5597L.01I                                                                                                                                                  D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To repeal section 253.065, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to park rangers.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Section 253.065, RSMo, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as section 253.065, to read as follows:

            253.065. 1. Each park ranger employed by the director of the department of natural resources and such other employees as may be designated by the director shall be certified by the director of the department of public safety, as provided in chapter 590. Each such person shall take and subscribe an oath of office to perform his duties faithfully and impartially and shall be given a certificate of commission as a peace officer for state parks. The commission shall grant him the same powers as other peace officers to maintain order, preserve the peace and make arrests for violations of law on all land under the jurisdiction and control of the director and on all state and county highways within the boundaries of state parks.

            2. Each park ranger shall have the authority to have abandoned vehicles or watercraft removed from state and county roads within state parks and from all land and water owned, leased or under the supervision of the department of natural resources, if the vehicle has been left unattended on the land or in the water, on the roadway or right-of-way for a period of forty-eight hours. If the vehicle is creating a safety or health hazard, it may be removed as soon as is practical. The procedure contained in section 304.155 shall be observed for reporting the storage location, notification of the owner and disposal of the vehicle or watercraft.

            3. Each park ranger, while investigating an incident, accident, or crime that was originally committed within such park ranger's jurisdiction, as set forth in this section, may arrest any person who he or she has probable cause to believe has committed such crime, even if the suspect is currently out of the park ranger's jurisdiction. Park rangers, if practical, shall notify the sheriff or police department prior to making an arrest within their respective county or city. Each park ranger shall comply with the training and certification provisions of chapter 590.

            4. In the investigation of an incident, accident, or crime that was originally committed within such park ranger's jurisdiction, as set forth in this section, the members of the park rangers may request that the prosecuting or circuit attorney apply for, and members of the park rangers may serve, search warrants anywhere within the state of Missouri, provided the sheriff of the county in which the warrant is to be served, or his or her designee, shall be notified upon application by the applicant of the search warrant.

            5. In the event the governor issues an executive order declaring a disaster, each park ranger shall have statewide law enforcement authority to assist local, state, and federal authorities during emergencies and natural disasters impacting the state.