quantitative and qualitative analysis of:

                         a.  The current and projected workforce training needs of existing and identified potential Mississippi industries, with priority given to assessing the needs of existing in-state industry and business.  Where possible, the analysis should include a verification and expansion of existing information previously developed by workforce training and service providers, as well as analysis of existing workforce data, such as the data collected through the Statewide Longitudinal Data System;

                        b.  The needs of the state's workers and residents requiring additional workforce training to improve their work skills in order to compete for better employment opportunities, including a priority-based analysis of the critical factors currently limiting the state's ability to provide a trained and ready workforce; and

                        c.  The needs of workforce service and training providers in improving their ability to offer industry-relevant training, including an assessment of the practical limits of keeping training programs on the leading edge and eliminating those programs with marginal workforce relevance.

                   2.  An assessment of Mississippi's current workforce development service delivery structure relative to the needs quantified in this subparagraph, including:

                        a.  Development of a list of strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats (SWOT) of the current workforce development delivery system relative to the identified needs;

                         b.  Identification of strategic options for workforce development services based on the results of the SWOT analysis; and

                        c.  Development of results-oriented measures for each option that can be baselined and, if implemented, tracked over time, with quantifiable milestones and goals.

                   3.  Preparation of a report presenting all subjects set out in this subparagraph to be delivered to the Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee no later than February 1, 2015.

                   4.  Following the preparation of the report, the State Workforce Investment Board shall make a recommendation to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees on future uses of funds deposited to the State Workforce Investment Fund account. Such future uses may include:

                        a.  The development of promotion strategies for workforce development programs;

                        b.  Initiatives designed to reduce the state's dropout rate, including the development of a statewide career awareness program;

                        c.  The long-term monitoring of the state's workforce development programs to determine whether they are addressing the needs of business, industry, and the workers of the state; and

                        d.  The study of the potential restructuring of the state's workforce programs and delivery systems.

     (3)  (a)  (i)  Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions and State Workforce Investment contributions shall be collected at the following rates:

                   1.  For calendar year 2014 only, the rate of nineteen one-hundredths of one percent (.19%) based upon taxable wages of which eighteen one-hundredths of one percent (.18%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution and one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution; and

                   2.  For calendar year 2015 only, the rate of sixteen one-hundredths of one percent (.16%), based upon taxable wages of which fifteen one-hundredths of one percent (.15%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution and one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution.

               (ii)  Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, State Workforce Investment contributions and Mississippi Works contributions shall be collected at the following rates:

                   1.  For calendar year 2016 only, at a rate of twenty-four one-hundredths percent (.24%), based upon taxable wages, of which fifteen one-hundredths percent (.15%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution, one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution and eight one-hundredths percent (.08%) shall be the Mississippi Works contribution.

                   2.  For calendar years subsequent to calendar year 2016, at a rate of twenty one-hundredths percent (.20%), based upon taxable wages, of which fifteen one-hundredths percent (.15%) shall be the Workforce Enhancement Training contribution, one-hundredths of one percent (.01%) shall be the State Workforce Investment contribution and four one-hundredths percent (.04%) shall be the Mississippi Works contribution.  The Mississippi Works contribution shall be collected for calendar years in which the general experience ratio, adjusted on the basis of the trust fund adjustment factor and reduced by fifty percent (50%), results in a general experience rate of less than two-tenths percent (.2%).  In all other years the Mississippi Works contribution shall not be in effect.

              (iii)  The Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund contribution, the State Workforce Investment contribution and the Mississippi Works contribution shall be in addition to the general experience rate plus the individual experience rate of all employers but shall not be charged to reimbursing or rate-paying political subdivisions or institutions of higher learning, or reimbursing nonprofit organizations, as described in Sections 71-5-357 and 71-5-359.

          (b)  All Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, State Workforce Investment contributions and Mississippi Works contributions collected shall be deposited initially into the Mississippi Department of Employment Security bank account for clearing contribution collections and shall within two (2) business days be transferred to the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account.  Any Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund and/or State Workforce Investment Board bank account and/or Mississippi Works Fund transactions from the Mississippi Department of Employment Security bank account for clearing contribution collections that are deposited into the Workforce Investment and Training Fund Holding Account and are not honored by a financial institution will be transferred back to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security bank account for clearing contribution collections out of funds in the Mississippi Workforce Investment and Training Fund Holding Account.

          (c)  Suspension of the Workforce Enhancement Training Fund contributions required pursuant to this chapter shall occur if the insured unemployment rate exceeds an average of five and five-tenths percent (5.5%) for the three (3) consecutive months immediately preceding the effective date of the new rate year following such occurrence and shall remain suspended throughout the duration of that rate year.  Such suspension shall continue until such time as the three (3) consecutive months immediately preceding the effective date of the next rate year that has an insured unemployment rate of less than an average of four and five-tenths percent (4.5%).  Upon such occurrence, reactivation shall be effective upon the first day of the rate year following the event that lifts suspension and shall be in effect for that year and shall continue until such time as a subsequent suspension event as described in this chapter occurs.

          (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, contribution collections for the State Workforce Investment Fund, Mississippi Works Fund and Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund shall not be suspended, under any circumstances, for tax rate year 2021, and the resulting contribution rate of twenty one-hundredths percent (.20%) shall be added to the employer's general and individual experience rate to obtain the total unemployment insurance rate for 2021.

     (4)  All collections due or accrued prior to any suspension of the Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund will be collected based upon the law at the time the contributions accrued, regardless of when they are actually collected.

     SECTION 11.  Section 71-5-453, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     71-5-453.  The department shall be the treasurer and custodian of the fund, and shall administer such fund in accordance with the directions of the department, and shall issue its warrants upon it in accordance with such regulations as the department shall prescribe.  The department shall maintain within the fund three (3) separate accounts:  (a) a clearing account, (b) an unemployment trust fund account, and (c) a benefit payment account.  All monies payable to the fund, upon receipt thereof by the department, shall be immediately deposited in the clearing account.  Refunds payable pursuant to Section 71-5-383 may be paid from the clearing account by the department.  Transfers pursuant to Section 71-5-114 of all interest, penalties and damages collected shall be made to the Special Employment Security Administration Fund as soon as practicable after the end of each calendar quarter.  Workforce Enhancement Training contributions, State Workforce Investment contributions and Mississippi Works contributions shall be deposited into the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account as described in this section.  All other monies in the clearing account shall be immediately deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America to the Unemployment Trust Fund account for the State of Mississippi, established and maintained pursuant to Section 904 of the Social Security Act, as amended, any provisions of law in this state relating to the deposit, administration, release or disbursement of monies in the possession or custody of this state to the contrary notwithstanding.  The benefit account shall consist of all monies requisitioned from this state's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund.  Except as herein otherwise provided, monies in the clearing and benefit accounts may be deposited by the department, in any bank or public depository in which general funds of the state may be deposited, but no public deposit insurance charge or premium shall be paid out of the fund.  The department shall be liable for the faithful performance of its duties in connection with the Unemployment Compensation Fund under this chapter.  A Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account shall be established by and maintained under the control of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.  Contributions collected pursuant to the provisions in this chapter for the Workforce Enhancement Training Fund, State Workforce Investment Fund and the Mississippi Works Fund shall be transferred from the clearing account into the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account on the same schedule and under the same conditions as funds transferred to the Unemployment Compensation Fund.  Such funds shall remain on deposit in the holding account for a period of thirty (30) days.  After such period, Workforce Enhancement Training contributions shall be transferred to the appropriate Mississippi Community College Board Treasury Account, with oversight provided by the Mississippi Office of Workforce Development, by the department.  The State Workforce Investment contributions shall be transferred to the State Workforce Investment Board bank account established by the department, and the department shall have the authority to deposit and disburse funds from the State Workforce Investment Board bank account as directed by the State Workforce Investment Board.  The Mississippi Works contributions shall be transferred to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security Treasury Account for the Mississippi Works Fund.  Such transfers shall occur within fifteen (15) days after the funds have resided in the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account for thirty (30) days.  One (1) such transfer shall be made monthly, but the department, in its discretion, may make additional transfers in any month.  In the event such funds transferred are subsequently determined to be erroneously paid or collected, or if deposit of such funds is denied or rejected by the banking institution for any reason, or deposits are unable to clear drawer's account for any reason, the funds must be reimbursed by the recipient of such funds within thirty (30) days of mailing of notice by the department demanding such refund, unless funds are available in the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account.  In that event such amounts shall be immediately withdrawn from the Workforce Investment and Training Holding Account by the department and redeposited into the clearing account.

     SECTION 12.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2023.