House Concurrent Resolution No. 39




            WHEREAS, Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) programming channels play a significant informative, educational, and participatory role in our democracy, our nation, and the State of Missouri; and


            WHEREAS, many cable operators are moving PEG Programming out of basic tier channels to digital channels that require an additional fee and a digital converter in order to view programming; and


            WHEREAS, the elderly, low- and fixed-income, and disabled citizens are being disadvantaged, causing those who can least afford it to miss the government meetings and community programming which is a staple of public access television; and


            WHEREAS, the movement of these PEG Programming channels will also impose an additional charge on school districts that receive educational programming through PEG channels; and


            WHEREAS, the movement of these PEG programming channels limits public access by placing an unnecessary barrier to access, with the only apparent purpose of increasing profits of cable operators; and


            WHEREAS, it is critical to a well-informed and participatory democracy that we assure equal access to PEG channels and preserve service provider funding for PEG channels so that these channels continue to be available to the entire community and serve the citizens of this state and nation in the manner in which they have become accustomed; and


            WHEREAS, there is currently pending before Congress H.R. 1746, which would establish the Community Access Preservation (CAP) Act; and


            WHEREAS, the CAP Act would amend the Communications Act of 1934 to provide for carriage and display of PEG channels without additional charges, and via channels with quality, accessibility, functionality, and placement which is consistent with commercial channels; and


            WHEREAS, the CAP Act would preserve PEG channels and the much needed funding for PEG facilities and operations, and ensure that the channels continue to be available to the entire community; and


            WHEREAS, the CAP Act would provide important solutions for critical and immediate financial needs of PEG channels and facilities by unrestricting the use of PEG franchise fees for any PEG related purpose; and


            WHEREAS, the CAP Act would require the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to submit a report to Congress relative to the impact of state video service franchising laws on PEG cable systems and channels since 2005; and


            WHEREAS, in states that have enacted state level franchising laws since May 31, 2005, the CAP Act would require each cable operator to continue to provide financial and infrastructure support and channel capacity based on the support historically provided by the cable operator; and


            WHEREAS, the CAP Act ensures technological neutrality by applying PEG requirements to all landline video service providers, regardless of the transmission protocol:


            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the House of Representatives of the Ninety-sixth General Assembly, Second Regular Session, the Senate concurring therein, hereby strongly urge the United States Congress to pass the Community Access Preservation Act, H.R. 1746, which amends the Communications Act of 1934 to provide for carriage and display of Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) programming channels in a manner consistent with commercial channels; and


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Missouri General Assembly further urges our Missouri Congressional delegation to take all possible actions in support of the rapid passage of H.R. 1746; and


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives be instructed to prepare properly inscribed copies of this resolution for the Majority and Minority Leaders of the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives, and each member of the Missouri Congressional delegation.