0763S.04T                                                                                          2013                                                                                                         



To repeal sections 104.010, 104.040, 104.090, 104.140, 104.200, 104.272, 104.312, 104.352, 104.354, 104.380, 104.395, 104.420, 104.490, 104.601, 104.620, 104.800, 104.1003, 104.1015, 104.1021, 104.1030, 104.1039, 104.1051, 104.1054, 104.1060, 105.684, and 476.515, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof twenty-six new sections relating to the administration of state employee benefits, with a penalty provision.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 104.010, 104.040, 104.090, 104.140, 104.200, 104.272, 104.312, 104.352, 104.354, 104.380, 104.395, 104.420, 104.490, 104.601, 104.620, 104.800, 104.1003, 104.1015, 104.1021, 104.1030, 104.1039, 104.1051, 104.1054, 104.1060, 105.684, and 476.515, RSMo, are repealed and twenty-six new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 104.010, 104.040, 104.090, 104.140, 104.200, 104.272, 104.312, 104.352, 104.354, 104.380, 104.395, 104.420, 104.490, 104.601, 104.620, 104.800, 104.1003, 104.1015, 104.1021, 104.1030, 104.1039, 104.1051, 104.1054, 104.1060, 105.684, and 476.515, to read as follows:

            104.010. 1. The following words and phrases as used in sections 104.010 to 104.800, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall mean:

            (1) "Accumulated contributions", the sum of all deductions for retirement benefit purposes from a member's compensation which shall be credited to the member's individual account and interest allowed thereon;

            (2) "Active armed warfare", any declared war, or the Korean or Vietnamese Conflict;

            (3) "Actuarial equivalent", a benefit which, when computed upon the basis of actuarial tables and interest, is equal in value to a certain amount or other benefit;

            (4) "Actuarial tables", the actuarial tables approved and in use by a board at any given time;

            (5) "Actuary", the actuary who is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries or who is an enrolled actuary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and who is employed by a board at any given time;

            (6) "Annuity", annual payments, made in equal monthly installments, to a retired member from funds provided for in, or authorized by, this chapter;

            (7) "Annuity starting date", the first day of the first month with respect to which an amount is paid as an annuity under sections 104.010 to 104.800, and the terms retirement, time of retirement, and date of retirement shall mean "annuity starting date" as defined in this subdivision unless the context in which the term is used indicates otherwise;

            (8) "Average compensation", the average compensation of a member for the thirty-six consecutive months of service prior to retirement when the member's compensation was greatest; or if the member is on workers' compensation leave of absence or a medical leave of absence due to an employee illness, the amount of compensation the member would have received may be used, as reported and verified by the employing department; or if the member had less than thirty-six months of service, the average annual compensation paid to the member during the period up to thirty-six months for which the member received creditable service when the member's compensation was the greatest; or if the member is on military leave, the amount of compensation the member would have received may be used as reported and verified by the employing department or, if such amount is not determinable, the amount of the employee's average rate of compensation during the twelve-month period immediately preceding such period of leave, or if shorter, the period of employment immediately preceding such period of leave. The board of each system may promulgate rules for purposes of calculating average compensation and other retirement provisions to accommodate for any state payroll system in which compensation is received on a monthly, semimonthly, biweekly, or other basis;

            [(8)] (9) "Beneficiary", any [person] persons or entities entitled to or nominated by a member or retiree who may be legally entitled to receive benefits pursuant to this chapter;

            [(9)] (10) "Biennial assembly", the completion of no less than two years of creditable service or creditable prior service by a member of the general assembly;

            [(10)] (11) "Board of trustees", "board", or "trustees", a board of trustees as established for the applicable system pursuant to this chapter;

            [(11)] (12) "Chapter", sections 104.010 to 104.800;

            [(12)] (13) "Compensation":

            (a) All salary and wages payable out of any state, federal, trust, or other funds to an employee for personal services performed for a department; but including only amounts for which contributions have been made in accordance with section 104.436, or section 104.070, whichever is applicable, and excluding any nonrecurring single sum payments or amounts paid after the member's termination of employment unless such amounts paid after such termination are a final installment of salary or wages at the same rate as in effect immediately prior to termination of employment in accordance with a state payroll system adopted on or after January 1, 2000, or any other one-time payments made as a result of such payroll system;

            (b) All salary and wages which would have been payable out of any state, federal, trust or other funds to an employee on workers' compensation leave of absence during the period the employee is receiving a weekly workers' compensation benefit, as reported and verified by the employing department;

            (c) Effective December 31, 1995, compensation in excess of the limitations set forth in Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(17) shall be disregarded. The limitation on compensation for eligible employees shall not be less than the amount which was allowed to be taken into account under the system as in effect on July 1, 1993. For this purpose, an "eligible employee" is an individual who was a member of the system before the first plan year beginning after December 31, 1995;

            [(13)] (14) "Consumer price index", the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the United States, or its successor index, as approved by a board, as such index is defined and officially reported by the United States Department of Labor, or its successor agency;

            [(14)] (15) "Creditable prior service", the service of an employee which was either rendered prior to the establishment of a system, or prior to the date the employee last became a member of a system, and which is recognized in determining the member's eligibility and for the amount of the member's benefits under a system;

            [(15)] (16) "Creditable service", the sum of membership service and creditable prior service, to the extent such service is standing to a member's credit as provided in this chapter; except that in no case shall more than one day of creditable service or creditable prior service be credited any member for any one calendar day of eligible service credit as provided by law;

            [(16)] (17) "Deferred normal annuity", the annuity payable to any former employee who terminated employment as an employee or otherwise withdrew from service with a vested right to a normal annuity, payable at a future date;

            [(17)] (18) "Department", any department or agency of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the state of Missouri receiving state appropriations, including allocated funds from the federal government but not including any body corporate or politic unless its employees are eligible for retirement coverage from a system pursuant to this chapter as otherwise provided by law;

            [(18)] (19) "Disability benefits", benefits paid to any employee while totally disabled as provided in this chapter;

            [(19)] (20) "Early retirement age", a member's attainment of fifty-five years of age and the completion of ten or more years of creditable service, except for uniformed members of the water patrol;

            [(20)] (21) "Employee":

            (a) Effective August 28, 2007, any elective or appointive officer or person employed by the state who is employed, promoted or transferred by a department into a new or existing position and earns a salary or wage in a position normally requiring the performance by the person of duties during not less than one thousand forty hours per year, including each member of the general assembly but not including any patient or inmate of any state, charitable, penal or correctional institution. However, persons who are members of the public school retirement system and who are employed by a state agency other than an institution of higher learning shall be deemed employees for purposes of participating in all insurance programs administered by a board established pursuant to section 104.450. This definition shall not exclude any employee as defined in this subdivision who is covered only under the federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance Act, as amended. As used in this chapter, the term "employee" shall include:

            a. Persons who are currently receiving annuities or other retirement benefits from some other retirement or benefit fund, so long as they are not simultaneously accumulating creditable service in another retirement or benefit system which will be used to determine eligibility for or the amount of a future retirement benefit;

            b. Persons who have elected to become or who have been made members of a system pursuant to section 104.342;

            (b) Any person who is not a retiree and has performed services in the employ of the general assembly or either house thereof, or any employee of any member of the general assembly while acting in the person's official capacity as a member, and whose position does not normally require the person to perform duties during at least one thousand forty hours per year, with a month of service being any monthly pay period in which the employee was paid for full-time employment for that monthly period; except that persons described in this paragraph shall not include any such persons who are employed on or after August 28, 2007, and who have not previously been employed in such positions;

            (c) "Employee" does not include special consultants employed pursuant to section 104.610;

            (d) The system shall consider a person who is employed in multiple positions simultaneously within a single agency to be working in a single position for purposes of determining whether the person is an employee as defined in this subdivision;

            [(21)] (22) "Employer", a department of the state;

            [(22)] (23) "Executive director", the executive director employed by a board established pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;

            [(23)] (24) "Fiscal year", the period beginning July first in any year and ending June thirtieth the following year;

            [(24)] (25) "Full biennial assembly", the period of time beginning on the first day the general assembly convenes for a first regular session until the last day of the following year;

            [(25)] (26) "Fund", the benefit fund of a system established pursuant to this chapter;

            [(26)] (27) "Interest", interest at such rate as shall be determined and prescribed from time to time by a board;

            [(27)] (28) "Member", as used in sections 104.010 to 104.272 or 104.601 to 104.800 shall mean an employee, retiree, or former employee entitled to a deferred annuity covered by the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. "Member", as used in this section and sections 104.312 to 104.800, shall mean an employee, retiree, or former employee entitled to deferred annuity covered by the Missouri state employees' retirement system;

            [(28)] (29) "Membership service", the service after becoming a member that is recognized in determining a member's eligibility for and the amount of a member's benefits under a system;

            [(29)] (30) "Military service", all active service performed in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and members of the United States Public Health Service or any women's auxiliary thereof; and service in the Army National Guard and Air National Guard when engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty training or full-time National Guard duty, and service by any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency;

            [(30)] (31) "Normal annuity", the annuity provided to a member upon retirement at or after the member's normal retirement age;

            [(31)] (32) "Normal retirement age", an employee's attainment of sixty-five years of age and the completion of four years of creditable service or the attainment of age sixty-five years of age and the completion of five years of creditable service by a member who has terminated employment and is entitled to a deferred normal annuity or the member's attainment of age sixty and the completion of fifteen years of creditable service, except that normal retirement age for uniformed members of the highway patrol shall be fifty-five years of age and the completion of four years of creditable service and uniformed employees of the water patrol shall be fifty-five years of age and the completion of four years of creditable service or the attainment of age fifty-five and the completion of five years of creditable service by a member of the water patrol who has terminated employment and is entitled to a deferred normal annuity and members of the general assembly shall be fifty-five years of age and the completion of three full biennial assemblies. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a member of the [highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system] Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system or a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall be entitled to retire with a normal annuity and shall be entitled to elect any of the survivor benefit options and shall also be entitled to any other provisions of this chapter that relate to retirement with a normal annuity if the sum of the member's age and creditable service equals eighty years or more and if the member is at least forty-eight years of age;

            [(32)] (33) "Payroll deduction", deductions made from an employee's compensation;

            [(33)] (34) "Prior service credit", the service of an employee rendered prior to the date the employee became a member which service is recognized in determining the member's eligibility for benefits from a system but not in determining the amount of the member's benefit;

            [(34)] (35) "Reduced annuity", an actuarial equivalent of a normal annuity;

            [(35)] (36) "Retiree", a member who is not an employee and who is receiving an annuity from a system pursuant to this chapter;

            [(36)] (37) "System" or "retirement system", the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, as created by sections 104.010 to 104.270, or sections 104.601 to 104.800, or the Missouri state employees' retirement system as created by sections 104.320 to 104.800;

            [(37)] (38) "Uniformed members of the highway patrol", the superintendent, lieutenant colonel, majors, captains, director of radio, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, and patrolmen of the Missouri state highway patrol who normally appear in uniform;

            [(38)] (39) "Uniformed members of the water patrol", employees of the Missouri state water patrol of the department of public safety who are classified as water patrol officers who have taken the oath of office prescribed by the provisions of chapter 306 and who have those peace officer powers given by the provisions of chapter 306;

            [(39)] (40) "Vesting service", the sum of a member's prior service credit and creditable service which is recognized in determining the member's eligibility for benefits under the system.             2. Benefits paid pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not exceed the limitations of Internal Revenue Code Section 415, the provisions of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board of trustees may establish a benefit plan under Section 415(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Such plan shall be created solely for the purposes described in Section 415(m)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The board of trustees may promulgate regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection and to create and administer such benefit plan.

            104.040. 1. Any member shall be entitled to creditable prior service within the meaning of sections 104.010 to 104.272 for all service in the United States Army, Navy, or other armed services of the United States, or any women's auxiliary thereof in time of active armed warfare, if such member was a state employee immediately prior to his or her entry into the armed services and became an employee of the state within ninety days after termination of such service by an honorable discharge or release to inactive status; the requirement of section 104.010 of duties during not less than one thousand forty hours for status as an "employee" shall not apply to persons who apply for creditable prior service pursuant to the provisions of this section.

            2. Any member of the system who served as an employee prior to the original effective date of sections 104.010 to 104.272, but was not an employee on that date, shall be entitled to creditable prior service that such member would have been entitled to had such member become a member of the retirement system on the date of its inception if such member has, or hereafter attains, one year of continuous membership service.

            3. Any employee who completes one continuous year of creditable service in the system shall receive credit for service with a state department, if such service has not otherwise been credited.

            4. Any member who had served in the Armed Forces of the United States prior to becoming a member, or who is otherwise ineligible pursuant to subsection 1 of this section or other provisions of this chapter, and who became a member after his or her discharge under honorable conditions may elect, prior to retirement, to purchase all of his or her creditable prior service equivalent to such service in the Armed Forces, but not to exceed four years, if the member is not receiving and is not eligible to receive retirement credits or benefits from any other public or private retirement plan for the service to be purchased, and an affidavit so stating shall be filed by the member with the retirement system. However, if the member is eligible to receive retirement credits in a United States military service retirement system, the member shall be permitted to purchase creditable prior service equivalent to his or her service in the armed services, but not to exceed four years, any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. The purchase shall be effected by the member's paying to the retirement system an amount equal to what would have been contributed by the state in his or her behalf had the member been a member for the period for which the member is electing to purchase credit and had his or her compensation during such period of membership been the same as the annual salary rate at which the member was initially employed as a member, with the calculations based on the contribution rate in effect on the date of his or her employment with simple interest calculated from date of employment from which the member could first receive creditable service to the date of election pursuant to this subsection. The payment shall be made over a period of not longer than two years, measured from the date of election, and with simple interest on the unpaid balance. Payments made for such creditable prior service pursuant to this subsection shall be treated by the retirement system as would contributions made by the state and shall not be subject to any prohibition on member contributions or refund provisions in effect at the time of enactment of this subsection.

            5. Any uniformed member of the highway patrol who served as a certified police officer prior to becoming a member may elect, prior to retirement, to purchase all of his or her creditable prior service equivalent to such service in the police force, but not to exceed four years, if he or she is not receiving and is not eligible to receive credits or benefits from any other public or private retirement plan for the service to be purchased, and an affidavit so stating shall be filed by the member with the retirement system. The purchase shall be effected by the member's paying to the retirement system an amount equal to what would have been contributed by the state in his or her behalf had he or she been a member of the system for the period for which the member is electing to purchase credit and had his compensation during such period been the same as the annual salary rate at which the member was initially employed as a member, with the calculations based on the contribution rate in effect on the date of his or her employment with simple interest calculated from the date of employment from which the member could first receive creditable service to the date of election pursuant to the provisions of this section. The payment shall be made over a period of not longer than two years, measured from the date of election, and with simple interest on the unpaid balance. Payments made for such creditable prior service pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be treated by the retirement system as would contributions made by the state and shall not be subject to any prohibition on member contributions or refund provisions in effect at the time of enactment of this section.

            6. Any member of the system under section 104.030 or 104.170 who is an active employee and who served as a nonfederal full-time public employee in this state prior to becoming a member may elect, prior to retirement, to purchase all of his or her creditable prior service equivalent to such service, but not to exceed four years, if he or she is not receiving and is not eligible to receive credits or benefits from any other public plan for the service to be purchased. The purchase shall be effected by the member's paying to the retirement system an amount equal to what would have been contributed by the state in his or her behalf had he or she been a member of the system for the period for which the member is electing to purchase credit and had his compensation during such period been the same as the annual salary rate at which the member was initially employed as a member, with the calculations based on the contribution rate in effect on the date of his or her employment with simple interest calculated from the date of employment from which the member could first receive creditable service to the date of election pursuant to the provisions of this section. The payment shall be made over a period of not longer than two years, measured from the date of election, and with simple interest on the unpaid balance. Payments made for such creditable prior service pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be treated by the retirement system as would contributions made by the state and shall not be subject to any prohibition on member contributions or refund provisions in effect at the time of enactment of this section. All purchase payments under this subsection must be completed prior to retirement or prior to termination of employment. If a member who purchased creditable service under this subsection dies prior to retirement, the surviving spouse may, upon written request, receive a refund of the amount contributed for such purchase of such creditable service. The surviving spouse shall not be eligible for a refund under this subsection if he or she is entitled to survivorship benefits payable under section 104.140. A member who is entitled to a deferred annuity under section 104.035 shall be ineligible to purchase service under this subsection.

            104.090. 1. The normal annuity of a member shall equal one and six-tenths percent of the average compensation of the member multiplied by the number of years of creditable service of such member. In addition, the normal annuity of a uniformed member of the patrol shall be increased by thirty-three and one-third percent.

            2. In addition, a uniformed member of the highway patrol who is retiring with a normal annuity after attaining normal retirement age shall receive an additional sum of ninety dollars per month as a contribution by the system until such member attains the age of sixty-five years, when such contribution shall cease. To qualify for the contribution provided in this subsection by the system, the retired uniformed member of the highway patrol is made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging and other state matters. Such additional contribution shall be reduced each month by such amount earned by the retired uniformed member of the highway patrol in gainful employment. In order to qualify for the additional contribution provided in this subsection, the retired uniformed member of the highway patrol shall have been:

            (1) Hired by the Missouri state highway patrol prior to January 1, 1995; and

            (2) Employed by the Missouri state highway patrol or receiving long-term disability or work-related disability benefits on the day before the effective date of the member's retirement.             3. In lieu of the annuity payable to the member pursuant to section 104.100, a member whose age at retirement is forty-eight or more may elect in the member's application for retirement to receive [either] one of the following:

            Option 1. An actuarial reduction approved by the board of the member's annuity in reduced monthly payments for life during retirement with the provision that upon the member's death the reduced annuity at date of death shall be continued throughout the life of, and be paid to, the member's spouse; or

            Option 2. The member's normal annuity in regular monthly payments for life during retirement with the provision that upon the member's death a survivor's benefit equal to one-half the member's normal annuity at date of death shall be paid to the member's spouse in regular monthly payments for life; or

            Option 3. An actuarial reduction approved by the board of the member's normal annuity in reduced monthly payments for the member's life with the provision that if the member dies prior to the member's having received one hundred twenty monthly payments of the member's reduced annuity, the member's reduced allowance to which the member would have been entitled had the member lived shall be paid for the remainder of the one hundred twenty-month period to such [person] beneficiary as the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board. If there is no beneficiary surviving the retiree, the reserve for such allowance for the remainder of such one hundred twenty-month period shall be paid to the retiree's estate; or

            Option 4. An actuarial reduction approved by the board of the member's normal annuity in reduced monthly payments for the member's life with the provision that if the member dies prior to the member having received sixty monthly payments of the member's reduced annuity, the member's reduced allowance to which the member would have been entitled had the member lived shall be paid for the remainder of the sixty-month period to such [person] beneficiary as the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board. If there is no beneficiary surviving the retiree, the reserve for such allowance for the remainder of such sixty-month period shall be paid to the retiree's estate.

            4. The election may be made only in the application for retirement, and such application shall be filed at least thirty days but not more than ninety days prior to the date on which the retirement of the member is to be effective, provided that if either the member or the spouse nominated to receive the survivorship payment dies before the effective date of retirement, the election shall not be effective. If after the reduced annuity commences, the spouse predeceases the retired member, the reduced annuity continues to the retired member during the member's lifetime.

            5. Effective July 1, 2000, a member may make an election under option 1 or 2 after the date retirement benefits are initiated if the member makes the election within one year from the date of marriage or July 1, 2000, whichever is later, under any of the following circumstances:

            (1) The member elected to receive a normal annuity and was not eligible to elect option 1 or 2 on the date retirement benefits were initiated; or

            (2) The member's annuity reverted to a normal annuity pursuant to subsection 8 of section 104.103 and the member remarried; or

            (3) The member elected option 1 or 2 but the member's spouse at the time of retirement has died and the member has remarried.

            6. Any person who terminates employment or retires prior to July 1, 2000, shall be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging and other state matters, and for such services shall be eligible to elect to receive the benefits described in subsection 5 of this section.

            7. For retirement applications filed on or after August 28, 2004, the beneficiary for either option 1 or option 2 of subsection 3 of this section shall be the member's spouse at the time of retirement. If the member's marriage ends after retirement as a result of a dissolution of marriage, such dissolution shall not affect the option election and the former spouse shall continue to be eligible to receive survivor benefits upon death of the member.

            8. Any application for retirement shall only become effective on the first day of the month.

            104.140. 1. (1) If a member who has five or more years of creditable service dies before retirement, the member's surviving spouse, to whom the member was married on the date of the member's death, if any, shall receive the reduced survivorship benefits provided in option 1 of subsection 3 of section 104.090 calculated as if the member were of normal retirement age and had retired as of the date of the member's death and had elected option 1[;] .

            (2) If there is no eligible surviving spouse, or when a spouse's annuity has ceased to be payable, the member's eligible surviving children under twenty-one years of age shall receive monthly, in equal shares, an amount equal to eighty percent of the member's accrued annuity calculated as if the member were of normal retirement age and retired as of the date of death. Benefits otherwise payable to a child under eighteen years of age shall be payable to the surviving parent as natural guardian of such child if such parent has custody or assumes custody of such minor child, or to the legal [guardian] conservator of such child, until such child attains age eighteen, and thereafter, the benefit may be paid to the child until age twenty-one; provided, the age twenty-one maximum shall be extended for any child who has been found totally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction[;] .

            (3) No benefit is payable pursuant to this section if no eligible surviving spouse or children under twenty-one years of age survive the member. Benefits cease pursuant to this section when there is no eligible surviving beneficiary through either death of the eligible surviving spouse or through either death or the attainment of twenty-one years of age by the eligible surviving children. If the member's surviving children are receiving equal shares of the benefit described in subdivision (2) of this subsection, and one or more of such children become ineligible by reason of death or the attainment of twenty-one years of age, the benefit shall be reallocated so that the remaining eligible children receive equal shares of the total benefit as described in subdivision (2) of this subsection.

            2. Effective January 1, 1985, if an employee who has three or more, but less than five years of creditable service dies before retirement, the surviving spouse of the deceased employee, if married to the deceased employee on the date of the employee's death, or the deceased employee's surviving eligible children under the age of twenty-one, shall receive a total monthly payment equal to twenty-five percent of the deceased employee's accrued monthly benefit calculated as if the employee were of normal retirement age as of the date of death. If the surviving spouse dies leaving any eligible children under the age of twenty-one years, the payment shall continue until the children reach twenty-one years of age. If there is no surviving spouse eligible for benefits under this subsection, but there are any children of the deceased employee eligible for payments, the payments shall continue until the children reach twenty-one years of age. Any benefits payable to eligible children under twenty-one years of age shall be made on a pro rata basis among the surviving children under twenty-one years of age.

            3. For the purpose of computing the amount of a benefit payable pursuant to this section, if the board finds that the death was a natural and proximate result of a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of the member's actual performance of duty as an employee, then the minimum benefit to such member's surviving spouse or, if no surviving spouse benefits are payable, the minimum benefit that shall be divided among and paid to such member's surviving eligible children under the age of twenty-one shall be fifty percent of the member's final average compensation. The service requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this section shall not apply to any benefit payable pursuant to this subsection.

            104.200. Should any error in any records result in any member's or beneficiary's receiving more or less than he would have been entitled to receive had the records been correct, the board shall correct such error, and, as far as practicable, make future payments in such a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which such member or beneficiary was entitled shall be paid, and to this end may recover any overpayments. In all cases in which such error has been made, no such error shall be corrected unless the system discovers or is notified of such error within ten years after the initial date of error.

            104.272. Other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, any person who is an employee of state government and a member of the [transportation department employees' and highway patrol] Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system is entitled to credit for all of his service during employment with the department of transportation or the state highway patrol if he is an employee of that same agency upon retirement regardless of whether he was classified as full-time, part-time or temporary, and the requirement of section 104.010 of duties during not less than one thousand forty hours for status as an employee shall not apply to persons applying for retirement credit under the provisions of this section.

            104.312. 1. The provisions of subsection 2 of section 104.250, subsection 2 of section 104.540, subsection 2 of section 287.820, and section 476.688 to the contrary notwithstanding, any pension, annuity, benefit, right, or retirement allowance provided pursuant to this chapter, chapter 287, or chapter 476 is marital property and after August 28, 1994, a court of competent jurisdiction may divide the pension, annuity, benefits, rights, and retirement allowance provided pursuant to this chapter, chapter 287, or chapter 476 between the parties to any action for dissolution of marriage. A division of benefits order issued pursuant to this section:

            (1) Shall not require the applicable retirement system to provide any form or type of annuity or retirement plan not selected by the member and not normally made available by that system;

            (2) Shall not require the applicable retirement system to commence payments until the member submits a valid application for an annuity and the annuity becomes payable in accordance with the application;

            (3) Shall identify the monthly amount to be paid to the alternate payee, which shall be expressed as a percentage and which shall not exceed fifty percent of the amount of the member's annuity accrued during all or part of the time while the member and alternate payee were married; and which shall be based on the member's vested annuity on the date of the dissolution of marriage or an earlier date as specified in the order, which amount shall be adjusted proportionately if the member's annuity is reduced due to early retirement or the member's annuity is reduced pursuant to section 104.395 under an annuity option in which the member named the alternate payee as beneficiary prior to the dissolution of marriage or pursuant to section 104.090 under an annuity option in which the member on or after August 28, 2007, named the alternative payee as beneficiary prior to the dissolution of marriage, and the percentage established shall be applied to the pro rata portion of any lump sum distribution pursuant to subsection 6 of section 104.335, accrued during the time while the member and alternate payee were married;

            (4) Shall not require the payment of an annuity amount to the member and alternate payee which in total exceeds the amount which the member would have received without regard to the order;

            (5) Shall provide that any benefit formula increases, additional years of service, increased average compensation or other type of increases accrued after the date of the dissolution of marriage shall accrue solely to the benefit of the member; except that on or after September 1, 2001, any annual benefit increase shall not be considered to be an increase accrued after the date of termination of marriage and shall be part of the monthly amount subject to division pursuant to any order issued after September 1, 2001;

            (6) Shall terminate upon the death of either the member or the alternate payee, whichever occurs first;

            (7) Shall not create an interest which is assignable or subject to any legal process;

            (8) Shall include the name, address, and [Social Security number] date of birth of both the member and the alternate payee, and the identity of the retirement system to which it applies;

            (9) Shall be consistent with any other division of benefits orders which are applicable to the same member;

            (10) Shall not require the applicable retirement system to continue payments to the alternate payee if the member's retirement benefit is suspended or waived as provided by this chapter but such payments shall resume when the retiree begins to receive retirement benefits in the future.

            2. A system established by this chapter shall provide the court having jurisdiction of a dissolution of marriage proceeding or the parties to the proceeding with information necessary to issue a division of benefits order concerning a member of the system, upon written request from either the court, the member or the member's spouse, which cites this section and identifies the case number and parties.

            3. A system established by this chapter shall have the discretionary authority to reject a division of benefits order for the following reasons:

            (1) The order does not clearly state the rights of the member and the alternate payee;

            (2) The order is inconsistent with any law governing the retirement system.

            4. The amount paid to an alternate payee under an order issued pursuant to this section shall be based on the plan the member was in on the date of the dissolution of marriage; except that any annual benefit increases subject to division shall be based on the actual annual benefit increases received after the retirement plan election.

            104.352. 1. Each employee described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 shall be entitled to the same insurance benefits provided under sections 103.003 to 103.175 to employees described in paragraph (a) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 to cover the medical expenses of such employees and their spouses and children. Such insurance benefits shall be made available to employees described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 upon their initial employment as such employees in the same manner provided for employees described in paragraph (a) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010, and shall be continued during any period of time, not to exceed one year, in which such employees are not paid for full-time employment, so long as such employees pay the same amount for such insurance benefits as is required of employees described in paragraph (a) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 who continue receiving such insurance benefits during a leave of absence without pay from their employment with the state. Any employee described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 who is reemployed by the general assembly or either house thereof, or by any member of the general assembly while acting in his official capacity as a member, by the thirteenth legislative day of the session of the general assembly immediately following the session of the general assembly in which such employee was last so employed, without having elected to discontinue the insurance benefits described in this subsection, shall be entitled to continue such insurance benefits without having to prove insurability for himself or any of his covered dependents for whom he has paid for such coverage continuously since last employed as an employee described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010. Any employee described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 who is not reemployed by the general assembly or either house thereof, or by any member of the general assembly while acting in his official capacity as a member, by the thirteenth legislative day of the session of the general assembly immediately following the session of the general assembly in which such employee was last so employed, shall be deemed terminated as an employee as of such thirteenth legislative day, and the insurance benefits provided for such employee under this subsection and sections 103.003 to 103.175 shall be terminated as provided for employees described in paragraph (a) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 whose employment is terminated. During each month of service in which an employee described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 is employed, the state shall make any contribution required by sections 103.003 to 103.175 for such employee.             2. Any employee described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 who is actively employed on or after September 28, 1992, shall be deemed vested for purposes of determining eligibility for benefits under sections 104.320 to 104.620 after being so employed for at least sixty months.

            104.354. In each fiscal year in which retirement benefits are to be paid to retired employees described in paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of section 104.010 because of the provisions of section 104.352, funding for such benefits shall be provided as set forth in section 104.436. All benefits paid because of the provisions of section 104.352 shall be paid by the retirement system along with all other retirement benefits due such retired employees under the retirement system.

            104.380. If a retired member is elected to any state office or is appointed to any state office or is employed by a department in a position normally requiring the performance by the person of duties during not less than one thousand forty hours per year, the member shall not receive an annuity for any month or part of a month for which the member serves as an officer or employee, but the member shall be considered to be a new employee with no previous creditable service and must accrue creditable service continuously for at least one year in order to receive any additional annuity. Any retired member who again becomes an employee and who accrues additional creditable service and later retires shall receive an additional amount of monthly annuity calculated to include only the creditable service and the average compensation earned by the member since such employment or creditable service earned as a member of the general assembly. Years of membership service and twelfths of a year are to be used in calculating any additional annuity except for creditable service earned as a member of the general assembly, and such additional annuity shall be based on the type of service accrued. In either event, the original annuity and the additional annuity, if any, shall be paid commencing with the end of the first month after the month during which the member's term of office has been completed, or the member's employment terminated. If a retired member is employed by a department in a position that does not normally require the person to perform duties during at least one thousand forty hours per year, the member shall not be considered an employee as defined pursuant to section 104.010. A retired member who becomes reemployed as an employee on or after August 28, 2001, in a position covered by the [highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system] Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system shall not be eligible to receive retirement benefits or additional creditable service from the state employees' retirement system. Annual benefit increases paid under section 104.415 shall not accrue while a retired member is employed as described in this section. Any future annual benefit increases paid after the member terminates such employment will be paid in the same month as the member's original annual benefit increases were paid. Benefits paid under subsection 3 of section 104.374 are not applicable to any additional annuity paid under this section.

            104.395. 1. In lieu of the normal annuity otherwise payable to a member pursuant to sections 104.335, 104.370, 104.371, 104.374, or 104.400, and prior to the last business day of the month before the annuity starting date pursuant to section 104.401, a member shall elect whether or not to have such member's normal annuity reduced as provided by the options set forth in this section; provided that if such election has not been made within such time, annuity payments due beginning on and after such annuity starting date shall be made the month following the receipt by the system of such election, and further provided, that if such person dies after such annuity starting date but before making such election, no benefits shall be paid except as required pursuant to section 104.420:

            Option 1. An actuarial reduction approved by the board of the member's annuity in reduced monthly payments for life during retirement with the provision that upon the member's death the reduced annuity at the date of the member's death shall be continued throughout the life of, and be paid to, the member's spouse to whom the member was married at the date of retirement and who was nominated by the member to receive such payments in the member's application for retirement or as otherwise provided pursuant to subsection 5 of this section. Such annuity shall be reduced in the same manner as an annuity under option 2 as in effect immediately prior to August 28, 1997. The surviving spouse shall designate a beneficiary to receive any final monthly payment due after the death of the surviving spouse; or

            Option 2. The member's normal annuity in regular monthly payments for life during the member's retirement with the provision that upon the member's death a survivor's benefit equal to one-half the member's annuity at the date of the member's death shall be paid to the member's spouse to whom the member was married at the date of retirement and who was nominated by the member to receive such payments in the member's application for retirement or as otherwise provided pursuant to subsection 5 of this section, in regular monthly payments for life. The surviving spouse shall designate a beneficiary to receive any final monthly payment due after the death of the surviving spouse; or

            Option 3. An actuarial reduction approved by the board of the member's normal annuity in reduced monthly payments for the member's life with the provision that if the member dies prior to the member having received one hundred twenty monthly payments of the member's reduced annuity, the member's reduced annuity to which the member would have been entitled had the member lived shall be paid for the remainder of the one hundred twenty months' period to such [person] beneficiary as the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board. If there is no such beneficiary surviving the retirant, the reserve for such annuity for the remainder of such one hundred twenty months' period shall be paid as provided under subsection 3 of section 104.620. If such beneficiary dies after the member's date of death but before having received the remainder of the one hundred twenty monthly payments of the retiree's reduced annuity, the reserve for such annuity for the remainder of such one hundred twenty-month period shall be paid as provided under subsection 3 of section 104.620; or

            Option 4. An actuarial reduction approved by the board of the member's normal annuity in reduced monthly payments for the member's life with the provision that if the member dies prior to the member having received sixty monthly payments of the member's reduced annuity, the member's reduced annuity to which the member would have been entitled had the member lived shall be paid for the remainder of the sixty months' period to such [person] beneficiary as the member shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board. If there be no such beneficiary surviving the retirant, the reserve for such annuity for the remainder of such sixty months' period shall be paid as provided under subsection 3 of section 104.620. If such beneficiary dies after the member's date of death but before having received the remainder of the sixty monthly payments of the retiree's reduced annuity, the reserve for such annuity for the remainder of the sixty-month period shall be paid as provided under subsection 3 of section 104.620.

            2. Effective July 1, 2000, if a member is married as of the annuity starting date to a person who has been the member's spouse, the member's annuity shall be paid pursuant to the provisions of either option 1 or option 2 as set forth in subsection 1 of this section, at the member's choice, with the spouse as the member's designated beneficiary unless the spouse consents in writing to the member electing another available form of payment.

            3. For members who retire on or after August 28, 1995, in the event such member elected a joint and survivor option pursuant to the provisions of this section and the member's eligible spouse or eligible former spouse precedes the member in death, the member's annuity shall revert effective the first of the month following the death of the spouse or eligible former spouse regardless of when the board receives the member's written application for the benefit provided in this subsection, to an amount equal to the member's normal annuity, as adjusted for early retirement if applicable; such benefit shall include any increases the member would have received since the date of retirement had the member elected a normal annuity. If a member dies prior to notifying the system of the spouse's death, the benefit will not revert to a normal annuity and no retroactive payments shall be made.

            4. Effective on or after August 28, 1995, any retired member who had elected a joint and survivor option and whose spouse or eligible former spouse precedes or preceded the member in death shall upon application to the board be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging and other state matters. As a special consultant pursuant to the provisions of this section, the member's reduced annuity shall revert to a normal annuity as adjusted for early retirement, if applicable, effective the first of the month following the death of the spouse or eligible former spouse or August 28, 1995, whichever is later, if the member cancels the member's original joint and survivor election; such annuity shall include any increases the retired member would have received since the date of retirement had the member elected a normal annuity.

            5. Effective July 1, 2000, a member may make an election under option 1 or 2 after the date retirement benefits are initiated if the member makes such election within one year from the date of marriage or July 1, 2000, whichever is later, under any of the following circumstances:

            (1) The member elected to receive a normal annuity and was not eligible to elect option 1 or 2 on the date retirement benefits were initiated; or

            (2) The member's annuity reverted to a normal annuity pursuant to subsection 3 or 4 of this section and the member remarried.

            6. Any person who terminates employment or retires prior to July 1, 2000, shall be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging and other state matters, and for such services shall be eligible to elect to receive the benefits described in subsection 5 of this section.

            7. Effective September 1, 2001, the retirement application of any member who fails to make an election pursuant to subsection 1 of this section within ninety days of the annuity starting date contained in such retirement application shall be nullified. Any member whose retirement application is nullified shall not receive retirement benefits until the member files a new application for retirement pursuant to section 104.401 and makes the election pursuant to subsection 1 of this section. In no event shall any retroactive retirement benefits be paid.

            8. A member may change a member's election made under this section at any time prior to the system mailing or electronically transferring the first annuity payment to such member.

            104.420. 1. Unless otherwise provided by law, if a member or disabled member who has a vested right to a normal annuity dies prior to retirement, regardless of the age of the member at the time of death, the member's or disabled member's surviving spouse, to whom the member or disabled member was married on the date of the member's death, if any, shall receive the reduced survivorship benefits provided in option 1 of section 104.395 calculated as if the member were of normal retirement age and had retired as of the date of the member's death and had elected option 1.

            2. If there is no eligible surviving spouse, or when a spouse annuity has ceased to be payable, the member's or disabled member's eligible surviving children under twenty-one years of age shall receive monthly, in equal shares, an amount equal to eighty percent of the member's or disabled member's accrued annuity calculated as if the member or disabled member were of a normal retirement age and retired as of the date of death. Benefits otherwise payable to a child under eighteen years of age shall be payable to the surviving parent as natural guardian of such child if such parent has custody or assumes custody of such minor child, or to the legal [guardian] conservator of such child, until such child attains age eighteen; thereafter, the benefit may be paid to the child until age twenty-one; provided the age twenty-one maximum shall be extended for any child who has been found totally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction.

            3. No benefit is payable pursuant to this section if no eligible surviving spouse or children under twenty-one years of age survive the member or disabled member. Benefits cease pursuant to this section when there is no eligible surviving beneficiary through either death of the eligible surviving spouse or through either death or the attainment of twenty-one years of age by the eligible surviving children. If the member's or disabled member's surviving children are receiving equal shares of the benefit described in subsection 2 of this section, and one or more of such children become ineligible by reason of death or the attainment of twenty-one years of age, the benefit shall be reallocated so that the remaining eligible children receive equal shares of the total benefit as described in subsection 2 of this section.

            4. For the purpose of computing the amount of an annuity payable pursuant to this section, if the board finds that the death was the natural and proximate result of a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of the member's actual performance of duty as an employee, then the minimum annuity to such member's surviving spouse or, if no surviving spouse benefits are payable, the minimum annuity that shall be divided among and paid to such member's surviving children shall be fifty percent of the member's final average compensation; except that for members of the general assembly and statewide elected officials with twelve or more years of service, the monthly rate of compensation in effect on the date of death shall be used in lieu of final average compensation. The vesting service requirement of subsection 1 of this section shall not apply to any annuity payable pursuant to this subsection.

            104.490. 1. Should any error result in any member or beneficiary receiving more or less than he or she would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, the board shall correct such error, and, as far as practicable, make future payments in such a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the benefit to which such member or beneficiary was entitled shall be paid, and to this end may recover any overpayments. In all cases in which such error has been made, no such error shall be corrected unless the system discovers or is notified of such error within ten years after the initial date of error.

            2. A person who knowingly makes a false statement, or falsifies or permits to be falsified a record of the system, in an attempt to defraud the system is subject to fine or imprisonment pursuant to the Missouri revised statutes.

            3. The board of trustees of the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall cease paying benefits to any survivor or beneficiary who is charged with the intentional killing of a member without legal excuse or justification. A survivor or beneficiary who is convicted of such charge shall no longer be entitled to receive benefits. If the survivor or beneficiary is not convicted of such charge, the board shall resume payment of benefits and shall pay the survivor or beneficiary any benefits that were suspended pending resolution of such charge.

            104.601. Any member retiring pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or any member retiring pursuant to provisions of chapter 169 who is a member of the public school retirement system and who is employed by a [state agency] department other than an institution of higher learning, after working continuously until reaching retirement age, shall be credited with all his or her unused sick leave as reported by the last department that employed the member prior to retirement through the financial and human resources system maintained by the office of administration, or if a state agency's employees are not paid salaries or wages through such system, as reported directly by the [state agency] last department that employed the member prior to retirement. When calculating years of service, each member shall be entitled to one-twelfth of a year of creditable service for each one hundred sixty-eight hours of unused accumulated sick leave earned by the member. The employing agency shall not certify unused sick leave unless such unused sick leave could have been used by the member for sickness or injury. The rate of accrual of sick leave for purposes of computing years of service pursuant to this section shall be no greater than ten hours per month. Nothing under this section shall allow a member to vest in the retirement system by using such credited sick leave to reach the time of vesting.

            104.620. 1. Any member who has not received a lump sum payment equal to the sum total of the contributions that the member paid into the retirement system, plus interest credited to his or her account, shall be entitled to such a lump sum payment. Lump sum payments made pursuant to this section shall not be reduced by any retirement benefits which a member is entitled to receive, but shall be paid in full out of appropriate funds pursuant to appropriations for this purpose.

            2. In the event any accumulated contributions standing to a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system's credit remains unclaimed by such member for a period of four years or more, such accumulated contributions shall automatically revert to the credit of the fund for the Missouri state employees' retirement system. If an application is made, after such reversion, for such accumulated contributions, the board shall pay such contributions from the fund for the Missouri state employees' retirement system; except that, no interest shall be paid on such funds after the date of the reversion to the fund for the Missouri state employees' retirement system.

            3. In the event any amount is due a deceased member, survivor, or beneficiary who dies after September 1, 2002, and the member's survivor's or beneficiary's financial institution is unable to accept the final payments due to the member, survivor, or beneficiary, such amount shall be paid to the person or entity designated in writing as beneficiary to receive such amount by such member, survivor, or beneficiary. The member, survivor, or beneficiary may designate in writing a beneficiary to receive any final payment due after the death of a member, survivor, or beneficiary pursuant to this chapter. If no living person or entity so designated as beneficiary exists at the time of death, such amount shall be paid to the surviving spouse married to the deceased member, survivor, or beneficiary at the time of death. If no surviving spouse exists, such amount shall be paid to the surviving children [or their descendants] of such member, survivor, or beneficiary in equal parts. If no surviving children [or any of their descendants] exist, such amount shall be paid to the surviving parents of such member, survivor, or beneficiary in equal parts. If no surviving parents exist, such amount shall be paid to the surviving brothers[,] or sisters[, or their descendants] of such member, survivor, or beneficiary in equal parts. If no surviving brothers[,] or sisters[, or their descendants] exist, payment may be made as otherwise permitted by law. Notwithstanding this subsection, any amount due to a deceased member as payment of all or part of a lump sum pursuant to section 104.625 shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse married to the member at the time of death, and otherwise payment may be made as provided in this subsection. In the event any amount that is due to a [member of] person from either system remains unclaimed [by such member] for a period of four years or more, such amount shall automatically revert to the credit of the fund of the member's system. If an application is made after such reversion for such amount, the board shall pay such amount to the person from the board's fund [to the member], except that no interest shall be paid on such funds after the date of the reversion to the fund.

            4. The beneficiary of any member who purchased creditable service in the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall receive a refund upon the member's death equal to the amount of any purchase less any retirement benefits received by the member unless an annuity is payable to a survivor or beneficiary as a result of the member's death. In that event, the beneficiary of the survivor or beneficiary who received the annuity shall receive a refund upon the survivor's or beneficiary's death equal to the amount of the member's purchase of service less any annuity amounts received by the member and the survivor or beneficiary.

            104.800. 1. Except as otherwise provided by law, any person having earned creditable service pursuant to the provisions of the state employees' retirement system or pursuant to the provisions of the state transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system or having service as a statewide state elective officer or having service as a member of the general assembly or having service pursuant to the provisions of sections 287.812 to 287.855, or having service as a judge, as defined in section 476.515, may elect prior to retirement and not after retirement, to make a one-time transfer of credit for such service or such creditable service to or from any other retirement system or type of service specified in this section or sections 56.800 to 56.840 for which the person has accumulated service or creditable service. The amount of transferred credit shall be accumulated with the amount of such creditable service or such service earned by the person in the retirement system or type of service to which the service is transferred for purposes of determining the benefits to which the person is entitled under the retirement system or type of service to which the service is transferred. The transfer of such creditable service or service shall become effective [on the first day of the second month following the month in which] at the time the person files written notification of the person's election with the retirement boards affected by such service transfer. When the election to transfer creditable service or service becomes effective, the person shall thereby forfeit any claim to any benefit under the provisions of the retirement system or type of service, as the case may be, from which the service or creditable service was transferred regardless of the amount of service or creditable service previously earned in such retirement system or type of service. Any person who has transferred service pursuant to this subsection prior to August 28, 2002, and who is an employee covered by a retirement plan described in this subsection after that date, may elect to make an additional transfer of service prior to retirement if additional service would otherwise be available to be transferred except for the forfeiture of that service after the previous transfer. In no event shall the amount of service that a person shall be entitled to transfer pursuant to the provisions of this section exceed eight years.

            2. In the event of the death of a member before retirement and prior to exercising transfer rights pursuant to the provisions of this section, survivorship benefits shall be computed as if such person had in fact exercised or not exercised the person's transfer rights to produce the most advantageous benefit possible.

            3. Any person that has earned creditable service pursuant to the provisions governing the Missouri state employees' retirement system or pursuant to the provisions of chapter 287 or chapter 476, who terminated employment prior to August 13, 1986, shall, upon application to the board of trustees of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, be made, constituted and appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging and other state matters for the remainder of the person's life. Upon request of the board or the court from which the person retired, the consultant shall give opinions or be available to give opinions in writing or orally in response to such request. As compensation for such services, the consultant shall be eligible, prior to retirement, to make a one-time transfer of creditable service as provided in this section.

            104.1003. 1. Unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, the following words and phrases as used in sections 104.1003 to 104.1093 shall mean:

            (1) "Act", the year 2000 plan created by sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (2) "Actuary", an actuary who is experienced in retirement plan financing and who is either a member of the American Academy of Actuaries or an enrolled actuary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974;

            (3) "Annuity", annual benefit amounts, paid in equal monthly installments, from funds provided for in, or authorized by, sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (4) "Annuity starting date" means the first day of the first month with respect to which an amount is paid as an annuity pursuant to sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (5) "Beneficiary", any [person or entity] persons or entities entitled to receive an annuity or other benefit pursuant to sections 104.1003 to 104.1093 based upon the employment record of another person;

            (6) "Board of trustees", "board", or "trustees", a governing body or bodies established for the year 2000 plan pursuant to sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (7) "Closed plan", a benefit plan created pursuant to this chapter and administered by a system prior to July 1, 2000. No person first employed on or after July 1, 2000, shall become a member of the closed plan, but the closed plan shall continue to function for the benefit of persons covered by and remaining in the closed plan and their beneficiaries;

            (8) "Consumer price index", the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the United States, or its successor index, as approved by the board, as such index is defined and officially reported by the United States Department of Labor, or its successor agency;

            (9) "Credited service", the total credited service to a member's credit as provided in sections 104.1003 to 104.1093; except that in no case shall more than one day of credited service be credited to any member or vested former member for any one calendar day of eligible credit as provided by law;

            (10) "Department", any department or agency of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the state of Missouri receiving state appropriations, including allocated funds from the federal government but not including any body corporate or politic unless its employees are eligible for retirement coverage from a system pursuant to this chapter as otherwise provided by law;

            (11) "Early retirement eligibility", a member's attainment of fifty-seven years of age and the completion of at least five years of credited service;

            (12) "Effective date", July 1, 2000;

            (13) "Employee" shall be any person who is employed by a department and is paid a salary or wage by a department in a position normally requiring the performance of duties of not less than one thousand forty hours per year, provided:

            (a) The term "employee" shall not include any patient or inmate of any state, charitable, penal or correctional institution, or any person who is employed by a department in a position that is covered by a state-sponsored defined benefit retirement plan not created by this chapter;

            (b) The term "employee" shall be modified as provided by other provisions of sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (c) The system shall consider a person who is employed in multiple positions simultaneously within a single agency to be working in a single position for purposes of determining whether the person is an employee as defined in this subdivision;

            (d) Beginning September 1, 2001, the term "year" as used in this subdivision shall mean the twelve-month period beginning on the first day of employment;

            (e) The term "employee" shall include any person as defined under paragraph (b) of subdivision [(20)] (21) of subsection 1 of section 104.010 who is first employed on or after July 1, 2000, but prior to August 28, 2007;

            (14) "Employer", a department;

            (15) "Executive director", the executive director employed by a board established pursuant to the provisions of sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (16) "Final average pay", the average pay of a member for the thirty-six full consecutive months of service before termination of employment when the member's pay was greatest; or if the member was on workers' compensation leave of absence or a medical leave of absence due to an employee illness, the amount of pay the member would have received but for such leave of absence as reported and verified by the employing department; or if the member was employed for less than thirty-six months, the average monthly pay of a member during the period for which the member was employed. The board of each system may promulgate rules for purposes of calculating final average pay and other retirement provisions to accommodate for any state payroll system in which pay is received on a monthly, semimonthly, biweekly, or other basis;

            (17) "Fund", a fund of the year 2000 plan established pursuant to sections 104.1003 to 104.1093;

            (18) "Investment return", or "interest", rates as shall be determined and prescribed from time to time by a board;

            (19) "Member", a person who is included in the membership of the system, as set forth in section 104.1009;

            (20) "Normal retirement eligibility", a member's attainment of at least sixty-two years of age and the completion of at least five or more years of credited service or, the attainment of at least forty-eight years of age with a total of years of age and years of credited service which is at least eighty or, in the case of a member of the highway patrol who shall be subject to the mandatory retirement provisions of section 104.080, the mandatory retirement age and completion of five years of credited service or, the attainment of at least forty-eight years of age with a total of years of age and years of credited service which is at least eighty;

            (21) "Pay" shall include:

            (a) All salary and wages payable to an employee for personal services performed for a department; but excluding:

            a. Any amounts paid after an employee's employment is terminated, unless the payment is made as a final installment of salary or wages at the same rate as in effect immediately prior to termination of employment in accordance with a state payroll system adopted on or after January 1, 2000;

            b. Any amounts paid upon termination of employment for unused annual leave or unused sick leave;

            c. Pay in excess of the limitations set forth in Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended and other applicable federal laws or regulations;

            d. Any nonrecurring single sum payments; and

            e. Any amounts for which contributions have not been made in accordance with section 104.1066;

            (b) All salary and wages which would have been payable to an employee on workers' compensation leave of absence during the period the employee is receiving a weekly workers' compensation benefit, as reported and verified by the employing department;

            (c) All salary and wages which would have been payable to an employee on a medical leave due to employee illness, as reported and verified by the employing department;

            (d) For purposes of members of the general assembly, pay shall be the annual salary provided to each senator and representative pursuant to section 21.140, plus any salary adjustment pursuant to section 21.140;

            (22) "Retiree", a person receiving an annuity from the year 2000 plan based upon the person's employment record;

            (23) "State", the state of Missouri;

            (24) "System" or "retirement system", the Missouri state employees' retirement system or the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, as the case may be;

            (25) "Vested former member", a person entitled to receive a deferred annuity pursuant to section 104.1036;

            (26) "Year 2000 plan", the benefit plan created by sections 104.1003 to 104.1093.

            2. Benefits paid under the provisions of this chapter shall not exceed the limitations of Internal Revenue Code Section 415, the provisions of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board of trustees may establish a benefit plan under Section 415(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Such plan shall be created solely for the purposes described in Section 415(m)(3)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The board of trustees may promulgate regulations necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection and to create and administer such benefit plan.

            104.1015. 1. Persons covered by a closed plan on July 1, 2000, shall elect whether or not to change to year 2000 plan coverage. Any such person who elects to be covered by the year 2000 plan shall forfeit all rights to receive benefits under this chapter except as provided under the year 2000 plan and all creditable service of such person under the closed plan shall be credited under the year 2000 plan. Any such person who elects not to be covered by the year 2000 plan shall waive all rights to receive benefits under the year 2000 plan. In no event shall any retroactive annuity be paid to such persons pursuant to sections 104.1003 to 104.1093 except as described in subsection 2 of this section. Any person who elects year 2000 plan coverage under subsection 3, 4, 5, or 6 of this section shall be in the closed plan until the person's annuity starting date.

            2. Each retiree of the closed plan on July 1, 2000, shall be furnished by the appropriate system a written comparison of the retiree's closed plan coverage and the retiree's potential year 2000 plan coverage. A retiree shall elect whether or not to change to year 2000 plan coverage by making a written election, on a form furnished by the appropriate board, and providing that form to the system by no later than twelve months after July 1, 2000, and any retiree who fails to make such election within such time period shall be deemed to have elected to remain covered under the closed plan; provided the election must be after the retiree has received from the appropriate system such written comparison. The retirement option elected under the year 2000 plan shall be the same as the retirement option elected under the closed plan, except any retiree who is receiving one of the options providing for a continuing lifetime annuity to a surviving spouse under the closed plan may elect to receive an annuity under option 1 or 2 of section 104.1027, or a life annuity under subsection 2 of section 104.1024, provided the person who was married to the member at the time of retirement, if any, consents in writing to such election made pursuant to section 104.1024, or to any election described in this section if the person was married to a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system. The effective date of payment of an annuity under the year 2000 plan as provided in this subsection shall begin on July 1, 2000. No adjustment shall be made to retirement benefits paid to the retiree prior to July 1, 2000. In order to calculate a new monthly annuity for retirees electing coverage under the year 2000 plan pursuant to this subsection, the following calculations shall be made:

            (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the retiree's gross monthly retirement annuity in effect immediately prior to July 1, 2000, shall be multiplied by the percentage increase in the life annuity formula between the closed plan and the year 2000 plan. This amount shall be added to the retiree's gross monthly retirement annuity in effect immediately prior to July 1, 2000, to arrive at the retiree's new monthly retirement annuity in the year 2000 plan on July 1, 2000. The age of eligibility and reduction factors applicable to the retiree's original annuity under the closed plan shall remain the same in the annuity payable under the year 2000 plan, except as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection;

            (2) If option 1 or 2 pursuant to section 104.1027 is chosen by the retiree under the year 2000 plan, the new monthly retirement annuity calculated pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection shall be recalculated using the reduction factors for the option chosen pursuant to section 104.1027;

            (3) If a temporary annuity is payable pursuant to subsection 4 of section 104.1024 the additional temporary annuity shall be calculated by multiplying the retiree's credited service by the retiree's final average pay by eight-tenths of one percent;

            (4) Cost-of-living adjustments paid pursuant to section 104.1045 will commence on the anniversary of the retiree's annuity starting date coincident with or next following July 1, 2000;

            (5) Any retiree or other person described in this section who elects coverage under the year 2000 plan based on service rendered as a member of the general assembly or as a statewide elected official shall receive an annuity under the year 2000 plan calculated pursuant to the provisions of section 104.1084 using the current monthly pay at the time of the election with future COLAs calculated pursuant to subsection 7 of section 104.1084.

            3. Each person who is an employee and covered by the closed plan and not a retiree of the closed plan on July 1, 2000, shall elect whether or not to change to year 2000 plan coverage prior to the last business day of the month before the person's annuity starting date, and if such election has not been made within such time, annuity payments due beginning on and after the month of the annuity starting date shall be made the month following the receipt by the appropriate system of such election and any other information required by the year 2000 plan created by sections 104.1003 to 104.1093; provided, such election must be after the person has received from the year 2000 plan a written comparison of the person's closed plan coverage and the person's potential year 2000 plan coverage and the election must be made in writing on a form furnished by the appropriate board. If such person dies after the annuity starting date but before making such election and providing such other information, no benefits shall be paid except as required pursuant to section 104.420 or subsection 2 of section 104.372 for members of the general assembly.

            4. Each person who is not an employee and not a retiree and is eligible for a deferred annuity from the closed plan on July 1, 2000, shall elect whether or not to change to the year 2000 plan coverage prior to the last business day of the month before the person's annuity starting date, and if such election has not been made within such time, annuity payments due beginning on and after the month of the annuity starting date shall be made the month following the receipt by the appropriate system of such election and any other information required by the year 2000 plan created by sections 104.1003 to 104.1093; provided, the election must be after the person has received from the year 2000 plan a written comparison of the person's closed plan coverage and the person's potential year 2000 plan coverage and the election must be made in writing on a form furnished by the appropriate board. If such person dies after the annuity starting date but before making such election and providing such other information, no benefits shall be paid except as required pursuant to section 104.420 or subsection 2 of section 104.372 for members of the general assembly.

            5. Each person who is not an employee and not a retiree and is eligible for a deferred annuity from the closed plan and returns to covered employment on or after July 1, 2000, shall be covered under the closed plan; provided, such person shall elect whether or not to change to the year 2000 plan coverage prior to the last business day of the month before the person's annuity starting date, and if such election has not been made within such time, annuity payments due beginning on and after the month of the annuity starting date shall be made the month following the receipt by the appropriate system of such election and any other information required by the year 2000 plan created by sections 104.1003 to 104.1093 and the election must be after the person has received from the year 2000 plan a written comparison of the person's closed plan coverage and the person's potential year 2000 plan coverage and the election must be made in writing on a form furnished by the appropriate board. If such person dies after the annuity starting date but before making such election and providing such other information, no benefits shall be paid except as required under section 104.420 or subsection 2 of section 104.372 for members of the general assembly.

            6. Each person who is not an employee and not a retiree and not eligible for a deferred annuity from the closed plan but has forfeited creditable service with the closed plan and becomes an employee on or after August 28, 2002, shall be changed to year 2000 plan coverage and upon receiving credited service continuously for one year shall receive credited service for all such forfeited creditable service under the closed plan.

            7. Each person who was employed as a member of the general assembly through December 31, 2000, covered under the closed plan, and has served at least two full biennial assemblies as defined in subdivision [(24)] (25) of subsection 1 of section 104.010 but who is not eligible for a deferred annuity under the closed plan shall be eligible to receive benefits under the new plan pursuant to subdivision (5) of subsection 2 of this section upon meeting the age requirements under the new plan.

            8. The retirees and persons described in subsections 2 and 4 of this section shall be eligible for benefits under those subsections pursuant to subsection 8 of section 104.610.

            9. A member may change a member's plan election made under this section at any time prior to the system mailing or electronically transferring the first annuity payment to such member.

            104.1021. 1. The appropriate board shall determine how much credited service shall be given each member consistent with this section.

            2. If a member terminates employment and is eligible to receive an annuity pursuant to the year 2000 plan, or becomes a vested former member at the time of termination, the member's or former member's unused sick leave as reported through the financial and human resources system maintained by the office of administration by the last department that employed the member prior to retirement, or if a department's employees are not paid salaries or wages through such system, as reported directly by the department that last employed the member prior to retirement, for which the member has not been paid will be converted to credited service at the time of application for retirement benefits. The member shall receive one-twelfth of a year of credited service for each one hundred and sixty-eight hours of such unused sick leave. The employing department shall not certify unused sick leave unless such unused sick leave could have been used by the member for sickness or injury. The rate of accrual of sick leave for purposes of computing years of service pursuant to this section shall be no greater than ten hours per month. Such credited service shall not be used in determining the member's eligibility for retirement or final average pay. Such credited service shall be added to the credited service in the last position of employment held as a member of the system.

            3. If a member is employed in a covered position and simultaneously employed in one or more other covered or noncovered positions, credited service shall be determined as if all such employment were in one position, and covered pay shall be the total of pay for all such positions.             4. In calculating any annuity, "credited service" means a period expressed as whole years and any fraction of a year measured in twelfths that begins on the date an employee commences employment in a covered position and ends on the date such employee's membership terminates pursuant to section 104.1018 plus any additional period for which the employee is credited with service pursuant to this section.

            5. A member shall be credited for all military service after membership commences as required by state and federal law.

            6. Any member who had active military service in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Army or Air National Guard, Coast Guard, or any reserve component thereof prior to last becoming a member, or who is otherwise ineligible to receive credited service pursuant to subsection 1 or 5 of this section, and who became a member after the person's discharge from military service under honorable conditions may elect, prior to retirement, to purchase credited service for all such military service, but not to exceed four years, provided the person is not receiving and is not eligible to receive retirement credits or benefits from any other public or private retirement plan, other than a United States military service retirement system, for the military service to be purchased along with the submission of appropriate documentation verifying the member's dates of active service. The purchase shall be effected by the member paying to the system an amount equal to the state's contributions that would have been made to the system on the member's behalf had the member been a member for the period for which the member is electing to purchase credit and had the member's pay during such period of membership been the same as the annual pay rate as of the date the member was initially employed as a member, with the calculations based on the contribution rate in effect on the date of such member's employment with simple interest calculated from the date of employment to the date of election pursuant to this subsection. The payment shall be made over a period of not longer than two years, measured from the date of election, and with simple interest on the unpaid balance. If a member who purchased credited service pursuant to this subsection dies prior to retirement, the surviving spouse may, upon written request, receive a refund of the amount contributed for such purchase of such credited service, provided the surviving spouse is not entitled to survivorship benefits payable pursuant to the provisions of section 104.1030.

            7. Any member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall receive credited service for the creditable prior service that such employee would have been entitled to under the closed plan pursuant to section 104.339, subsections 2, and 6 to 9 of section 104.340, subsection 12 of section 104.342, section 104.344, subsection 4 of section 104.345, subsection 4 of section 104.372, section 178.640, and section 211.393, provided such service has not been credited under the closed plan.

            8. Any member who has service in both systems and dies or terminates employment shall have the member's service in the other system transferred to the last system that covered such member and any annuity payable to such member shall be paid by that system. Any such member may elect to transfer service between systems prior to termination of employment, provided, any annuity payable to such member shall be paid by the last system that covered such member prior to the receipt of such annuity.

            9. In no event shall any person or member receive credited service pursuant to the year 2000 plan if that same service is credited for retirement benefits under any defined benefit retirement system not created pursuant to this chapter.

            10. Any additional credited service as described in subsections 5 to 7 of this section shall be added to the credited service in the first position of employment held as a member of the system. Any additional creditable service received pursuant to section 105.691 shall be added to the credited service in the position of employment held at the time the member completes the purchase or transfer pursuant to such section.

            11. A member may not purchase any credited service described in this section unless the member has met the five-year minimum service requirement as provided in subdivisions (11) and (20) of subsection 1 of section 104.1003, the three full biennial assemblies minimum service requirement as provided in section 104.1084, or the four-year minimum service requirement as provided in section 104.1084.

            12. Absences taken by an employee without compensation for sickness and injury of the employee of less than twelve months or for leave taken by such employee without compensation pursuant to the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 shall be counted as years of credited service.

            104.1030. 1. If a member with five or more years of credited service or a vested former member dies before such member's or such vested former member's annuity starting date, the applicable annuity provided in this section shall be paid.

            2. The member's surviving spouse who was married to the member at the date of death shall receive an annuity computed as if such member had:

            (1) Retired on the date of death with a normal retirement annuity based upon credited service and final average pay to the date of death, and without reduction if the member's age was younger than normal retirement eligibility;

            (2) Elected option 2 provided for in section 104.1027; and

            (3) Designated such spouse as beneficiary under such option.

            3. If a spouse annuity is not payable pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 of this section, or when a spouse annuity has ceased to be payable, eighty percent of an annuity computed in the same manner as if the member had retired on the date of death with a normal retirement annuity based upon credited service and final average pay to the date of death and without reduction if the member's age at death was younger than normal retirement eligibility shall be divided equally among the dependent children of the deceased member. A child shall be a dependent child until death or attainment of age twenty-one, whichever occurs first; provided the age twenty-one maximum shall be extended for any child who has been found totally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction. Benefits otherwise payable to a child under eighteen years of age shall be payable to the surviving parent as a natural guardian of such child if such parent has custody or assumes custody of such minor child or to the legal conservator of such child until such child attains age eighteen. Upon a child ceasing to be a dependent child, that child's portion of the dependent annuity shall cease to be paid, and the amounts payable to any remaining dependent children shall be proportionately increased.

            4. For the purpose of computing the amount of an annuity payable pursuant to this section, if the board finds that the death was the natural and proximate result of a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of his or her actual performance of duty as an employee, then the minimum annuity to such member's spouse or, if no spouse benefits are payable, the minimum annuity that shall be divided among and paid to such member's dependent children shall be fifty percent of final average pay. The credited service requirement of subsection 1 of this section shall not apply to any annuity payable pursuant to this subsection.             5. The provisions of this section shall apply to members of the general assembly and statewide elected officials except that the credited service and monthly pay requirements described in section 104.1084 shall apply notwithstanding any other language to the contrary contained in this section.

            104.1039. If a retiree is employed as an employee by a department, the retiree shall not receive an annuity payment for any calendar month in which the retiree is so employed. While reemployed the retiree shall be considered to be a new employee with no previous credited service and must accrue credited service continuously for at least one year in order to receive any additional annuity. Such retiree shall receive an additional annuity in addition to the original annuity, calculated based only on the credited service and the pay earned by such retiree during reemployment and paid in accordance with the annuity option originally elected; provided such retiree who ceases to receive an annuity pursuant to this section shall not receive such additional annuity if such retiree is employed by a department in a position that is covered by a state-sponsored defined benefit retirement plan not created pursuant to this chapter. The original annuity and any additional annuity shall be paid commencing as of the end of the first month after the month during which the retiree's reemployment terminates. Cost-of-living adjustments paid under section 104.1045 shall not accrue while a retiree is employed as described in this section. Any future cost-of-living adjustments paid after the retiree terminates such employment will be paid in the same month as the retiree's original annual benefit increases were paid.

            104.1051. 1. Any annuity provided pursuant to the year 2000 plan is marital property and a court of competent jurisdiction may divide such annuity between the parties to any action for dissolution of marriage if at the time of the dissolution the member has at least five years of credited service pursuant to sections 104.1003 to 104.1093. A division of benefits order issued pursuant to this section:

            (1) Shall not require the applicable retirement system to provide any form or type of annuity or retirement plan not selected by the member;

            (2) Shall not require the applicable retirement system to commence payments until the member's annuity starting date;

            (3) Shall identify the monthly amount to be paid to the former spouse, which shall be expressed as a percentage and which shall not exceed fifty percent of the amount of the member's annuity accrued during all or part of the period of the marriage of the member and former spouse and which shall be based on the member's vested annuity on the date of the dissolution of marriage or an earlier date as specified in the order, which amount shall be adjusted proportionately upon the annuity starting date if the member's annuity is reduced due to the receipt of an early retirement annuity or the member's annuity is reduced pursuant to section 104.1027 under an annuity option in which the member named the alternate payee as beneficiary prior to the dissolution of marriage;

            (4) Shall not require the payment of an annuity amount to the member and former spouse which in total exceeds the amount which the member would have received without regard to the order;

            (5) Shall provide that any annuity increases, additional years of credited service, increased final average pay, increased pay pursuant to subsections 2 and 5 of section 104.1084, or other type of increases accrued after the date of the dissolution of marriage and any temporary annuity received pursuant to subsection 4 of section 104.1024 shall accrue solely to the benefit of the member; except that on or after September 1, 2001, any cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) due after the annuity starting date shall not be considered to be an increase accrued after the date of termination of marriage and shall be part of the monthly amount subject to division pursuant to any order issued after September 1, 2001;

            (6) Shall terminate upon the death of either the member or the former spouse, whichever occurs first;

            (7) Shall not create an interest which is assignable or subject to any legal process;

            (8) Shall include the name, address, and date of birth[, and Social Security number] of both the member and the former spouse, and the identity of the retirement system to which it applies;

            (9) Shall be consistent with any other division of benefits orders which are applicable to the same member;

            (10) Shall not require the applicable retirement system to continue payments to the alternate payee if the member's retirement benefit is suspended or waived as provided by this chapter but such payments shall resume when the retiree begins to receive retirement benefits in the future.

            2. A system shall provide the court having jurisdiction of a dissolution of a marriage proceeding or the parties to the proceeding with information necessary to issue a division of benefits order concerning a member of the system, upon written request from either the court, the member, or the member's spouse, citing this section and identifying the case number and parties.

            3. A system shall have the discretionary authority to reject a division of benefits order for the following reasons:

            (1) The order does not clearly state the rights of the member and the former spouse;

            (2) The order is inconsistent with any law governing the retirement system.

            4. Any member of the closed plan who elected the year 2000 plan pursuant to section 104.1015 and then becomes divorced and subject to a division of benefits order shall have the division of benefits order calculated pursuant to the provisions of the year 2000 plan.

            104.1054. 1. The benefits provided to each member and each member's spouse, beneficiary, or former spouse under the year 2000 plan are hereby made obligations of the state of Missouri and are an incident of every member's continued employment with the state. No alteration, amendment, or repeal of the year 2000 plan shall affect the then-existing rights of members, or their spouses, beneficiaries or former spouses, but shall be effective only as to rights which would otherwise accrue hereunder as a result of services rendered by a member after such alteration, amendment, or repeal.

            2. Except as otherwise provided in section 104.1051, any annuity, benefit, funds, property, or rights created by, or accruing or paid to, any person covered under the year 2000 plan shall not be subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, writ of sequestration, or any other process or claim whatsoever, and shall be unassignable, except with regard to the collection of child support and maintenance, and except that a beneficiary may assign life insurance proceeds. Any retiree may request the executive director, in writing, to withhold and pay on his behalf to the proper person, from each of his monthly annuity payments, if the payment is large enough, the contribution due from the retiree to any group providing state-sponsored life or medical insurance and to the Missouri state employees charitable campaign.

            3. The executive director shall, when requested in writing by a retiree, withhold and pay over the funds authorized in subsection 2 of this section until such time as the request to do so is revoked by the death or written revocation of the retiree.

            4. In the event any amount is due a deceased member, survivor, or beneficiary who dies after September 1, 2002, and the member's survivor's, or beneficiary's financial institution is unable to accept the final payments due to the member, survivor, or beneficiary, such amount shall be paid to the person or entity designated in writing as beneficiary to receive such amount by such member, survivor, or beneficiary. The member, survivor, or beneficiary may designate in writing a beneficiary to receive any final payment due after the death of a member, survivor, or beneficiary pursuant to this chapter. If no living person or entity so designated as beneficiary exists at the time of death, such amount shall be paid to the surviving spouse married to the deceased member, survivor, or beneficiary at the time of death. If no surviving spouse exists, such amount shall be paid to the surviving children [or their descendants] of such member, survivor, or beneficiary in equal parts. If no surviving children [or any of their descendants] exist, such amount shall be paid to the surviving parents of such member, survivor, or beneficiary in equal parts. If no surviving parents exist, such amount shall be paid to the surviving brothers[,] or sisters[, or their descendants] of such member, survivor, or beneficiary in equal parts. If no surviving brothers[,] or sisters[, or their descendants] exist, payment may be made as otherwise permitted by law. Notwithstanding this subsection, any amount due to a deceased member as payment of all or part of a lump sum pursuant to subsection 6 of section 104.1024 shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse married to the member at the time of death, and otherwise payment may be made as provided in this subsection. In the event any amount that is due to a person from either system remains unclaimed [by such member] for a period of four years or more, such amount shall automatically revert to the credit of the fund of the member's system. If an application is made for such amount after such reversion, the board shall pay such amount to the person from the board's fund, except that no interest shall be paid on such amounts after the date of the reversion to the fund.

            5. All annuities payable pursuant to the year 2000 plan shall be determined based upon the law in effect on the last date of termination of employment.

            6. The beneficiary of any member who purchased creditable service in the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall receive a refund upon the member's death equal to the amount of any purchase less any retirement benefits received by the member unless an annuity is payable to a survivor or beneficiary as a result of the member's death. In such event, the beneficiary of the survivor or beneficiary who received the annuity shall receive a refund upon the survivor's or beneficiary's death equal to the amount of the member's purchase of services less any annuity amounts received by the member and the survivor or beneficiary.

            104.1060. 1. Should any error result in any person receiving more or less than the person would have been entitled to receive had the error not occurred, the board shall correct such error, and, as far as practicable, make future payments in such a manner that the actuarial equivalent of the annuity to which such person was entitled shall be paid, and to this end may recover any overpayments. In all cases in which [an] such error has been made, no such error shall be corrected unless the system discovers or is notified of such error within ten years after the initial date of error.

            2. A person who knowingly makes a false statement, or falsifies or permits to be falsified a record of the system, in an attempt to defraud the system shall be subject to fine or imprisonment under the Missouri revised statutes.

            3. A board shall not pay an annuity to any survivor or beneficiary who is charged with the intentional killing of a member, retiree or survivor without legal excuse or justification. A survivor or beneficiary who is convicted of such charge shall no longer be entitled to receive an annuity. If the survivor or beneficiary is not convicted of such charge, the board shall resume annuity payments and shall pay the survivor or beneficiary any annuity payments that were suspended pending resolution of such charge.

            105.684. 1. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no plan shall adopt or implement any additional benefit increase, supplement, enhancement, lump sum benefit payments to participants, or cost-of-living adjustment beyond current plan provisions in effect prior to August 28, 2007, unless the plan's actuary determines that the funded ratio of the most recent periodic actuarial valuation and prior to such adoption or implementation is at least eighty percent and will not be less than seventy-five percent after such adoption or implementation.

            2. The unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities associated with benefit changes described in this section shall be amortized over a period not to exceed twenty years for purposes of determining the contributions associated with the adoption or implementation of any such benefit increase, supplement, or enhancement.

            3. Any plan with a funded ratio below sixty percent shall have the actuary prepare an accelerated contribution schedule based on a descending amortization period for inclusion in the actuarial valuation.

            4. Nothing in this section shall apply to any plan established under chapter 70 or chapter 476.

            5. Nothing in this section shall prevent a plan from adopting and implementing any provision necessary to maintain a plan's status as a qualified trust pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 401(a).

            476.515. 1. As used in sections 476.515 to 476.565, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms mean:

            (1) "Beneficiary", a surviving spouse married to the deceased judge continuously for a period of at least two years immediately preceding the judge's death or if there is no surviving spouse eligible to receive benefits pursuant to sections 476.515 to 476.565, the term "beneficiary" shall mean any [minor] child under age twenty-one of the deceased judge, who shall share in the benefits on an equal basis with all other beneficiaries;

            (2) "Benefit", a series of equal monthly payments payable during the life of a judge retiring pursuant to the provisions of sections 476.515 to 476.565 or payable to a beneficiary as provided in sections 476.515 to 476.565; all benefits paid pursuant to sections 476.515 to 476.565 in excess of any contributions made to the system by a judge shall be considered to be a part of the compensation provided a judge for the judge's services;

            (3) "Commissioner of administration", the commissioner of administration of the state of Missouri;

            (4) "Judge", any person who has served or is serving as a judge or commissioner of the supreme court or of the court of appeals; or as a judge of any circuit court, probate court, magistrate court, court of common pleas or court of criminal corrections of this state; as a justice of the peace; or as commissioner or deputy commissioner of the circuit court appointed after February 29, 1972;

            (5) "Salary", the total compensation paid for personal services as a judge by the state or any of its political subdivisions.

            2. A surviving spouse whose benefits were terminated because of remarriage prior to October 1, 1984, shall, upon written application to the board within six months after October 1, 1984, have the surviving spouse's rights as a beneficiary restored. Benefits shall resume as of October 1, 1984.