5237H.01I                                                                                                                                                  D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk



To amend chapter 566, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to the offense of unlawful internet communication with a minor, with penalty provisions.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

            Section A. Chapter 566, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 566.157, to read as follows:

            566.157. 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms mean:

            (1) "Instant messaging or chat room program", a program that allows a form of real time text communication between two or more people via computers connected over a network such as the internet, or between cell phone or wireless communication device users, or over a cell phone or wireless communication device network;

            (2) "Social networking website", a website that allows users to create web pages or profiles about themselves that are available to the general public, or to any other users, and offers a mechanism for communication among users. Social networking website shall not include any of the following:

            (a) A website that provides only one of the following services: photo-sharing, electronic mail, or instant messaging;

            (b) A website, the primary purpose of which is the facilitation of commercial transactions involving goods or services between its members or visitors;

            (c) A website, the primary purpose of which is the dissemination of news; or

            (d) A website of a governmental entity.

            2. A person commits the offense of unlawful internet communication with a minor if:

            (1) Such person has been found guilty of:

            (a) Any of the provisions of this chapter;

            (b) Incest under section 568.020;

            (c) Endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree under section 568.045;

            (d) Use of a child in a sexual performance under section 568.080;

            (e) Promoting a sexual performance by a child under section 568.090;

            (f) Sexual exploitation of a minor under section 573.023;

            (g) Promoting child pornography in the first degree under section 573.025;

            (h) Promoting child pornography in the second degree under section 573.035;

            (i) Possession of child pornography under section 573.037; or

            (j) Furnishing pornographic material to minors under section 573.040; and

            (2) Such person knowingly violates a condition of probation, parole, or supervised release that prohibits such person from using a social networking website or an instant messaging or chat room program to communicate, directly or through an intermediary, with a child less than sixteen years of age.

            3. Unlawful internet communication with a minor is a class A misdemeanor unless the person has previously been found guilty of an offense under this section, in which case it is a class D felony.

            4. It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the person reasonably believed that the child was at least sixteen years of age.