1.1A Senate resolution
1.2commending Daniel Wolf for his years of dedicated service to the Senate of the State
1.3of Minnesota.
1.4WHEREAS, Daniel Wolf has had a distinguished career at the Minnesota legislature, having
1.5served as a researcher, director of research, and Chief of Staff to the Minnesota Senate Republican
1.6Caucus from 1984 to 2009; and
1.7WHEREAS, throughout his tenure with the senate, Daniel served six Senate Majority and
1.8Minority Leaders; 194 state senators were beneficiaries of his dedication to the institution; and
1.9WHEREAS, Daniel has developed great knowledge of and expertise in senate policies and
1.10rules and Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure, and provided reliable advice and guidance to
1.11state senators on numerous public policy issues, particularly in the areas of election law and tax
1.12law; and
1.13WHEREAS, Daniel imparted valuable insight, strategy, and wise counsel to several
1.14generations of members of the senate and maintained a well-deserved reputation for his measured,
1.15professional, and respectful demeanor in the performance of his duties throughout his career in the
1.16Senate of the State of Minnesota; and
1.17NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it
1.18recognizes Daniel Wolf for over 25 years of dedicated public service and extends its warm wishes
1.19for his future.
1.20BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is directed to prepare an
1.21enrolled copy of this resolution, to be authenticated by the Secretary's signature and that of the
1.22Chair of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and transmit it to Daniel Wolf.
Cal R. LudemanSecretary of the Senate Paul E. GazelkaChair, Senate Committee onRules and Administration
David H. SenjemState Senator, District 25