House Concurrent Resolution No. 18






Relating to disapproving the recommendations of the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            WHEREAS, Article XIII, Section 3 of the Missouri Constitution charges the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation for Elected Officials with setting the amounts of compensation paid to statewide elected officials, legislators, and judges; and

            WHEREAS, the Constitution provides the Commission with a four-month window prior to its constitutional deadline for making salary recommendations to hold public hearings around the state to gather testimony related to salaries for affected state officials and to carefully consider whether pay increases are warranted; and

            WHEREAS, the Missouri Citizens' Commission on Compensation of Elected Officials has recommended that the compensation for statewide elected officials and members of the General Assembly in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 remains identical to the compensation which exists currently in fiscal year 2011; and

            WHEREAS, the Commission recommended that the compensation for judges in fiscal year 2012 remains identical to the compensation which exists currently for fiscal year 2011, but did recommend a pay increase for each state judge to be indexed to the commensurate judicial position in the federal system for fiscal year 2013; and

            WHEREAS, for fiscal year 2013, the Commission recommended a annual salary increase of $14,681 for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, an annual salary increase of $10,557 for Supreme Court Judges, an annual increase of $6,478 for judges of the Court of Appeals, an annual increase of $6,536 for circuit judges, and an annual increase of $7,492.40 for associate circuit judges; and

            WHEREAS, the Commission's recommendations shall take effect unless disapproved by the General Assembly through a concurrent resolution process passed by two-thirds majorities in each legislative chamber before February 1, 2011:

            NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Missouri House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth General Assembly, First Regular Session, the Senate concurring therein, disapprove the recommendations of the Missouri Citizen's Commission on the Compensation for Elected Officials contained in its report dated November 24, 2010; and

            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Missouri Senate be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution for Governor Jay Nixon.