Reported from the Committee on Transportation, May 1, 2012, with recommendation that the Senate Committee Substitute do pass.


TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.




To repeal sections 32.087, 142.932, 144.030, 144.757, 260.392, 301.010, 301.032, 301.069, 301.218, 301.280, 301.559, 301.560, 301.562, 301.567, 301.570, 302.010, 302.060, 302.130, 302.302, 302.309, 302.530, 304.190, 304.351, 306.127, 307.365, 390.020, 544.046, and 643.320, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof thirty-four new sections relating to transportation, with penalty provisions and an emergency clause for a certain section.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A.  Sections 32.087, 142.932, 144.030, 144.757, 260.392, 301.010, 301.032, 301.069, 301.218, 301.280, 301.559, 301.560, 301.562, 301.567, 301.570, 302.010, 302.060, 302.130, 302.302, 302.309, 302.530, 304.190, 304.351, 306.127, 307.365, 390.020, 544.046, and 643.320, RSMo, are repealed and thirty-four new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 32.087, 142.932, 144.030, 144.757, 260.392, 301.010, 301.032, 301.069, 301.216, 301.218, 301.280, 301.559, 301.560, 301.562, 301.567, 301.570, 301.580, 302.010, 302.060, 302.130, 302.302, 302.309, 302.530, 304.033, 304.190, 304.351, 304.890, 304.892, 304.894, 306.127, 307.365, 390.020, 544.046, and 643.320, to read as follows:

            32.087.  1.  Within ten days after the adoption of any ordinance or order in favor of adoption of any local sales tax authorized under the local sales tax law by the voters of a taxing entity, the governing body or official of such taxing entity shall forward to the director of revenue by United States registered mail or certified mail a certified copy of the ordinance or order.  

The ordinance or order shall reflect the effective date thereof.  

            2.  Any local sales tax so adopted shall become effective on the first day of the second calendar quarter after the director of revenue receives notice of adoption of the local sales tax, except as provided in subsection 18 of this section.

            3.  Every retailer within the jurisdiction of one or more taxing entities which has imposed one or more local sales taxes under the local sales tax law shall add all taxes so imposed along with the tax imposed by the sales tax law of the state of Missouri to the sale price and, when added, the combined tax shall constitute a part of the price, and shall be a debt of the purchaser to the retailer until paid, and shall be recoverable at law in the same manner as the purchase price.  The combined rate of the state sales tax and all local sales taxes shall be the sum of the rates, multiplying the combined rate times the amount of the sale.

            4.  The brackets required to be established by the director of revenue under the provisions of section 144.285 shall be based upon the sum of the combined rate of the state sales tax and all local sales taxes imposed under the provisions of the local sales tax law.  

            5.  The ordinance or order imposing a local sales tax under the local sales tax law shall impose upon all sellers a tax for the privilege of engaging in the business of selling tangible personal property or rendering taxable services at retail to the extent and in the manner provided in sections 144.010 to 144.525, and the rules and regulations of the director of revenue issued pursuant thereto; [except that] and, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the local sales tax shall be imposed on the sale of all motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors, within the boundaries of the state or outside the boundaries of the state, if they are required to be registered with the director of revenue.  The rate of the tax shall be the sum of the combined rate of the state sales tax or state highway use tax and all local sales taxes imposed under the provisions of the local sales tax law.  

            6.  On and after the effective date of any local sales tax imposed under the provisions of the local sales tax law, the director of revenue shall perform all functions incident to the administration, collection, enforcement, and operation of the tax, and the director of revenue shall collect in addition to the sales tax for the state of Missouri all additional local sales taxes authorized under the authority of the local sales tax law.  All local sales taxes imposed under the local sales tax law together with all taxes imposed under the sales tax law of the state of Missouri shall be collected together and reported upon such forms and under such administrative rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the director of revenue.  

            7.  All applicable provisions contained in sections 144.010 to 144.525 governing the state sales tax and section 32.057, the uniform confidentiality provision, shall apply to the collection of any local sales tax imposed under the local sales tax law except as modified by the local sales tax law.  

            8.  All exemptions granted to agencies of government, organizations, persons and to the sale of certain articles and items of tangible personal property and taxable services under the provisions of sections 144.010 to 144.525, as these sections now read and as they may hereafter be amended, it being the intent of this general assembly to ensure that the same sales tax exemptions granted from the state sales tax law also be granted under the local sales tax law, are hereby made applicable to the imposition and collection of all local sales taxes imposed under the local sales tax law.  

            9.  The same sales tax permit, exemption certificate and retail certificate required by sections 144.010 to 144.525 for the administration and collection of the state sales tax shall satisfy the requirements of the local sales tax law, and no additional permit or exemption certificate or retail certificate shall be required; except that the director of revenue may prescribe a form of exemption certificate for an exemption from any local sales tax imposed by the local sales tax law.  

            10.  All discounts allowed the retailer under the provisions of the state sales tax law for the collection of and for payment of taxes under the provisions of the state sales tax law are hereby allowed and made applicable to any local sales tax collected under the provisions of the local sales tax law.  

            11.  The penalties provided in section 32.057 and sections 144.010 to 144.525 for a violation of the provisions of those sections are hereby made applicable to violations of the provisions of the local sales tax law.  

            12.  (1)  For the purposes of any local sales tax imposed by an ordinance or order under the local sales tax law, all sales, except the sale of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors, shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of business of the retailer unless the tangible personal property sold is delivered by the retailer or his agent to an out-of-state destination.  In the event a retailer has more than one place of business in this state which participates in the sale, the sale shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of business of the retailer where the initial order for the tangible personal property is taken, even though the order must be forwarded elsewhere for acceptance, approval of credit, shipment or billing.  A sale by a retailer's agent or employee shall be deemed to be consummated at the place of business from which he works.  

            (2)  For the purposes of any local sales tax imposed by an ordinance or order under the local sales tax law, all sales, within the boundaries of the state and outside the boundaries of the state, of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors shall be deemed to be consummated at the residence of the purchaser and not at the place of business of the retailer, or the place of business from which the retailer's agent or employee works.  

            (3)  For the purposes of any local tax imposed by an ordinance or under the local sales tax law on charges for mobile telecommunications services, all taxes of mobile telecommunications service shall be imposed as provided in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. Sections 116 through 124, as amended.  

            13.  Local sales taxes imposed pursuant to the local sales tax law on the purchase and sale of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, and outboard motors shall not be collected and remitted by the seller, but shall be collected by the director of revenue at the time application is made for a certificate of title, if the address of the applicant is within a taxing entity imposing a local sales tax under the local sales tax law.  

            14.  The director of revenue and any of his deputies, assistants and employees who have any duties or responsibilities in connection with the collection, deposit, transfer, transmittal, disbursement, safekeeping, accounting, or recording of funds which come into the hands of the director of revenue under the provisions of the local sales tax law shall enter a surety bond or bonds payable to any and all taxing entities in whose behalf such funds have been collected under the local sales tax law in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars for each such tax; but the director of revenue may enter into a blanket bond covering himself and all such deputies, assistants and employees.  The cost of any premium for such bonds shall be paid by the director of revenue from the share of the collections under the sales tax law retained by the director of revenue for the benefit of the state.  

            15.  The director of revenue shall annually report on his management of each trust fund which is created under the local sales tax law and administration of each local sales tax imposed under the local sales tax law.  He shall provide each taxing entity imposing one or more local sales taxes authorized by the local sales tax law with a detailed accounting of the source of all funds received by him for the taxing entity.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the state auditor shall annually audit each trust fund.  A copy of the director's report and annual audit shall be forwarded to each taxing entity imposing one or more local sales taxes.  

            16.  Within the boundaries of any taxing entity where one or more local sales taxes have been imposed, if any person is delinquent in the payment of the amount required to be paid by him under the local sales tax law or in the event a determination has been made against him for taxes and penalty under the local sales tax law, the limitation for bringing suit for the collection of the delinquent tax and penalty shall be the same as that provided in sections 144.010 to 144.525.  Where the director of revenue has determined that suit must be filed against any person for the collection of delinquent taxes due the state under the state sales tax law, and where such person is also delinquent in payment of taxes under the local sales tax law, the director of revenue shall notify the taxing entity in the event any person fails or refuses to pay the amount of any local sales tax due so that appropriate action may be taken by the taxing entity.  

            17.  Where property is seized by the director of revenue under the provisions of any law authorizing seizure of the property of a taxpayer who is delinquent in payment of the tax imposed by the state sales tax law, and where such taxpayer is also delinquent in payment of any tax imposed by the local sales tax law, the director of revenue shall permit the taxing entity to join in any sale of property to pay the delinquent taxes and penalties due the state and to the taxing entity under the local sales tax law.  The proceeds from such sale shall first be applied to all sums due the state, and the remainder, if any, shall be applied to all sums due such taxing entity.  

            18.  If a local sales tax has been in effect for at least one year under the provisions of the local sales tax law and voters approve reimposition of the same local sales tax at the same rate at an election as provided for in the local sales tax law prior to the date such tax is due to expire, the tax so reimposed shall become effective the first day of the first calendar quarter after the director receives a certified copy of the ordinance, order or resolution accompanied by a map clearly showing the boundaries thereof and the results of such election, provided that such ordinance, order or resolution and all necessary accompanying materials are received by the director at least thirty days prior to the expiration of such tax.  Any administrative cost or expense incurred by the state as a result of the provisions of this subsection shall be paid by the city or county reimposing such tax.  

            142.932.  1.  No person shall operate or maintain a motor vehicle on any public highway in this state with motor fuel contained in the fuel supply tank for the motor vehicle that contains dye as provided pursuant to this chapter.  

            2.  This section does not apply to:

            (1)  Persons operating motor vehicles that have received fuel into their fuel tanks outside of this state in a jurisdiction that permits introduction of dyed motor fuel of that color and type into the motor fuel tank of highway vehicles; [or]

            (2)  Uses of dyed fuel on the highway which are lawful under the Internal Revenue Code and regulations thereunder and as set forth in this chapter unless otherwise prohibited by this chapter; or

            (3)  Persons operating motor vehicles during a state of emergency declaration by the governor, when such motor vehicles are engaged in public safety matters or in restoration of utility services attributable to the state of emergency.  This exception shall apply to public utility and rural electric cooperative motor vehicles and the motor vehicles of persons contracting with such entities for the purpose of restoring utility service attributable to the state of emergency.  

            3.  No person shall sell or hold for sale dyed diesel fuel or dyed kerosene for any use that the person knows or has reason to know is a taxable use of the diesel fuel.  

            4.  No person shall use or hold for use any dyed diesel fuel for a taxable use when the person knew or had reason to know that the diesel fuel was so dyed.

            5.  No person shall willfully, with intent to evade tax, alter or attempt to alter the strength or composition of any dye or marker in any dyed diesel fuel or dyed kerosene.  

            6.  Any person who knowingly violates or knowingly aids and abets another to violate the provisions of this section with the intent to evade the tax levied by this chapter shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.  

            7.  Any person or business entity, each officer, employee, or agent of the entity who willfully participates in any act in violation of this section shall be jointly and severally liable with the entity for the tax and penalty which shall be the same as imposed pursuant to 26 U.S.C., Section 6715 or its successor section.

            144.030.  1.  There is hereby specifically exempted from the provisions of sections 144.010 to 144.525 and from the computation of the tax levied, assessed or payable pursuant to sections 144.010 to 144.525 such retail sales as may be made in commerce between this state and any other state of the United States, or between this state and any foreign country, and any retail sale which the state of Missouri is prohibited from taxing pursuant to the Constitution or laws of the United States of America, and such retail sales of tangible personal property which the general assembly of the state of Missouri is prohibited from taxing or further taxing by the constitution of this state.

            2.  There are also specifically exempted from the provisions of the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, section 238.235, and sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761 and from the computation of the tax levied, assessed or payable pursuant to the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, section 238.235, and sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.745:

            (1)  Motor fuel or special fuel subject to an excise tax of this state, unless all or part of such excise tax is refunded pursuant to section 142.824; or upon the sale at retail of fuel to be consumed in manufacturing or creating gas, power, steam, electrical current or in furnishing water to be sold ultimately at retail; or feed for livestock or poultry; or grain to be converted into foodstuffs which are to be sold ultimately in processed form at retail; or seed, limestone or fertilizer which is to be used for seeding, liming or fertilizing crops which when harvested will be sold at retail or will be fed to livestock or poultry to be sold ultimately in processed form at retail; economic poisons registered pursuant to the provisions of the Missouri pesticide registration law (sections 281.220 to 281.310) which are to be used in connection with the growth or production of crops, fruit trees or orchards applied before, during, or after planting, the crop of which when harvested will be sold at retail or will be converted into foodstuffs which are to be sold ultimately in processed form at retail;

            (2)  Materials, manufactured goods, machinery and parts which when used in manufacturing, processing, compounding, mining, producing or fabricating become a component part or ingredient of the new personal property resulting from such manufacturing, processing, compounding, mining, producing or fabricating and which new personal property is intended to be sold ultimately for final use or consumption; and materials, including without limitation, gases and manufactured goods, including without limitation slagging materials and firebrick, which are ultimately consumed in the manufacturing process by blending, reacting or interacting with or by becoming, in whole or in part, component parts or ingredients of steel products intended to be sold ultimately for final use or consumption;

            (3)  Materials, replacement parts and equipment purchased for use directly upon, and for the repair and maintenance or manufacture of, motor vehicles, watercraft, railroad rolling stock or aircraft engaged as common carriers of persons or property;

            (4)  Motor vehicles registered in excess of fifty-four thousand pounds, and the trailers pulled by such motor vehicles, that are actually used in the normal course of business to haul property on the public highways of the state, and that are capable of hauling loads commensurate with the motor vehicle's registered weight; and the materials, replacement parts, and equipment purchased for use directly upon, and for the repair and maintenance or manufacture of such vehicles.  For purposes of this subdivision "motor vehicle" and "public highway" shall have the meaning as ascribed in section 390.020;

            (5)  Replacement machinery, equipment, and parts and the materials and supplies solely required for the installation or construction of such replacement machinery, equipment, and parts, used directly in manufacturing, mining, fabricating or producing a product which is intended to be sold ultimately for final use or consumption; and machinery and equipment, and the materials and supplies required solely for the operation, installation or construction of such machinery and equipment, purchased and used to establish new, or to replace or expand existing, material recovery processing plants in this state.  For the purposes of this subdivision, a "material recovery processing plant" means a facility that has as its primary purpose the recovery of materials into a useable product or a different form which is used in producing a new product and shall include a facility or equipment which are used exclusively for the collection of recovered materials for delivery to a material recovery processing plant but shall not include motor vehicles used on highways.  For purposes of this section, the terms motor vehicle and highway shall have the same meaning pursuant to section 301.010.  Material recovery is not the reuse of materials within a manufacturing process or the use of a product previously recovered.  The material recovery processing plant shall qualify under the provisions of this section regardless of ownership of the material being recovered;

            [(5)]  (6)  Machinery and equipment, and parts and the materials and supplies solely required for the installation or construction of such machinery and equipment, purchased and used to establish new or to expand existing manufacturing, mining or fabricating plants in the state, including any tiled manufacturing or mining equipment, if such machinery and equipment is used directly in manufacturing, mining or fabricating a product which is intended to be sold ultimately for final use or consumption;

            [(6)]  (7)  Tangible personal property which is used exclusively in the manufacturing, processing, modification or assembling of products sold to the United States government or to any agency of the United States government;

            [(7)]  (8)  Animals or poultry used for breeding or feeding purposes, or captive wildlife;

            [(8)]  (9)  Newsprint, ink, computers, photosensitive paper and film, toner, printing plates and other machinery, equipment, replacement parts and supplies used in producing newspapers published for dissemination of news to the general public;

            [(9)]  (10)  The rentals of films, records or any type of sound or picture transcriptions for public commercial display;

            [(10)]  (11)  Pumping machinery and equipment used to propel products delivered by pipelines engaged as common carriers;

            [(11)]  (12)  Railroad rolling stock for use in transporting persons or property in interstate commerce and motor vehicles licensed for a gross weight of twenty-four thousand pounds or more or trailers used by common carriers, as defined in section 390.020, in the transportation of persons or property;

            [(12)]  (13)  Electrical energy used in the actual primary manufacture, processing, compounding, mining or producing of a product, or electrical energy used in the actual secondary processing or fabricating of the product, or a material recovery processing plant as defined in subdivision (4) of this subsection, in facilities owned or leased by the taxpayer, if the total cost of electrical energy so used exceeds ten percent of the total cost of production, either primary or secondary, exclusive of the cost of electrical energy so used or if the raw materials used in such processing contain at least twenty-five percent recovered materials as defined in section 260.200.  There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the raw materials used in the primary manufacture of automobiles contain at least twenty-five percent recovered materials.  For purposes of this subdivision, "processing" means any mode of treatment, act or series of acts performed upon materials to transform and reduce them to a different state or thing, including treatment necessary to maintain or preserve such processing by the producer at the production facility;

            [(13)]  (14)  Anodes which are used or consumed in manufacturing, processing, compounding, mining, producing or fabricating and which have a useful life of less than one year;

            [(14)]  (15)  Machinery, equipment, appliances and devices purchased or leased and used solely for the purpose of preventing, abating or monitoring air pollution, and materials and supplies solely required for the installation, construction or reconstruction of such machinery, equipment, appliances and devices;

            [(15)]  (16)  Machinery, equipment, appliances and devices purchased or leased and used solely for the purpose of preventing, abating or monitoring water pollution, and materials and supplies solely required for the installation, construction or reconstruction of such machinery, equipment, appliances and devices;

            [(16)]  (17)  Tangible personal property purchased by a rural water district;

            [(17)]  (18)  All amounts paid or charged for admission or participation or other fees paid by or other charges to individuals in or for any place of amusement, entertainment or recreation, games or athletic events, including museums, fairs, zoos and planetariums, owned or operated by a municipality or other political subdivision where all the proceeds derived therefrom benefit the municipality or other political subdivision and do not inure to any private person, firm, or corporation;

            [(18)]  (19)  All sales of insulin and prosthetic or orthopedic devices as defined on January 1, 1980, by the federal Medicare program pursuant to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act of 1965, including the items specified in Section 1862(a)(12) of that act, and also specifically including hearing aids and hearing aid supplies and all sales of drugs which may be legally dispensed by a licensed pharmacist only upon a lawful prescription of a practitioner licensed to administer those items, including samples and materials used to manufacture samples which may be dispensed by a practitioner authorized to dispense such samples and all sales or rental of medical oxygen, home respiratory equipment and accessories, hospital beds and accessories and ambulatory aids, all sales or rental of manual and powered wheelchairs, stairway lifts, Braille writers, electronic Braille equipment and, if purchased or rented by or on behalf of a person with one or more physical or mental disabilities to enable them to function more independently, all sales or rental of scooters, reading machines, electronic print enlargers and magnifiers, electronic alternative and augmentative communication devices, and items used solely to modify motor vehicles to permit the use of such motor vehicles by individuals with disabilities or sales of over-the-counter or nonprescription drugs to individuals with disabilities, and drugs required by the Food and Drug Administration to meet the over-the-counter drug product labeling requirements in 21 CFR 201.66, or its successor, as prescribed by a health care practitioner licensed to prescribe;

            [(19)]  (20)  All sales made by or to religious and charitable organizations and institutions in their religious, charitable or educational functions and activities and all sales made by or to all elementary and secondary schools operated at public expense in their educational functions and activities;

            [(20)]  (21)  All sales of aircraft to common carriers for storage or for use in interstate commerce and all sales made by or to not-for-profit civic, social, service or fraternal organizations, including fraternal organizations which have been declared tax-exempt organizations pursuant to Section 501(c)(8) or (10) of the 1986 Internal Revenue Code, as amended, in their civic or charitable functions and activities and all sales made to eleemosynary and penal institutions and industries of the state, and all sales made to any private not-for-profit institution of higher education not otherwise excluded pursuant to subdivision (19) of this subsection or any institution of higher education supported by public funds, and all sales made to a state relief agency in the exercise of relief functions and activities;

            [(21)]  (22)  All ticket sales made by benevolent, scientific and educational associations which are formed to foster, encourage, and promote progress and improvement in the science of agriculture and in the raising and breeding of animals, and by nonprofit summer theater organizations if such organizations are exempt from federal tax pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and all admission charges and entry fees to the Missouri state fair or any fair conducted by a county agricultural and mechanical society organized and operated pursuant to sections 262.290 to 262.530;

            [(22)]  (23)  All sales made to any private not-for-profit elementary or secondary school, all sales of feed additives, medications or vaccines administered to livestock or poultry in the production of food or fiber, all sales of pesticides used in the production of crops, livestock or poultry for food or fiber, all sales of bedding used in the production of livestock or poultry for food or fiber, all sales of propane or natural gas, electricity or diesel fuel used exclusively for drying agricultural crops, natural gas used in the primary manufacture or processing of fuel ethanol as defined in section 142.028, natural gas, propane, and electricity used by an eligible new generation cooperative or an eligible new generation processing entity as defined in section 348.432, and all sales of farm machinery and equipment, other than airplanes, motor vehicles and trailers, and any freight charges on any exempt item.  As used in this subdivision, the term "feed additives" means tangible personal property which, when mixed with feed for livestock or poultry, is to be used in the feeding of livestock or poultry.  As used in this subdivision, the term "pesticides" includes adjuvants such as crop oils, surfactants, wetting agents and other assorted pesticide carriers used to improve or enhance the effect of a pesticide and the foam used to mark the application of pesticides and herbicides for the production of crops, livestock or poultry.  As used in this subdivision, the term "farm machinery and equipment" means new or used farm tractors and such other new or used farm machinery and equipment and repair or replacement parts thereon and any accessories for and upgrades to such farm machinery and equipment, rotary mowers used exclusively for agricultural purposes, and supplies and lubricants used exclusively, solely, and directly for producing crops, raising and feeding livestock, fish, poultry, pheasants, chukar, quail, or for producing milk for ultimate sale at retail, including field drain tile, and one-half of each purchaser's purchase of diesel fuel therefor which is:

            (a)  Used exclusively for agricultural purposes;

            (b)  Used on land owned or leased for the purpose of producing farm products; and

            (c)  Used directly in producing farm products to be sold ultimately in processed form or otherwise at retail or in producing farm products to be fed to livestock or poultry to be sold ultimately in processed form at retail;

            [(23)]  (24)  Except as otherwise provided in section 144.032, all sales of metered water service, electricity, electrical current, natural, artificial or propane gas, wood, coal or home heating oil for domestic use and in any city not within a county, all sales of metered or unmetered water service for domestic use:

            (a)  "Domestic use" means that portion of metered water service, electricity, electrical current, natural, artificial or propane gas, wood, coal or home heating oil, and in any city not within a county, metered or unmetered water service, which an individual occupant of a residential premises uses for nonbusiness, noncommercial or nonindustrial purposes.  Utility service through a single or master meter for residential apartments or condominiums, including service for common areas and facilities and vacant units, shall be deemed to be for domestic use.  Each seller shall establish and maintain a system whereby individual purchases are determined as exempt or nonexempt;

            (b)  Regulated utility sellers shall determine whether individual purchases are exempt or nonexempt based upon the seller's utility service rate classifications as contained in tariffs on file with and approved by the Missouri public service commission.  Sales and purchases made pursuant to the rate classification "residential" and sales to and purchases made by or on behalf of the occupants of residential apartments or condominiums through a single or master meter, including service for common areas and facilities and vacant units, shall be considered as sales made for domestic use and such sales shall be exempt from sales tax.  Sellers shall charge sales tax upon the entire amount of purchases classified as nondomestic use.  The seller's utility service rate classification and the provision of service thereunder shall be conclusive as to whether or not the utility must charge sales tax;

            (c)  Each person making domestic use purchases of services or property and who uses any portion of the services or property so purchased for a nondomestic use shall, by the fifteenth day of the fourth month following the year of purchase, and without assessment, notice or demand, file a return and pay sales tax on that portion of nondomestic purchases.  Each person making nondomestic purchases of services or property and who uses any portion of the services or property so purchased for domestic use, and each person making domestic purchases on behalf of occupants of residential apartments or condominiums through a single or master meter, including service for common areas and facilities and vacant units, under a nonresidential utility service rate classification may, between the first day of the first month and the fifteenth day of the fourth month following the year of purchase, apply for credit or refund to the director of revenue and the director shall give credit or make refund for taxes paid on the domestic use portion of the purchase.  The person making such purchases on behalf of occupants of residential apartments or condominiums shall have standing to apply to the director of revenue for such credit or refund;

            [(24)]  (25)  All sales of handicraft items made by the seller or the seller's spouse if the seller or the seller's spouse is at least sixty-five years of age, and if the total gross proceeds from such sales do not constitute a majority of the annual gross income of the seller;

            [(25)]  (26)  Excise taxes, collected on sales at retail, imposed by Sections 4041, 4061, 4071, 4081, 4091, 4161, 4181, 4251, 4261 and 4271 of Title 26, United States Code.  The director of revenue shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 536 to eliminate all state and local sales taxes on such excise taxes;

            [(26)]  (27)  Sales of fuel consumed or used in the operation of ships, barges, or waterborne vessels which are used primarily in or for the transportation of property or cargo, or the conveyance of persons for hire, on navigable rivers bordering on or located in part in this state, if such fuel is delivered by the seller to the purchaser's barge, ship, or waterborne vessel while it is afloat upon such river;

            [(27)]  (28)  All sales made to an interstate compact agency created pursuant to sections 70.370 to 70.441 or sections 238.010 to 238.100 in the exercise of the functions and activities of such agency as provided pursuant to the compact;

            [(28)]  (29)  Computers, computer software and computer security systems purchased for use by architectural or engineering firms headquartered in this state.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "headquartered in this state" means the office for the administrative management of at least four integrated facilities operated by the taxpayer is located in the state of Missouri;

            [(29)]  (30)  All livestock sales when either the seller is engaged in the growing, producing or feeding of such livestock, or the seller is engaged in the business of buying and selling, bartering or leasing of such livestock;

            [(30)]  (31)  All sales of barges which are to be used primarily in the transportation of property or cargo on interstate waterways;

            [(31)]  (32)  Electrical energy or gas, whether natural, artificial or propane, water, or other utilities which are ultimately consumed in connection with the manufacturing of cellular glass products or in any material recovery processing plant as defined in subdivision (4) of this subsection;

            [(32)]  (33)  Notwithstanding other provisions of law to the contrary, all sales of pesticides or herbicides used in the production of crops, aquaculture, livestock or poultry;

            [(33)]  (34)  Tangible personal property and utilities purchased for use or consumption directly or exclusively in the research and development of agricultural/biotechnology and plant genomics products and prescription pharmaceuticals consumed by humans or animals;

            [(34)]  (35)  All sales of grain bins for storage of grain for resale;

            [(35)]  (36)  All sales of feed which are developed for and used in the feeding of pets owned by a commercial breeder when such sales are made to a commercial breeder, as defined in section 273.325, and licensed pursuant to sections 273.325 to 273.357;

            [(36)]  (37)  All purchases by a contractor on behalf of an entity located in another state, provided that the entity is authorized to issue a certificate of exemption for purchases to a contractor under the provisions of that state's laws.  For purposes of this subdivision, the term "certificate of exemption" shall mean any document evidencing that the entity is exempt from sales and use taxes on purchases pursuant to the laws of the state in which the entity is located.  Any contractor making purchases on behalf of such entity shall maintain a copy of the entity's exemption certificate as evidence of the exemption.  If the exemption certificate issued by the exempt entity to the contractor is later determined by the director of revenue to be invalid for any reason and the contractor has accepted the certificate in good faith, neither the contractor or the exempt entity shall be liable for the payment of any taxes, interest and penalty due as the result of use of the invalid exemption certificate.  Materials shall be exempt from all state and local sales and use taxes when purchased by a contractor for the purpose of fabricating tangible personal property which is used in fulfilling a contract for the purpose of constructing, repairing or remodeling facilities for the following:

            (a)  An exempt entity located in this state, if the entity is one of those entities able to issue project exemption certificates in accordance with the provisions of section 144.062; or

            (b)  An exempt entity located outside the state if the exempt entity is authorized to issue an exemption certificate to contractors in accordance with the provisions of that state's law and the applicable provisions of this section;

            [(37)]  (38)  All sales or other transfers of tangible personal property to a lessor who leases the property under a lease of one year or longer executed or in effect at the time of the sale or other transfer to an interstate compact agency created pursuant to sections 70.370 to 70.441 or sections 238.010 to 238.100;

            [(38)]  (39)  Sales of tickets to any collegiate athletic championship event that is held in a facility owned or operated by a governmental authority or commission, a quasi-governmental agency, a state university or college or by the state or any political subdivision thereof, including a municipality, and that is played on a neutral site and may reasonably be played at a site located outside the state of Missouri.  For purposes of this subdivision, "neutral site" means any site that is not located on the campus of a conference member institution participating in the event;

            [(39)]  (40)  All purchases by a sports complex authority created under section 64.920, and all sales of utilities by such authority at the authority's cost that are consumed in connection with the operation of a sports complex leased to a professional sports team;

            [(40)]  (41)  Beginning January 1, 2009, but not after January 1, 2015, materials, replacement parts, and equipment purchased for use directly upon, and for the modification, replacement, repair, and maintenance of aircraft, aircraft power plants, and aircraft accessories;

            [(41)]  (42)  Sales of sporting clays, wobble, skeet, and trap targets to any shooting range or similar places of business for use in the normal course of business and money received by a shooting range or similar places of business from patrons and held by a shooting range or similar place of business for redistribution to patrons at the conclusion of a shooting event.

            144.757.  1.  Any county or municipality, except municipalities within a county having a charter form of government with a population in excess of nine hundred thousand, may, by a majority vote of its governing body, impose a local use tax if a local sales tax is imposed as defined in section 32.085 at a rate equal to the rate of the local sales tax in effect in such county or municipality; provided, however, that no ordinance or order enacted pursuant to sections 144.757 to 144.761 shall be effective unless the governing body of the county or municipality submits to the voters thereof at a municipal, county or state general, primary or special election a proposal to authorize the governing body of the county or municipality to impose a local use tax pursuant to sections 144.757 to 144.761.  Municipalities within a county having a charter form of government with a population in excess of nine hundred thousand may, upon voter approval received pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision (2) of subsection 2 of this section, impose a local use tax at the same rate as the local municipal sales tax with the revenues from all such municipal use taxes to be distributed pursuant to subsection 4 of section 94.890.  The municipality shall within thirty days of the approval of the use tax imposed pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision (2) of subsection 2 of this section select one of the distribution options permitted in subsection 4 of section 94.890 for distribution of all municipal use taxes.  The option to impose a local use tax under this section shall not be effective on sales of any motor vehicle, trailer, boat, or outboard motor purchased outside the boundaries of the state, as such purchases are deemed to be consummated at the residence of the purchaser pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection 12 of section 32.087, and therefore subject to the local sales taxes levied by the appropriate political subdivisions pursuant to subsection 5 of section 32.087.

            2.  (1)  The ballot of submission, except for counties and municipalities described in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection, shall contain substantially the following language:

            Shall the .............. (county or municipality's name) impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local sales tax rate, currently .............. (insert percent), provided that if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action? A use tax return shall not be required to be filed by persons whose purchases from out-of-state vendors do not in total exceed two thousand dollars in any calendar year.  

                                       YES                                   NO

If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES".  If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "NO".  

            (2)  (a)  The ballot of submission in a county having a charter form of government with a population in excess of nine hundred thousand shall contain substantially the following language:

            For the purposes of enhancing county and municipal public safety, parks, and job creation and enhancing local government services, shall the county be authorized to collect a local use tax equal to the total of the existing county sales tax rate of (insert tax rate), provided that if the county sales tax is repealed, reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be repealed, reduced or raised by the same voter action? Fifty percent of the revenue shall be used by the county throughout the county for improving and enhancing public safety, park improvements, and job creation, and fifty percent shall be used for enhancing local government services.  The county shall be required to make available to the public an audited comprehensive financial report detailing the management and use of the countywide portion of the funds each year.  A use tax is the equivalent of a sales tax on purchases from out-of-state sellers by in-state buyers and on certain taxable business transactions.  A use tax return shall not be required to be filed by persons whose purchases from out-of-state vendors do not in total exceed two thousand dollars in any calendar year.  

                                       YES                                   NO

If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES".  If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "NO".  

            (b)  The ballot of submission in a municipality within a county having a charter form of government with a population in excess of nine hundred thousand shall contain substantially the following language:

            Shall the municipality be authorized to impose a local use tax at the same rate as the local sales tax by a vote of the governing body, provided that if any local sales tax is repealed, reduced or raised by voter approval, the respective local use tax shall also be repealed, reduced or raised by the same action? A use tax return shall not be required to be filed by persons whose purchases from out-of-state vendors do not in total exceed two thousand dollars in any calendar year.  

                                       YES                                          NO

If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES".  If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "NO".  

            (3)  The ballot of submission in any city not within a county shall contain substantially the following language:

            Shall the ............... (city name) impose a local use tax at the same rate as the local sales tax, currently at a rate of ................ (insert percent) which includes the capital improvements sales tax and the transportation tax, provided that if any local sales tax is repealed, reduced or raised by voter approval, the respective local use tax shall also be repealed, reduced or raised by the same action? A use tax return shall not be required to be filed by persons whose purchases from out-of-state vendors do not in total exceed two thousand dollars in any calendar year.  

                                       YES                                          NO

If you are in favor of the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "YES".  If you are opposed to the question, place an "X" in the box opposite "NO".  

            (4)  If any of such ballots are submitted on August 6, 1996, and if a majority of the votes cast on the proposal by the qualified voters voting thereon are in favor of the proposal, then the ordinance or order and any amendments thereto shall be in effect October 1, 1996, provided the director of revenue receives notice of adoption of the local use tax on or before August 16, 1996.  If any of such ballots are submitted after December 31, 1996, and if a majority of the votes cast on the proposal by the qualified voters voting thereon are in favor of the proposal, then the ordinance or order and any amendments thereto shall be in effect on the first day of the calendar quarter which begins at least forty-five days after the director of revenue receives notice of adoption of the local use tax.  If a majority of the votes cast by the qualified voters voting are opposed to the proposal, then the governing body of the county or municipality shall have no power to impose the local use tax as herein authorized unless and until the governing body of the county or municipality shall again have submitted another proposal to authorize the governing body of the county or municipality to impose the local use tax and such proposal is approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon.  

            3.  The local use tax may be imposed at the same rate as the local sales tax then currently in effect in the county or municipality upon all transactions which are subject to the taxes imposed pursuant to sections 144.600 to 144.745 within the county or municipality adopting such tax; provided, however, that if any local sales tax is repealed or the rate thereof is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be deemed to be repealed, reduced or raised by the same action repealing, reducing or raising the local sales tax.  

            4.  For purposes of sections 144.757 to 144.761, the use tax may be referred to or described as the equivalent of a sales tax on purchases made from out-of-state sellers by in-state buyers and on certain intrabusiness transactions.  Such a description shall not change the classification, form or subject of the use tax or the manner in which it is collected.  

            260.392.  1.  As used in sections 260.392 to 260.399, the following terms mean:

            (1)  "Cask", all the components and systems associated with the container in which spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity, or transuranic radioactive waste are stored;

            (2)  "High-level radioactive waste", the highly radioactive material resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel including liquid waste produced directly in reprocessing and any solid material derived from such liquid waste that contains fission products in sufficient concentrations, and other highly radioactive material that the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined to be high-level radioactive waste requiring permanent isolation;

            (3)  "Highway route controlled quantity", as defined in 49 CFR Part 173.403, as amended, a quantity of radioactive material within a single package.  Highway route controlled quantity shipments [of thirty miles or less within the state] are exempt from the provisions of this section;

            (4)  "Low-level radioactive waste", any radioactive waste not classified as high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, or spent nuclear fuel by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, consistent with existing law.  Shipment of all sealed sources meeting the definition of low-level radioactive waste, shipments of low-level radioactive waste that are within a radius of no more than fifty miles from the point of origin, and all naturally occurring radioactive material given written approval for landfill disposal by the Missouri department of natural resources under 10 CSR 80-3.010 are exempt from the provisions of this section.  Any low-level radioactive waste that has a radioactive half-life equal to or less than one hundred twenty days is exempt from the provisions of this section;

            (5)  "Shipper", the generator, owner, or company contracting for transportation by truck or rail of the spent fuel, high-level radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, transuranic radioactive waste, or low-level radioactive waste;

            (6)  "Spent nuclear fuel", fuel that has been withdrawn from a nuclear reactor following irradiation, the constituent elements of which have not been separated by reprocessing;

            (7)  "State-funded institutions of higher education", any campus of any university within the state of Missouri that receives state funding and has a nuclear research reactor;

            (8)  "Transuranic radioactive waste", defined in 40 CFR Part 191.02, as amended, as waste containing more than one hundred nanocuries of alpha-emitting transuranic isotopes with half-lives greater than twenty years, per gram of waste.  For the purposes of this section, transuranic waste shall not include:

            (a)  High-level radioactive wastes;

            (b)  Any waste determined by the Environmental Protection Agency with the concurrence of the Environmental Protection Agency administrator that does not need the degree of isolation required by this section; or

            (c)  Any waste that the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved for disposal on a case-by-case basis in accordance with 10 CFR Part 61, as amended.  

            2.  Any shipper that ships high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, [highway route controlled quantity shipments,] spent nuclear fuel, or low-level radioactive waste through or within the state shall be subject to the fees established in this subsection, provided that no state-funded institution of higher education that ships nuclear waste shall pay any such fee.  These higher education institutions shall reimburse the Missouri state highway patrol directly for all costs related to shipment escorts.  The fees for all other shipments shall be:

            (1)  One thousand eight hundred dollars for each cask transported through or within the state by truck of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste[,] or spent nuclear fuel [or highway route controlled quantity] shipments.  All casks of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste[,] or spent nuclear fuel[, or highway route controlled quantity] shipments transported by truck are subject to a surcharge of twenty-five dollars per mile for every mile over two hundred miles traveled within the state;

            (2)  One thousand three hundred dollars for the first cask and one hundred twenty-five dollars for each additional cask for each rail shipment through or within the state of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, or spent nuclear fuel;

            (3)  One hundred twenty-five dollars for each truck or train transporting low-level radioactive waste through or within the state.  The department of natural resources may accept an annual shipment fee as negotiated with a shipper or accept payment per shipment.  

            3.  All revenue generated from the fees established in subsection 2 of this section shall be deposited into the environmental radiation monitoring fund established in section 260.750 and shall be used by the department of natural resources to achieve the following objectives and for purposes related to the shipment of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, spent nuclear fuel, or low-level radioactive waste, including, but not limited to:

            (1)  Inspections, escorts, and security for waste shipment and planning;

            (2)  Coordination of emergency response capability;

            (3)  Education and training of state, county, and local emergency responders;

            (4)  Purchase and maintenance of necessary equipment and supplies for state, county, and local emergency responders through grants or other funding mechanisms;

            (5)  Emergency responses to any transportation incident involving the high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, spent nuclear fuel, or low-level radioactive waste;

            (6)  Oversight of any environmental remediation necessary resulting from an incident involving a shipment of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, spent nuclear fuel, or low-level radioactive waste.  Reimbursement for oversight of any such incident shall not reduce or eliminate the liability of any party responsible for the incident; such party may be liable for full reimbursement to the state or payment of any other costs associated with the cleanup of contamination related to a transportation incident;

            (7)  Administrative costs attributable to the state agencies which are incurred through their involvement as it relates to the shipment of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, spent nuclear fuel, or low-level radioactive waste through or within the state.

            4.  Nothing in this section shall preclude any other state agency from receiving reimbursement from the department of natural resources and the environmental radiation monitoring fund for services rendered that achieve the objectives and comply with the provisions of this section.  

            5.  Any unencumbered balance in the environmental radiation monitoring fund that exceeds three hundred thousand dollars in any given fiscal year shall be returned to shippers on a pro rata basis, based on the shipper's contribution into the environmental radiation monitoring fund for that fiscal year.  

            6.  The department of natural resources, in coordination with the department of health and senior services and the department of public safety, may promulgate rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.  Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028.  This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2009, shall be invalid and void.  

            7.  All funds deposited in the environmental radiation monitoring fund through fees established in subsection 2 of this section shall be utilized, subject to appropriation by the general assembly, for the administration and enforcement of this section by the department of natural resources.  All interest earned by the moneys in the fund shall accrue to the fund.  

            8.  All fees shall be paid to the department of natural resources [prior to] following shipment.

            9.  (1)  Notice of any shipment of high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, or spent nuclear fuel through or within the state shall be provided by the shipper to the governor's designee for advanced notification, as described in 10 CFR Parts 71 and 73, as amended, prior to such shipment entering the state.  Notice of any shipment of low-level radioactive waste through or within the state shall be provided by the shipper to the Missouri department of natural resources before such shipment enters the state.

            (2)  All vehicles and carriers transporting highway route controlled quantities of radioactive material are regulated by the United States Department of Transportation and required to pass the North American Standard Level VI Inspection for Transuranic Waste and Highway Route Controlled Quantities of Radioactive Material at the point of origin.  If a highway route controlled quantity shipment of a material has been the subject of a point of origin level VI inspection and has passed the inspection, the shipment shall not otherwise be subject to an additional inspection unless such inspection is determined to be necessary at the discretion of state safety resources.

            10.  Any shipper who fails to pay a fee assessed under this section, or fails to provide notice of a shipment, shall be liable in a civil action for an amount not to exceed ten times the amount assessed and not paid.  The action shall be brought by the attorney general at the request of the department of natural resources.  If the action involves a facility domiciled in the state, the action shall be brought in the circuit court of the county in which the facility is located.  If the action does not involve a facility domiciled in the state, the action shall be brought in the circuit court of Cole County.  

            11.  Beginning on December 31, 2009, and every two years thereafter, the department of natural resources shall prepare and submit a report on activities of the environmental radiation monitoring fund to the general assembly.  This report shall include information on fee income received and expenditures made by the state to enforce and administer the provisions of this section.  

            12.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to high-level radioactive waste, transuranic radioactive waste, highway route controlled quantity shipments, spent nuclear fuel, or low-level radioactive waste shipped by or for the federal government for military or national defense purposes.  

            13.  Under section 23.253 of the Missouri sunset act:

            (1)  The provisions of the new program authorized under this section shall automatically sunset six years after August 28, 2009, unless reauthorized by an act of the general assembly; and

            (2)  If such program is reauthorized, the program authorized under this section shall automatically sunset twelve years after the effective date of the reauthorization of this section; and

            (3)  This section shall terminate on September first of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the program authorized under this section is sunset.  

            301.010.  As used in this chapter and sections 304.010 to 304.040, 304.120 to 304.260, and sections 307.010 to 307.175, the following terms mean:

            (1)  "All-terrain vehicle", any motorized vehicle manufactured and used exclusively for off-highway use which is fifty inches or less in width, with an unladen dry weight of one thousand five hundred pounds or less, traveling on three, four or more nonhighway tires, with a seat designed to be straddled by the operator, or with a seat designed to carry more than one person, and handlebars for steering control;

            (2)  "Automobile transporter", any vehicle combination designed and used specifically for the transport of assembled motor vehicles;

            (3)  "Axle load", the total load transmitted to the road by all wheels whose centers are included between two parallel transverse vertical planes forty inches apart, extending across the full width of the vehicle;

            (4)  "Boat transporter", any vehicle combination designed and used specifically to transport assembled boats and boat hulls;

            (5)  "Body shop", a business that repairs physical damage on motor vehicles that are not owned by the shop or its officers or employees by mending, straightening, replacing body parts, or painting;

            (6)  "Bus", a motor vehicle primarily for the transportation of a driver and eight or more passengers but not including shuttle buses;

            (7)  "Commercial motor vehicle", a motor vehicle designed or regularly used for carrying freight and merchandise, or more than eight passengers but not including vanpools or shuttle buses;

            (8)  "Cotton trailer", a trailer designed and used exclusively for transporting cotton at speeds less than forty miles per hour from field to field or from field to market and return;

            (9)  "Dealer", any person, firm, corporation, association, agent or subagent engaged in the sale or exchange of new, used or reconstructed motor vehicles or trailers;

            (10)  "Director" or "director of revenue", the director of the department of revenue;

            (11)  "Driveaway operation":

            (a)  The movement of a motor vehicle or trailer by any person or motor carrier other than a dealer over any public highway, under its own power singly, or in a fixed combination of two or more vehicles, for the purpose of delivery for sale or for delivery either before or after sale;

            (b)  The movement of any vehicle or vehicles, not owned by the transporter, constituting the commodity being transported, by a person engaged in the business of furnishing drivers and operators for the purpose of transporting vehicles in transit from one place to another by the driveaway or towaway methods; or

            (c)  The movement of a motor vehicle by any person who is lawfully engaged in the business of transporting or delivering vehicles that are not the person's own and vehicles of a type otherwise required to be registered, by the driveaway or towaway methods, from a point of manufacture, assembly or distribution or from the owner of the vehicles to a dealer or sales agent of a manufacturer or to any consignee designated by the shipper or consignor;

            (12)  "Dromedary", a box, deck, or plate mounted behind the cab and forward of the fifth wheel on the frame of the power unit of a truck tractor-semitrailer combination.  A truck tractor equipped with a dromedary may carry part of a load when operating independently or in a combination with a semitrailer;

            (13)  "Farm tractor", a tractor used exclusively for agricultural purposes;

            (14)  "Fleet", any group of ten or more motor vehicles owned by the same owner;

            (15)  "Fleet vehicle", a motor vehicle which is included as part of a fleet;

            (16)  "Fullmount", a vehicle mounted completely on the frame of either the first or last vehicle in a saddlemount combination;

            (17)  "Gross weight", the weight of vehicle and/or vehicle combination without load, plus the weight of any load thereon;

            (18)  "Hail-damaged vehicle", any vehicle, the body of which has become dented as the result of the impact of hail;

            (19)  "Highway", any public thoroughfare for vehicles, including state roads, county roads and public streets, avenues, boulevards, parkways or alleys in any municipality;

            (20)  "Improved highway", a highway which has been paved with gravel, macadam, concrete, brick or asphalt, or surfaced in such a manner that it shall have a hard, smooth surface;

            (21)  "Intersecting highway", any highway which joins another, whether or not it crosses the same;

            (22)  "Junk vehicle", a vehicle which is incapable of operation or use upon the highways and has no resale value except as a source of parts or scrap, and shall not be titled or registered;

            (23)  "Kit vehicle", a motor vehicle assembled by a person other than a generally recognized manufacturer of motor vehicles by the use of a glider kit or replica purchased from an authorized manufacturer and accompanied by a manufacturer's statement of origin;

            (24)  "Land improvement contractors' commercial motor vehicle", any not-for-hire commercial motor vehicle the operation of which is confined to:

            (a)  An area that extends not more than a radius of one hundred miles from its home base of operations when transporting its owner's machinery, equipment, or auxiliary supplies to or from projects involving soil and water conservation, or to and from equipment dealers' maintenance facilities for maintenance purposes; or

            (b)  An area that extends not more than a radius of fifty miles from its home base of operations when transporting its owner's machinery, equipment, or auxiliary supplies to or from projects not involving soil and water conservation.  Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to prevent any motor vehicle from being registered as a commercial motor vehicle or local commercial motor vehicle;

            (25)  "Local commercial motor vehicle", a commercial motor vehicle whose operations are confined solely to a municipality and that area extending not more than fifty miles therefrom, or a commercial motor vehicle whose property-carrying operations are confined solely to the transportation of property owned by any person who is the owner or operator of such vehicle to or from a farm owned by such person or under the person's control by virtue of a landlord and tenant lease; provided that any such property transported to any such farm is for use in the operation of such farm;

            (26)  "Local log truck", a commercial motor vehicle which is registered pursuant to this chapter to operate as a motor vehicle on the public highways of this state, used exclusively in this state, used to transport harvested forest products, operated solely at a forested site and in an area extending not more than a one hundred-mile radius from such site, carries a load with dimensions not in excess of twenty-five cubic yards per two axles with dual wheels, and when operated on the national system of interstate and defense highways described in Title 23, Section 103(e) of the United States Code, such vehicle shall not exceed the weight limits of section 304.180, does not have more than four axles, and does not pull a trailer which has more than two axles.  Harvesting equipment which is used specifically for cutting, felling, trimming, delimbing, debarking, chipping, skidding, loading, unloading, and stacking may be transported on a local log truck.  A local log truck may not exceed the limits required by law, however, if the truck does exceed such limits as determined by the inspecting officer, then notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, such truck shall be subject to the weight limits required by such sections as licensed for eighty thousand pounds;

            (27)  "Local log truck tractor", a commercial motor vehicle which is registered under this chapter to operate as a motor vehicle on the public highways of this state, used exclusively in this state, used to transport harvested forest products, operated solely at a forested site and in an area extending not more than a one hundred-mile radius from such site, operates with a weight not exceeding twenty-two thousand four hundred pounds on one axle or with a weight not exceeding forty-four thousand eight hundred pounds on any tandem axle, and when operated on the national system of interstate and defense highways described in Title 23, Section 103(e) of the United States Code, such vehicle does not exceed the weight limits contained in section 304.180, and does not have more than three axles and does not pull a trailer which has more than two axles.  Violations of axle weight limitations shall be subject to the load limit penalty as described for in sections 304.180 to 304.220;

            (28)  "Local transit bus", a bus whose operations are confined wholly within a municipal corporation, or wholly within a municipal corporation and a commercial zone, as defined in section 390.020, adjacent thereto, forming a part of a public transportation system within such municipal corporation and such municipal corporation and adjacent commercial zone;

            (29)  "Log truck", a vehicle which is not a local log truck or local log truck tractor and is used exclusively to transport harvested forest products to and from forested sites which is registered pursuant to this chapter to operate as a motor vehicle on the public highways of this state for the transportation of harvested forest products;

            (30)  "Major component parts", the rear clip, cowl, frame, body, cab, front-end assembly, and front clip, as those terms are defined by the director of revenue pursuant to rules and regulations or by illustrations;

            (31)  "Manufacturer", any person, firm, corporation or association engaged in the business of manufacturing or assembling motor vehicles, trailers or vessels for sale;

            (32)  ["Mobile scrap processor", a business located in Missouri or any other state that comes onto a salvage site and crushes motor vehicles and parts for transportation to a shredder or scrap metal operator for recycling;

            (33)]  "Motor change vehicle", a vehicle manufactured prior to August, 1957, which receives a new, rebuilt or used engine, and which used the number stamped on the original engine as the vehicle identification number;

            [(34)]  (33)  "Motor vehicle", any self-propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon tracks, except farm tractors;

            [(35)]  (34)  "Motor vehicle primarily for business use", any vehicle other than a recreational motor vehicle, motorcycle, motortricycle, or any commercial motor vehicle licensed for over twelve thousand pounds:

            (a)  Offered for hire or lease; or

            (b)  The owner of which also owns ten or more such motor vehicles;

            [(36)]  (35)  "Motorcycle", a motor vehicle operated on two wheels;

            [(37)]  (36)  "Motorized bicycle", any two-wheeled or three-wheeled device having an automatic transmission and a motor with a cylinder capacity of not more than fifty cubic centimeters, which produces less than three gross brake horsepower, and is capable of propelling the device at a maximum speed of not more than thirty miles per hour on level ground;

            [(38)]  (37)  "Motortricycle", a motor vehicle operated on three wheels, including a motorcycle while operated with any conveyance, temporary or otherwise, requiring the use of a third wheel.  A motortricycle shall not be included in the definition of all-terrain vehicle;

            [(39)]  (38)  "Municipality", any city, town or village, whether incorporated or not;

            [(40)]  (39)  "Nonresident", a resident of a state or country other than the state of Missouri;

            [(41)]  (40)  "Non-USA-std motor vehicle", a motor vehicle not originally manufactured in compliance with United States emissions or safety standards;

            [(42)]  (41)  "Operator", any person who operates or drives a motor vehicle;

            [(43)]  (42)  "Owner", any person, firm, corporation or association, who holds the legal title to a vehicle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale or lease thereof with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement and with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee or lessee, or in the event a mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee or lessee or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of this law;

            [(44)]  (43)  "Public garage", a place of business where motor vehicles are housed, stored, repaired, reconstructed or repainted for persons other than the owners or operators of such place of business;

            [(45)]  (44)  "Rebuilder", a business that repairs or rebuilds motor vehicles owned by the rebuilder, but does not include certificated common or contract carriers of persons or property;

            [(46)]  (45)  "Reconstructed motor vehicle", a vehicle that is altered from its original construction by the addition or substitution of two or more new or used major component parts, excluding motor vehicles made from all new parts, and new multistage manufactured vehicles;

            [(47)]  (46)  "Recreational motor vehicle", any motor vehicle designed, constructed or substantially modified so that it may be used and is used for the purposes of temporary housing quarters, including therein sleeping and eating facilities which are either permanently attached to the motor vehicle or attached to a unit which is securely attached to the motor vehicle.  Nothing herein shall prevent any motor vehicle from being registered as a commercial motor vehicle if the motor vehicle could otherwise be so registered;

            [(48)]  (47)  "Recreational off-highway vehicle", any motorized vehicle manufactured and used exclusively for off-highway use which is [sixty] sixty-four inches or less in width, with an unladen dry weight of [one] two thousand [eight hundred fifty] pounds or less, traveling on four or more nonhighway tires, with a nonstraddle seat, and steering wheel, which may have access to ATV trails;

            [(49)]  (48)   "Rollback or car carrier", any vehicle specifically designed to transport wrecked, disabled or otherwise inoperable vehicles, when the transportation is directly connected to a wrecker or towing service;

            [(50)]  (49)  "Saddlemount combination", a combination of vehicles in which a truck or truck tractor tows one or more trucks or truck tractors, each connected by a saddle to the frame or fifth wheel of the vehicle in front of it.  The "saddle" is a mechanism that connects the front axle of the towed vehicle to the frame or fifth wheel of the vehicle in front and functions like a fifth wheel kingpin connection.  When two vehicles are towed in this manner the combination is called a "double saddlemount combination".  When three vehicles are towed in this manner, the combination is called a "triple saddlemount combination";

            [(51)]  (50)  "Salvage dealer and dismantler", a business that dismantles used motor vehicles for the sale of the parts thereof, and buys and sells used motor vehicle parts and accessories;

            [(52)]  (51)  "Salvage vehicle", a motor vehicle, semitrailer, or house trailer which:

            (a)  Was damaged during a year that is no more than six years after the manufacturer's model year designation for such vehicle to the extent that the total cost of repairs to rebuild or reconstruct the vehicle to its condition immediately before it was damaged for legal operation on the roads or highways exceeds eighty percent of the fair market value of the vehicle immediately preceding the time it was damaged;

            (b)  By reason of condition or circumstance, has been declared salvage, either by its owner, or by a person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity exercising the right of security interest in it;

            (c)  Has been declared salvage by an insurance company as a result of settlement of a claim;

            (d)  Ownership of which is evidenced by a salvage title; or

            (e)  Is abandoned property which is titled pursuant to section 304.155 or section 304.157 and designated with the words "salvage/abandoned property".  The total cost of repairs to rebuild or reconstruct the vehicle shall not include the cost of repairing, replacing, or reinstalling inflatable safety restraints, tires, sound systems, or damage as a result of hail, or any sales tax on parts or materials to rebuild or reconstruct the vehicle.  For purposes of this definition, "fair market value" means the retail value of a motor vehicle as:

            a.  Set forth in a current edition of any nationally recognized compilation of retail values, including automated databases, or from publications commonly used by the automotive and insurance industries to establish the values of motor vehicles;

            b.  Determined pursuant to a market survey of comparable vehicles with regard to condition and equipment; and

            c.  Determined by an insurance company using any other procedure recognized by the insurance industry, including market surveys, that is applied by the company in a uniform manner;

            [(53)]  (52)  "School bus", any motor vehicle used solely to transport students to or from school or to transport students to or from any place for educational purposes;

            [(54)]  (53)  "Scrap processor", a business that, through the use of fixed or mobile equipment, flattens, crushes, or otherwise accepts motor vehicles and vehicle parts for processing or transportation to a shredder or scrap metal operator for recycling;

            (54)  "Shuttle bus", a motor vehicle used or maintained by any person, firm, or corporation as an incidental service to transport patrons or customers of the regular business of such person, firm, or corporation to and from the place of business of the person, firm, or corporation providing the service at no fee or charge.  Shuttle buses shall not be registered as buses or as commercial motor vehicles;

            (55)  "Special mobile equipment", every self-propelled vehicle not designed or used primarily for the transportation of persons or property and incidentally operated or moved over the highways, including farm equipment, implements of husbandry, road construction or maintenance machinery, ditch-digging apparatus, stone crushers, air compressors, power shovels, cranes, graders, rollers, well-drillers and wood-sawing equipment used for hire, asphalt spreaders, bituminous mixers, bucket loaders, ditchers, leveling graders, finished machines, motor graders, road rollers, scarifiers, earth-moving carryalls, scrapers, drag lines, concrete pump trucks, rock-drilling and earth-moving equipment.  This enumeration shall be deemed partial and shall not operate to exclude other such vehicles which are within the general terms of this section;

            (56)  "Specially constructed motor vehicle", a motor vehicle which shall not have been originally constructed under a distinctive name, make, model or type by a manufacturer of motor vehicles.  The term specially constructed motor vehicle includes kit vehicles;

            (57)  "Stinger-steered combination", a truck tractor-semitrailer wherein the fifth wheel is located on a drop frame located behind and below the rearmost axle of the power unit;

            (58)  "Tandem axle", a group of two or more axles, arranged one behind another, the distance between the extremes of which is more than forty inches and not more than ninety-six inches apart;

            (59)  "Tractor", "truck tractor" or "truck-tractor", a self-propelled motor vehicle designed for drawing other vehicles, but not for the carriage of any load when operating independently.  When attached to a semitrailer, it supports a part of the weight thereof;

            (60)  "Trailer", any vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers on its own structure and for being drawn by a self-propelled vehicle, except those running exclusively on tracks, including a semitrailer or vehicle of the trailer type so designed and used in conjunction with a self-propelled vehicle that a considerable part of its own weight rests upon and is carried by the towing vehicle.  The term "trailer" shall not include cotton trailers as defined in subdivision (8) of this section and shall not include manufactured homes as defined in section 700.010;

            (61)  "Truck", a motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained for the transportation of property;

            (62)  "Truck-tractor semitrailer-semitrailer", a combination vehicle in which the two trailing units are connected with a B-train assembly which is a rigid frame extension attached to the rear frame of a first semitrailer which allows for a fifth-wheel connection point for the second semitrailer and has one less articulation point than the conventional A-dolly connected truck-tractor semitrailer-trailer combination;

            (63)  "Truck-trailer boat transporter combination", a boat transporter combination consisting of a straight truck towing a trailer using typically a ball and socket connection with the trailer axle located substantially at the trailer center of gravity rather than the rear of the trailer but so as to maintain a downward force on the trailer tongue;

            (64)  "Used parts dealer", a business that buys and sells used motor vehicle parts or accessories, but not including a business that sells only new, remanufactured or rebuilt parts.  "Business" does not include isolated sales at a swap meet of less than three days;

            (65)  "Utility vehicle", any motorized vehicle manufactured and used exclusively for off-highway use which is sixty-three inches or less in width, with an unladen dry weight of one thousand eight hundred fifty pounds or less, traveling on four or six wheels, to be used primarily for landscaping, lawn care, or maintenance purposes;

            (66)  "Vanpool", any van or other motor vehicle used or maintained by any person, group, firm, corporation, association, city, county or state agency, or any member thereof, for the transportation of not less than eight nor more than forty-eight employees, per motor vehicle, to and from their place of employment; however, a vanpool shall not be included in the definition of the term bus or commercial motor vehicle as defined by subdivisions (6) and (7) of this section, nor shall a vanpool driver be deemed a chauffeur as that term is defined by section [302.010] 303.020; nor shall use of a vanpool vehicle for ride-sharing arrangements, recreational, personal, or maintenance uses constitute an unlicensed use of the motor vehicle, unless used for monetary profit other than for use in a ride-sharing arrangement;

            (67)  "Vehicle", any mechanical device on wheels, designed primarily for use, or used, on highways, except motorized bicycles, vehicles propelled or drawn by horses or human power, or vehicles used exclusively on fixed rails or tracks, or cotton trailers or motorized wheelchairs operated by handicapped persons;

            (68)  "Wrecker" or "tow truck", any emergency commercial vehicle equipped, designed and used to assist or render aid and transport or tow disabled or wrecked vehicles from a highway, road, street or highway rights-of-way to a point of storage or repair, including towing a replacement vehicle to replace a disabled or wrecked vehicle;

            (69)  "Wrecker or towing service", the act of transporting, towing or recovering with a wrecker, tow truck, rollback or car carrier any vehicle not owned by the operator of the wrecker, tow truck, rollback or car carrier for which the operator directly or indirectly receives compensation or other personal gain.

            301.032.  1.  Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 301.030 and 301.035 to the contrary, the director of revenue shall establish a system of registration of all fleet vehicles owned or purchased by a fleet owner registered pursuant to this section.  The director of revenue shall prescribe the forms for such fleet registration and the forms and procedures for the registration updates prescribed in this section.  Any owner of ten or more motor vehicles which must be registered in accordance with this chapter may register as a fleet owner.  All registered fleet owners may, at their option, register all motor vehicles included in the fleet on a calendar year or biennial basis pursuant to this section in lieu of the registration periods provided in sections 301.030, 301.035, and 301.147.  The director shall issue an identification number to each registered owner of fleet vehicles.  

            2.  All fleet vehicles included in the fleet of a registered fleet owner shall be registered during April [each year] of the corresponding year or on a prorated basis as provided in subsection 3 of this section.  Fees of all vehicles in the fleet to be registered on a calendar year basis or on a biennial basis shall be payable not later than the last day of April of [each year] the corresponding year, with two years' fees due for biennially-registered vehicles.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 307.355, an application for registration of a fleet vehicle must be accompanied by a certificate of inspection and approval issued no more than one hundred twenty days prior to the date of application.  The fees for vehicles added to the fleet which must be licensed at the time of registration shall be payable at the time of registration, except that when such vehicle is licensed between July first and September thirtieth the fee shall be three-fourths the annual fee, when licensed between October first and December thirty-first the fee shall be one-half the annual fee and when licensed on or after January first the fee shall be one-fourth the annual fee.  When biennial registration is sought for vehicles added to a fleet, an additional year's annual fee will be added to the partial year's prorated fee.  

            3.  At any time during the calendar year in which an owner of a fleet purchases or otherwise acquires a vehicle which is to be added to the fleet or transfers plates to a fleet vehicle, the owner shall present to the director of revenue the identification number as a fleet number and may register the vehicle for the partial year as provided in subsection 2 of this section.  The fleet owner shall also be charged a transfer fee of two dollars for each vehicle so transferred pursuant to this subsection.  

            4.  Except as specifically provided in this subsection, all fleet vehicles registered pursuant to this section shall be issued a special license plate which shall have the words "Fleet Vehicle" in place of the words "Show-Me State" in the manner prescribed by the advisory committee established in section 301.129.  Alternatively, for a one-time additional five dollar per-vehicle fee beyond the regular registration fee, [owners of] a fleet owner of at least fifty fleet vehicles may apply for fleet license plates bearing a company name or logo, the size and design thereof subject to approval by the director.  All fleet license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130.  Fleet vehicles shall be issued multiyear license plates as provided in this section which shall not require issuance of a renewal tab.  Upon payment of appropriate registration fees, the director of revenue shall issue a registration certificate or other suitable evidence of payment of the annual or biennial fee, and such evidence of payment shall be carried at all times in the vehicle for which it is issued.  The director of revenue shall promulgate rules and regulations establishing the procedure for application and issuance of fleet vehicle license plates.  

            5.  Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 307.350 to 307.390 to the contrary, a fleet vehicle registered in Missouri is exempt from the requirements of sections 307.350 to 307.390 if at the time of the annual fleet registration, such fleet vehicle is situated outside the state of Missouri.  

            301.069.  1.  A driveaway license plate may not be used on a vehicle used or operated on a highway except for the purpose of transporting vehicles in transit.  Driveaway license plates may not be used by tow truck operators transporting wrecked, disabled, abandoned, improperly parked, or burned vehicles.  Driveaway license plates shall only be used by owners, corporate officers, or employees of the business to which the plate was issued.  For each driveaway license there shall be paid an annual license fee of forty-four dollars and fifty cents for one set of plates or such insignia as the director may issue which shall be attached to the motor vehicle as prescribed in this chapter.  Applicants may choose to obtain biennial driveaway licenses.  The fee for biennial driveaway licenses shall be eighty-nine dollars.  For single trips the fee shall be four dollars, and descriptive insignia shall be prepared and issued at the discretion of the director who shall also prescribe the type of equipment used to attach such vehicles in combinations.

            2.  No driveaway license plates shall be issued by the director of revenue unless the applicant therefor shall make application for such plate and shall therein include:

            (1)  The business name, business street address, and business telephone number of the applicant;

            (2)  The business owner's full name, date of birth, driver's license number or nondriver's license number, residence street address, and residence telephone number;

            (3)  The signature and printed name of the business owner or authorized representative of the business presenting such application; and

            (4)  A statement explaining what the driveaway license plate or plates will be used for.  The applicant shall provide certification of proof of financial responsibility, as defined in section 303.020, sufficient to cover each motor vehicle the applicant shall operate or otherwise move on the streets or highways, through use of the driveaway license plate, during the period of registration.  The applicant shall provide such certification by affixing a copy of said certification to the application.  The application shall include a photograph, not to exceed eight inches by ten inches but no less than five inches by seven inches, showing the business building and sign of the applicant's business.  The applicant shall maintain a working, landline telephone at the applicant's place of business throughout the registration period.  The applicant shall maintain certification of proof of financial responsibility as described herein throughout the registration period.

            3.  If any of the information required by this section to be reported by the applicant changes during the registration period, the applicant shall report said changes to the department of revenue within ten days of the date of the change.

            4.  Any violation of this section or misrepresentation contained in an application for driveaway license plate shall result in the revocation of the applicant's driveaway license plate and any subsequent application for a driveaway license plate shall be denied for two years from the date of violation.  "Applicant" shall include any officer of a business or any employee or agent thereof.

            5.  Any person who knowingly uses a revoked driveaway license plate shall be deemed guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

            301.216.  Department investigators licensed as peace officers by the director of the department of public safety under chapter 590 shall be deemed to be peace officers within the state of Missouri while acting in an investigation to enforce the provisions of this chapter and any provisions regarding fees, licenses, or taxes administered by the director.  The power of arrest of a department investigator acting as a peace officer shall be limited to offenses involving fees, licenses, taxes, or in situations of imminent danger to the investigator or another person.

            301.218.  1.  No person shall, except as an incident to the sale, repair, rebuilding or servicing of vehicles by a licensed franchised motor vehicle dealer, carry on or conduct the following business unless licensed to do so by the department of revenue under sections 301.217 to 301.229:

            (1)  Selling used parts of or used accessories for vehicles as a used parts dealer, as defined in section 301.010;

            (2)  Salvaging, wrecking or dismantling vehicles for resale of the parts thereof as a salvage dealer or dismantler, as defined in section 301.010;

            (3)  Rebuilding and repairing four or more wrecked or dismantled vehicles in a calendar year as a rebuilder or body shop, as defined in section 301.010;

            (4)  Processing scrapped vehicles or vehicle parts as a [mobile] scrap processor, as defined in section 301.010.  

            2.  Sales at a salvage pool or a salvage disposal sale shall be open only to and made to persons actually engaged in and holding a current license under sections 301.217 to 301.221 and 301.550 to 301.573 or any person from another state or jurisdiction who is legally allowed in his or her state of domicile to purchase for resale, rebuild, dismantle, crush, or scrap either motor vehicles or salvage vehicles, and to persons who reside in a foreign country that are purchasing salvage vehicles for export outside of the United States.  Operators of salvage pools or salvage disposal sales shall keep a record, for three years, of sales of salvage vehicles with the purchasers' name and address, and the year, make, and vehicle identification number for each vehicle.  These records shall be open for inspection as provided in section 301.225.  Such records shall be submitted to the department on a quarterly basis.  

            3.  The operator of a salvage pool or salvage disposal sale, or subsequent purchaser, who sells a nonrepairable motor vehicle or a salvage motor vehicle to a person who is not a resident of the United States at a salvage pool or a salvage disposal sale shall:

            (1)  Stamp on the face of the title so as not to obscure any name, date, or mileage statement on the title the words "FOR EXPORT ONLY" in capital letters that are black; and

            (2)  Stamp in each unused reassignment space on the back of the title the words "FOR EXPORT ONLY" and print the number of the dealer's salvage vehicle license, name of the salvage pool, or the name of the governmental entity, as applicable.  The words "FOR EXPORT ONLY" required under subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection shall be at least two inches wide and clearly legible.  Copies of the stamped titles shall be forwarded to the department.  

            4.  The director of revenue shall issue a separate license for each kind of business described in subsection 1 of this section, to be entitled and designated as either "used parts dealer"; "salvage dealer or dismantler"; "rebuilder or body shop"; or "[mobile] scrap processor" license.  

            301.280.  1.  Every motor vehicle dealer and boat dealer shall make a monthly report to the department of revenue, on blanks to be prescribed by the department of revenue, giving the following information: date of the sale of each motor vehicle, boat, trailer and all-terrain vehicle sold; the name and address of the buyer; the name of the manufacturer; year of manufacture; model of vehicle; vehicle identification number; style of vehicle; odometer setting; and it shall also state whether the motor vehicle, boat, trailer or all-terrain vehicle is new or secondhand.  Each monthly sales report filed by a motor vehicle dealer who collects sales tax under subsection 8 of section 144.070 shall also include the amount of state and local sales tax collected for each motor vehicle sold if sales tax was due.  The odometer reading is not required when reporting the sale of any motor vehicle that is ten years old or older, any motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of more than sixteen thousand pounds, new vehicles that are transferred on a manufacturer's statement of origin between one franchised motor vehicle dealer and another, or boats, all-terrain vehicles or trailers.  The sale of all thirty-day temporary permits, without exception, shall be recorded in the appropriate space on the dealer's monthly sales report by recording the complete permit number issued on the motor vehicle or trailer sale listed.  The monthly sales report shall be completed in full and signed by an officer, partner, or owner of the dealership, and actually received by the department of revenue on or before the fifteenth day of the month succeeding the month for which the sales are being reported.  If no sales occur in any given month, a report shall be submitted for that month indicating no sales.  Any vehicle dealer who fails to file a monthly report or who fails to file a timely report shall be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed in section 301.562 or a penalty assessed by the director not to exceed three hundred dollars per violation.  Every motor vehicle and boat dealer shall retain copies of the monthly sales report as part of the records to be maintained at the dealership location and shall hold them available for inspection by appropriate law enforcement officials and officials of the department of revenue.  Every vehicle dealer selling twenty or more vehicles a month shall file the monthly sales report with the department in an electronic format.  Any dealer filing a monthly sales report in an electronic format shall be exempt from filing the notice of transfer required by section 301.196.  For any dealer not filing electronically, the notice of transfer required by section 301.196 shall be submitted with the monthly sales report as prescribed by the director.  

            2.  Every dealer and every person operating a public garage shall keep a correct record of the vehicle identification number, odometer setting, manufacturer's name of all motor vehicles or trailers accepted by him for the purpose of sale, rental, storage, repair or repainting, together with the name and address of the person delivering such motor vehicle or trailer to the dealer or public garage keeper, and the person delivering such motor vehicle or trailer shall record such information in a file kept by the dealer or garage keeper.  The record shall be kept for [three] five years and be open for inspection by law enforcement officials, members or authorized or designated employees of the Missouri highway patrol, and persons, agencies and officials designated by the director of revenue.

            3.  Every dealer and every person operating a public garage in which a motor vehicle remains unclaimed for a period of fifteen days shall, within five days after the expiration of that period, report the motor vehicle as unclaimed to the director of revenue.  Such report shall be on a form prescribed by the director of revenue.  A motor vehicle left by its owner whose name and address are known to the dealer or his employee or person operating a public garage or his employee is not considered unclaimed.  Any dealer or person operating a public garage who fails to report a motor vehicle as unclaimed as herein required forfeits all claims and liens for its garaging, parking or storing.  

            4.  The director of revenue shall maintain appropriately indexed cumulative records of unclaimed vehicles reported to the director.  Such records shall be kept open to public inspection during reasonable business hours.  

            5.  The alteration or obliteration of the vehicle identification number on any such motor vehicle shall be prima facie evidence of larceny, and the dealer or person operating such public garage shall upon the discovery of such obliteration or alteration immediately notify the highway patrol, sheriff, marshal, constable or chief of police of the municipality where the dealer or garage keeper has his place of business, and shall hold such motor vehicle or trailer for a period of forty-eight hours for the purpose of an investigation by the officer so notified.

            6.  Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or omission of a material fact in a monthly sales report to the department of revenue, as described in subsection 1 of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

            301.559.  1.  It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in business as or act as a motor vehicle dealer, boat dealer, manufacturer, boat manufacturer, public motor vehicle auction, wholesale motor vehicle auction or wholesale motor vehicle dealer without first obtaining a license from the department as required in sections 301.550 to 301.573.  Any person who maintains or operates any business wherein a license is required pursuant to the provisions of sections 301.550 to 301.573, without such license, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.  Any person committing a second violation of sections 301.550 to 301.573 shall be guilty of a class D felony.  

            2.  All dealer licenses shall expire on December thirty-first of [each year] the designated license period.  The department shall notify each person licensed under sections 301.550 to 301.573 of the date of license expiration and the amount of the fee required for renewal.  The notice shall be mailed at least ninety days before the date of license expiration to the licensee's last known business address.  The director shall have the authority to issue licenses valid for a period of up to two years and to stagger the license periods for administrative efficiency and equalization of workload, at the sole discretion of the director.  

            3.  Every manufacturer, boat manufacturer, motor vehicle dealer, wholesale motor vehicle dealer, wholesale motor vehicle auction, boat dealer or public motor vehicle auction shall make application to the department for issuance of a license.  The application shall be on forms prescribed by the department and shall be issued under the terms and provisions of sections 301.550 to 301.573 and require all applicants, as a condition precedent to the issuance of a license, to provide such information as the department may deem necessary to determine that the applicant is bona fide and of good moral character, except that every application for a license shall contain, in addition to such information as the department may require, a statement to the following facts:

            (1)  The name and business address, not a post office box, of the applicant and the fictitious name, if any, under which he intends to conduct his business; and if the applicant be a partnership, the name and residence address of each partner, an indication of whether the partner is a limited or general partner and the name under which the partnership business is to be conducted.  In the event that the applicant is a corporation, the application shall list the names of the principal officers of the corporation and the state in which it is incorporated.  Each application shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of the applicant, if an individual, or in the event an applicant is a partnership or corporation, then by a partner or officer;

            (2)  Whether the application is being made for registration as a manufacturer, boat manufacturer, new motor vehicle franchise dealer, used motor vehicle dealer, wholesale motor vehicle dealer, boat dealer, wholesale motor vehicle auction or a public motor vehicle auction;

            (3)  When the application is for a new motor vehicle franchise dealer, the application shall be accompanied by a copy of the franchise agreement in the registered name of the dealership setting out the appointment of the applicant as a franchise holder and it shall be signed by the manufacturer, or his authorized agent, or the distributor, or his authorized agent, and shall include a description of the make of all motor vehicles covered by the franchise.  The department shall not require a copy of the franchise agreement to be submitted with each renewal application unless the applicant is now the holder of a franchise from a different manufacturer or distributor from that previously filed, or unless a new term of agreement has been entered into;

            (4)  When the application is for a public motor vehicle auction, that the public motor vehicle auction has met the requirements of section 301.561.  

            4.  No insurance company, finance company, credit union, savings and loan association, bank or trust company shall be required to obtain a license from the department in order to sell any motor vehicle, trailer or vessel repossessed or purchased by the company on the basis of total destruction or theft thereof when the sale of the motor vehicle, trailer or vessel is in conformance with applicable title and registration laws of this state.  

            5.  No person shall be issued a license to conduct a public motor vehicle auction or wholesale motor vehicle auction if such person has a violation of sections 301.550 to 301.573 or other violations of chapter 301, sections 407.511 to 407.556, or section 578.120 which resulted in a felony conviction or finding of guilt or a violation of any federal motor vehicle laws which resulted in a felony conviction or finding of guilt.  

            301.560.  1.  In addition to the application forms prescribed by the department, each applicant shall submit the following to the department:

            (1)  Every application other than a renewal application for a motor vehicle franchise dealer shall include a certification that the applicant has a bona fide established place of business.  Such application shall include an annual certification that the applicant has a bona fide established place of business for the first three years and only for every other year thereafter.  The certification shall be performed by a uniformed member of the Missouri state highway patrol or authorized or designated employee stationed in the troop area in which the applicant's place of business is located; except that in counties of the first classification, certification may be performed by an officer of a metropolitan police department when the applicant's established place of business of distributing or selling motor vehicles or trailers is in the metropolitan area where the certifying metropolitan police officer is employed.  When the application is being made for licensure as a boat manufacturer or boat dealer, certification shall be performed by a uniformed member of the Missouri state water patrol stationed in the district area in which the applicant's place of business is located or by a uniformed member of the Missouri state highway patrol stationed in the troop area in which the applicant's place of business is located or, if the applicant's place of business is located within the jurisdiction of a metropolitan police department in a first class county, by an officer of such metropolitan police department.  A bona fide established place of business for any new motor vehicle franchise dealer, used motor vehicle dealer, boat dealer, powersport dealer, wholesale motor vehicle dealer, trailer dealer, or wholesale or public auction shall be a permanent enclosed building or structure, either owned in fee or leased and actually occupied as a place of business by the applicant for the selling, bartering, trading, servicing, or exchanging of motor vehicles, boats, personal watercraft, or trailers and wherein the public may contact the owner or operator at any reasonable time, and wherein shall be kept and maintained the books, records, files and other matters required and necessary to conduct the business.  The applicant's place of business shall contain a working telephone which shall be maintained during the entire registration year.  In order to qualify as a bona fide established place of business for all applicants licensed pursuant to this section there shall be an exterior sign displayed carrying the name of the business set forth in letters at least six inches in height and clearly visible to the public and there shall be an area or lot which shall not be a public street on which multiple vehicles, boats, personal watercraft, or trailers may be displayed.  The sign shall contain the name of the dealership by which it is known to the public through advertising or otherwise, which need not be identical to the name appearing on the dealership's license so long as such name is registered as a fictitious name with the secretary of state, has been approved by its line-make manufacturer in writing in the case of a new motor vehicle franchise dealer and a copy of such fictitious name registration has been provided to the department.  Dealers who sell only emergency vehicles as defined in section 301.550 are exempt from maintaining a bona fide place of business, including the related law enforcement certification requirements, and from meeting the minimum yearly sales;

            (2)  The initial application for licensure shall include a photograph, not to exceed eight inches by ten inches but no less than five inches by seven inches, showing the business building, lot, and sign.  A new motor vehicle franchise dealer applicant who has purchased a currently licensed new motor vehicle franchised dealership shall be allowed to submit a photograph of the existing dealership building, lot and sign but shall be required to submit a new photograph upon the installation of the new dealership sign as required by sections 301.550 to 301.573.  Applicants shall not be required to submit a photograph annually unless the business has moved from its previously licensed location, or unless the name of the business or address has changed, or unless the class of business has changed;

            (3)  Every applicant as a new motor vehicle franchise dealer, a used motor vehicle dealer, a powersport dealer, a wholesale motor vehicle dealer, trailer dealer, or boat dealer shall furnish with the application a corporate surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit as defined in section [400.5-103] 400.5-102, issued by any state or federal financial institution in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars on a form approved by the department.  The bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be conditioned upon the dealer complying with the provisions of the statutes applicable to new motor vehicle franchise dealers, used motor vehicle dealers, powersport dealers, wholesale motor vehicle dealers, trailer dealers, and boat dealers, and the bond shall be an indemnity for any loss sustained by reason of the acts of the person bonded when such acts constitute grounds for the suspension or revocation of the dealer's license.  The bond shall be executed in the name of the state of Missouri for the benefit of all aggrieved parties or the irrevocable letter of credit shall name the state of Missouri as the beneficiary; except, that the aggregate liability of the surety or financial institution to the aggrieved parties shall, in no event, exceed the amount of the bond or irrevocable letter of credit.  The proceeds of the bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be paid upon receipt by the department of a final judgment from a Missouri court of competent jurisdiction against the principal and in favor of an aggrieved party.  Additionally, every applicant as a new motor vehicle franchise dealer, a used motor vehicle dealer, a powersport dealer, a wholesale motor vehicle dealer, or boat dealer shall furnish with the application a copy of a current dealer garage policy bearing the policy number and name of the insurer and the insured;

            (4)  Payment of all necessary license fees as established by the department.  In establishing the amount of the annual license fees, the department shall, as near as possible, produce sufficient total income to offset operational expenses of the department relating to the administration of sections 301.550 to 301.573.  All fees payable pursuant to the provisions of sections 301.550 to [301.573] 301.580, other than those fees collected for the issuance of dealer plates or certificates of number collected pursuant to subsection 6 of this section, shall be collected by the department for deposit in the state treasury to the credit of the "Motor Vehicle Commission Fund", which is hereby created.  The motor vehicle commission fund shall be administered by the Missouri department of revenue.  The provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary notwithstanding, money in such fund shall not be transferred and placed to the credit of the general revenue fund until the amount in the motor vehicle commission fund at the end of the biennium exceeds two times the amount of the appropriation from such fund for the preceding fiscal year or, if the department requires permit renewal less frequently than yearly, then three times the appropriation from such fund for the preceding fiscal year.  The amount, if any, in the fund which shall lapse is that amount in the fund which exceeds the multiple of the appropriation from such fund for the preceding fiscal year.  

            2.  In the event a new vehicle manufacturer, boat manufacturer, motor vehicle dealer, wholesale motor vehicle dealer, boat dealer, powersport dealer, wholesale motor vehicle auction, trailer dealer, or a public motor vehicle auction submits an application for a license for a new business and the applicant has complied with all the provisions of this section, the department shall make a decision to grant or deny the license to the applicant within eight working hours after receipt of the dealer's application, notwithstanding any rule of the department.  

            3.  Upon the initial issuance of a license by the department, the department shall assign a distinctive dealer license number or certificate of number to the applicant and the department shall issue one number plate or certificate bearing the distinctive dealer license number or certificate of number and two additional number plates or certificates of number within eight working hours after presentment of the application.  Upon renewal, the department shall issue the distinctive dealer license number or certificate of number as quickly as possible.  The issuance of such distinctive dealer license number or certificate of number shall be in lieu of registering each motor vehicle, trailer, vessel or vessel trailer dealt with by a boat dealer, boat manufacturer, manufacturer, public motor vehicle auction, wholesale motor vehicle dealer, wholesale motor vehicle auction or new or used motor vehicle dealer.  

            4.  Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, the department shall assign the following distinctive dealer license numbers to:

New motor vehicle franchise dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-0 through D-999

New powersport dealers and motorcycle

    franchise dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-1000 through D-1999

Used motor vehicle, used powersport,

    and used motorcycle dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2000 through D-9999

Wholesale motor vehicle dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W-0 through W-1999

Wholesale motor vehicle auctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WA-0 through WA-999

New and used trailer dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T-0 through T-9999

Motor vehicle, trailer, and boat

    manufacturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DM-0 through DM-999

Public motor vehicle auctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-0 through A-1999

Boat dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-0 through M-9999

New and used recreational motor vehicle

    dealers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RV-0 through RV-999

For purposes of this subsection, qualified transactions shall include the purchase of salvage titled vehicles by a licensed salvage dealer.  A used motor vehicle dealer who also holds a salvage dealer's license shall be allowed one additional plate or certificate number per fifty-unit qualified transactions annually.  In order for salvage dealers to obtain number plates or certificates under this section, dealers shall submit to the department of revenue on August first of each year a statement certifying, under penalty of perjury, the dealer's number of purchases during the reporting period of July first of the immediately preceding year to June thirtieth of the present year.  The provisions of this subsection shall become effective on the date the director of the department of revenue begins to reissue new license plates under section 301.130, or on December 1, 2008, whichever occurs first.  If the director of revenue begins reissuing new license plates under the authority granted under section 301.130 prior to December 1, 2008, the director of the department of revenue shall notify the revisor of statutes of such fact.  

            5.  Upon the sale of a currently licensed new motor vehicle franchise dealership the department shall, upon request, authorize the new approved dealer applicant to retain the selling dealer's license number and shall cause the new dealer's records to indicate such transfer.  

            6.  In the case of new motor vehicle manufacturers, motor vehicle dealers, powersport dealers, recreational motor vehicle dealers, and trailer dealers, the department shall issue one number plate bearing the distinctive dealer license number and may issue two additional number plates to the applicant upon payment by the manufacturer or dealer of a fifty dollar fee for the number plate bearing the distinctive dealer license number and ten dollars and fifty cents for each additional number plate.  Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130.  Boat dealers and boat manufacturers shall be entitled to one certificate of number bearing such number upon the payment of a fifty dollar fee.  Additional number plates and as many additional certificates of number may be obtained upon payment of a fee of ten dollars and fifty cents for each additional plate or certificate.  New motor vehicle manufacturers shall not be issued or possess more than three hundred forty-seven additional number plates or certificates of number annually.  New and used motor vehicle dealers, powersport dealers, wholesale motor vehicle dealers, boat dealers, and trailer dealers are limited to one additional plate or certificate of number per ten-unit qualified transactions annually.  New and used recreational motor vehicle dealers are limited to two additional plates or certificate of number per ten-unit qualified transactions annually for their first fifty transactions and one additional plate or certificate of number per ten-unit qualified transactions thereafter.  An applicant seeking the issuance of an initial license shall indicate on his or her initial application the applicant's proposed annual number of sales in order for the director to issue the appropriate number of additional plates or certificates of number.  A motor vehicle dealer, trailer dealer, boat dealer, powersport dealer, recreational motor vehicle dealer, motor vehicle manufacturer, boat manufacturer, or wholesale motor vehicle dealer obtaining a distinctive dealer license plate or certificate of number or additional license plate or additional certificate of number, throughout the calendar year, shall be required to pay a fee for such license plates or certificates of number computed on the basis of one-twelfth of the full fee prescribed for the original and duplicate number plates or certificates of number for such dealers' licenses, multiplied by the number of months remaining in the licensing period for which the dealer or manufacturers shall be required to be licensed.  In the event of a renewing dealer, the fee due at the time of renewal shall not be prorated.  Wholesale and public auctions shall be issued a certificate of dealer registration in lieu of a dealer number plate.  In order for dealers to obtain number plates or certificates under this section, dealers shall submit to the department of revenue on August first of each year a statement certifying, under penalty of perjury, the dealer's number of sales during the reporting period of July first of the immediately preceding year to June thirtieth of the present year.  

            7.  The plates issued pursuant to subsection 3 or 6 of this section may be displayed on any motor vehicle owned by a new motor vehicle manufacturer.  The plates issued pursuant to subsection 3 or 6 of this section may be displayed on any motor vehicle or trailer owned and held for resale by a motor vehicle dealer for use by a customer who is test driving the motor vehicle, for use and display purposes during, but not limited to, parades, private events, charitable events, or for use by an employee or officer, but shall not be displayed on any motor vehicle or trailer hired or loaned to others or upon any regularly used service or wrecker vehicle.  Motor vehicle dealers may display their dealer plates on a tractor, truck or trailer to demonstrate a vehicle under a loaded condition.  Trailer dealers may display their dealer license plates in like manner, except such plates may only be displayed on trailers owned and held for resale by the trailer dealer.  

            8.  The certificates of number issued pursuant to subsection 3 or 6 of this section may be displayed on any vessel or vessel trailer owned and held for resale by a boat manufacturer or a boat dealer, and used by a customer who is test driving the vessel or vessel trailer, or is used by an employee or officer on a vessel or vessel trailer only, but shall not be displayed on any motor vehicle owned by a boat manufacturer, boat dealer, or trailer dealer, or vessel or vessel trailer hired or loaned to others or upon any regularly used service vessel or vessel trailer.  Boat dealers and boat manufacturers may display their certificate of number on a vessel or vessel trailer when transporting a vessel or vessels to an exhibit or show.  

            9.  If any law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that any license plate or certificate of number issued under subsection 3 or 6 of this section is being misused in violation of subsection 7 or 8 of this section, the license plate or certificate of number may be seized and surrendered to the department.

            10.  (1)  Every application for the issuance of a used motor vehicle dealer's license shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant, within the last twelve months, has completed an educational seminar course approved by the department as prescribed by subdivision (2) of this subsection.  Wholesale and public auto auctions and applicants currently holding a new or used license for a separate dealership shall be exempt from the requirements of this subsection.  The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to current new motor vehicle franchise dealers or motor vehicle leasing agencies or applicants for a new motor vehicle franchise or a motor vehicle leasing agency.  The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to used motor vehicle dealers who were licensed prior to August 28, 2006.  

            (2)  The educational seminar shall include, but is not limited to, the dealer requirements of sections 301.550 to 301.573, the rules promulgated to implement, enforce, and administer sections 301.550 to 301.570, and any other rules and regulations promulgated by the department.  

            301.562.  1.  The department may refuse to issue or renew any license required pursuant to sections 301.550 to 301.573 for any one or any combination of causes stated in subsection 2 of this section.  The department shall notify the applicant or licensee in writing at his or her last known address of the reasons for the refusal to issue or renew the license and shall advise the applicant or licensee of his or her right to file a complaint with the administrative hearing commission as provided by chapter 621.  

            2.  The department may cause a complaint to be filed with the administrative hearing commission as provided by chapter 621 against any holder of any license issued under sections 301.550 to 301.573 for any one or any combination of the following causes:

            (1)  The applicant or license holder was previously the holder of a license issued under sections 301.550 to 301.573, which license was revoked for cause and never reissued by the department, or which license was suspended for cause and the terms of suspension have not been fulfilled;

            (2)  The applicant or license holder was previously a partner, stockholder, director or officer controlling or managing a partnership or corporation whose license issued under sections 301.550 to 301.573 was revoked for cause and never reissued or was suspended for cause and the terms of suspension have not been fulfilled;

            (3)  The applicant or license holder has, within ten years prior to the date of the application, been finally adjudicated and found guilty, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, in a prosecution under the laws of any state or of the United States, for any offense reasonably related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of any business licensed under sections 301.550 to 301.573; for any offense, an essential element of which is fraud, dishonesty, or an act of violence; or for any offense involving moral turpitude, whether or not sentence is imposed;

            (4)  Use of fraud, deception, misrepresentation, or bribery in securing any license issued pursuant to sections 301.550 to 301.573;

            (5)  Obtaining or attempting to obtain any money, commission, fee, barter, exchange, or other compensation by fraud, deception, or misrepresentation;

            (6)  Violation of, or assisting or enabling any person to violate any provisions of this chapter and chapters 143, 144, 306, 307, 407, 578, and 643 or of any lawful rule or regulation adopted pursuant to this chapter and chapters 143, 144, 306, 307, 407, 578, and 643;

            (7)  The applicant or license holder has filed an application for a license which, as of its effective date, was incomplete in any material respect or contained any statement which was, in light of the circumstances under which it was made, false or misleading with respect to any material fact;

            (8)  The applicant or license holder has failed to pay the proper application or license fee or other fees required pursuant to this chapter or chapter 306 or fails to establish or maintain a bona fide place of business;

            (9)  Uses or permits the use of any special license or license plate assigned to the license holder for any purpose other than those permitted by law;

            (10)  The applicant or license holder is finally adjudged insane or incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction;

            (11)  Use of any advertisement or solicitation which is false;

            (12)  Violations of sections 407.511 to 407.556, section 578.120, which resulted in a conviction or finding of guilt or violation of any federal motor vehicle laws which result in a conviction or finding of guilt.  

            3.  Any such complaint shall be filed within one year of the date upon which the department receives notice of an alleged violation of an applicable statute or regulation.  After the filing of such complaint, the proceedings shall, except for the matters set forth in subsection 5 of this section, be conducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 621.  Upon a finding by the administrative hearing commission that the grounds, provided in subsection 2 of this section, for disciplinary action are met, the department may, singly or in combination, refuse to issue the person a license, issue a license for a period of less than two years, issue a private reprimand, place the person on probation on such terms and conditions as the department deems appropriate for a period of one day to five years, suspend the person's license from one day to six days, or revoke the person's license for such period as the department deems appropriate.  The applicant or licensee shall have the right to appeal the decision of the administrative hearing commission and department in the manner provided in chapter 536.  

            4.  Upon the suspension or revocation of any person's license issued under sections 301.550 to 301.573, the department shall recall any distinctive number plates that were issued to that licensee.  If any licensee who has been suspended or revoked shall neglect or refuse to surrender his or her license or distinctive number license plates issued under sections 301.550 to 301.580, the director shall direct any agent or employee of the department or any law enforcement officer, to secure possession thereof and return such items to the director.  For purposes of this subsection, a "law enforcement officer" means any member of the highway patrol, any sheriff or deputy sheriff, or any peace officer certified under chapter 590 acting in his or her official capacity.  Failure of the licensee to surrender his or her license or distinctive number license plates upon demand by the director, any agent or employee of the department, or any law enforcement officer shall be a class A misdemeanor.

            5.  Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the following events or acts by the holder of any license issued under sections 301.550 to 301.580 are deemed to present a clear and present danger to the public welfare and shall be considered cause for suspension or revocation of such license under the procedure set forth in subsection 6 of this section, at the discretion of the director:

            (1)  The expiration or revocation of any corporate surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit, as required by section 301.560, without submission of a replacement bond or letter of credit which provides coverage for the entire period of licensure;

            (2)  The failure to maintain a bona fide established place of business as required by section 301.560;

            (3)  Criminal convictions as set forth in subdivision (3) of subsection 2 of this section; or

            (4)  Three or more occurrences of violations, which have been established following proceedings before the administrative hearing commission under subsection 3 of this section, or which have been established following proceedings before the director under subsection 6 of this section, of this chapter and chapters 143, 144, 306, 307, 578, and 643 or of any lawful rule or regulation adopted under this chapter and chapters 143, 144, 306, 307, 578, and 643, not previously set forth herein.

            6.  (1)  Any license issued under sections 301.550 to 301.580 shall be suspended or revoked, following an evidentiary hearing before the director or his or her designated hearing officer, if affidavits or sworn testimony by an authorized agent of the department alleges the occurrence of any of the events or acts described in subsection 5 of this section.

            (2)  For any license which the department believes may be subject to suspension or revocation under this subsection, the director shall immediately issue a notice of hearing to the licensee of record.  The director's notice of hearing:

            (a)  Shall be served upon the licensee personally or by first class mail to the dealer's last known address, as registered with the director;

            (b)  Shall be based on affidavits or sworn testimony presented to the director, and shall notify the licensee that such information presented therein constitutes cause to suspend or revoke the licensee's license;

            (c)  Shall provide the licensee with a minimum of ten days' notice prior to hearing;

            (d)  Shall specify the events or acts which may provide cause for suspension or revocation of the license, and shall include with the notice a copy of all affidavits, sworn testimony or other information presented to the director which support discipline of the license; and

            (e)  Shall inform the licensee that he or she has the right to attend the hearing and present any evidence in his or her defense, including evidence to show that the event or act which may result in suspension or revocation has been corrected to the director's satisfaction, and that he or she may be represented by counsel at the hearing.

            (3)  At any hearing before the director conducted under this subsection, the director or his or her designated hearing officer shall consider all evidence relevant to the issue of whether the license should be suspended or revoked due to the occurrence of any of the acts set forth in subsection 5 herein.  Within twenty business days after such hearing, the director or his or her designated hearing officer shall issue a written order, with findings of fact and conclusions of law, which either grants or denies the issuance of an order of suspension or revocation.  The suspension or revocation shall be effective ten days after the date of the order.  The written order of the director or his or her hearing officer shall be the final decision of the director and shall be subject to judicial review under the provisions of chapter 536.

            (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter or chapter 610 or 621, to the contrary, the proceedings under this section shall be closed and no order shall be made public until it is final, for purposes of appeal.  

            301.567.  1.  For purposes of this section, a violation of any of the following advertising standards shall be deemed an attempt by the advertising dealer to obtain a fee or other compensation by fraud, deception or misrepresentation in violation of section 301.562:

            (1)  A motor vehicle shall not be advertised as new, either by express terms or implication, unless it is a new motor vehicle as defined in section 301.550;

            (2)  When advertising any motor vehicle which is not a new motor vehicle, such advertisement must expressly identify that the motor vehicle is a used motor vehicle by express use of the term "used", or by such other term as is commonly understood to mean that the vehicle is used;

            (3)  Any terms, conditions, and disclaimers relating to the advertised motor vehicle's price or financing options shall be stated clearly and conspicuously.  An asterisk or other reference symbol may be used to point to a disclaimer or other information, but not be used as a means of contradicting or changing the meaning of an advertised statement;

            (4)  The expiration date, if any, of an advertised sale or vehicle price shall be clearly and conspicuously disclosed.  In the absence of such disclosure, the advertised sale or vehicle price shall be deemed effective so long as such vehicles remain in the advertising dealership's inventory;

            (5)  The terms "list price", "sticker price", or "suggested retail price" shall be used only in reference to the manufacturer's suggested retail price for new motor vehicles, and, if used, shall be accompanied by a clear and conspicuous disclosure that such terms represent the manufacturer's suggested retail price of the advertised vehicle;

            (6)  Terms such as "at cost", "$....... above cost", "invoice price", and "$ ..... below/over invoice" shall not be used in advertisements because of the difficulty in determining a dealer's actual net cost at the time of the sale;

            (7)  When the price or financing terms of a motor vehicle are advertised, the vehicle shall be fully identified as to year, make, and model.  In addition, in advertisements placed by individual dealers and not line-make marketing groups, the advertised price or credit terms shall include all charges which the buyer must pay to the dealer, except buyer-selected options and state and local taxes. If a processing fee or freight or destination charges are not included in the advertised price, the amount of any such processing fee and freight or destination charge must be clearly and conspicuously disclosed within the advertisement;

            (8)  Advertisements of dealer rebates shall not be used, however, this shall not be deemed to prohibit the advertising of manufacturer rebates, so long as all material terms of such rebates are clearly and conspicuously disclosed;

            (9)  "Free"[,] or "at no cost" shall not be used if any purchase is required to qualify for the free item, merchandise, or service;

            (10)  Bait advertising, in which an advertiser may have no intention to sell at the prices or terms advertised, shall not be used.  Bait advertising shall include, but not be limited to, the following examples:

            (a)  Not having available for sale the advertised motor vehicles at the advertised prices.  If a specific vehicle is advertised, the dealer shall be in possession of a reasonable supply of such vehicles, and they shall be available at the advertised price.  If the advertised vehicle is available only in limited numbers or only by order, such limitations shall be stated in the advertisement;

            (b)  Advertising a motor vehicle at a specified price, including such terms as "as low as $.......", but having available for sale only vehicles equipped with dealer-added cost options which increase the selling price above the advertised price;

            (11)  Any reference to monthly payments, down payments, or other reference to financing or leasing information shall be accompanied by a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the following:

            (a)  Whether the payment or other information relates to a financing or a lease transaction;

            (b)  If the payment or other information relates to a financing transaction, the minimum down payment, annual percentage interest rate, and number of payments necessary to obtain the advertised payment amount must be disclosed, in addition to any special qualifications required for obtaining the advertised terms including, but not limited to, first-time buyer discounts, college graduate discounts, and a statement concerning whether the advertised terms are subject to credit approval;

            (c)  If the payment or other information relates to a lease transaction, the total amount due from the purchaser at signing with such costs broken down and identified by category, lease term expressed in number of months, whether the lease is closed-end or open-end, and total cost to the lessee over the lease term in dollars;

            (12)  Any advertisement which states or implies that the advertising dealer has a special arrangement or relationship with the distributor or manufacturer, as compared to similarly situated dealers, shall not be used;

            (13)  Any advertisement which, in the circumstances under which it is made or applied, is false, deceptive, or misleading shall not be used;

            (14)  No abbreviations for industry words or phrases shall be used in any advertisement unless such abbreviations are accompanied by the fully spelled or spoken words or phrases.  

            2.  The requirements of this section shall apply regardless of whether a dealer advertises by means of print, broadcast, or electronic media, or direct mail. If the advertisement is by means of a broadcast or print media, a dealer may provide the disclaimers and disclosures required under subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of this section by reference to an Internet web page or toll-free telephone number containing the information required to be disclosed.  

            3.  Dealers shall clearly and conspicuously identify themselves in each advertisement by use of a dealership name which complies with subsection 6 of section 301.560.  

            301.570.  1.  It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, corporation, company or association, unless the seller is a financial institution, or is selling repossessed motor vehicles or is disposing of vehicles used and titled solely in its ordinary course of business or is a collector of antique motor vehicles, to sell or display with an intent to sell six or more motor vehicles in a calendar year, except when such motor vehicles are registered in the name of the seller, unless such person, partnership, corporation, company or association is:

            (1)  Licensed as a motor vehicle dealer by the department under the provisions of sections 301.550 to 301.573;

            (2)  Exempt from licensure as a motor vehicle dealer pursuant to subsection 4 of section 301.559;

            (3)  Selling commercial motor vehicles with a gross weight of at least nineteen thousand five hundred pounds, but only with respect to such commercial motor vehicles;

            (4)  An auctioneer, acting at the request of the owner at an auction, when such auction is not a public motor vehicle auction.  

            2.  Any person, partnership, corporation, company or association that has reason to believe that the provisions of this section are being violated shall file a complaint with the prosecuting attorney in the county in which the violation occurred.  The prosecuting attorney shall investigate the complaint and take appropriate action.  

            3.  For the purposes of sections 301.550 to 301.573, the sale, barter, exchange, lease or rental with option to purchase of six or more motor vehicles in a calendar year by any person, partnership, corporation, company or association, whether or not the motor vehicles are owned by them, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to make a profit or gain of money and such person, partnership, corporation, company or association shall be deemed to be acting as a motor vehicle dealer without a license.  

            4.  Any person, partnership, corporation, company or association who violates subsection 1 of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.  A second or subsequent conviction shall be deemed a class D felony.  

            5.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to liquidation of an estate.

            301.580.  1.  The department of revenue may issue special event motor vehicle auction licenses under the provisions of this section.  For purposes of this section, a "special event motor vehicle auction" is a motor vehicle auction which:

            (1)  Ninety percent of the vehicles being auctioned are at least ten years old or older;

            (2)  The licensee shall auction no more than three percent of the total number of vehicles presented for auction which are owned and titled in the name of the licensee or its owners; and

            (3)  The duration is no more than three consecutive calendar days and is held no more than two times in a calendar year by a licensee.

            2.  A special event motor vehicle auction shall be considered a public motor vehicle auction for purposes of sections 301.559 and 301.564.

            3.  Special event motor vehicle auction licensees shall be exempt from the requirements of section 301.560, with the exception of subdivision (4) of subsection 1 of section 301.560.

            4.  An application for a special event motor vehicle auction license must be received by the department at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the special event auction.

            5.  Applicants for a special motor vehicle auction are limited to no more than two special event auctions in any calendar year.  A separate application is required for each special event motor vehicle auction.

            6.  At least ninety percent of the vehicles being auctioned at a special event motor vehicle auction shall be ten years old or older.  The licensee shall, within ten days of the conclusion of a special event motor vehicle auction, submit a report in the form approved by the director to the department that includes the make, model, year, and vehicle identification number of each vehicle included in the auction.  Every vehicle included in the special event auction shall be listed, including those vehicles that were auctioned and sold and those vehicles that were auctioned but did not sell.  Violation of this subsection is a class A misdemeanor.

            7.  The applicant for the special event motor vehicle auction shall be responsible for ensuring that a sales tax license or special event sales tax license is obtained for the event if one is required.

            8.  The fee for a special event motor vehicle auction license shall be one thousand dollars.  For every vehicle auctioned in violation of subsection 6 of this section, an administrative fee of five hundred dollars shall be paid to the department.  Such fees shall be deposited in like manner as other license fees of this section.

            9.  In addition to the causes set forth in section 301.562, the department may promulgate rules that establish additional causes to refuse to issue or to revoke a special event license.

            10.  A special motor vehicle auction shall last no more than three consecutive days.

            11.  The applicant for a special event motor vehicle auction shall be registered to conduct business in this state.

            12.  Every applicant for a special event motor vehicle auction license shall furnish with the application a corporate surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit as defined in section 400.5-102 issued by any state or federal financial institution in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars on a form approved by the department.  The bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be conditioned upon the applicant complying with the provisions of the statutes applicable to a special event auction license holder and the bond shall be an indemnity for any loss sustained by reason of the acts of the person bonded when such acts constitute grounds for the revocation or denial of a special event auction license.  The bond shall be executed in the name of the state of Missouri for the benefit of all aggrieved parties or the irrevocable letter of credit shall name the state of Missouri as the beneficiary.  The aggregate liability of the surety or financial institution to the aggrieved parties shall not exceed the amount of the bond or irrevocable letter of credit.  The proceeds of the bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall be paid upon receipt by the department of a final judgment from a Missouri court of competent jurisdiction against the principal and in favor of an aggrieved party.

            13.  No dealer, driveaway, auction, or wholesale plates, or temporary permit booklets, shall be issued in conjunction with a special event motor vehicle auction license.

            14.  Any person or entity who sells a vehicle at a special event motor vehicle auction shall provide, to the buyer, current contact information including, but not limited to, name, address, and telephone number.

            15.  Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028.  This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2012, shall be invalid and void.

            302.010.  Except where otherwise provided, when used in this chapter, the following words and phrases mean:

            (1)  "Circuit court", each circuit court in the state;

            (2)  "Commercial motor vehicle", a motor vehicle designed or regularly used for carrying freight and merchandise, or more than fifteen passengers;

            (3)  "Conviction", any final conviction; also a forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a defendant's appearance in court, which forfeiture has not been vacated, shall be equivalent to a conviction, except that when any conviction as a result of which points are assessed pursuant to section 302.302 is appealed, the term "conviction" means the original judgment of conviction for the purpose of determining the assessment of points, and the date of final judgment affirming the conviction shall be the date determining the beginning of any license suspension or revocation pursuant to section 302.304;

            (4)  "Criminal history check", a search of criminal records, including criminal history record information as defined in section 43.500, maintained by the Missouri state highway patrol in the Missouri criminal records repository or by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of its criminal history records, including, but not limited to, any record of conviction, plea of guilty or nolo contendre, or finding of guilty in any state for any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances, or drugs;

            (5)  "Director", the director of revenue acting directly or through the director's authorized officers and agents;

            [(5)]  (6)  "Farm tractor", every motor vehicle designed and used primarily as a farm implement for drawing plows, mowing machines and other implements of husbandry;

            [(6)]  (7)  "Highway", any public thoroughfare for vehicles, including state roads, county roads and public streets, avenues, boulevards, parkways, or alleys in any municipality;

            [(7)]  (8)  "Incompetent to drive a motor vehicle", a person who has become physically incapable of meeting the prescribed requirements of an examination for an operator's license, or who has been adjudged by a probate division of the circuit court in a capacity hearing of being incapacitated;

            [(8)]  (9)  "License", a license issued by a state to a person which authorizes a person to operate a motor vehicle;

            [(9)]  (10)  "Motor vehicle", any self-propelled vehicle not operated exclusively upon tracks except motorized bicycles, as defined in section 307.180;

            [(10)]  (11)  "Motorcycle", a motor vehicle operated on two wheels; however, this definition shall not include motorized bicycles as defined in section 301.010;

            [(11)]  (12)  "Motortricycle", a motor vehicle operated on three wheels, including a motorcycle operated with any conveyance, temporary or otherwise, requiring the use of a third wheel;

            [(12)]  (13)  "Moving violation", that character of traffic violation where at the time of violation the motor vehicle involved is in motion, except that the term does not include the driving of a motor vehicle without a valid motor vehicle registration license, or violations of sections 304.170 to 304.240, inclusive, relating to sizes and weights of vehicles;

            [(13)]  (14)  "Municipal court", every division of the circuit court having original jurisdiction to try persons for violations of city ordinances;

            [(14)]  (15)  "Nonresident", every person who is not a resident of this state;

            [(15)]  (16)  "Operator", every person who is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon a highway;

            [(16)]  (17)  "Owner", a person who holds the legal title of a vehicle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale or lease thereof with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement and with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee or lessee, or in the event a mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee or lessee or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of sections 302.010 to 302.540;

            [(17)]  (18)  "Record" includes, but is not limited to, papers, documents, facsimile information, microphotographic process, electronically generated or electronically recorded information, digitized images, deposited or filed with the department of revenue;

            [(18)]  (19)  "Residence address", "residence", or "resident address" shall be the location at which a person has been physically present, and that the person regards as home.  A residence address is a person's true, fixed, principal, and permanent home, to which a person intends to return and remain, even though currently residing elsewhere;

            [(19)]  (20)  "Restricted driving privilege", a driving privilege issued by the director of revenue following a suspension of driving privileges for the limited purpose of driving in connection with the driver's business, occupation, employment, formal program of secondary, postsecondary or higher education, or for an alcohol education or treatment program or certified ignition interlock provider;

            [(20)]  (21)  "School bus", when used in sections 302.010 to 302.540, means any motor vehicle, either publicly or privately owned, used to transport students to and from school, or to transport pupils properly chaperoned to and from any place within the state for educational purposes.  The term "school bus" shall not include a bus operated by a public utility, municipal corporation or common carrier authorized to conduct local or interstate transportation of passengers when such bus is not traveling a specific school bus route but is:

            (a)  On a regularly scheduled route for the transportation of fare-paying passengers; or

            (b)  Furnishing charter service for the transportation of persons enrolled as students on field trips or other special trips or in connection with other special events;

            [(21)]  (22)  "School bus operator", an operator who operates a school bus as defined in subdivision (20) of this section in the transportation of any schoolchildren and who receives compensation for such service.  The term "school bus operator" shall not include any person who transports schoolchildren as an incident to employment with a school or school district, such as a teacher, coach, administrator, secretary, school nurse, or janitor unless such person is under contract with or employed by a school or school district as a school bus operator;

            [(22)]  (23)  "Signature", any method determined by the director of revenue for the signing, subscribing or verifying of a record, report, application, driver's license, or other related document that shall have the same validity and consequences as the actual signing by the person providing the record, report, application, driver's license or related document;

            [(23)]  (24)  "Substance abuse traffic offender program", a program certified by the division of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental health to provide education or rehabilitation services pursuant to a professional assessment screening to identify the individual needs of the person who has been referred to the program as the result of an alcohol- or drug-related traffic offense.  Successful completion of such a program includes participation in any education or rehabilitation program required to meet the needs identified in the assessment screening.  The assignment recommendations based upon such assessment shall be subject to judicial review as provided in subsection 14 of section 302.304 and subsections 1 and 5 of section 302.540;

            [(24)]  (25)  "Vehicle", any mechanical device on wheels, designed primarily for use, or used on highways, except motorized bicycles, vehicles propelled or drawn by horses or human power, or vehicles used exclusively on fixed rails or tracks, or cotton trailers or motorized wheelchairs operated by handicapped persons.  

            302.060.  1.  The director shall not issue any license and shall immediately deny any driving privilege:

            (1)  To any person who is under the age of eighteen years, if such person operates a motor vehicle in the transportation of persons or property as classified in section 302.015;

            (2)  To any person who is under the age of sixteen years, except as hereinafter provided;

            (3)  To any person whose license has been suspended, during such suspension, or to any person whose license has been revoked, until the expiration of one year after such license was revoked;

            (4)  To any person who is an habitual drunkard or is addicted to the use of narcotic drugs;

            (5)  To any person who has previously been adjudged to be incapacitated and who at the time of application has not been restored to partial capacity;

            (6)  To any person who, when required by this law to take an examination, has failed to pass such examination;

            (7)  To any person who has an unsatisfied judgment against such person, as defined in chapter 303, until such judgment has been satisfied or the financial responsibility of such person, as defined in section 303.120, has been established;

            (8)  To any person whose application shows that the person has been convicted within one year prior to such application of violating the laws of this state relating to failure to stop after an accident and to disclose the person's identity or driving a motor vehicle without the owner's consent;

            (9)  To any person who has been convicted more than twice of violating state law, or a county or municipal ordinance where the defendant was represented by or waived the right to an attorney in writing, relating to driving while intoxicated; except that, after the expiration of ten years from the date of conviction of the last offense of violating such law or ordinance relating to driving while intoxicated, a person who was so convicted may petition the circuit court of the county in which such last conviction was rendered and the court shall review the person's habits and conduct since such conviction, including the results of a criminal history check as defined in section 302.010.  If the court finds that the petitioner has not been convicted [of], pled guilty to or been found guilty of, and has no pending charges for any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances or drugs and has no other alcohol-related enforcement contacts as defined in section 302.525 during the preceding ten years and that the petitioner's habits and conduct show such petitioner to no longer pose a threat to the public safety of this state, the court may order the director to issue a license to the petitioner if the petitioner is otherwise qualified pursuant to the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.540.  No person may obtain a license pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision through court action more than one time;

            (10)  To any person who has [been convicted twice within a five-year period of violating state law, or a county or municipal ordinance, of driving while intoxicated, or any other intoxication-related traffic offense as defined in subdivision (4) of subsection 1 of section 577.023, or who has been convicted of the crime of involuntary manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle in an intoxicated condition.  The director shall not issue a license to such person for five years from the date such person was convicted or pled guilty for involuntary manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle in an intoxicated condition or for driving while intoxicated or any other intoxication-related traffic offense as defined in subdivision (4) of subsection 1 of section 577.023 for the second time] pled guilty to or been convicted of the crime of involuntary manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle in an intoxicated condition, or to any person who has been convicted twice within a five-year period of violating state law, county or municipal ordinance of driving while intoxicated, or any other intoxication-related traffic offense as defined in section 577.023, except that, after the expiration of five years from the date of conviction of the last offense of violating such law or ordinance, a person who was so convicted may petition the circuit court of the county in which such last conviction was rendered and the court shall review the person's habits and conduct since such conviction, including the results of a criminal history check as defined in section 302.010.  If the court finds that the petitioner has not been convicted, pled guilty to, or been found guilty of, and has no pending charges for any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances, or drugs and has no other alcohol-related enforcement contacts as defined in section 302.525 during the preceding five years, and that the petitioner's habits and conduct show such petitioner to no longer pose a threat to the public safety of this state, the court may order the director to issue a license to the petitioner if the petitioner is otherwise qualified pursuant to the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.540;

            (11)  To any person who is otherwise disqualified pursuant to the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.780, chapter 303, or section 544.046;

            (12)  To any person who is under the age of eighteen years, if such person's parents or legal guardians file a certified document with the department of revenue stating that the director shall not issue such person a driver's license.  Each document filed by the person's parents or legal guardians shall be made upon a form furnished by the director and shall include identifying information of the person for whom the parents or legal guardians are denying the driver's license.  The document shall also contain identifying information of the person's parents or legal guardians.  The document shall be certified by the parents or legal guardians to be true and correct.  This provision shall not apply to any person who is legally emancipated.  The parents or legal guardians may later file an additional document with the department of revenue which reinstates the person's ability to receive a driver's license.  

            2.  Any person whose license is reinstated under the provisions of subdivisions (9) and (10) of subsection 1 of this section shall be required to file proof with the director of revenue that any motor vehicle operated by the person is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition interlock device as a required condition of reinstatement.  The ignition interlock device shall further be required to be maintained on all motor vehicles operated by the person for a period of not less than six months immediately following the date of reinstatement.  If the person fails to maintain such proof with the director, the license shall be suspended for the remainder of the six-month period or until proof as required by this section is filed with the director.  Upon the completion of the six-month period, the license shall be shown as reinstated, if the person is otherwise eligible.  

            3.  Any person who petitions the court for reinstatement of his or her license pursuant to subdivision (9) or (10) of subsection 1 of this section shall make application with the Missouri state highway patrol as provided in section 43.540, and shall submit two sets of fingerprints collected pursuant to standards as determined by the highway patrol.  One set of fingerprints shall be used by the highway patrol to search the criminal history repository and the second set shall be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for searching the federal criminal history files.  At the time of application, the applicant shall supply to the highway patrol the court name and case number for the court where he or she has filed his or her petition for reinstatement.  The applicant shall pay the fee for the state criminal history check pursuant to section 43.530 and pay the appropriate fee determined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the federal criminal history record.  The Missouri highway patrol, upon receipt of the results of the criminal history check, shall forward a copy of the results to the circuit court designated by the applicant and to the department.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 610.120, all records related to any criminal history check shall be accessible and available to the director and the court.

            302.130.  1.  Any person at least fifteen years of age who, except for age or lack of instruction in operating a motor vehicle, would otherwise be qualified to obtain a license pursuant to sections 302.010 to 302.340 may apply for and the director shall issue a temporary instruction permit entitling the applicant, while having such permit in the applicant's immediate possession, to drive a motor vehicle of the appropriate class upon the highways for a period of twelve months, but any such person, except when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle, must be accompanied by a licensed operator for the type of motor vehicle being operated who is actually occupying a seat beside the driver for the purpose of giving instruction in driving the motor vehicle, who is at least twenty-one years of age, and in the case of any driver under sixteen years of age, the licensed operator occupying the seat beside the driver shall be a grandparent, parent, guardian, a person who is at least twenty-five years of age who has been licensed for a minimum of three years and has received written permission from the parent or legal guardian to escort or accompany the driver, a driver training instructor holding a valid driver education endorsement on a teaching certificate issued by the department of elementary and secondary education or a qualified instructor of a private drivers' education program who has a valid driver's license.  An applicant for a temporary instruction permit shall successfully complete a vision test and a test of the applicant's ability to understand highway signs which regulate, warn or direct traffic and practical knowledge of the traffic laws of this state, pursuant to section 302.173.  In addition, beginning January 1, 2007, no permit shall be granted pursuant to this subsection unless a parent or legal guardian gives written permission by signing the application and in so signing, state they, or their designee as set forth in subsection 2 of this section, will provide a minimum of forty hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction, including a minimum of ten hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction that occurs during the nighttime hours falling between sunset and sunrise.  The forty hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction that is completed pursuant to this subsection may include any time that the holder of an instruction permit has spent operating a motor vehicle in a driver training program taught by a driver training instructor holding a valid driver education endorsement on a teaching certificate issued by the department of elementary and secondary education or by a qualified instructor of a private drivers' education program.  If the applicant for a permit is enrolled in a federal residential job training program, the instructor, as defined in subsection 5 of this section, is authorized to sign the application stating that the applicant will receive the behind-the-wheel driving instruction required by this section.

            2.  In the event the parent, grandparent or guardian of the person under sixteen years of age has a physical disability which prohibits or disqualifies said parent, grandparent or guardian from being a qualified licensed operator pursuant to this section, said parent, grandparent or guardian may designate a maximum of two individuals authorized to accompany the applicant for the purpose of giving instruction in driving the motor vehicle.  An authorized designee must be a licensed operator for the type of motor vehicle being operated and have attained twenty-one years of age.  At least one of the designees must occupy the seat beside the applicant while giving instruction in driving the motor vehicle.  The name of the authorized designees must be provided to the department of revenue by the parent, grandparent or guardian at the time of application for the temporary instruction permit.  The name of each authorized designee shall be printed on the temporary instruction permit, however, the director may delay the time at which permits are printed bearing such names until the inventories of blank permits and related forms existing on August 28, 1998, are exhausted.

            3.  The director, upon proper application on a form prescribed by the director, in his or her discretion, may issue a restricted instruction permit effective for a school year or more restricted period to an applicant who is enrolled in a high school driver training program taught by a driver training instructor holding a valid driver education endorsement on a teaching certificate issued by the state department of elementary and secondary education even though the applicant has not reached the age of sixteen years but has passed the age of fifteen years.  Such instruction permit shall entitle the applicant, when the applicant has such permit in his or her immediate possession, to operate a motor vehicle on the highways, but only when a driver training instructor holding a valid driver education endorsement on a teaching certificate issued by the state department of elementary and secondary education is occupying a seat beside the driver.  

            4.  The director, in his or her discretion, may issue a temporary driver's permit to an applicant who is otherwise qualified for a license permitting the applicant to operate a motor vehicle while the director is completing the director's investigation and determination of all facts relative to such applicant's rights to receive a license.  Such permit must be in the applicant's immediate possession while operating a motor vehicle, and it shall be invalid when the applicant's license has been issued or for good cause has been refused.  

            5.  In the event that the applicant for a temporary instruction permit described in subsection 1 of this section is a participant in a federal residential job training program, the permittee may operate a motor vehicle accompanied by a driver training instructor who holds a valid driver education endorsement issued by the department of elementary and secondary education and a valid driver's license.  

            6.  A person at least fifteen years of age may operate a motor vehicle as part of a driver training program taught by a driver training instructor holding a valid driver education endorsement on a teaching certificate issued by the department of elementary and secondary education or a qualified instructor of a private drivers' education program.  

            7.  Beginning January 1, 2003, the director shall issue with every temporary instruction permit issued pursuant to subsection 1 of this section a sticker or sign bearing the words "PERMIT DRIVER".  The design and size of such sticker or sign shall be determined by the director by regulation.  Every applicant issued a temporary instruction permit and sticker on or after January 1, 2003, may display or affix the sticker or sign on the rear window of the motor vehicle.  Such sticker or sign may be displayed on the rear window of the motor vehicle whenever the holder of the instruction permit operates a motor vehicle during his or her temporary permit licensure period.  

            8.  Beginning July 1, 2005, the director shall verify that an applicant for an instruction permit issued under this section is lawfully present in the United States before accepting the application.  The director shall not issue an instruction permit for a period that exceeds an applicant's lawful presence in the United States.  The director may establish procedures to verify the lawful presence of the applicant and establish the duration of any permit issued under this section.  

            9.  The director may adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

            302.302.  1.  The director of revenue shall put into effect a point system for the suspension and revocation of licenses.  Points shall be assessed only after a conviction or forfeiture of collateral.  The initial point value is as follows:

            (1)  Any moving violation of a state

law or county or municipal or federal traffic

ordinance or regulation not listed in this

section, other than a violation of vehicle

equipment provisions or a court-ordered

supervision as provided in section 302.3032 points

(except any violation of municipal stop sign

ordinance where no accident is involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 point)

            (2)  Speeding

In violation of a state law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 points

In violation of a county or

municipal ordinance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 points

            (3)  Leaving the scene of an accident

in violation of section 577.060. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 points

In violation of any county or

municipal ordinance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 points

            (4)  Careless and imprudent driving in

violation of subsection 4 of section 304.016. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 points

In violation of a county or municipal ordinance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 points

            (5)  Operating without a valid license

in violation of subdivision (1) or (2) of

subsection 1 of section 302.020:

            (a)  For the first conviction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 points

            (b)  For the second conviction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 points

            (c)  For the third conviction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 points

            (6)  Operating with a suspended or

revoked license prior to restoration of

operating privileges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12 points

            (7)  Obtaining a license by

misrepresentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 points

            (8)  For the first conviction of

driving while in an intoxicated condition

or under the influence of controlled

substances or drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8 points

            (9)  For the second or subsequent

conviction of any of the following offenses

however combined: driving while in an

intoxicated condition, driving under the

influence of controlled substances or drugs

or driving with a blood alcohol content of

eight-hundredths of one percent or more by

weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 points

            (10)  For the first conviction for

driving with blood alcohol content

eight-hundredths of one percent or more by


In violation of state law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 points

In violation of a county or municipal

ordinance or federal law or regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 points

            (11)  Any felony involving the use

of a motor vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 points

            (12)  Knowingly permitting unlicensed

operator to operate a motor vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 points

            (13)  For a conviction for failure to

maintain financial responsibility pursuant to

county or municipal ordinance or pursuant to

section 303.025. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 points

            (14)  Endangerment of a highway worker

in violation of section 304.585. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 points

            (15)  Aggravated endangerment of a

highway worker in violation of section 304.585. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 points

            (16)  For a conviction of violating a municipal

ordinance that prohibits tow truck operators from

stopping at or proceeding to the scene of an accident

unless they have been requested to stop or proceed

to such scene by a party involved in such accident

or by an officer of a public safety agency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 points

            (17)  Endangerment of an emergency

responder in violation of section 304.894. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 points

            (18)  Aggravated endangerment of

an emergency responder in violation of

section 304.894. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 points

            2.  The director shall, as provided in subdivision (5) of subsection 1 of this section, assess an operator points for a conviction pursuant to subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection 1 of section 302.020, when the director issues such operator a license or permit pursuant to the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.340.  

            3.  An additional two points shall be assessed when personal injury or property damage results from any violation listed in subdivisions (1) to (13) of subsection 1 of this section and if found to be warranted and certified by the reporting court.  

            4.  When any of the acts listed in subdivision (2), (3), (4) or (8) of subsection 1 of this section constitutes both a violation of a state law and a violation of a county or municipal ordinance, points may be assessed for either violation but not for both.  Notwithstanding that an offense arising out of the same occurrence could be construed to be a violation of subdivisions (8), (9) and (10) of subsection 1 of this section, no person shall be tried or convicted for more than one offense pursuant to subdivisions (8), (9) and (10) of subsection 1 of this section for offenses arising out of the same occurrence.

            5.  The director of revenue shall put into effect a system for staying the assessment of points against an operator.  The system shall provide that the satisfactory completion of a driver-improvement program or, in the case of violations committed while operating a motorcycle, a motorcycle-rider training course approved by the state highways and transportation commission, by an operator, when so ordered and verified by any court having jurisdiction over any law of this state or county or municipal ordinance, regulating motor vehicles, other than a violation committed in a commercial motor vehicle as defined in section 302.700 or a violation committed by an individual who has been issued a commercial driver's license or is required to obtain a commercial driver's license in this state or any other state, shall be accepted by the director in lieu of the assessment of points for a violation pursuant to subdivision (1), (2) or (4) of subsection 1 of this section or pursuant to subsection 3 of this section.  A court using a centralized violation bureau established under section 476.385 may elect to have the bureau order and verify completion of a driver-improvement program or motorcycle-rider training course as prescribed by order of the court.  For the purposes of this subsection, the driver-improvement program shall meet or exceed the standards of the National Safety Council's eight-hour "Defensive Driving Course" or, in the case of a violation which occurred during the operation of a motorcycle, the program shall meet the standards established by the state highways and transportation commission pursuant to sections 302.133 to 302.137.  The completion of a driver-improvement program or a motorcycle-rider training course shall not be accepted in lieu of points more than one time in any thirty-six-month period and shall be completed within sixty days of the date of conviction in order to be accepted in lieu of the assessment of points.  Every court having jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall, within fifteen days after completion of the driver-improvement program or motorcycle-rider training course by an operator, forward a record of the completion to the director, all other provisions of the law to the contrary notwithstanding.  The director shall establish procedures for record keeping and the administration of this subsection.

            302.309.  1.  Whenever any license is suspended pursuant to sections 302.302 to 302.309, the director of revenue shall return the license to the operator immediately upon the termination of the period of suspension and upon compliance with the requirements of chapter 303.  

            2.  Any operator whose license is revoked pursuant to these sections, upon the termination of the period of revocation, shall apply for a new license in the manner prescribed by law.  

            3.  (1)  All circuit courts, the director of revenue, or a commissioner operating under section 478.007 shall have jurisdiction to hear applications and make eligibility determinations granting limited driving privileges.  Any application may be made in writing to the director of revenue and the person's reasons for requesting the limited driving privilege shall be made therein.  

            (2)  When any court of record having jurisdiction or the director of revenue finds that an operator is required to operate a motor vehicle in connection with any of the following:

            (a)  A business, occupation, or employment;

            (b)  Seeking medical treatment for such operator;

            (c)  Attending school or other institution of higher education;

            (d)  Attending alcohol or drug treatment programs;

            (e)  Seeking the required services of a certified ignition interlock device provider; or

            (f)  Any other circumstance the court or director finds would create an undue hardship on the operator; the court or director may grant such limited driving privilege as the circumstances of the case justify if the court or director finds undue hardship would result to the individual, and while so operating a motor vehicle within the restrictions and limitations of the limited driving privilege the driver shall not be guilty of operating a motor vehicle without a valid license.  

            (3)  An operator may make application to the proper court in the county in which such operator resides or in the county in which is located the operator's principal place of business or employment.  Any application for a limited driving privilege made to a circuit court shall name the director as a party defendant and shall be served upon the director prior to the grant of any limited privilege, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the applicant's driving record as certified by the director.  Any applicant for a limited driving privilege shall have on file with the department of revenue proof of financial responsibility as required by chapter 303.  Any application by a person who transports persons or property as classified in section 302.015 may be accompanied by proof of financial responsibility as required by chapter 303, but if proof of financial responsibility does not accompany the application, or if the applicant does not have on file with the department of revenue proof of financial responsibility, the court or the director has discretion to grant the limited driving privilege to the person solely for the purpose of operating a vehicle whose owner has complied with chapter 303 for that vehicle, and the limited driving privilege must state such restriction.  When operating such vehicle under such restriction the person shall carry proof that the owner has complied with chapter 303 for that vehicle.  

            (4)  No limited driving privilege shall be issued to any person otherwise eligible under the provisions of paragraph (a) of subdivision (6) of this subsection on a license revocation resulting from a conviction under subdivision (9) of subsection 1 of section 302.302, or a license denial under paragraph (a) or (b) of subdivision (8) of this subsection, until the applicant has filed proof with the department of revenue that any motor vehicle operated by the person is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition interlock device as a required condition of limited driving privilege.  

            (5)  The court order or the director's grant of the limited or restricted driving privilege shall indicate the termination date of the privilege, which shall be not later than the end of the period of suspension or revocation.  A copy of any court order shall be sent by the clerk of the court to the director, and a copy shall be given to the driver which shall be carried by the driver whenever such driver operates a motor vehicle.  The director of revenue upon granting a limited driving privilege shall give a copy of the limited driving privilege to the applicant.  The applicant shall carry a copy of the limited driving privilege while operating a motor vehicle.  A conviction which results in the assessment of points pursuant to section 302.302, other than a violation of a municipal stop sign ordinance where no accident is involved, against a driver who is operating a vehicle pursuant to a limited driving privilege terminates the privilege, as of the date the points are assessed to the person's driving record.  If the date of arrest is prior to the issuance of the limited driving privilege, the privilege shall not be terminated.  Failure of the driver to maintain proof of financial responsibility, as required by chapter 303, or to maintain proof of installation of a functioning, certified ignition interlock device, as applicable, shall terminate the privilege.  The director shall notify by ordinary mail the driver whose privilege is so terminated.  

            (6)  Except as provided in subdivision (8) of this subsection, no person is eligible to receive a limited driving privilege who at the time of application for a limited driving privilege has previously been granted such a privilege within the immediately preceding five years, or whose license has been suspended or revoked for the following reasons:

            (a)  A conviction of violating the provisions of section 577.010 or 577.012, or any similar provision of any federal or state law, or a municipal or county law where the judge in such case was an attorney and the defendant was represented by or waived the right to an attorney in writing, until the person has completed the first thirty days of a suspension or revocation imposed pursuant to this chapter;

            (b)  A conviction of any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle was used;

            (c)  Ineligibility for a license because of the provisions of subdivision (1), (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) or (11) of section 302.060;

            (d)  Because of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of narcotic drugs, a controlled substance as defined in chapter 195, or having left the scene of an accident as provided in section 577.060;

            (e)  Due to a revocation for the first time for failure to submit to a chemical test pursuant to section 577.041 or due to a refusal to submit to a chemical test in any other state, if such person has not completed the first ninety days of such revocation;

            (f)  Violation more than once of the provisions of section 577.041 or a similar implied consent law of any other state; or

            (g)  Due to a suspension pursuant to subsection 2 of section 302.525 and who has not completed the first thirty days of such suspension, provided the person is not otherwise ineligible for a limited driving privilege; or due to a revocation pursuant to subsection 2 of section 302.525 if such person has not completed such revocation.  

            (7)  No person who possesses a commercial driver's license shall receive a limited driving privilege issued for the purpose of operating a commercial motor vehicle if such person's driving privilege is suspended, revoked, canceled, denied, or disqualified.  Nothing in this section shall prohibit the issuance of a limited driving privilege for the purpose of operating a noncommercial motor vehicle provided that pursuant to the provisions of this section, the applicant is not otherwise ineligible for a limited driving privilege.  

            (8)  (a)  Provided that pursuant to the provisions of this section, the applicant is not otherwise ineligible for a limited driving privilege, a circuit court or the director may, in the manner prescribed in this subsection, allow a person who has had such person's license to operate a motor vehicle revoked where that person cannot obtain a new license for a period of ten years, as prescribed in subdivision (9) of subsection 1 of section 302.060, to apply for a limited driving privilege pursuant to this subsection if such person has served at least three years of such disqualification or revocation.  Such person shall present evidence satisfactory to the court or the director that such person has not been convicted of any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances or drugs during the preceding three years and that the person's habits and conduct show that the person no longer poses a threat to the public safety of this state.  The court or the director shall review the results of a criminal history check prior to granting any limited privilege under this subdivision.  If the court or the director finds that the petitioner has been convicted, pled guilty to, or been found guilty of, or has a pending charge for any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances, or drugs, or has any other alcohol-related enforcement contact as defined in section 302.525 during the preceding three years, the court or the director shall not grant a limited driving privilege to the applicant.

            (b)  Provided that pursuant to the provisions of this section, the applicant is not otherwise ineligible for a limited driving privilege or convicted of involuntary manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle in an intoxicated condition, a circuit court or the director may, in the manner prescribed in this subsection, allow a person who has had such person's license to operate a motor vehicle revoked where that person cannot obtain a new license for a period of five years because of two convictions of driving while intoxicated, as prescribed in subdivision (10) of subsection 1 of section 302.060, to apply for a limited driving privilege pursuant to this subsection if such person has served at least two years of such disqualification or revocation.  Such person shall present evidence satisfactory to the court or the director that such person has not been convicted of any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances or drugs during the preceding two years and that the person's habits and conduct show that the person no longer poses a threat to the public safety of this state.  The court or the director shall review the results of a criminal history check prior to granting any limited privilege under this subdivision.  If the court or director finds that the petitioner has been convicted, pled guilty to, or been found guilty of, or has a pending charge for any offense related to alcohol, controlled substances, or drugs, or has any other alcohol-related enforcement contact as defined in section 302.525 during the preceding two years, the court or the director shall not grant a limited driving privilege to the applicant.  Any person who is denied a license permanently in this state because of an alcohol-related conviction subsequent to a restoration of such person's driving privileges pursuant to subdivision (9) of section 302.060 shall not be eligible for limited driving privilege pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision.  

            (9)  A DWI docket or court established under section 478.007 may grant a limited driving privilege to a participant in or graduate of the program who would otherwise be ineligible for such privilege under another provision of law.  The DWI docket or court shall not grant a limited driving privilege to a participant during his or her initial forty-five days of participation.  

            4.  Any person who has received notice of denial of a request of limited driving privilege by the director of revenue may make a request for a review of the director's determination in the circuit court of the county in which the person resides or the county in which is located the person's principal place of business or employment within thirty days of the date of mailing of the notice of denial.  Such review shall be based upon the records of the department of revenue and other competent evidence and shall be limited to a review of whether the applicant was statutorily entitled to the limited driving privilege.  

            5.  Any person who petitions a court or makes application with the director for a limited driving privilege pursuant to paragraphs (a) or (b) of subdivision (8) of subsection 3 of this section shall make application with the Missouri state highway patrol as provided in section 43.540 and shall submit two sets of fingerprints collected pursuant to standards as determined by the highway patrol.  One set of fingerprints shall be used by the highway patrol to search the criminal history repository and the second set shall be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for searching the federal criminal history files. At the time of application, the applicant shall supply to the highway patrol the court name and case number for the court where he or she has filed his or her petition for limited driving privileges.  The applicant shall pay the fee for the state criminal history record information pursuant to section 43.530 and pay the appropriate fee determined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the federal criminal history record.  The Missouri highway patrol, upon receipt of the results of the criminal history check, shall forward the results to the circuit court designated by the applicant and to the department.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 610.120, all records related to any criminal history check shall be accessible and available to the director and the court.

            6.  The director of revenue shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.  Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028.  This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2001, shall be invalid and void.

            302.530.  1.  Any person who has received a notice of suspension or revocation may make a request within fifteen days of receipt of the notice for a review of the department's determination at a hearing.  If the person's driver's license has not been previously surrendered, it may be surrendered at the time the request for a hearing is made.  

            2.  At the time the request for a hearing is made, if it appears from the record that the person is the holder of a valid driver's license issued by this state, and that the driver's license has been surrendered, the department shall issue a temporary permit which shall be valid until the scheduled date for the hearing.  The department may later issue an additional temporary permit or permits in order to stay the effective date of the suspension or revocation until the final order is issued following the hearing, as required by section 302.520.  

            3.  The hearing may be held by telephone, or if requested by the person, such person's attorney or representative, [in the county where the arrest was made] at a regional location as designated by the director.  The hearing shall be conducted by examiners who are licensed to practice law in the state of Missouri and who are employed by the department on a part-time or full-time basis as the department may determine.  

            4.  The sole issue at the hearing shall be whether by a preponderance of the evidence the person was driving a vehicle pursuant to the circumstances set out in section 302.505.  The burden of proof shall be on the state to adduce such evidence.  If the department finds the affirmative of this issue, the suspension or revocation order shall be sustained.  If the department finds the negative of the issue, the suspension or revocation order shall be rescinded.  

            5.  The procedure at such hearing shall be conducted in accordance with chapter 536, with sections 302.500 to 302.540.  A report certified under subsection 2 of section 302.510 shall be admissible in a like manner as a verified report as evidence of the facts stated therein and any provision of chapter 536 to the contrary shall not apply.  

            6.  The department shall promptly notify the person of its decision including the reasons for that decision.  Such notification shall include a notice advising the person that the department's decision shall be final within fifteen days from the date such notice was mailed unless the person challenges the department's decision within that time period by filing an appeal in the circuit court in the county where the arrest occurred.

            7.  Unless the person, within fifteen days after being notified of the department's decision, files an appeal for judicial review pursuant to section 302.535, the decision of the department shall be final.  

            8.  The director may adopt any rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

            304.033.  1.  No person shall operate a recreational off-highway vehicle, as defined in section 301.010, upon the highways of this state, except as follows:

            (1)  Recreational off-highway vehicles owned and operated by a governmental entity for official use;

            (2)  Recreational off-highway vehicles operated for agricultural purposes or industrial on-premises purposes between the official sunrise and sunset on the day of operation;

            (3) Recreational off-highway vehicles operated within three miles of the operator's primary residence;

            (4)  Recreational off-highway vehicles operated by handicapped persons for short distances occasionally only on the state's secondary roads when operated between the hours of sunrise and sunset.

            2.  No person shall operate a recreational off-highway vehicle within any stream or river in this state, except that recreational off-highway vehicles may be operated within waterways which flow within the boundaries of land which a recreational off-highway vehicle operator owns, or for agricultural purposes within the boundaries of land which a recreational off-highway vehicle operator owns or has permission to be upon, or for the purpose of fording such stream or river of this state at such road crossings as are customary or part of the highway system.  All law enforcement officials or peace officers of this state and its political subdivisions or department of conservation agents or department of natural resources park rangers shall enforce the provisions of this subsection within the geographic area of their jurisdiction.

            3.  A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle on a highway pursuant to an exception covered in this section shall have a valid operator's or chauffeur's license, except that a handicapped person operating such vehicle pursuant to subdivision (4) of subsection 1 of this section, but shall not be required to have passed an examination for the operation of a motorcycle.  An individual shall not operate a recreational off-highway vehicle upon a highway in this state without displaying a lighted headlamp and a lighted tail lamp.  A person may not operate a recreational off-highway vehicle upon a highway of this state unless such person wears a seat belt.  When operated on a highway, a recreational off-highway vehicle shall be equipped with a roll bar or roll cage construction to reduce the risk of injury to an occupant of the vehicle in case of the vehicle's rollover.

            4.  No persons shall operate a recreational off-highway vehicle:

            (1)  In any careless way so as to endanger the person or property of another;

            (2)  While under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.

            5.  A violation of this section shall be a class C misdemeanor.  In addition to other legal remedies, the attorney general or county prosecuting attorney may institute a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction for injunctive relief to prevent such violation or future violations and for the assessment of a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars per day of violation.

            304.190.  1.  No motor vehicle, unladen or with load, operating exclusively within the corporate limits of cities containing seventy-five thousand inhabitants or more or within two miles of the corporate limits of the city or within the commercial zone of the city shall exceed fifteen feet in height.

            2.  No motor vehicle operating exclusively within any said area shall have a greater weight than twenty-two thousand four hundred pounds on one axle.  

            3.  The "commercial zone" of the city is defined to mean that area within the city together with the territory extending one mile beyond the corporate limits of the city and one mile additional for each fifty thousand population or portion thereof provided, however[,]:

            (1)  The commercial zone surrounding a city not within a county shall extend twenty-five miles beyond the corporate limits of any such city not located within a county and shall also extend throughout any county with a charter form of government which adjoins that city and throughout any county with a charter form of government and with more than two hundred fifty thousand but fewer than three hundred fifty thousand inhabitants that is adjacent to such county adjoining such city; [further, provided, however,]

            (2)  The commercial zone of a city with a population of at least four hundred thousand inhabitants but not more than four hundred fifty thousand inhabitants shall extend twelve miles beyond the corporate limits of any such city; except that this zone shall extend from the southern border of such city's limits, beginning with the western-most freeway, following said freeway south to the first intersection with a multilane undivided highway, where the zone shall extend south along said freeway to include a city of the fourth classification with more than eight thousand nine hundred but less than nine thousand inhabitants, and shall extend north from the intersection of said freeway and multilane undivided highway along the multilane undivided highway to the city limits of a city with a population of at least four hundred thousand inhabitants but not more than four hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, and shall extend east from the city limits of a special charter city with more than two hundred seventy-five but fewer than three hundred seventy-five inhabitants along state route 210 and northwest from the intersection of state route 210 and state route 10 to include the boundaries of any city of the third classification with more than ten thousand eight hundred but fewer than ten thousand nine hundred inhabitants and located in more than one county[; further provided, however,].  The commercial zone described in this subdivision shall be extended to also include the stretch of state route 45 from its intersection with Interstate 29 extending northwest to the city limits of any village with more than forty but fewer than fifty inhabitants and located in any county of the first classification with more than eighty-three thousand but fewer than ninety-two thousand inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than four thousand five hundred but fewer than five thousand inhabitants as the county seat;

            (3)  The commercial zone of a city of the third classification with more than nine thousand six hundred fifty but fewer than nine thousand eight hundred inhabitants shall extend south from the city limits along U.S. Highway 61 to the intersection of state route OO in a county of the third classification without a township form of government and with more than seventeen thousand eight hundred but fewer than seventeen thousand nine hundred inhabitants.

            4.  In no case shall the commercial zone of a city be reduced due to a loss of population.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to motor vehicles operating on the interstate highways in the area beyond two miles of a corporate limit of the city unless the United States Department of Transportation increases the allowable weight limits on the interstate highway system within commercial zones.  In such case, the mileage limits established in this section shall be automatically increased only in the commercial zones to conform with those authorized by the United States Department of Transportation.  

            [4.]  5.  Nothing in this section shall prevent a city, county, or municipality, by ordinance, from designating the routes over which such vehicles may be operated.  

            [5.]  6.  No motor vehicle engaged in interstate commerce, whether unladen or with load, whose operations in the state of Missouri are limited exclusively to the commercial zone of a first class home rule municipality located in a county with a population between eighty thousand and ninety-five thousand inhabitants which has a portion of its corporate limits contiguous with a portion of the boundary between the states of Missouri and Kansas, shall have a greater weight than twenty-two thousand four hundred pounds on one axle, nor shall exceed fifteen feet in height.

            304.351.  1.  The driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle which has entered the intersection from a different highway, provided, however, there is no form of traffic control at such intersection.  

            2.  When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the driver of the vehicle on the right.  This subsection shall not apply to vehicles approaching each other from opposite directions when the driver of one of such vehicles is attempting to or is making a left turn.  

            3.  The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.  

            4.  (1)  The state highways and transportation commission with reference to state highways and local authorities with reference to other highways under their jurisdiction may designate through highways and erect stop signs or yield signs at specified entrances thereto, or may designate any intersection as a stop intersection or as a yield intersection and erect stop signs or yield signs at one or more entrances to such intersection.  

            (2)  Preferential right-of-way at an intersection may be indicated by stop signs or yield signs as authorized in this section:

            (a)  Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic-control signal, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop intersection, indicated by a stop sign, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic in the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection.  After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from another highway or which is approaching so closely on the highway as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when such driver is moving across or within the intersection.  

            (b)  The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall in obedience to the sign slow down to a speed reasonable to the existing conditions and, if required for safety to stop, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway.  After slowing or stopping the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time such traffic is moving across or within the intersection.

            5.  The driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a highway from an alley, building or any private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the highway to be entered.  

            6.  The driver of a vehicle intending to make a left turn into an alley, private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction when the making of such left turn would create a traffic hazard.  

            7.  The state highways and transportation commission or local authorities with respect to roads under their respective jurisdictions, on any section where construction or major maintenance operations are being effected, may fix a speed limit in such areas by posting of appropriate signs, and the operation of a motor vehicle in excess of such speed limit in the area so posted shall be deemed prima facie evidence of careless and imprudent driving and a violation of section 304.010.  

            8.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 304.361, violation of this section shall be deemed a class C misdemeanor.

            9.  In addition to the penalty specified in subsection 8 of this section, any person who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of a violation of this section in which the offender is found to have caused physical injury, there shall be assessed a penalty of up to [two hundred] one thousand dollars, but no less than five hundred dollars.  The court may issue an order of suspension of such person's driving privilege for a period of thirty days.

            10.  In addition to the penalty specified in subsection 8 of this section, any person who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of a violation of this section in which the offender is found to have caused serious physical injury, there shall be assessed a penalty of up to [five hundred] three thousand dollars, but no less than one thousand dollars.  The court [may] shall issue an order of suspension of such person's driving privilege for a period of ninety days.  

            11.  In addition to the penalty specified in subsection 8 of this section, any person who pleads guilty to or is found guilty of a violation of this section in which the offender is found to have caused a fatality, there shall be assessed a penalty of up to [one] ten thousand dollars, but no less than five thousand dollars.  The court [may] shall issue an order of suspension of such person's driving privilege for a period of up to one year, but no less than six months.  Such person shall also be required to participate in and successfully complete a driver-improvement program approved by the director of the department of revenue.

            12.  As used in subsections 9 and 10 of this section, the terms "physical injury" and "serious physical injury" shall have the meanings ascribed to them in section 556.061.  

            13.  For any court-ordered suspension under subsection 9, 10, or 11 of this section, the director of the department shall impose such suspension as set forth in the court order.  The order of suspension shall include the name of the offender, the offender's driver's license number, Social Security number, and the effective date of the suspension.  Any appeal of a suspension imposed under subsection 9, 10, or 11 of this section shall be a direct appeal of the court order and subject to review by the presiding judge of the circuit court or another judge within the circuit other than the judge who issued the original order to suspend the driver's license.  The director of revenue's entry of the court-ordered suspension on the driving record is not a decision subject to review under section 302.311.  Any suspension of the driver's license ordered by the court under this section shall be in addition to any other suspension that may occur as a result of the conviction under other provisions of law.

            304.890.  As used in sections 304.890 to 304.894, the following terms shall mean:

            (1)  "Active emergency", any incident occurring on a highway, as the term "highway" is defined in section 302.010, that requires emergency services from any emergency responder;

            (2)  "Active emergency zone", any area upon or around any highway, which is visibly marked by emergency responders performing work for the purpose of emergency response, and where an active emergency, or incident removal, is temporarily occurring.  This area includes the lanes of highway leading up to an active emergency or incident removal, beginning within three hundred feet of visual sighting of:

            (a)  Appropriate signs or traffic control devices posted or placed by emergency responders; or

            (b)  An emergency vehicle displaying active emergency lights or signals;

            (3)  "Emergency responder", any law enforcement officer, paid or volunteer firefighter, first responder, emergency medical worker, tow truck operator, or other emergency personnel responding to an emergency on a highway.

            304.892.  1.  Upon the first conviction, finding of guilt, or plea of guilty by any person for a moving violation, as the term "moving violation" is defined in section 302.010, or any offense listed in section 302.302, other than a violation described in subsection 2 of this section, when the violation or offense occurs within an active emergency zone, the court shall assess a fine of thirty-five dollars in addition to any other fine authorized by law.  Upon a second or subsequent conviction, finding of guilt, or plea of guilty, the court shall assess a fine of seventy-five dollars in addition to any other fine authorized by law.

            2.  Upon the first conviction, finding of guilt, or plea of guilty by any person for a speeding violation under either section 304.009 or 304.010, or a passing violation under subsection 3 of this section, when the violation or offense occurs within an active emergency zone and emergency responders were present in such zone at the time of the offense or violation, the court shall assess a fine of two hundred fifty dollars in addition to any other fine authorized by law.  Upon a second or subsequent conviction, finding of guilt, or plea of guilty, the court shall assess a fine of three hundred dollars in addition to any other fine authorized by law.  However, no person assessed an additional fine under this subsection shall also be assessed an additional fine under subsection 1 of this section.

            3.  The driver of a motor vehicle may not overtake or pass another motor vehicle within an active emergency zone.  Violation of this subsection is a class C misdemeanor.

            4.  The additional fines imposed by this section shall not be construed to enhance the assessment of court costs or the assessment of points under section 302.302.

            304.894.  1.  A person commits the offense of endangerment of an emergency responder for any of the following offenses when the offense occurs within an active emergency zone:

            (1)  Exceeding the posted speed limit by fifteen miles per hour or more;

            (2)  Passing in violation of subsection 3 of section 304.892;

            (3)  Failure to stop for an active emergency zone flagman or emergency responder, or failure to obey traffic control devices erected, or personnel posted, in the active emergency zone for purposes of controlling the flow of motor vehicles through the zone;

            (4)  Driving through or around an active emergency zone via any lane not clearly designated for motorists to control the flow of traffic through or around the active emergency zone;

            (5)  Physically assaulting, attempting to assault, or threatening to assault an emergency responder with a motor vehicle or other instrument;

            (6)  Intentionally striking, moving, or altering barrels, barriers, signs, or other devices erected to control the flow of traffic to protect emergency responders and motorists unless the action was necessary to avoid an obstacle, an emergency, or to protect the health and safety of an occupant of the motor vehicle or of another person; or

            (7)  Committing any of the following offenses for which points may be assessed under section 302.302:

            (a)  Leaving the scene of an accident in violation of section 577.060;

            (b)  Careless and imprudent driving in violation of subsection 4 of section 304.016;

            (c)  Operating without a valid license in violation of subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection 1 of section 302.020;

            (d)  Operating with a suspended or revoked license;

            (e)  Driving while in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of controlled substances or drugs or driving with an excessive blood alcohol content;

            (f)  Any felony involving the use of a motor vehicle.

            2.  Upon a finding of guilt or a plea of guilty for committing the offense of endangerment of an emergency responder under subsection 1 of this section, if no injury or death to an emergency responder resulted from the offense, the court shall assess a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, and four points shall be assessed to the operator's license pursuant to section 302.302.

            3.  A person commits the offense of aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder upon a finding of guilt or a plea of guilty for any offense under subsection 1 of this section when such offense results in the injury or death of an emergency responder.  Upon a finding of guilt or a plea of guilty for committing the offense of aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder, in addition to any other penalty authorized by law, the court shall assess a fine of not more than five thousand dollars if the offense resulted in injury to an emergency responder, and ten thousand dollars if the offense resulted in the death of an emergency responder.  In addition, twelve points shall be assessed to the operator's license pursuant to section 302.302.

            4.  Except for the offense established under subdivision (6) of subsection 1 of this section, no person shall be deemed to have committed the offense of endangerment of an emergency responder except when the act or omission constituting the offense occurred when one or more emergency responders were responding to an active emergency.

            5.  No person shall be cited for, or found guilty of, endangerment of an emergency responder or aggravated endangerment of an emergency responder, for any act or omission otherwise constituting an offense under subsection 1 of this section, if such act or omission resulted in whole or in part from mechanical failure of the person's vehicle, or from the negligence of another person or emergency responder.

            306.127.  1.  Beginning January 1, 2005, every person born after January 1, 1984, or as required pursuant to section 306.128, who operates a vessel on the lakes of this state shall possess, on the vessel, a boating safety identification card issued by the Missouri state water patrol or its agent which shows that he or she has:

            (1)  Successfully completed a boating safety course approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and certified by the Missouri state water patrol.  The boating safety course may include a course sponsored by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary or the United States Power Squadron.  The Missouri state water patrol may appoint agents to administer a boater education course or course equivalency examination and issue boater identification cards under guidelines established by the water patrol.  The Missouri state water patrol shall maintain a list of approved courses; or

            (2)  Successfully passed an equivalency examination prepared by the Missouri state water patrol and administered by the Missouri state water patrol or its agent.  The equivalency examination shall have a degree of difficulty equal to, or greater than, that of the examinations given at the conclusion of an approved boating safety course; or

            (3)  A valid master's, mate's, or operator's license issued by the United States Coast Guard.  

            2.  The Missouri state water patrol or its agent shall issue a permanent boating safety identification card to each person who complies with the requirements of this section which is valid for life unless invalidated pursuant to law.  

            3.  The Missouri state water patrol may charge a fee for such card or any replacement card that does not substantially exceed the costs of administrating this section.  The Missouri state water patrol or its designated agent shall collect such fees.  These funds shall be forwarded to general revenue.  

            4.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person who:

            (1)  Is licensed by the United States Coast Guard to serve as master of a vessel;

            (2)  Operates a vessel only on a private lake or pond that is not classified as waters of the state;

            (3)  Until January 1, 2006, is a nonresident who is visiting the state for sixty days or less;

            (4)  Is participating in an event or regatta approved by the water patrol;

            (5)  Is a nonresident who has proof of a valid boating certificate or license issued by another state if the boating course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA);

            (6)  Is exempted by rule of the water patrol;

            (7)  Is currently serving in any branch of the United States armed forces, reserves, or Missouri national guard, or any spouse of a person currently in such service; or

            (8)  Has previously successfully completed a boating safety education course approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA).  

            5.  The Missouri state water patrol shall inform other states of the requirements of this section.  

            6.  No individual shall be detained or stopped strictly for the purpose of checking whether the individual possesses a boating safety identification card or a temporary boater education permit.  

            7.  [Beginning January 1, 2006, any nonresident born after January 1, 1984, desiring to operate a rental vessel on the lakes of this state, may obtain a temporary boater education permit by completing and passing a written examination developed by the Missouri state water patrol, provided the person meets the minimum age requirements for operating a vessel in this state.  The Missouri state water patrol is authorized to promulgate rules for developing the examination and any requirements necessary for issuance of the temporary boater education permit.  The temporary boater education permit shall expire when the nonresident obtains a permanent identification card pursuant to subsection 2 of this section or thirty days after issuance, whichever occurs first.  The Missouri state water patrol may charge a fee not to exceed ten dollars for such temporary permit.  Upon successful completion of an examination and prior to renting a vessel, the business entity responsible for giving the examination shall collect such fee and forward all collected fees to the Missouri state water patrol on a monthly basis for deposit in the state general revenue fund.  Such business entity shall incur no additional liability in accepting the responsibility for administering the examination.  This subsection shall terminate on December 31, 2010.] Any person or company that rents or sells vessels may issue a temporary boating safety identification card to a nonresident of the state to operate a rented vessel or a vessel being considered for sale, for a period of up to seven days, provided that the individual meets the minimum age requirements for operating a vessel in this state.  In order to qualify for the temporary boating safety identification card, the applicant shall provide a valid driver's license establishing that the applicant is a nonresident and shall sign an affidavit that he or she has reviewed the Missouri State Highway Patrol Handbook of Missouri Boating Laws and Responsibilities.  Any nonresident holding a valid temporary boating safety identification card shall be deemed in compliance with the requirements of this section.  The Missouri state highway patrol shall charge a fee of nine dollars for such temporary boating safety identification card.  Nonresidents shall not be eligible for more than one temporary boating safety identification card.  No person or company may issue a temporary boating safety identification card to a nonresident under the provisions of this subsection unless such person or company is capable of submitting the applicant's temporary boating safety identification card information and payment in an electronic format as prescribed by the Missouri state highway patrol.  The business entity issuing a temporary boating safety identification card to a nonresident under the provisions of this subsection shall transmit the applicant's temporary boating safety identification card information electronically to the Missouri state highway patrol, in a manner and format prescribed by the superintendent, using an electronic online registration process developed and provided by the Missouri state highway patrol.  The electronic online process developed and provided by the Missouri state highway patrol shall allow the applicant to pay the temporary boating safety identification card fee by credit card or debit card.  Notwithstanding any provision in section 306.185 to the contrary, all fees collected under the authority of this subsection shall be deposited in the water patrol division fund.  The Missouri state highway patrol shall promulgate rules for developing the temporary boating safety identification card and any requirements necessary to the issuance, processing, and payment of the temporary boating safety identification card.  The Missouri state highway patrol shall, by rule, develop a boating safety checklist for each applicant seeking a temporary boating safety identification card.  The provisions of this subsection shall expire on December 31, 2022.

            307.365.  1.  No permit for an official inspection station shall be assigned or transferred or used at any location other than therein designated and every permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the location designated.  The superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol shall design and furnish each official inspection station, at no cost, one official sign made of metal or other durable material to be displayed in a conspicuous location to designate the station as an official inspection station.  Additional signs may be obtained by an official inspection station for a fee equal to the cost to the state.  Each inspection station shall also be supplied with one or more posters which must be displayed in a conspicuous location at the place of inspection and which informs the public that required repairs or corrections need not be made at the inspection station.  

            2.  No person operating an official inspection station pursuant to the provisions of sections 307.350 to 307.390 may issue a certificate of inspection and approval for any vehicle except upon an official form furnished by the superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol for that purpose and only after inspecting the vehicle and determining that its brakes, lighting equipment, signaling devices, steering mechanisms, horns, mirrors, windshield wipers, tires, wheels, exhaust system, glazing, air pollution control devices, fuel system and any other safety equipment as required by the state are in proper condition and adjustment to be operated upon the public highways of this state with safety to the driver or operator, other occupants therein, as well as other persons and property upon the highways, as provided by sections 307.350 to 307.390 and the regulations prescribed by the superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol.  Brakes may be inspected for safety by means of visual inspection or computerized brake testing.  No person operating an official inspection station shall furnish, loan, give or sell a certificate of inspection and approval to any other person except those entitled to receive it under provisions of sections 307.350 to 307.390.  No person shall have in such person's possession any certificate of inspection and approval and/or inspection sticker with knowledge that the certificate and/or inspection sticker has been illegally purchased, stolen or counterfeited.  

            3.  The superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol may require officially designated stations to furnish reports upon forms furnished by the superintendent for that purpose as the superintendent considers reasonably necessary for the proper and efficient administration of sections 307.350 to 307.390.  

            4.  If, upon inspection, defects or unsafe conditions are found, the owner may correct them or shall have them corrected at any place the owner chooses within twenty days after the defect or unsafe condition is found, and shall have the right to remove the vehicle to such place for correction, but before the vehicle is operated thereafter upon the public highways of this state, a certificate of inspection and approval must be obtained.  The inspecting personnel of the official inspection station must inform the owner that the corrections need not be made at the inspection station.  

            5.  A fee, not to exceed twelve dollars, as determined by each official inspection station, may be charged by an official inspection station for each official inspection including the issuance of the certificate of inspection and approval, sticker, seal or other device and a total fee, not to exceed ten dollars, as determined by each official inspection station, may be charged for an official inspection of a trailer or motorcycle, which shall include the issuance of the certificate of inspection and approval, sticker, seal or other device.  Such fee shall be conspicuously posted on the premises of each such official inspection station. No owner shall be charged an additional inspection fee upon having corrected defects or unsafe conditions found in an inspection completed within the previous twenty consecutive days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, if such follow-up inspection is made by the station making the initial inspection.  Every inspection for which a fee is charged shall be a complete inspection, and upon completion of the inspection, if any defects are found the owner of the vehicle shall be furnished a list of the defects and a receipt for the fee paid for the inspection.  If the owner of a vehicle decides to have any necessary repairs or corrections made at the official inspection station, the owner shall be furnished a written estimate of the cost of such repairs before such repairs or corrections are made by the official inspection station.  The written estimate shall have plainly written upon it that the owner understands that the corrections need not be made by the official inspection station and shall have a signature line for the owner.  The owner must sign below the statement on the signature line before any repairs are made.  

            6.  Certificates of inspection and approval, sticker, seal or other device shall be purchased by the official inspection stations from the superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol.  The superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol shall collect a fee of one dollar and fifty cents for each certificate of inspection, sticker, seal or other device issued to the official inspection stations, except that no charge shall be made for certificates of inspection, sticker, seal or other device issued to official inspection stations operated by governmental entities.  All fees collected shall be deposited in the state treasury with one dollar of each fee collected credited to the state highway fund and, for the purpose of administering and enforcing the state motor vehicle laws and traffic regulations, fifty cents credited to the "Highway Patrol Inspection Fund" which is hereby created.  The moneys collected and deposited in the highway patrol inspection fund shall be expended subject to appropriations by the general assembly for the administration and enforcement of sections 307.350 to 307.390 by the Missouri state highway patrol.  The unexpended balance in the fund at the end of each biennium exceeding the amount of the appropriations from the fund for the first two fiscal years shall be transferred to the state road fund, and the provisions of section 33.080, relating to the transfer of funds to the general revenue fund at the end of the biennium, shall not apply to the fund.  

            7.  The owner or operator of any inspection station who discontinues operation during the period that a station permit is valid or whose station permit is suspended or revoked shall return all official signs and posters and any current unused inspection stickers, seals or other devices to the superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol and shall receive a full refund on request except for official signs and posters, provided the request is made during the calendar year or within sixty days thereafter in the manner prescribed by the superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol.  Stations which have a valid permit shall exchange unused previous year issue inspection stickers and/or decals for an identical number of current year issue, provided the unused stickers and/or decals are submitted for exchange not later than April thirtieth of the current calendar year, in the manner prescribed by the superintendent of the Missouri state highway patrol.  

            8.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 307.390 to the contrary, a violation of this section shall be a class C misdemeanor.  

            9.  The owner or operator of any inspection station shall maintain liability insurance at all times to cover possible damage to vehicles during the inspection process.

            390.020.  As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the words and terms mean:

            (1)  "Agricultural commodities in bulk", commodities conforming to the meaning of "commodities in bulk" as defined in this section, which are agricultural, horticultural, viticultural or forest products or any other products which are grown or produced on a farm or in a forest, and which have not undergone processing at any time since movement from the farm or forest, or processed or unprocessed grain, feed, feed ingredients, or forest products;

            (2)  "Certificate", a written document authorizing a common carrier to engage in intrastate commerce and issued under the provisions of this chapter;

            (3)  "Charter service", the transportation of a group of persons who, pursuant to a common purpose and at a fixed charge for the vehicle, have acquired the exclusive use of a passenger-carrying motor vehicle to travel together as a group from a point of origin to a specified destination or for a particular itinerary, either agreed upon in advance or modified by the chartering group after having left the place of origin;

            (4)  "Commercial zone", unless otherwise increased pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (4) of section 390.041, any municipality within this state together with that territory either within or without the state of Missouri, extending one mile beyond the corporate limits of such municipality and one additional mile for each fifty thousand inhabitants or portion thereof; however, any commercial zone of a city not within a county shall extend eighteen miles beyond that city's corporate limits and shall also extend throughout any first class charter county which adjoins that zone;

            (5)  "Commodities in bulk", commodities, which are fungible, flowable, capable of being poured or dumped, tendered for transportation unpackaged, incapable of being counted, but are weighed or measured by volume and which conform to the shape of the vehicle transporting them;

            (6)  "Common carrier", any person [which holds itself out to the general public to engage] who engages in the transportation by motor vehicle of passengers or property for hire or compensation upon the public highways and airlines engaged in intrastate commerce;

            (7)  "Contract carrier", any person under individual contracts or agreements which engage in transportation by motor vehicles of passenger or property for hire or compensation upon the public highways;

            (8)  "Corporate family", a group of corporations consisting of a parent corporation and all subsidiaries in which the parent corporation owns directly or indirectly a one hundred percent interest;

            (9)  "Division", the division of motor carrier and railroad safety of the department of transportation;

            (10)  "Driveaway operator":

            (a)  Any motor carrier who moves any commercial motor vehicle or assembled automobile singly under its own power or in any other combination of two or more vehicles under the power of one of said vehicles upon any public highway for the purpose of delivery for sale or for delivery either before or after sale;

            (b)  A person engaged in the business of furnishing drivers and operators for the purpose of transporting vehicles in transit from one place to another by the driveaway or towaway methods; or

            (c)  A person who is lawfully engaged in the business of transporting or delivering vehicles that are not the person's own and vehicles of a type otherwise required to be registered, by the driveaway or towaway methods, from a point of manufacture, assembly or distribution or from the owner of the vehicles to a dealer or sales agent of a manufacturer or to any consignee designated by the shipper or consignor;

            (11)  "Dump truck", any open-top vehicle, including dump trailers, and those trailers commonly referred to as hopper trailers and/or belly dump trailers, that discharges its load by tipping or opening the body in such a manner that the load is ejected or dumped by gravity but does not include tank or other closed-top vehicles, or vehicles that discharge cargo by means of an auger, conveyor belt, air pressure, pump or other mechanical means;

            (12)  "Household goods", personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling when a part of the equipment or supply of such dwelling; new or used furniture; store or office furniture or fixtures; equipment of museums, institutions, hospitals and other establishments; and articles, which because of their unusual nature or value require specialized handling and equipment usually employed in moving household goods;

            (13)  "Interstate commerce", commerce between a point in this state and a point outside this state, or between points outside this state when such commerce moves through this state whether such commerce moves wholly by motor vehicle or partly by motor vehicle and partly by any other regulated means of transportation where the commodity does not come to rest or change its identity during the movement;

            (14)  "Intrastate commerce", commerce moving wholly between points within this state, whether such commerce moves wholly by motor vehicle or partly by motor vehicle and partly by any other means of transportation;

            (15)  "Irregular route", the course or line of travel to be used by a motor carrier's vehicle when not restricted to any specific route or routes within the area the motor carrier is authorized to serve;

            (16)  "Less-than-truckload lots", lots of freight, other than a truckload lot, being transported on the motor vehicle at one time;

            (17)  "Mobile home", house trailers, cabin trailers, bungalow trailers, mobile homes and any other transportable building unit designed to be used for residential, commercial, industrial or recreational purposes, including special equipment, wheels, tires, axles, springs, racks, undercarriages and undersupports used or useful in connection with the transportation of mobile homes when transported as part of the transportation of mobile homes;

            (18)  "Motor carrier", any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers, or both, for compensation or hire, over the public roads of this state by motor vehicle.  The term includes both common and contract carriers;

            (19)  "Motor vehicle", any vehicle, truck, truck-tractor, trailer, or semitrailer, motor bus or any self-propelled vehicle used upon the highways of the state in the transportation of property or passengers;

            (20)  "Party", any person admitted as a party to a division proceeding or seeking and entitled as a matter of right to admission to a division proceeding;

            (21)  "Permit", a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter to a contract carrier to engage in intrastate or interstate commerce or to a common carrier to engage in interstate commerce;

            (22)  "Person", any individual or other legal entity, whether such entity is a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, company, association or joint-stock association, including the partners, officers, employees, and agents of the person, as well as any trustees, assignees, receivers, or personal representatives of the person;

            (23)  "Private carrier", any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers by motor vehicle upon public highways, but not as a common or contract carrier by motor vehicle; and includes any person who transports property by motor vehicle where such transportation is incidental to or in furtherance of his commercial enterprises;

            (24)  "Public highway", every public street, road, highway or thoroughfare of any kind used by the public, whether actually dedicated to the public;

            (25)  "Regular route", a specific and determined course to be traveled by a motor carrier's vehicle rendering service to, from or between various points or localities in this state;

            (26)  "School bus", any motor vehicle while being used solely to transport students to or from school or to transport students to or from any place for educational purposes or school purposes;

            (27)  "Taxicab", any motor vehicle performing a bona fide for-hire taxicab service having a capacity of not more than five passengers, exclusive of the driver, and not operated on a regular route or between fixed termini;

            (28)  "Truckload lot", a lot or lots of freight tendered to a carrier by one consignor or one consignee for delivery at the direction of the consignor or consignee with the lot or lots being the only lot or lots transported on the motor vehicle at any one time.

            544.046.  The Nonresident Violator Compact, hereinafter called "the compact," is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows:

Article I

            (a)  The party jurisdictions find that:

            (1)  In most instances, a motorist who is cited for a traffic violation in a jurisdiction other than his home jurisdiction:

            (i)  Must post collateral or bond to secure appearance for trial at a later date; or

            (ii)  If unable to post collateral or bond, is taken into custody until the collateral or bond is posted; or

            (iii)  Is taken directly to court for his trial to be held.  

            (2)  In some instances, the motorist's driver's license may be deposited as collateral to be returned after he has complied with the terms of the citation.  

            (3)  The purpose of the practices described in paragraphs (1) and (2) above is to ensure compliance with the terms of a traffic citation by the motorist who, if permitted to continue on his way after receiving the traffic citation, could return to his home jurisdiction and disregard his duty under the terms of the traffic citation.  

            (4)  A motorist receiving a traffic citation in his home jurisdiction is permitted, except for certain violations, to accept the citation from the officer at the scene of the violation and to immediately continue on his way after promising or being instructed to comply with the terms of the citation.  

            (5)  The practice described in paragraph (1) above causes unnecessary inconvenience and, at times, a hardship for the motorist who is unable at the time to post collateral, furnish a bond, stand trial, or pay the fine, and thus is compelled to remain in custody until some arrangement can be made.  

            (6)  The deposit of a driver's license as a bail bond, as described in paragraph (2) above, is viewed with disfavor.  

            (7)  The practices described herein consume an undue amount of law enforcement time.  

            (b)  It is the policy of the party jurisdictions to:

            (1)  Seek compliance with the laws, ordinances, and administrative rules and regulations relating to the operation of motor vehicles in each of the jurisdictions.  

            (2)  Allow motorists to accept a traffic citation for certain violations and proceed on their way without delay whether or not the motorist is a resident of the jurisdiction in which the citation was issued.  

            (3)  Extend cooperation to its fullest extent among the jurisdictions for obtaining compliance with the terms of a traffic citation issued in one jurisdiction to a resident of another jurisdiction.  

            (4)  Maximize effective utilization of law enforcement personnel and assist court systems in the efficient disposition of traffic violations.  

            (c)  The purpose of this compact is to:

            (1)  Provide a means through which the party jurisdictions may participate in a reciprocal program to effectuate the policies enumerated in paragraph (b) above in a uniform and orderly manner.  

            (2)  Provide for the fair and impartial treatment of traffic violators operating within party jurisdictions in recognition of the motorist's right of due process and the sovereign status of a party jurisdiction.

Article II

            (a)  In the Nonresident Violator Compact, the following words have the meaning indicated, unless the context requires otherwise.  

            (b)(1) "Citation" means any summons, ticket, or other official document issued by a police officer for a traffic violation containing an order which requires the motorist to respond.  

            (2)  "Collateral" means any cash or other security deposited to secure an appearance for trial, following the issuance by a police officer of a citation for a traffic violation.  

            (3)  "Court" means a court of law or traffic tribunal.  

            (4)  "Driver's license" means any license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle issued under the laws of the home jurisdiction.  

            (5)  "Home jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction that issued the driver's license of the traffic violator.  

            (6)  "Issuing jurisdiction" means the jurisdiction in which the traffic citation was issued to the motorist.  

            (7)  "Jurisdiction" means a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.  

            (8)  "Motorist" means a driver of a motor vehicle operating in a party jurisdiction other than the home jurisdiction.  

            (9)  "Personal recognizance" means an agreement by a motorist made at the time of issuance of the traffic citation that he will comply with the terms of that traffic citation.  

            (10)  "Police officer" means any individual authorized by the party jurisdiction to issue a citation for a traffic violation.  

            (11)  "Terms of the citation" means those options expressly stated upon the citation.

Article III

            (a)  When issuing a citation for a traffic violation, a police officer shall issue the citation to a motorist who possesses a driver's license issued by a party jurisdiction and shall not, subject to the exceptions noted in paragraph (b) of this article, require the motorist to post collateral to secure appearance, if the officer receives the motorist's signed, personal recognizance that he or she will comply with the terms of the citation.  

            (b)  Personal recognizance is acceptable only if not prohibited by law.  If mandatory appearance is required, it must take place immediately following issuance of the citation.  

            (c)  Upon failure of a motorist to comply with the terms of a traffic citation, the appropriate official shall report the failure to comply to the licensing authority of the jurisdiction in which the traffic citation was issued.  The report shall be made in accordance with procedures specified by the issuing jurisdiction and shall contain information as specified in the Compact Manual as minimum requirements for effective processing by the home jurisdiction.  

            (d)  Upon receipt of the report, the licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction shall transmit to the licensing authority in the home jurisdiction of the motorist the information in a form and content as contained in the Compact Manual.  

            (e)  The licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction may not suspend the privilege of a motorist for whom a report has been transmitted.  

            (f)  The licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction shall not transmit a report on any violation if the date of transmission is more than six months after the date on which the traffic citation was issued unless the motorist was operating a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) or was a Commercial Driver License (CDL) holder at the time of the offense.  

            (g)  The licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction shall not transmit a report on any violation where the date of issuance of the citation predates the most recent of the effective dates of entry for the two jurisdictions affected.

Article IV

            (a)  Upon receipt of a report of a failure to comply from the licensing authority of the issuing jurisdiction, the licensing authority of the home jurisdiction shall notify the motorist and initiate a suspension action, in accordance with the home jurisdiction's procedures, to suspend the motorist's driver's license until satisfactory evidence of compliance with the terms of the traffic citation has been furnished to the home jurisdiction licensing authority.  Due process safeguards will be accorded.  

            (b)  The licensing authority of the home jurisdiction shall maintain a record of actions taken and make reports to issuing jurisdictions as provided in the Compact Manual.  

Article V

            Except as expressly required by provisions of this compact, nothing contained herein shall be construed to affect the right of any party jurisdiction to apply any of its other laws relating to licenses to drive to any person or circumstance, or to invalidate or prevent any driver license agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a party jurisdiction and a nonparty jurisdiction.

Article VI

            (a)  For the purpose of administering the provisions of this compact and to serve as a governing body for the resolution of all matters relating to the operation of this compact, a Board of Compact Administrators is established.  The board shall be composed of one representative from each party jurisdiction to be known as the compact administrator.  The compact administrator shall be appointed by the jurisdiction executive and will serve and be subject to removal in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction he represents.  A compact administrator may provide for the discharge of his duties and the performance of his functions as a board member by an alternate.  An alternate may not be entitled to serve unless written notification of his identity has been given to the board.  

            (b)  Each member of the Board of Compact Administrators shall be entitled to one vote.  No action of the board shall be binding unless taken at a meeting at which a majority of the total number of votes on the board are cast in favor.  Action by the board shall be only at a meeting at which a majority of the party jurisdictions are represented.  

            (c)  The board shall elect annually, from its membership, a chairman and a vice chairman.  

            (d)  The board shall adopt bylaws, not inconsistent with the provisions of this compact or the laws of a party jurisdiction, for the conduct of its business and shall have the power to amend and rescind its bylaws.  

            (e)  The board may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations, and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, conditional or otherwise, from any jurisdiction, the United States, or any other governmental agency, and may receive, utilize, and dispose of the same.  

            (f)  The board may contract with, or accept services or personnel from, any governmental or intergovernmental agency, person, firm, or corporation, or any private nonprofit organization or institution.  

            (g)  The board shall formulate all necessary procedures and develop uniform forms and documents for administering the provisions of this compact.

All procedures and forms adopted pursuant to board action shall be contained in the Compact Manual.

Article VII

            (a)  This compact shall become effective when it has been adopted by at least two jurisdictions.  

            (b)(1)  Entry into the compact shall be made by a Resolution of Ratification executed by the authorized officials of the applying jurisdiction and submitted to the chairman of the board.  

            (2)  The resolution shall be in a form and content as provided in the Compact Manual and shall include statements that in substance are as follows:

            (i)  A citation of the authority by which the jurisdiction is empowered to become a party to this compact.  

            (ii)  Agreement to comply with the terms and provisions of the compact.

            (iii)  That compact entry is with all jurisdictions then party to the compact and with any jurisdiction that legally becomes a party to the compact.  

            (3)  The effective date of entry shall be specified by the applying jurisdiction, but it shall not be less than 60 days after notice has been given by the chairman of the Board of Compact Administrators or by the secretariat of the board to each party jurisdiction that the resolution from the applying jurisdiction has been received.  

            (c)  A party jurisdiction may withdraw from this compact by official written notice to the other party jurisdictions, but a withdrawal shall not take effect until 90 days after notice of withdrawal is given.  The notice shall be directed to the compact administrator of each member jurisdiction.  No withdrawal shall affect the validity of this compact as to the remaining party jurisdictions.

Article VIII

            The provisions of this compact shall not apply to parking or standing violations, highway weight limit violations, and violations of law governing the transportation of hazardous materials.

Article IX

            (a)  This compact may be amended from time to time.  Amendments shall be presented in resolution form to the chairman of the Board of Compact Administrators and may be initiated by one or more party jurisdictions.  

            (b)  Adoption of an amendment shall require endorsement of all party jurisdictions and shall become effective 30 days after the date of the last endorsement.  

            (c)  Failure of a party jurisdiction to respond to the compact chairman within 120 days after receipt of the proposed amendment shall constitute endorsement.

Article X

            This compact shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes stated herein.  The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party jurisdiction or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance, the compact shall not be affected thereby.  If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any jurisdiction party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining jurisdictions and in full force and effect as to the jurisdiction affected as to all severable matters.

Article XI

            This compact shall be known as the Nonresident Violator Compact.  

            643.320.  1.  The commission shall prescribe the standards and equipment necessary for an official emissions inspection station and the qualifications for persons who conduct the inspections, and no applicant for certificate of authorization to conduct emissions inspections may be approved to operate an official emissions inspection station until the applicant meets the standards and has the required equipment and qualified inspectors as prescribed by the commission.  An official emissions inspection station shall maintain liability insurance at all times to cover possible damage to vehicles during the inspection process as a condition of operating an official emissions inspection station.  The commission shall establish standards and procedures to be followed in the making of inspections required by sections 643.300 to 643.355 and shall prescribe rules for the operation of emissions inspection stations.  

            2.  The application for a certificate of authorization to operate as an official emissions inspection station shall be made to the commission on a form furnished by the commission.  The application shall be accompanied by a fee established by the commission by rule, but in no case shall the fee exceed one hundred dollars.  The certificate of authorization shall be renewed annually on the date of issue.  All fees shall be payable to the director of revenue and shall be deposited by the director of revenue in the state treasury to the credit of the Missouri air emission reduction fund established under section 643.350.  

            3.  The commission or its designee shall cause unannounced inspections to be made of the operation of each emissions inspection station at least once during each calendar year.  The inspection may include submitting a known high emission vehicle for inspection without prior disclosure to the inspection station. At any time the commission or its designee shall have reason to believe that any person has violated any provisions of the provisions of sections 643.300 to 643.355 or the rules promulgated thereunder, the commission or its designee shall refuse to issue or shall revoke or suspend any certificate of authority under this section.  The suspension or revocation of a certificate of authority shall be in writing to the operator, inspector, or the person in charge of the emissions inspection station.  Before suspending or revoking the certificate of authority to conduct emissions inspections, the commission or its designee shall serve notice in writing by certified mail or by personal service to the inspection station at the operator's address of record giving the permittee the opportunity to appear in the office of the commission on a stated date, not less than ten nor more than thirty days after the mailing or service of the notice, for a hearing to show cause why the inspection station's certificate of authority should not be suspended or revoked.  An inspection station owner or an inspector may appear in person or by counsel in the office of the commission or its designee to show cause why the proposed suspension or revocation is in error, or to present any other facts or testimony that would bear on the final decision of the commission or its designee. If the operator, owner, or inspector does not appear on the stated day after receipt of notice, it shall be presumed that such party admits the allegations of fact contained in the hearing notification letter.  The decision of the commission or its designee may in such case be based upon the written reports submitted by the commission's officers.  The order of the commission, specifying his findings of fact and conclusions of law, shall be considered final immediately after receipt of notice thereof by the inspection station.  

            4.  The department may require emissions inspection stations to furnish reports, upon forms furnished by the department for that purpose, that the department considers necessary for the administration of sections 643.300 to 643.355.  

            5.  The commission may impose alternative administrative enforcement mechanisms in lieu of suspending or revoking a certificate of authority.  Such alternative administrative enforcement mechanisms may include, but not be limited to, requiring inspectors to successfully complete a commission-approved retraining program.  The commission also may require any individual who has his or her certificate of authority suspended to undergo remedial retraining as a condition of removing such suspension.  

            6.  The commission shall design and furnish each official emissions inspection station, at no cost, one official sign made of metal or other durable material to be displayed in a conspicuous location to designate the station as an official emissions inspection station.  Additional signs may be obtained by an official inspection station for a fee equal to the cost to the state.  Each official emissions inspection station shall also be supplied with one or more posters which must be displayed in a conspicuous location at the place of inspection and which informs the public that required repairs or corrections need not be made at the inspection station.

            Section B.  Because of the need to ensure that out-of-state residents are knowledgeable in the safe operation of vessels, the repeal and reenactment of section 306.127 of this act is deemed necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, welfare, peace and safety, and is hereby declared to be an emergency act within the meaning of the constitution, and the repeal and reenactment of section 306.127 of this act shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval.