1.1A Senate resolution
1.2commending Captain Wa Thai Yang for his exemplary service to our
1.4WHEREAS, those who bravely defend our nation's freedoms in the armed forces are
1.5deserving of special legislative recognition; and
1.6WHEREAS, Captain Wa Thai Yang joined the Royal Lao military in 1960 at the age
1.7of 15; and
1.8WHEREAS, he was promoted to First Lieutenant in 1966, Lieutenant in 1970, and
1.9Captain in 1974; and
1.10WHEREAS, in August of 1968 he was stationed at Phou Nhuan when a United States F14
1.11jet fighter was hit by the Viet Cong. The two pilots parachuted out and Captain Wa Thai and his
1.12team rushed to save the pilots; and
1.13WHEREAS, in January of 1970 Captain Wa Thai Yang and his family reestablished a
1.14new village called Phou Kang; and
1.15WHEREAS, in early 1971, Captain Yang's division successfully took control of four
1.16camps. Their other task was to intercept the Viet Cong's supply line to South Vietnam known as
1.17the "Ho Chi Minh Trail"; and
1.18WHEREAS, in 1975, the United States "Secret War" had ended but Captain Yang's
1.19struggle continued. With an anticipated arrest coming from serving with the Vang Pao's armed
1.20forces, Captain Yang and his family escaped from Phou Kang. They crossed the Mekong River
1.21on September 4, 1978; and
1.22WHEREAS, after living in several refugee camps, Captain Yang and his family resettled to
1.23Missoula, Montana, where he later served as the President of Lao Family Community of Montana.
1.24In 1996, they moved to Minneapolis and made Minnesota their home; and
1.25NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota
1.26that it commends Captain Wa Thai Yang for a distinguished military career and for his service
1.27to our country.
2.1BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an
2.2enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the
2.3Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to Captain Wa Thai Yang.
JoAnne M. Zoff
Secretary of the Senate

Thomas M. Bakk
Chair, Senate Committee on
Rules and Administration
John A. Hoffman
State Senator, District 36
Foung Hawj
State Senator, District 67
Chris A. Eaton
State Senator, District 40