Reported from the Committee on General Laws, April 26, 2012, with recommendation that the Senate Committee Substitute do pass.


TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.




To repeal sections 205.042 and 488.5320, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof three new sections relating to financial transactions.


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

    Section A. Sections 205.042 and 488.5320, RSMo, are repealed and three new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 37.007, 205.042, and 488.5320, to read as follows: 

    37.007. Within six months of August 28, 2012, the commissioner of the office of administration shall instruct all state agencies and departments to utilize a statewide commercial payments system or contract with any third party to accept and make payments by commercial payment card or alternatively, where vendors do not take commercial card payments, automated clearing house or check or other electronic methods designated by the commissioner.

    205.042. 1. The trustees, within ten days after their appointment or election, shall qualify by taking the oath of civil officers and organize as a board of health center trustees by the election of one of their number as chairman, one as secretary, one as treasurer, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary, but no bond shall be required of them.

    2. No trustee shall receive any compensation for his services performed, but he may receive reimbursement for any cash expenditures actually made for personal expenses incurred as such trustee, and an itemized statement of all such expenses and money paid out shall be made under oath by each of such trustees and filed with the secretary and allowed only by the affirmative vote of all of the trustees present at a meeting of the board.

    3. The board of health center trustees shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for its own guidance and for the government of the county health center as may be deemed expedient for the economic and equitable conduct thereof. It shall have the exclusive control of the expenditures of all moneys collected to the credit of the county health center fund, and of the purchase of site or sites, the purchase or construction of any county health center buildings, and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings purchased, constructed, leased or set apart for that purpose. All moneys received for the county health center shall be credited to the county health center and deposited in the depositary thereof for the sole use of such county health center in accordance with the provisions of sections 205.010 to 205.150. All funds received by each county health center shall be paid out [only] through an electronic funds transfer system in an amount within that approved by the board of health center trustees or upon warrants ordered drawn by the treasurer of the board of trustees upon properly authenticated vouchers of the board of health center trustees.

    4. The board of health center trustees may appoint and remove such personnel as may be necessary and fix their compensation; and shall in general carry out the spirit and intent of sections 205.010 to 205.150 pertaining to establishing and maintaining a county health center.

    5. The board of health center trustees shall hold meetings at least once each month, and shall keep a complete record of all of its proceedings. Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

    6. One of the trustees shall visit and examine the county health center at least twice each month.

    7. When the county health center is established, all personnel and all persons approaching or coming within the limits of same, and all furniture and other articles used or brought there shall be subject to such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe.

    8. The board of health center trustees shall determine annually the rate of the tax levy, except that the rate so determined shall not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the vote of the people of the county.

    9. The board of health center trustees may enter into contracts and agreements with federal, state, county, school and municipal governments and with private individuals, partnerships, firms, associations and corporations for the furtherance of health activities, except as hereafter prohibited.

    488.5320. 1. Sheriffs, county marshals or other officers shall be allowed a charge for their services rendered in criminal cases and in all proceedings for contempt or attachment, as required by law, the sum of seventy-five dollars for each felony case or contempt or attachment proceeding, ten dollars for each misdemeanor case, and six dollars for each infraction, [excluding] including cases disposed of by a traffic violations bureau established pursuant to law or supreme court rule. Such charges shall be charged and collected in the manner provided by sections 488.010 to 488.020 and shall be payable to the county treasury; except that, those charges from cases disposed of by a traffic violations bureau shall be distributed as follows: one-half of the charges collected shall be forwarded and deposited to the credit of the MODEX fund established in subsection 5 of this section for the operational cost of the Missouri data exchange (MODEX) system, and one-half of the charges collected shall be deposited to the credit of the inmate security fund, established in section 488.5026, of the county or municipal political subdivision from which the citation originated. If the county or municipal political subdivision has not established an inmate security fund, the funds shall be deposited in the MODEX fund.

    2. The sheriff receiving any charge pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shall reimburse the sheriff of any other county or the city of St. Louis the sum of three dollars for each pleading, writ, summons, order of court or other document served in connection with the case or proceeding by the sheriff of the other county or city, and return made thereof, to the maximum amount of the total charge received pursuant to subsection 1 of this section.

    3. The charges provided in subsection 1 of this section shall be taxed as other costs in criminal proceedings immediately upon a plea of guilty or a finding of guilt of any defendant in any criminal procedure. The clerk shall tax all the costs in the case against such defendant, which shall be collected and disbursed as provided by sections 488.010 to 488.020; provided, that no such charge shall be collected in any proceeding in any court when the proceeding or the defendant has been dismissed by the court; provided further, that all costs, incident to the issuing and serving of writs of scire facias and of writs of fieri facias, and of attachments for witnesses of defendant, shall in no case be paid by the state, but such costs incurred under writs of fieri facias and scire facias shall be paid by the defendant and such defendant's sureties, and costs for attachments for witnesses shall be paid by such witnesses.

    4. Mileage shall be reimbursed to sheriffs, county marshals and guards for all services rendered pursuant to this section at the rate prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service for allowable expenses for motor vehicle use expressed as an amount per mile.

    5. (1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the "MODEX Fund", which shall consist of money collected under subsection 1 of this section. The fund shall be administered by the Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission established in section 590.120. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund. In accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180, the state treasurer may approve disbursements. The fund shall be a dedicated fund and, upon appropriation, money in the fund shall be used solely for the operational support and expansion of the MODEX system.

    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to the credit of the general revenue fund.

    (3) The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in the same manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys earned on such investments shall be credited to the fund.