1.1A Senate resolution
1.2honoring Jeff Warner of Warners' Stellian on his retirement.
1.3WHEREAS, local, independent businesses drive the state's economy, create high-quality
1.4jobs, and contribute to the vitality of the state's business climate and character; and
1.5WHEREAS, Jeff Warner of Warners' Stellian has been with the company for 42 years and
1.6has played a critical role in its expansion and success in the state; and
1.7WHEREAS, Jeff's father, Jim, bought the company in 1971, and Jeff, one of nine children
1.8of Jim and his wife, Nonie, would go on to play a key role in acquiring and marketing the company's
1.9second store on Nicollet Avenue in Minneapolis; and
1.10WHEREAS, since that initial expansion, in 1986, Jeff and his siblings have strategically
1.11expanded the business to include ten Minnesota locations and helped it grow from 80 full-time
1.12employees to over 400; and
1.13WHEREAS, Jeff was president from 1999 to 2017 and was instrumental in developing the
1.14company's culture of offering top-rated appliances at affordable prices along with top-notch customer
1.15service and a commitment to recycling packaging and using a fuel-efficient vehicle fleet; and
1.16WHEREAS, Jeff has been a steadfast supporter of local businesses in the Twin Cities,
1.17including turning the Midway on the Fairway golf tournament into a top fund-raising event for the
1.18Midway Chamber of Commerce; and
1.19WHEREAS, Jeff now is retiring but will leave Warners' Stellian in good and familiar hands,
1.20as four of his five children are third-generation employees at the company with a collective 60
1.21years of service and will continue Jeff's legacy of customer service and support of local business;
2.1NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it
2.2congratulates Jeff Warner on his retirement and his many years of service at a venerable Minnesota
2.4BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an
2.5enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the
2.6Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to Jeff Warner.
Cal R. LudemanSecretary of the Senate Paul E. GazelkaChair, Senate Committee onRules and Administration
John A. HoffmanState Senator, District 36