1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to energy; regulating siting large electric power generating plants;
1.3allowing solar generation facilities to be eligible for alternative review; amending
1.4Minnesota Statutes 2012, sections 216E.01, by adding a subdivision; 216E.04,
1.5subdivision 2; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 216E.

1.7    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 216E.01, is amended by adding a
1.8subdivision to read:
1.9    Subd. 8a. Solar energy generating system. "Solar energy generating system"
1.10means a set of devices whose primary purpose is to produce electricity by means of any
1.11combination of collecting, transferring, or converting solar-generated energy.

1.13(a) This section must be used to determine whether a combination of solar energy
1.14generating systems meets the definition of large electric power generating plant and is
1.15subject to the commission's siting authority jurisdiction under this chapter. The alternating
1.16current nameplate capacity of one solar energy generating system must be combined with
1.17the alternating current nameplate capacity of any other solar energy generating system that:
1.18(1) is constructed within the same 12-month period as the solar energy generating
1.19system; and
1.20(2) exhibits characteristics of being a single development, including but not limited
1.21to ownership structure, an umbrella sales arrangement, shared interconnection, revenue
1.22sharing arrangements, and common debt or equity financing.
1.23(b) The commissioner of commerce shall provide forms and assistance for applicants
1.24to make a request for a size determination. Upon written request of an applicant, the
2.1commissioner shall provide a written size determination within 30 days of receipt of the
2.2request and of any information requested by the commissioner. In the case of a dispute,
2.3the chair of the Public Utilities Commission shall make the final size determination.

2.4    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2012, section 216E.04, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2.5    Subd. 2. Applicable projects. The requirements and procedures in this section
2.6apply to the following projects:
2.7(1) large electric power generating plants with a capacity of less than 80 megawatts;
2.8(2) large electric power generating plants that are fueled by natural gas;
2.9(3) high-voltage transmission lines of between 100 and 200 kilovolts;
2.10(4) high-voltage transmission lines in excess of 200 kilovolts and less than five miles
2.11in length in Minnesota;
2.12(5) high-voltage transmission lines in excess of 200 kilovolts if at least 80 percent
2.13of the distance of the line in Minnesota will be located along existing high-voltage
2.14transmission line right-of-way;
2.15(6) a high-voltage transmission line service extension to a single customer between
2.16200 and 300 kilovolts and less than ten miles in length; and
2.17(7) a high-voltage transmission line rerouting to serve the demand of a single
2.18customer when the rerouted line will be located at least 80 percent on property owned or
2.19controlled by the customer or the owner of the transmission line; and
2.20(8) large electric power generating plants that are powered by solar.

2.21    Sec. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE.
2.22This act is effective the day following final enactment.