1.1A Senate resolution
1.2honoring Lee Lue Yang for his exemplary life.
1.3WHEREAS, Lee Lue Yang was born February 1, 1950, in Xiengkhuoan, Huanoog village,
1.4with the birth name of Choj. He grew up with his parents and ten siblings, and when he was young
1.5he was in charge of the cattle and the garden; and
1.6WHEREAS, by 1961, Laos was not doing well. At the age of 11, Lee Lue joined the army
1.7because every family had to send one person. Though he was only as tall as the rifle, he learned
1.8how to shoot guns and did drills. With Lee Lue in the army his family had money to buy food; and
1.9WHEREAS, in 1967, war broke out. Lee Lue went back to Mocha and was drafted. On any
1.10given day, there was enough shooting and bombing that his life was in constant danger. That same
1.11year, he met and married his wife, Ying Vang, who came from a good family; and
1.12WHEREAS, Lee Lue's experiences with warfare continued in Xiengkhuoan. There were
1.13many bombings, and Lee Lue experienced many close calls with bombs that fortunately did not go
1.14off. Tragically, all of his friends died in the war; and
1.15WHEREAS, in 1975, South Vietnam fell to Communist North Vietnam. In December 1979,
1.16Lee Lue made a daring escape across the Mekong River with his family, including his two young
1.17daughters; and
1.18WHEREAS, in September 1980, they were approved to go the United States. The following
1.19month, they arrived in Minnesota, where, with time and hard work, they were able to buy their first
1.20home, in St. Paul; and
1.21WHEREAS, one day, Lee Lue saw a neighbor stuck under his car and was able to raise the
1.22vehicle enough that he could escape. Thanks to his help, this man is still alive and well; and
2.1WHEREAS, Lee Lue was a dedicated assembly worker at Rexton and retired in 2006. He
2.2has traveled around the world and gone back to Laos to see his homeland. He has taught himself
2.3to fix cars and is an avid storyteller; and
2.4WHEREAS, today Lee Lue has ten children, 28 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
2.5He has taught them the importance of education and how to be a good person, parent, and neighbor.
2.6If we were to write out Lee Lue Yang's life word by word it would fill a library; and
2.7NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it
2.8congratulates Lee Lue Yang on his exceptional courage, integrity, and life story.
2.9BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an
2.10enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the
2.11Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to Lee Lue Yang.
Tom BotternSecretary of the Senate Kari DziedzicChair, Senate Committee onRules and Administration
Foung HawjState Senator, District 67