1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to finance; requiring balanced budget for an additional biennium;
1.3amending Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16A.11, subdivisions 2, 3.

1.5    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16A.11, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
1.6    Subd. 2. Part one: message. Part one of the budget, the governor's message, shall
1.7include the governor's recommendations on the financial policy of the state for the coming
1.8biennium, describing the important features of the budget plan, embracing a general budget
1.9summary setting forth the aggregate figures of the budget so as to show the balanced
1.10relation between the total proposed expenditures and the total anticipated income, with
1.11the basis and factors on which the estimates are made, the amount to be borrowed, and
1.12other means of financing the budget for the coming biennium and an additional biennium,
1.13compared with the corresponding figures for at least the last two completed fiscal years
1.14and the current year. The budget plan shall be supported by explanatory schedules or
1.15statements, classifying its expenditures by agencies and funds, and the income by agencies,
1.16sources, funds, and the proposed amount of new borrowing, as well as proposed new tax
1.17or revenue sources. The budget plan shall be submitted for all special and dedicated funds,
1.18as well as the general fund, and shall include the estimated amounts of federal aids, for
1.19whatever purpose provided, together with estimated expenditures from them.

1.20    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 16A.11, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
1.21    Subd. 3. Part two: detailed budget. (a) Part two of the budget, the detailed budget
1.22estimates both of expenditures and revenues, must contain any statements on the financial
2.1plan which the governor believes desirable or which may be required by the legislature.
2.2The detailed estimates shall include the governor's budget arranged in tabular form.
2.3(b) Tables listing expenditures for the next coming biennium and an additional
2.4biennium must show the appropriation base for each year. The appropriation base is
2.5the amount appropriated for the second year of the current biennium. The tables must
2.6separately show any adjustments to the base required by current law or policies of the
2.7commissioner of management and budget. For forecasted programs, the tables must also
2.8show the amount of the forecast adjustments, based on the most recent forecast prepared
2.9by the commissioner of management and budget under section 16A.103. For all programs,
2.10the tables must show the amount of appropriation changes recommended by the governor,
2.11after adjustments to the base and forecast adjustments, and the total recommendation of
2.12the governor for that year.
2.13(c) The detailed estimates must include a separate line listing the total cost of
2.14professional and technical service contracts for the prior biennium and the projected costs
2.15of those contracts for the current and upcoming biennium. They must also include a
2.16summary of the personnel employed by the agency, reflected as full-time equivalent
2.18(d) The detailed estimates for internal service funds must include the number of
2.19full-time equivalents by program; detail on any loans from the general fund, including
2.20dollar amounts by program; proposed investments in technology or equipment of $100,000
2.21or more; an explanation of any operating losses or increases in retained earnings; and a
2.22history of the rates that have been charged, with an explanation of any rate changes and
2.23the impact of the rate changes on affected agencies.

2.24    Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE.
2.25Sections 1 and 2 are effective the day following final enactment.