House Concurrent Resolution No. 53






Relating to submission of a revised Summary Statement to House Committee Substitute No. 2 for Senate Joint Resolution No. 2, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, First Regular Session, to the secretary of state.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            WHEREAS, on March 27, 2012, the Circuit Court of Cole County in Aziz v. Mayer, Case No. 11AC-CC00439 consolidated with No. 11AC-CC00449, found that the Summary Statement as enacted in House Committee Substitute No. 2 for Senate Joint Resolution No. 2, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, First Regular Session, "is insufficient and unfair because...the Proposed Constitutional Amendment (1) does not contain a "Voter Protection Act" in any of its sections; (2) the words "voter protection act," "protection," or "act" do not appear anywhere therein; and (3) no indication is given to where this "Voter Protection Act" can be found"; and

            WHEREAS, Section 116.155, RSMo, allows the General Assembly to formulate a summary statement for measures it refers to the people for a vote; and

            WHEREAS, the Court in Aziz stated, "Because significant changes are required here and policy choices need to be made as to how to reallocate the words in a revised summary statement, the Court chooses to vacate the summary statement and to provide the General Assembly an opportunity to revise it"; and

            WHEREAS, in accordance with the Court's statement which gives the General Assembly the opportunity to revise the Summary Statement, the General Assembly hereby submits a revised Summary Statement to House Committee Substitute No. 2 for Senate Joint Resolution No. 2, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, First Regular Session, to read as follows:


"Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to create standards for enacting general laws that authorize advance voting, require the use of government-issued photo identification in order to vote, and govern voting procedures based on whether an individual is voting in person or by absentee ballot?":

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the House of Representatives of the Ninety-sixth General Assembly, Second Regular Session, the Senate concurring therein, hereby submits a revised Summary Statement to House Committee Substitute No. 2 for Senate Joint Resolution No. 2, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, First Regular Session, in order to address the issues raised in Aziz v. Mayer, Case No. 11AC-CC00439 consolidated with No. 11AC-CC00449, by the Circuit Court of Cole County; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution of the General Assembly be deemed as an official submission by the General Assembly of a revised Summary Statement for House Committee Substitute No. 2 for Senate Joint Resolution No. 2, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, First Regular Session, to the Secretary of State; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution for Robin Carnahan, Secretary of State.