House Resolution No. 959





            WHEREAS, civic prayers and national days of prayer have a long and venerable history in our constitutional republic, dating back to the First Continental Congress in 1775, which issued a proclamation setting aside a time for prayer in forming a new nation; and


            WHEREAS, in 1863, Abraham Lincoln called for a day of prayer, and Franklin Roosevelt declared a national day of prayer on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the day the Allied powers crossed the English Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy, France, beginning the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi control during World War II; and


            WHEREAS, in 1952, by joint act of Congress and signed into law by Harry S. Truman, the "National Day of Prayer" was officially established as an annual event calling upon each President of the United States to set aside an appropriate day for national prayer; and


            WHEREAS, on May 5, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill which passed unanimously in Congress making the first Thursday of every May the National Day of Prayer; and


            WHEREAS, the National Day of Prayer is an opportunity to acknowledge our dependence on God, to give thanks for blessings received, and to request healing for wounds endured, and to ask God to guide our leaders and bring wholeness to the United States and her citizens; and


            WHEREAS, the governors of all fifty states have signed proclamations encouraging all Americans to pray on the National Day of Prayer:


            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of the Missouri House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, Second Regular Session, hereby recognize May 3, 2012, as the "National Day of Prayer" and encourages all citizens of the State of Missouri to join in this recognition and observance of prayer for the welfare of this state.