5828L.07C                                                                                                                                                 D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To repeal sections 103.005, 103.079, 104.110, 104.170, 104.270, 104.372, 104.515, 104.517, 104.625, 104.801, 104.805, 104.806, 104.810, and 104.1072, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof eighteen new sections relating to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan, with an emergency clause.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 103.005, 103.079, 104.110, 104.170, 104.270, 104.372, 104.515, 104.517, 104.625, 104.801, 104.805, 104.806, 104.810, and 104.1072, RSMo, are repealed and eighteen new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 103.005, 103.079, 103.1000, 103.1005, 103.1010, 103.1015, 103.1020, 104.110, 104.170, 104.270, 104.372, 104.515, 104.517, 104.625, 104.805, 104.806, 104.810, and 104.1072, to read as follows:

            103.005. For the purpose of covering medical expenses of the officers, employees and retirees, the eligible dependents of officers, employees and retirees and to the surviving spouses and children of deceased officers, employees and retirees of the state and participating member agencies of the state, there is hereby created and established a health care plan which shall be a body corporate, which shall be under the management of the board of trustees herein described, and shall be known as the "Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan". Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, such plan may sue and be sued, transact business, contract, invest funds and hold cash, securities and other property and shall be vested with such other powers as may be necessary or proper to enable it, its officers, employees, and agents to carry out fully and effectively all the purposes of sections 103.003 to 103.175, except that sections 103.1000 to 103.1020 shall be excluded.

            103.079. 1. The health care programs sponsored by the departments of transportation, state highway patrol, and conservation shall become a part of this plan only upon request to and acceptance by the board of trustees by the Highways and Transportation Commission, the superintendent of the state highway patrol, or the conservation commission and any such transfer into this plan shall be deemed reviewable by such department every three years. Such department may withdraw from the plan upon approval by such department's commission or superintendent and by providing the board a minimum of six months' notice prior to the end of the then current plan year and termination of coverage will become effective at the end of the then current plan year. For any of the foregoing state agencies choosing to participate, the plan shall not assume responsibility for any liabilities incurred by the agency or its eligible employees, retirees, or dependents prior to its effective date.

            2. The board shall conduct an actuarial analysis and report to the general assembly, on or before December 31, 2012, of the feasibility of including in this plan the health plans sponsored by the departments of transportation and conservation. The plan and the health plan sponsored by the department of transportation shall provide the actuary the data and funding needed to perform the actuarial analysis.

            103.1000. Beginning January 1, 2013, the state Highways and Transportation Commission and the superintendent of the state highway patrol shall provide for benefits to cover medical expenses for members of the closed plan and members, retirees, and vested former members of the year 2000 plan of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system. Contributions by the state Highways and Transportation Commission and the superintendent of the state highway patrol to provide the benefits shall be on the same basis as provided for other state employees under the provisions of section 104.515. The cost of benefits for dependents of retirees shall be paid by the retirees under section 103.1015. The commission and superintendent may contract with other persons or entities including but not limited to third-party administrators, health network providers, and health maintenance organizations for all or any part of the benefits provided for in this section. The commission and the superintendent may require reimbursement of any medical claims paid by the commission's medical plan for which there was third-party liability.

            103.1005. 1. For the purposes of sections 103.1000 to 103.1020, the term "members" means individuals covered under the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan that include the following:

            (1) A member of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, as defined in section 104.010 and a member, retiree, or former vested member of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, as defined in section 104.1003;

            (2) At the member's election, a spouse or dependent child of the member. Such spouse or child shall be able to participate in the program of insurance benefits to cover medical expenses under the provisions of sections 103.1000 to 103.1020; or

            (3) An individual who was a lawful spouse or a dependent of a member described in subdivision (1) of this subsection, and enrolled in the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan at the time of death of the deceased member, and meets the eligibility requirements of the health care plan. Such individual may continue to receive benefits to cover medical expenses at the rate which would have been applicable to the member.

            2. For the purposes of sections 103.1000 to 103.1020, "board of trustees" or "board" means the body established to provide for the general administration of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan. The board shall be comprised of the following eight members:

            (1) Three Missouri department of transportation employees appointed by the director and approved by the Highways and Transportation Commission;

            (2) Three Missouri state highway patrol employees appointed by the superintendent of the state highway patrol;

            (3) One retired Missouri department of transportation employee appointed by the director and approved by the Highways and Transportation Commission; and

            (4) One retired Missouri state highway patrol employee appointed by the superintendent of the state highway patrol.

            103.1010. 1. For the purpose of covering medical expenses of the members, there is hereby created and established a health care plan which shall be under the management of the board of trustees herein described, and shall be known as the "Missouri Department of Transportation and Highway Patrol Health Care Plan".

            2. The board may promulgate rules to implement the provisions of sections 103.1000 to 103.1020. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly under chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after the effective date of this section, shall be invalid and void.

            103.1015. 1. The state Highways and Transportation Commission and the superintendent of the highway patrol shall determine the premium amount for medical benefits under the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan required for members based on the recommendations of the board. Such premium amount for medical benefits under the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan shall be the amount which, together with the state's contribution, is required to fund the benefits provided by the plan, taking into account necessary actuarial reserves. All such premium amounts shall be paid to the board of trustees at the time that each member's wages, salary, or benefit would normally be paid. The premium amounts so remitted will be placed in the separate account for medical benefits specified in section 104.515. In lieu of the availability of premium deductions, the commission and the superintendent may establish alternative methods for the collection of premium amounts.

            2. Any promulgated rule established by the board regarding the contributions for the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan shall:

            (1) Base the employer's contribution for eligible members on creditable years of service at retirement as certified by the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system;

            (2) Base the employer's contribution on a rate that multiplies each creditable year of service of a member by at least two percent for each creditable year, up to sixty percent for thirty years of creditable years of service; and

            (3) For retirees and eligible members that retire prior to January 1, 2013, maintain the employer's contribution rate subject to the provision of this section but the rate shall not be less than forty percent for such retiree.

            103.1020. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any law enacted by the general assembly which mandates the coverage of specific health benefits, services, or providers in the policies or contracts of insurers, health services corporations, health maintenance organizations, or other third-party payors on and after January 1, 1991, shall also apply to the health benefit plans of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, and any other health benefit plan provided by the state on behalf of its employees.

            104.110. 1. Any employee, regardless of the length of time of creditable service, who is affirmatively found by the board to be wholly incapable of performing the duties of the employee's or any other position in the employee's department for which the employee is suited, shall be entitled to receive disability benefits. The disability benefit provided by this subsection shall equal one and six-tenths percent of the employee's average compensation multiplied by the number of years of creditable service of the member. Effective September 1, 2003, no employee is eligible for or shall request or apply for the disability benefit provided pursuant to this subsection.

            2. Any uniformed member of the highway patrol, highway patrol employee or department of transportation employee, regardless of the length of time of creditable service, who is found by the board to be disabled as a result of injuries incurred in the performance of the employee's duties, shall be entitled to receive an initial disability benefit in an amount equal to seventy percent of the compensation that the employee was receiving on the date preceding the date of disability; provided, however, that the amount of the disability benefit, plus any primary Social Security disability benefits received by such member shall not exceed ninety percent of the monthly compensation such member was receiving on the date preceding the date of disability.

            3. Any disability benefits payable pursuant to this section shall be decreased by any amount paid to such member for periodic disability benefits by reason of the workers' compensation laws of this state. After termination of payment under workers' compensation, however, disability benefits shall be paid in the amount required by subsections 1, 2, 7, and 9 of this section.

            4. The board of trustees may require a medical examination of a disabled member at any time by a designated physician, and benefits shall be discontinued if the board finds that such member is able to perform the duties of the member's former position or if such member refuses to submit to a medical examination. Any employee who applies for disability benefits provided pursuant to this section shall provide medical certification acceptable to the board which shall include the date the disability commenced and the expected duration of the disability.

            5. Any employee who applies for disability benefits pursuant to subsections 2 and 7 of this section shall provide proof of application for Social Security disability benefits. If Social Security disability benefits are denied, the employee shall also provide proof that the employee has requested reconsideration, and upon denial of the reconsideration, that an appeal process is prosecuted.

            6. The disability benefits provided in this section shall not be paid to any member who retains or regains earning capacity as determined by the board. If a member who has been receiving disability benefits again becomes an employee, the member's disability benefits shall be discontinued.

            7. The board shall also provide or contract for long-term disability benefits for those members whose disability exists or is diagnosed as being of such nature as to exist for more than one year. The benefits provided or contracted for pursuant to this subsection shall be in lieu of any other benefit provided in this section. The eligibility requirements, benefit period and amount of the disability benefits provided pursuant to this subsection shall be established by the board.

            8. Definitions of disability and other rules and procedures necessary for administration of the disability benefits provided pursuant to this section shall be established by the board.

            9. Any member receiving disability benefits pursuant to subsections 1 and 2 of this section shall receive the same cost-of-living increases as granted to retired members pursuant to section 104.103.

            10. The state Highways and Transportation Commission shall contribute the same amount as provided for all state employees for any person receiving disability benefits pursuant to subsection 2 of this section for medical insurance provided pursuant to section 104.270 and sections 103.1000 to 103.1020.

            11. Any member who qualified for disability benefits pursuant to subsection 2 or subsection 7 of this section shall continue to accrue normal annuity benefits based on the member's rate of pay immediately prior to the date the member became disabled in accordance with sections 104.090 and 104.615 as in effect on the earlier of the date the member reaches normal retirement age or the date normal annuity payments commence.

            12. A member who continues to be disabled as provided in subsection 2 or subsection 7 of this section shall continue to accrue creditable service until the member reaches normal retirement age. The maximum benefits period for benefits pursuant to subsections 2 and 7 of this section shall be established by the board. A member who is eligible to retire and does retire while receiving disability benefits pursuant to subsections 2 and 7 of this section shall receive the greater of the normal annuity or the minimum annuity determined pursuant to sections 104.090 and 104.615, as if the member had continued in the active employ of the employer until the member's normal retirement age and the member's compensation for such period had been the member's rate of pay immediately preceding the date the member became disabled.

            13. Any member who was receiving disability benefits from the board prior to August 28, 1997, or any member who has submitted an application for disability benefits before August 28, 1997, and would have been eligible to receive benefits pursuant to the eligibility requirements which were applicable at the time of application shall be eligible to receive or shall continue to receive benefits in accordance with such prior eligibility requirements until the member again becomes an employee.

            14. Any member receiving disability benefits pursuant to subsection 1, subsection 2 or subsection 7 of this section shall be eligible to receive death benefits pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 of section 104.140.

The death benefits provided pursuant to this subsection shall be in lieu of the death benefits available to the member pursuant to subsection 2 of section 104.140.

            15. The board is authorized to contract for benefits in lieu of the benefits provided pursuant to this section.

            16. To the extent that the board enters or has entered into any contract with any insurer or service organization to provide the disability benefits provided for pursuant to this section:

            (1) The obligation to provide such disability benefits shall be primarily that of the insurer or service organization and secondarily that of the board;

            (2) Any employee who has been denied disability benefits by the insurer or service organization and has exhausted all appeal procedures provided by the insurer or service organization may appeal such decision by filing a petition against the insurer or service organization in a court of law in the employee's county of residence; and

            (3) The board and the system shall not be liable for the disability benefits provided by an insurer or service organization pursuant to this section and shall not be subject to any cause of action with regard to disability benefits or the denial of disability benefits by the insurer or service organization unless the employee has obtained judgment against the insurer or service organization for disability benefits and the insurer or service organization is unable to satisfy that judgment.

            17. An employee may elect to waive the receipt of any disability benefit provided for pursuant to this section at any time.

            18. Any member receiving disability benefits pursuant to subsections 1 and 2 of this section shall be eligible for a death benefit of five thousand dollars in addition to any benefits under subsection 14 of this section.

            104.170. 1. The board shall elect by secret ballot one member as chair and one member as vice chair at the first board meeting of each year. The chair may not serve more than two consecutive terms beginning after August 13, 1988. The chair shall preside over meetings of the board and perform such other duties as may be required by action of the board. The vice chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the absence of the latter or upon the chair's inability or refusal to act.

            2. The board shall appoint a full-time executive director, who shall not be compensated for any other duties under the state Highways and Transportation Commission. The executive director shall have charge of the offices and records and shall hire such employees that the executive director deems necessary subject to the direction of the board. The executive director and all other employees of the system shall be members of the system and the board shall make contributions to provide the insurance benefits available pursuant to section 104.270 and sections 103.1000 to 103.1020 on the same basis as provided for other state employees pursuant to the provisions of section 104.515, and also shall make contributions to provide the retirement benefits on the same basis as provided for other employees pursuant to the provisions of sections 104.090 to 104.260. The executive director is authorized to execute all documents including contracts necessary to carry out any and all actions of the board.

            3. Any summons or other writ issued by the courts of the state shall be served upon the executive director or, in the executive director's absence, on the assistant director.

            104.270. The state Highways and Transportation Commission [may] and superintendent of the state highway patrol shall provide for benefits to cover [medical expenses and] death, life, and disability for members of the closed and members, retirees, and vested former members of the year 2000 [plans] plan of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system. [Any plan may provide medical benefits for dependents of members and for retirees of the closed and year 2000 plans and for persons entitled to deferred annuities in the closed and year 2000 plans and their dependents.] Death benefits shall be comparable to those provided for in section 104.517. Contributions by the state Highways and Transportation Commission and superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol to provide the benefits shall be on the same basis as provided for other state employees under the provisions of [section] sections 104.515 and 104.517. [Except as otherwise provided by law, the cost of benefits for dependents of members and for retirees and their dependents shall be paid by the members or retirees.] The commission and superintendent may contract with other persons or entities including but not limited to third-party administrators[, health network providers, and health maintenance organizations] for all, or any part of, the benefits provided for in this section. [The commission may require reimbursement of any medical claims paid by the commission's medical plan for which there was third-party liability.]

            104.372. 1. (1) In the event a person who served as a member of the general assembly or in an elective state office on or after September 1, 1976, and who retired after September 1, 1976, dies, a survivor's income in an amount equal to fifty percent of the monthly annuity the retired member was receiving at the time of the member's death shall be paid in monthly installments to such deceased retired member's surviving spouse; provided such surviving spouse was married to the deceased retired member of the general assembly or elected official on the date of the member's death; or if there is no surviving spouse eligible to receive such survivor's income, then such survivor's income shall be payable to any children under the age of twenty-one of the deceased member of the general assembly or elective official in equal shares in a total amount equal to such survivor's income that would otherwise have been paid to the surviving spouse until the children reach twenty-one years of age. The benefits shall be funded as provided in section 104.436; or

            (2) Upon the death of a person who served as a member of the general assembly or in an elective state office on or after September 1, 1976, and who retired pursuant to the provisions of this chapter on or after September 1, 1976, and who terminated employment before August 28, 1988, such deceased retired member's surviving spouse, who was married to the deceased retired member on the date of the member's death, may apply to the board of trustees and shall be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging and other state matters for the remainder of the surviving spouse's life, and upon request of the board shall give opinions, and be available to give opinions in writing, or orally, in response to such requests. As compensation for such services, beginning the first of the month following application, such surviving spouse shall receive monthly an amount equal to fifty percent of the monthly annuity the retired member was receiving at the time of the member's death.

            2. If a member of the general assembly who has served in at least three full biennial assemblies dies before retirement, pursuant to the provisions of sections 104.312 to [104.801] 104.800, a survivor's benefit shall be paid in an amount equal to fifty percent of the member's accrued annuity calculated as if the member were of normal retirement age as of the member's death. The survivor's benefit shall be paid in monthly installments to such deceased member's surviving spouse; provided such surviving spouse was married to the deceased member of the general assembly on the date of the member's death; or if there is no surviving spouse eligible to receive such survivor's benefit, such survivor's benefit shall be payable to any children under the age of twenty-one of the deceased member of the general assembly in equal shares in a total amount equal to such survivor's benefit that would otherwise have been paid to the surviving spouse until the children reach twenty-one years of age.

            3. In the event a person who has held one or more statewide state elective offices for a total of at least twelve years, and whose retirement benefits have been calculated and are being paid pursuant to the provisions of section 104.371, dies, a survivor's benefit in an amount equal to fifty percent of the benefits being paid the member pursuant to section 104.371 shall be paid to the member's surviving spouse. The survivor's benefits shall be paid in the manner provided in section 104.371.

            4. Every member of the state employees' retirement system who had previous state employment by a state agency by virtue of which the person was a member of the public school retirement system of Missouri and has previously withdrawn the person's employee contribution to the public school retirement system shall upon request if qualified pursuant to the provisions of this subsection receive creditable prior service in the state employees' retirement system for such service notwithstanding any other provisions of law. The public school retirement system shall pay to the state employees' retirement system an amount equal to the contribution paid to the public school retirement system on behalf of the employee by the employee's employer, and the commissioner of administration shall pay an equal amount to the state employees' retirement system from funds appropriated from the general revenue fund for such purpose. In no event shall any person receive credit for the same period of service under more than one retirement system.

            5. Upon the death of a person who served as a member of the general assembly or in an elective state office before September 1, 1976, and who retired and chose a normal annuity pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, such deceased retired member's surviving spouse, who was married to the member on the date of the member's death, may apply to the board of trustees and shall be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of retirement, aging, and other state matters for the remainder of the surviving spouse's life, and upon request of the board shall give opinions, and be available to give opinions in writing, or orally, in response to such requests. As compensation for such services, beginning the first of the month following application, such surviving spouse shall receive monthly an amount equal to fifty percent of the monthly annuity the retired member was receiving at the time of the member's death.

            6. Survivor benefits shall be paid pursuant to section 104.420 in lieu of any other provisions of this section to the contrary if the member of the general assembly or statewide elected official:

            (1) Dies on or after August 28, 2001;

            (2) Had a vested right to an annuity; and

            (3) Was not receiving an annuity.

            7. Survivor benefits shall be paid pursuant to section 104.395 in lieu of any other provisions of this section to the contrary if the member of the general assembly or statewide elected official elects a survivor benefit option pursuant to section 104.395, and dies on or after August 28, 2001.

            104.515. 1. Separate accounts for medical, life insurance and disability benefits provided pursuant to sections 103.1000 to 103.1020 and sections 104.517 and 104.518 shall be established as part of the fund. The funds, property and return on investments of the separate account shall not be commingled with any other funds, property and investment return of the system. All benefits and premiums are paid solely from the separate account for medical, life insurance and disability benefits provided pursuant to this section.

            2. The state shall contribute an amount as appropriated by law and approved by the governor per month for medical benefits, life insurance and long-term disability benefits as provided pursuant to this section and sections 103.1015, 104.517, and 104.518. Such amounts shall include the cost of providing life insurance benefits for each active employee who is a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, a member of the public school retirement system and who is employed by a state agency other than an institution of higher learning, a member of the retirement system established by sections 287.812 to 287.855, the judicial retirement system, each legislator and official holding an elective state office, members not on payroll status who are receiving workers' compensation benefits, and [if the state Highways and Transportation Commission so elects,] those employees who are members of the state transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system; [if the state Highways and Transportation Commission so elects to join the plan,] the state shall contribute an amount as appropriated by law for medical benefits for those employees who are members of the transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system; an additional amount equal to the amount required, based on competitive bidding or determined actuarially, to fund the retired members' death benefit or life insurance benefit, or both, provided in subsection 4 of this section and the disability benefits provided in section 104.518. This amount shall be reported as a separate item in the monthly certification of required contributions which the commissioner of administration submits to the state treasurer and shall be deposited to the separate account for medical, life insurance and disability benefits. All contributions made on behalf of members of the state transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall be made from [highway] federal and state funds. [If the Highways and Transportation Commission so elects, The spouses and unemancipated children under twenty-three years of age of employees who are members of the state transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall be able to participate in the program of insurance benefits to cover medical expenses pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3 of this section.]

            3. The board shall determine the premium amounts required for participating employees. The premium amounts shall be the amount, which, together with the state's contribution, is required to fund the benefits provided, taking into account necessary actuarial reserves. Separate premiums shall be established for employees' benefits and a separate premium or schedule of premiums shall be established for benefits for spouses and unemancipated children under twenty-three years of age of participating employees. The employee's premiums for spouse and children benefits shall be established to cover that portion of the cost of such benefits which is not paid for by contributions by the state. All such premium amounts shall be paid to the board of trustees at the time that each employee's wages or salary would normally be paid. The premium amounts so remitted will be placed in the separate account for medical, life insurance and disability benefits. In lieu of the availability of premium deductions, the board may establish alternative methods for the collection of premium amounts.

            4. (1) The Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health plan's board of trustees shall determine the premium amounts for life insurance benefits, required for participating employees.

            (2) The Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system's board of trustees shall determine the premium amounts for disability benefits required for participating employees.

            (3) The premium amount for medical benefits for members of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health plan shall be determined under sections 103.1000 to 103.1020.

            (4) The premium amounts shall be the amount, which, together with the state's contribution, is required to fund the benefits provided, taking into account necessary actuarial reserves. Separate premiums shall be established for employees' benefits and a separate premium or schedule of premiums shall be established for benefits for spouses and dependent children, as required by law, of participating employees. The employee's premiums for spouse and children benefits shall be established to cover that portion of the cost of such benefits which is not paid for by contributions by the employer. All such premium amounts shall be paid to the board of trustees at the time that each employee's wages or salary would normally be paid. The premium amounts so remitted will be placed in the separate account for medical, life insurance and disability benefits. In lieu of the availability of premium deductions, the board may establish alternative methods for the collection of premium amounts.

            5. Each special consultant eligible for life benefits employed by a board of trustees of a retirement system as provided in section 104.610 who is a member of the Missouri state life insurance plan or Missouri state transportation department and Missouri state highway patrol life insurance plan shall, in addition to duties prescribed in section 104.610 or any other law, and upon request of the board of trustees, give the board, orally or in writing, a short detailed statement on life insurance and death benefit problems affecting retirees. As compensation for the extra duty imposed by this subsection, any special consultant as defined above, other than a special consultant entitled to a deferred normal annuity pursuant to section 104.035 or 104.335, who retires on or after September 28, 1985, shall receive as a part of compensation for these extra duties, a death benefit of five thousand dollars, and any special consultant who terminates employment on or after August 28, 1999, after reaching normal or early retirement age and becomes a retiree within sixty days of such termination shall receive five thousand dollars of life insurance coverage. In addition, each special consultant who is a member of the transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system medical insurance plan shall also provide the board, upon request of the board, orally or in writing, a short detailed statement on physical, medical and health problems affecting retirees. As compensation for this extra duty, each special consultant as defined above shall receive, in addition to all other compensation provided by law, [nine dollars, or] an amount equivalent to that provided to other special consultants pursuant to the provisions of section 103.115. In addition, any special consultant as defined in section 287.820 or section 476.601 who terminates employment and immediately retires on or after August 28, 1995, shall receive as a part of compensation for these duties, a death benefit of five thousand dollars and any special consultant who terminates employment on or after August 28, 1999, after reaching the age of eligibility to receive retirement benefits and becomes a retiree within sixty days of such termination shall receive five thousand dollars of life insurance coverage.

            [5.] 6. Any former employee who is receiving disability income benefits from the Missouri state employees' retirement system or the transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall, upon application with the board of trustees of the Missouri consolidated health care plan or the transportation department employees and highway patrol medical plan, be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the respective board as a special consultant on the problems of the health of disability income recipients and, upon request of the board of trustees of each medical plan, give the board, orally or in writing, a short detailed statement of physical, medical and health problems affecting disability income recipients.

As compensation for the extra duty imposed by this subsection, each such special consultant as defined in this subsection may receive, in addition to all other compensation provided by law, an amount contributed toward medical benefits coverage provided by the Missouri consolidated health care plan or the transportation employees and highway patrol medical plan pursuant to appropriations.

            104.517. 1. The board shall provide or contract, or both, for life insurance benefits for employees pursuant to sections 104.320 to 104.540, persons covered by sections 287.812 to 287.855, and for employees who are members of the judicial retirement system as provided in section 476.590, and at the election of the state Highways and Transportation Commission shall include employees who are members of the state transportation department employees' and highway patrol retirement system. Employees are entitled to fifteen thousand dollars of life insurance until December 31, 2000. Effective January 1, 2001, the system shall provide or contract or both for basic life insurance for employees covered under any retirement plan administered by the system pursuant to this chapter, persons covered by sections 287.812 to 287.856, for employees who are members of the judicial retirement system as provided in section 476.590, and, at the election of the state Highways and Transportation Commission, employees who are members of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system, in an amount equal to one times annual pay, subject to a minimum amount of fifteen thousand dollars. The board shall establish by rule or contract the method for determining the annual rate of pay and any other terms of such insurance as it deems necessary to implement the requirements pursuant to this section. Annual rate of pay shall not include overtime or any other irregular payments as determined by the board. Such life insurance shall provide for triple indemnity in the event the cause of death is a proximate result of a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of actual performance of duty as an employee.

            2. A conversion of such life insurance benefits shall be available. However, a member eligible to receive a lump sum death benefit as provided in subsection [4] 5 of section 104.515 shall be entitled to convert any amount of terminated life insurance benefit in excess of the benefit provided in said section.

            3. (1) In addition to the life insurance authorized by the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, any person for whom life insurance is provided or contracted for pursuant to such subsection may purchase, at the person's own expense and only if monthly voluntary payroll deductions are authorized, additional life insurance at a cost to be stipulated in a contract with a private insurance company or as may be required by the system if the board of trustees determines that the system should provide such insurance itself. The maximum amount of additional life insurance which may be so purchased on or after January 1, 1998, but prior to January 1, 2004, is that amount which equals six times the amount of the person's annual rate of pay, except that if such maximum amount is not evenly divisible by one thousand dollars, then the maximum amount of additional insurance which may be purchased is the next higher amount evenly divisible by one thousand dollars. The maximum amount of additional life insurance which may be so purchased on or after January 1, 2004, is an amount to be stipulated in a contract with a private insurance company or as may be required by the system if the board of trustees determines that the system should provide the insurance itself. The selection of a private insurance company to provide this life insurance shall be on the basis of competitive bidding.             (2) Any person defined in subdivision (1) of this subsection retiring on or after September 1, 1988, may retain an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars of life insurance following the date of his or her retirement if such person makes written application for such life insurance at the same time such person's application is made to the board for retirement benefits. Any person, defined in subdivision (1) of this subsection, retiring on or after May 1, 1996, may retain an amount not to exceed sixty thousand dollars of life insurance following the date of the person's retirement if such person makes written application for such life insurance at the same time such person applies to the board for retirement benefits. Such life insurance shall only be provided if such person pays the entire cost of the insurance, as determined by the board, by allowing voluntary deductions from the member's monthly retirement benefits.

            (3) Effective January 1, 1998, in addition to the life insurance authorized in subsection 1 of this section, any person for whom life insurance is provided or contracted for pursuant to such subsection may purchase, at the person's own expense and only if monthly voluntary payroll deductions are authorized, life insurance covering the person's children or the person's spouse or both the person's children and the person's spouse at coverage amounts to be determined by the board at a cost to be stipulated in a contract with a private insurance company or as may be required by the system if the board of trustees determines that the system should provide such insurance itself.

            4. The highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall provide or contract or both for the death benefit for special consultants in subsection [4] 5 of section 104.515. The highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system may request the state Highways and Transportation Commission to administer the death benefit. If the state Highways and Transportation Commission accepts the obligation to administer the death benefit, the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall reimburse the state Highways and Transportation Commission for any costs or expenses of administering the death benefit.

            5. To the extent that the board enters or has entered into any contract with any insurer or service organization to provide life insurance provided for pursuant to this section:

            (1) The obligation to provide such life insurance shall be primarily that of the insurer or service organization and secondarily that of the board;

            (2) Any member who has been denied life insurance benefits by the insurer or service organization and has exhausted all appeal procedures provided by the insurer or service organization may appeal such decision by filing a petition against the insurer or service organization in a court of law in the member's county of residence; and

            (3) The board and the system shall not be liable for life insurance benefits provided by an insurer or service organization pursuant to this section and shall not be subject to any cause of action with regard to life insurance benefits or the denial of life insurance benefits by the insurer or service organization unless the member has obtained judgment against the insurer or service organization for life insurance benefits and the insurer or service organization is unable to satisfy that judgment.

            104.625. Effective July 1, 2002, any member retiring pursuant to the provisions of sections 104.010 to [104.801] 104.800, except an elected official or a member of the general assembly, who has not been paid retirement benefits and continues employment for at least two years beyond normal retirement age, may elect to receive an annuity and lump sum payment or payments, determined as follows:

            (1) A retroactive starting date shall be established which shall be a date selected by the member; provided, however, that the retroactive starting date selected by the member shall not be a date which is earlier than the date when a normal annuity would have first been payable. In addition, the retroactive starting date shall not be more than five years prior to the annuity starting date, which shall be the first day of the month with respect to which an amount is paid as an annuity pursuant to this section. The member's selection of a retroactive starting date shall be done in twelve-month increments, except this restriction shall not apply when the member selects the total available time between the retroactive starting date and the annuity starting date;

            (2) The prospective annuity payable as of the annuity starting date shall be determined pursuant to the provisions otherwise applicable under the law, with the exception that it shall be the amount which would have been payable had the member actually retired on the retroactive starting date under the retirement plan selected by the member. Other than for the lump sum payment or payments specified in subdivision (3) of this section, no other amount shall be due for the period between the retroactive starting date and the annuity starting date;

            (3) The lump sum payable shall be ninety percent of the annuity amounts which would have been paid to the member from the retroactive starting date to the annuity starting date had the member actually retired on the retroactive starting date and received a normal annuity. The member shall elect to receive the lump sum amount either in its entirety at the same time as the initial annuity payment is made or in three equal annual installments with the first payment made at the same time as the initial annuity payment;

            (4) Any annuity payable pursuant to this section that is subject to a division of benefit order pursuant to section 104.312 shall be calculated as follows:

            (a) Any service of a member between the retroactive starting date and the annuity starting date shall not be considered creditable service except for purposes of calculating the division of benefit; and

            (b) The lump sum payment described in subdivision (3) of this section shall not be subject to any division of benefit order; and

            (5) For purposes of determining annual benefit increases payable as part of the lump sum and annuity provided pursuant to this section, the retroactive starting date shall be considered the member's date of retirement.

            104.805. 1. Employees who are earning creditable service in the closed plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are, as a result of the provisions of this section and sections 226.008, 389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, transferred to the department of transportation will not become members of the closed plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system unless they elect to transfer membership and creditable service to the closed plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. The election must be in writing and must be made within sixty days of August 28, 2007. Any election to transfer membership and creditable service to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system shall result in the forfeiture of any rights or benefits in the Missouri state employees' retirement system. Any failure to elect to transfer membership and creditable service pursuant to this subsection will result in the employees remaining in the closed plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system. If an election is made, the effective date for commencement of membership and transfer of such creditable service shall be January 1, 2008.             2. Employees who are earning credited service in the year 2000 plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are, as a result of the provisions of this section and sections 226.008, 389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, transferred to the department of transportation will remain in the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri state employees' retirement system unless they elect to transfer membership and credited service to the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. The election must be in writing and must be made within sixty days of August 28, 2007. Any election to transfer membership and credited service to the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system shall result in the forfeiture of any rights or benefits in the Missouri state employees' retirement system. Any failure to elect to transfer membership and credited service pursuant to this subsection will result in the employees remaining in the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri state employees' retirement system. If an election is made, the effective date for commencement of membership and transfer of such creditable service shall be January 1, 2008.

            3. For any employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall pay to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, by December 31, 2007, an amount actuarially determined to equal the liability transferred from the Missouri state employees' retirement system.

            4. In no event shall any employee receive service credit for the same period of service under more than one retirement system as a result of the provisions of this section.

            5. For any transferred employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, the only medical coverage available for the employee shall be the medical coverage provided in [section 104.270] sections 103.1000 to 103.1020. The effective date for commencement of medical coverage shall be January 1, 2008. However, this does not preclude medical coverage for the transferred employee as a dependent under any other health care plan.

            6. Those employees transferred to the department of transportation prior to January 1, 2003, under the provisions of this section and sections 226.008, 389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, shall not be eligible for the election provisions under this section.

            104.806. 1. Employees who are earning creditable service in the closed plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are transferred to the department of transportation as a result of the provisions of executive order 03-05 will not become members of the closed plan of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system unless they elect to transfer membership and creditable service to the closed plan of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system. The election must be in writing and must be made within ninety days of July 1, 2003. Any election to transfer membership and creditable service to the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall result in the forfeiture of any rights or benefits in the Missouri state employees' retirement system. Any failure to elect to transfer membership and creditable service pursuant to this subsection will result in the employees remaining in the closed plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system. If an election is made, the effective date for commencement of membership and transfer of such creditable service shall be January 1, 2004.             2. Employees who are earning credited service in the year 2000 plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are transferred to the department of transportation as a result of the provisions of executive order 03-05 will remain in the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri state employees' retirement system unless they elect to transfer membership and credited service to the year 2000 plan administered by the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system. The election must be in writing and must be made within ninety days of July 1, 2003. Any election to transfer membership and credited service to the year 2000 plan administered by the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall result in the forfeiture of any rights or benefits in the Missouri state employees' retirement system. Any failure to elect to transfer membership and credited service pursuant to this subsection will result in the employees remaining in the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri state employees' retirement system. If an election is made, the effective date for commencement of membership and transfer of such creditable service shall be January 1, 2004.

            3. For any employee who elects pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system, the Missouri state employees' retirement system shall pay to the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system, by December 31, 2003, an amount actuarially determined to equal the liability at the time of the transfer to the extent that liability is funded as of the most recent actuarial valuation, not to exceed one hundred percent.

            4. In no event shall any employee receive service credit for the same period of service under more than one retirement system as a result of the provisions of this section.

            5. For any transferred employee who elects pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system, the only medical coverage available for the employee shall be the medical coverage provided in [section 104.270] sections 103.1000 to 103.1020. The effective date for commencement of medical coverage shall be January 1, 2004. However, this does not preclude medical coverage for the transferred employee as a dependent under any other health care plan.

            104.810. 1. Employees of the Missouri state water patrol who are earning creditable service in the closed plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are transferred to the division of water patrol with the Missouri state highway patrol shall elect within ninety days of January 1, 2011, to either remain a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system or transfer membership and creditable service to the closed plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. The election shall be made in writing after the employee has received a detailed analysis comparing retirement, life insurance, disability benefits, and medical benefits of a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system with the corresponding benefits provided an employee of the highway patrol covered by the closed plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. In electing plan membership the employee shall acknowledge and agree that an election made under this subsection is irrevocable, and constitutes a waiver to receive retirement, life insurance, disability benefits, and medical benefits except as provided by the system elected by the employee. Furthermore, in connection with the election, the employee shall be required to acknowledge that the benefits provided by virtue of membership in either system, and any associated costs to the employee, may be different now or in the future as a result of the election and that the employee agrees to hold both systems harmless with regard to benefit differences resulting from the election.

            2. Employees of the Missouri state water patrol who are earning credited service in the year 2000 plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are transferred to the division of water patrol with the Missouri state highway patrol shall elect within ninety days of January 1, 2011, to either remain a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system or transfer membership and creditable service to the year 2000 plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. The election shall be made in writing after the employee has received a detailed analysis comparing retirement, life insurance, disability benefits, and medical benefits of a member of the Missouri state employees' retirement system with the corresponding benefits provided an employee of the highway patrol covered by the year 2000 plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. In electing plan membership the employee shall acknowledge and agree that an election made under this subsection is irrevocable, and constitutes a waiver to receive retirement, life insurance, disability benefits, and medical benefits except as provided by the system elected by the employee. Furthermore, in connection with the election, the employee shall be required to acknowledge that the benefits provided by virtue of membership in either system, and any associated costs to the employee, may be different now or in the future as a result of the election and that the employee agrees to hold both systems harmless with regard to benefit differences resulting from the election.

            3. The Missouri state employees' retirement system shall pay to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, by June 30, 2011, an amount actuarially determined to equal the liability at the time of the transfer for any employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system, to the extent that liability is funded as of the most recent actuarial valuation and based on the actuarial value of assets not to exceed one hundred percent.

            4. In no event shall any employee receive service credit for the same period of service under more than one retirement system as a result of the provisions of this section.

            5. The only medical coverage available for any employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system shall be the medical coverage provided in [section 104.270] sections 103.1000 to 103.1020. The effective date for commencement of medical coverage shall be July 1, 2011. However, this does not preclude medical coverage for the transferred employee as a dependent under any other health care plan.

            6. Any employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 of this section to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system and who is also thereafter a uniformed member of the highway patrol shall be subject to the mandatory retirement age stated in section 104.081.

            104.1072. 1. Each board shall provide or contract, or both, for life insurance benefits for employees covered pursuant to the year 2000 plan as follows:

            (1) Employees shall be provided fifteen thousand dollars of life insurance until December 31, 2000. Effective January 1, 2001, the system shall provide or contract or both for basic life insurance for employees covered under any retirement plan administered by the system pursuant to this chapter, persons covered by sections 287.812 to 287.856, for employees who are members of the judicial retirement system as provided in section 476.590, and, at the election of the state Highways and Transportation Commission, employees who are members of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system, in the amount equal to one times annual pay, subject to a minimum amount of fifteen thousand dollars. The board shall establish by rule or contract the method for determining the annual rate of pay and any other terms of such insurance as it deems necessary to implement the requirements pursuant to this section. Annual rate of pay shall not include overtime or any other irregular payments as determined by the board. Such life insurance shall provide for triple indemnity in the event the cause of death is a proximate result of a personal injury or disease arising out of and in the course of actual performance of duty as an employee;

            (2) Any member who terminates employment after reaching normal or early retirement eligibility and becomes a retiree within sixty days of such termination shall receive five thousand dollars of life insurance coverage.

            2. (1) In addition to the life insurance authorized by the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, any person for whom life insurance is provided or contracted for pursuant to such subsection may purchase, at the person's own expense and only if monthly voluntary payroll deductions are authorized, additional life insurance at a cost to be stipulated in a contract with a private insurance company or as may be required by a system if the board of trustees determines that the system should provide such insurance itself. The maximum amount of additional life insurance which may be so purchased prior to January 1, 2004, is that amount which equals six times the amount of the person's annual rate of pay, subject to any maximum established by a board, except that if such maximum amount is not evenly divisible by one thousand dollars, then the maximum amount of additional insurance which may be purchased is the next higher amount evenly divisible by one thousand dollars. The maximum amount of additional life insurance which may be so purchased on or after January 1, 2004, is an amount to be stipulated in a contract with a private insurance company or as may be required by the system if the board of trustees determines that the system should provide the insurance itself.

            (2) Any person defined in subdivision (1) of this subsection may retain an amount not to exceed sixty thousand dollars of life insurance following the date of his or her retirement if such person becomes a retiree the month following termination of employment and makes written application for such life insurance at the same time such person's application is made to the board for retirement benefits. Such life insurance shall only be provided if such person pays the entire cost of the insurance, as determined by the board, by allowing voluntary deductions from the member's annuity.

            (3) In addition to the life insurance authorized in subdivision (1) of this subsection, any person for whom life insurance is provided or contracted for pursuant to this subsection may purchase, at the person's own expense and only if monthly voluntary payroll deductions are authorized, life insurance covering the person's children or the person's spouse or both at coverage amounts to be determined by the board at a cost to be stipulated in a contract with a private insurer or as may be required by the system if the board of trustees determines that the system should provide such insurance itself.

            (4) Effective July 1, 2000, any member who applies and is eligible to receive an annuity based on the attainment of at least forty-eight years of age with a total of years of age and years of credited service which is at least eighty shall be eligible to retain any optional life insurance described in subdivision (1) of this subsection. The amount of such retained insurance shall not be greater than the amount in effect during the month prior to termination of employment. Such insurance may be retained until the member's attainment of the earliest age for eligibility for reduced Social Security retirement benefits but no later than age sixty-two, at which time the amount of such insurance that may be retained shall be that amount permitted pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subsection.

            3. [The state Highways and Transportation Commission may provide for insurance benefits to cover medical expenses for members of the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system. The state Highways and Transportation Commission may provide medical benefits for dependents of members and for retired members. Contributions by the state Highways and Transportation Commission to provide the benefits shall be on the same basis as provided for other state employees pursuant to the provisions of section 104.515. Except as otherwise provided by law, the cost of benefits for dependents of members and for retirees and their dependents shall be paid by the members or retirees. The commission may contract with other persons or entities including but not limited to third-party administrators, health network providers and health maintenance organizations for all, or any part of, the benefits provided for in this section. The commission may require reimbursement of any medical claims paid by the commission's medical plan for which there was third-party liability.

            4.] The highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system may request the state Highways and Transportation Commission to provide life insurance benefits as required in subsections 1 and 2 of this section. If the state Highways and Transportation Commission agrees to the request, the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall reimburse the state Highways and Transportation Commission for any and all costs for life insurance provided pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection 1 of this section. The person who is covered pursuant to subsection 2 of this section shall be solely responsible for the costs of any additional life insurance. In lieu of the life insurance benefit in subdivision (2) of subsection 1 of this section, the highways and transportation employees' and highway patrol retirement system is authorized in its sole discretion to provide a death benefit of five thousand dollars.

            [5.] 4. To the extent that the board enters or has entered into any contract with any insurer or service organization to provide life insurance provided for pursuant to this section:

            (1) The obligation to provide such life insurance shall be primarily that of the insurer or service organization and secondarily that of the board;

            (2) Any member who has been denied life insurance benefits by the insurer or service organization and has exhausted all appeal procedures provided by the insurer or service organization may appeal such decision by filing a petition against the insurer or service organization in a court of law in the member's county of residence; and

            (3) The board and the system shall not be liable for life insurance benefits provided by an insurer or service organization pursuant to this section and shall not be subject to any cause of action with regard to life insurance benefits or the denial of life insurance benefits by the insurer or service organization unless the member has obtained judgment against the insurer or service organization for life insurance benefits and the insurer or service organization is unable to satisfy that judgment.

[104.801. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any legislation enacted by the general assembly which mandates the coverage of specific health benefits, services, or providers in the policies or contracts of insurers, health services corporations, health maintenance organizations, or other third-party payors, on and after January 1, 1991, also shall apply to the health benefit plans of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, the Missouri state transportation department retirement system, and any other health benefit plan provided by the state on behalf of its employees.]

            Section B. Because immediate action is necessary to implement provisions to properly and timely proceed in the planning process for the 2013 health care plan benefits for the Missouri department of transportation and highway patrol health care plan, this act is deemed necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, welfare, peace, and safety, and is hereby declared to be an emergency act within the meaning of the constitution, this act shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.