3519L.01I                                                                                                                                                  D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To repeal sections 190.015, 190.035, and 190.040, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof three new sections relating to ambulance district sales taxes.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Sections 190.015, 190.035, and 190.040, RSMo, are repealed and three new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 190.015, 190.035, and 190.040, to read as follows:

            190.015. 1. Whenever the creation of an ambulance district is desired, a number of voters residing in the proposed district equal to ten percent of the vote cast for governor in the proposed district in the next preceding gubernatorial election may file with the county clerk in which the territory or the greater part thereof is situated a petition requesting the creation thereof. In case the proposed district is situated in two or more counties, the petition shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the greater part of the area is situated, and the commissioners of the county commission of the county shall set the petition for public hearing. The petition shall set forth:

            (1) A description of the territory to be embraced in the proposed district;

            (2) The names of the municipalities located within the area;

            (3) The name of the proposed district;

            (4) The population of the district which shall not be less than two thousand inhabitants;

            (5) The assessed valuation of the area, which shall not be less than ten million dollars; and

            (6) A request that the question be submitted to the voters residing within the limits of the proposed ambulance district whether they will establish an ambulance district pursuant to the provisions of sections 190.001 to 190.090 to be known as "............. Ambulance District" for the purpose of establishing and maintaining an ambulance service.

            2. In any county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, fire protection districts created under chapter 321, RSMo, may choose to create an ambulance district with boundaries congruent with each participating fire protection district's existing boundaries provided no ambulance district already exists in whole or part of any district being proposed and the dominant provider of ambulance services within the proposed district as of September 1, 2005, ceases to offer or provide ambulance services, and the board of each participating district, by a majority vote, approves the formation of such a district and participating fire protection districts are contiguous. Upon approval by the fire protection district boards, subsection 1 of this section shall be followed for formation of the ambulance district. Services provided by a district under this subsection shall only include emergency ambulance services as defined in section 321.225, RSMo.

            3. Any ambulance district established under this chapter on or after August 28, 2010, may levy and impose a sales tax in lieu of a property tax to fund the ambulance district. The petition to create the ambulance district shall state whether the district will be funded by a property or a sales tax.

            190.035. Each notice shall state briefly the purpose of the election, setting forth the proposition to be voted upon and a description of the territory. The notice shall further state that any district upon its establishment shall have the powers, objects and purposes provided by sections 190.005 to 190.085, and shall have the power to levy a property tax not to exceed thirty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation, or to levy a sales tax in lieu of a property tax, and shall state the rate of the sales tax.

            190.040. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:

            Shall there be organized in the counties of ........, state of Missouri, an ambulance district for the establishment and operation of an ambulance service to be located within the boundaries of said proposed district and having the power to impose a property tax not to exceed the annual rate of thirty cents on the hundred dollars assessed valuation without voter approval, or a sales tax not to exceed ..... percent without voter approval, and such additional tax as may be approved hereafter by vote thereon, to be known as "........ Ambulance District" as prayed for by petition filed with the county clerk of ........ County, Missouri, on the ...... day of ......, 20....?