1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to taxation; eliminating property tax exemptions for certain airport
1.3property; eliminating the preferences for foreign source income; repealing the
1.4subtraction for foreign royalties; taxing certain development subsidies; expanding
1.5the definition of domestic corporations to include certain foreign corporations
1.6incorporated or doing business in tax havens; modifying JOBZ and biotechnology
1.7and health science industry zones; repealing international economic development
1.8zones; reducing the corporate franchise tax rates; repealing the research credit;
1.9repealing foreign operating corporations; repealing the special apportionment
1.10formula for certain mail order businesses;amending Minnesota Statutes 2010,
1.11sections 275.025, subdivisions 1, 2; 289A.08, subdivision 3; 290.01, subdivisions
1.125, 19c, 19d, 29, by adding subdivisions; 290.06, subdivision 1; 290.0921,
1.13subdivision 1; 290.17, subdivision 4; 290.191, subdivisions 2, 3; repealing
1.14Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 290.01, subdivision 6b; 290.06, subdivisions
1.1524, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32; 290.068, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, 7; 290.0921,
1.16subdivision 7; 290.191, subdivision 4; 469.317; 469.318; 469.321; 469.322;
1.17469.323; 469.324; 469.325; 469.326; 469.327; 469.328; 469.329; 469.337;
1.18469.338; 469.339.

1.20    Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 275.025, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
1.21    Subdivision 1. Levy amount. The state general levy is levied against
1.22commercial-industrial property and seasonal residential recreational property, as defined
1.23in this section. The state general levy base amount is $592,000,000 for taxes payable in
1.242002. For taxes payable in subsequent years, the levy base amount is increased each year
1.25by multiplying the levy base amount for the prior year by the sum of one plus the rate of
1.26increase, if any, in the implicit price deflator for government consumption expenditures
1.27and gross investment for state and local governments prepared by the Bureau of Economic
1.28Analysts of the United States Department of Commerce for the 12-month period ending
1.29March 31 of the year prior to the year the taxes are payable. The tax under this section is
2.1not treated as a local tax rate under section 469.177 and is not the levy of a governmental
2.2unit under chapters 276A and 473F.
2.3In setting the rate, the commissioner shall exclude the tax capacity of property
2.4described in section 473.625 from the tax base. The commissioner shall increase or
2.5decrease the preliminary or final rate for a year as necessary to account for errors and tax
2.6base changes that affected a preliminary or final rate for either of the two preceding years.
2.7Adjustments are allowed to the extent that the necessary information is available to the
2.8commissioner at the time the rates for a year must be certified, and for the following
2.10(1) an erroneous report of taxable value by a local official;
2.11(2) an erroneous calculation by the commissioner; and
2.12(3) an increase or decrease in taxable value for commercial-industrial or seasonal
2.13residential recreational property reported on the abstracts of tax lists submitted under
2.14section 275.29 that was not reported on the abstracts of assessment submitted under
2.15section 270C.89 for the same year.
2.16The commissioner may, but need not, make adjustments if the total difference in the tax
2.17levied for the year would be less than $100,000.
2.18EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxes payable in 2012 and

2.20    Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 275.025, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
2.21    Subd. 2. Commercial-industrial tax capacity. For the purposes of this section,
2.22"commercial-industrial tax capacity" means the tax capacity of all taxable property
2.23classified as class 3 or class 5(1) under section 273.13, except for electric generation
2.24attached machinery under class 3 and property described in section 473.625. County
2.25commercial-industrial tax capacity amounts are not adjusted for the captured net tax
2.26capacity of a tax increment financing district under section 469.177, subdivision 2, the
2.27net tax capacity of transmission lines deducted from a local government's total net tax
2.28capacity under section 273.425, or fiscal disparities contribution and distribution net
2.29tax capacities under chapter 276A or 473F.
2.30EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxes payable in 2012 and

2.32    Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 289A.08, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
3.1    Subd. 3. Corporations. (a) A corporation that is subject to the state's jurisdiction to
3.2tax under section 290.014, subdivision 5, must file a return, except that a foreign operating
3.3corporation as defined in section 290.01, subdivision 6b, is not required to file a return.
3.4(b) Members of a unitary business that are required to file a combined report on one
3.5return must designate a member of the unitary business to be responsible for tax matters,
3.6including the filing of returns, the payment of taxes, additions to tax, penalties, interest,
3.7or any other payment, and for the receipt of refunds of taxes or interest paid in excess of
3.8taxes lawfully due. The designated member must be a member of the unitary business that
3.9is filing the single combined report and either:
3.10(1) a corporation that is subject to the taxes imposed by chapter 290; or
3.11(2) a corporation that is not subject to the taxes imposed by chapter 290:
3.12(i) Such corporation consents by filing the return as a designated member under this
3.13clause to remit taxes, penalties, interest, or additions to tax due from the members of the
3.14unitary business subject to tax, and receive refunds or other payments on behalf of other
3.15members of the unitary business. The member designated under this clause is a "taxpayer"
3.16for the purposes of this chapter and chapter 270C, and is liable for any liability imposed
3.17on the unitary business under this chapter and chapter 290.
3.18(ii) If the state does not otherwise have the jurisdiction to tax the member designated
3.19under this clause, consenting to be the designated member does not create the jurisdiction
3.20to impose tax on the designated member, other than as described in item (i).
3.21(iii) The member designated under this clause must apply for a business tax account
3.22identification number.
3.23(c) The commissioner shall adopt rules for the filing of one return on behalf of the
3.24members of an affiliated group of corporations that are required to file a combined report.
3.25All members of an affiliated group that are required to file a combined report must file one
3.26return on behalf of the members of the group under rules adopted by the commissioner.
3.27(d) If a corporation claims on a return that it has paid tax in excess of the amount of
3.28taxes lawfully due, that corporation must include on that return information necessary for
3.29payment of the tax in excess of the amount lawfully due by electronic means.
3.30EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
3.31beginning after December 31, 2010.

3.32    Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.01, subdivision 5, is amended to read:
3.33    Subd. 5. Domestic corporation. The term "domestic" when applied to a corporation
3.34means a corporation:
4.1(1) created or organized in the United States, or under the laws of the United States
4.2or of any state, the District of Columbia, or any political subdivision of any of the
4.3foregoing but not including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any possession of
4.4the United States;
4.5(2) which qualifies as a DISC, as defined in section 992(a) of the Internal Revenue
4.6Code; or
4.7(3) which qualifies as a FSC, as defined in section 922 of the Internal Revenue Code.;
4.8    (4) which is incorporated in a tax haven;
4.9    (5) which is engaged in activity in a tax haven sufficient for the tax haven to impose
4.10a net income tax under United States constitutional standards and section 290.015, and
4.11which reports that 20 percent or more of its income is attributable to business in the tax
4.12haven; or
4.13    (6) which has the average of its property, payroll, and sales factors, as defined under
4.14section 290.191, within the 50 states of the United States and the District of Columbia, of
4.1520 percent or more.
4.16EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
4.17beginning after December 31, 2010.

4.18    Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.01, is amended by adding a subdivision
4.19to read:
4.20    Subd. 5c. Tax haven. (a) "Tax haven" means the following foreign jurisdictions,
4.21unless the listing of the jurisdiction does not apply under paragraph (b):
4.22(1) Andorra;
4.23(2) Anguilla;
4.24(3) Antigua and Barbuda;
4.25(4) Aruba;
4.26(5) Bahamas;
4.27(6) Bahrain;
4.28(7) Belize;
4.29(8) British Virgin Islands;
4.30(9) Cayman Islands;
4.31(10) Cook Islands;
4.32(11) Costa Rica;
4.33(12) Dominica;
4.34(13) Gibraltar;
4.35(14) Grenada;
5.1(15) Guernsey-Sark-Alderney;
5.2(16) Jersey;
5.3(17) Jordan;
5.4(18) Lebanon;
5.5(19) Liberia;
5.6(20) Liechtenstein;
5.7(21) Maldives;
5.8(22) Marshall Islands;
5.9(23) Monaco;
5.10(24) Montserrat;
5.11(25) Nauru;
5.12(26) Netherlands Antilles;
5.13(27) Niue;
5.14(28) Panama;
5.15(29) St. Kitts and Nevis;
5.16(30) St. Lucia;
5.17(31) St. Vincent and Grenadines;
5.18(32) Tonga;
5.19(33) Turks and Caicos; and
5.20(34) Vanuatu.
5.21(b) A foreign jurisdiction's listing under paragraph (a) does not apply to the first
5.22taxable year after the United States enters into a tax treaty or other agreement with the
5.23foreign jurisdiction that provides for prompt, obligatory, and automatic exchange of
5.24information with the United States government relevant to enforcing the provisions of
5.25federal tax laws and the treaty or other agreement was in effect for the taxable year.
5.26EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
5.27beginning after December 31, 2010.

5.28    Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.01, subdivision 19c, is amended to read:
5.29    Subd. 19c. Corporations; additions to federal taxable income. For corporations,
5.30there shall be added to federal taxable income:
5.31    (1) the amount of any deduction taken for federal income tax purposes for income,
5.32excise, or franchise taxes based on net income or related minimum taxes, including but not
5.33limited to the tax imposed under section 290.0922, paid by the corporation to Minnesota,
5.34another state, a political subdivision of another state, the District of Columbia, or any
5.35foreign country or possession of the United States;
6.1    (2) interest not subject to federal tax upon obligations of: the United States, its
6.2possessions, its agencies, or its instrumentalities; the state of Minnesota or any other
6.3state, any of its political or governmental subdivisions, any of its municipalities, or any
6.4of its governmental agencies or instrumentalities; the District of Columbia; or Indian
6.5tribal governments;
6.6    (3) exempt-interest dividends received as defined in section 852(b)(5) of the Internal
6.7Revenue Code;
6.8    (4) the amount of any net operating loss deduction taken for federal income tax
6.9purposes under section 172 or 832(c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code or operations loss
6.10deduction under section 810 of the Internal Revenue Code;
6.11    (5) the amount of any special deductions taken for federal income tax purposes
6.12under sections 241 to 247 and 965 of the Internal Revenue Code;
6.13    (6) losses from the business of mining, as defined in section 290.05, subdivision 1,
6.14clause (a), that are not subject to Minnesota income tax;
6.15    (7) the amount of any capital losses deducted for federal income tax purposes under
6.16sections 1211 and 1212 of the Internal Revenue Code;
6.17    (8) the exempt foreign trade income of a foreign sales corporation under sections
6.18921(a) and 291 of the Internal Revenue Code;
6.19    (9) the amount of percentage depletion deducted under sections 611 through 614 and
6.20291 of the Internal Revenue Code;
6.21    (10) for certified pollution control facilities placed in service in a taxable year
6.22beginning before December 31, 1986, and for which amortization deductions were elected
6.23under section 169 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December
6.2431, 1985, the amount of the amortization deduction allowed in computing federal taxable
6.25income for those facilities;
6.26    (11) for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, the amount of any deemed
6.27dividend from a foreign operating corporation determined pursuant to section 290.17,
6.28subdivision 4
, paragraph (g). The deemed dividend shall be reduced by the amount of the
6.29addition to income required by clauses (20), (21), (22), and (23);
6.30    (12) the amount of a partner's pro rata share of net income which does not flow
6.31through to the partner because the partnership elected to pay the tax on the income under
6.32section 6242(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code;
6.33    (13) the amount of net income excluded under section 114 of the Internal Revenue
7.1    (14) any increase in subpart F income, as defined in section 952(a) of the Internal
7.2Revenue Code, for the taxable year when subpart F income is calculated without regard to
7.3the provisions of Division C, title III, section 303(b) of Public Law 110-343;
7.4    (15) 80 percent of the depreciation deduction allowed under section 168(k)(1)(A)
7.5and (k)(4)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code. For purposes of this clause, if the taxpayer
7.6has an activity that in the taxable year generates a deduction for depreciation under
7.7section 168(k)(1)(A) and (k)(4)(A) and the activity generates a loss for the taxable year
7.8that the taxpayer is not allowed to claim for the taxable year, "the depreciation allowed
7.9under section 168(k)(1)(A) and (k)(4)(A)" for the taxable year is limited to excess of the
7.10depreciation claimed by the activity under section 168(k)(1)(A) and (k)(4)(A) over the
7.11amount of the loss from the activity that is not allowed in the taxable year. In succeeding
7.12taxable years when the losses not allowed in the taxable year are allowed, the depreciation
7.13under section 168(k)(1)(A) and (k)(4)(A) is allowed;
7.14    (16) 80 percent of the amount by which the deduction allowed by section 179 of the
7.15Internal Revenue Code exceeds the deduction allowable by section 179 of the Internal
7.16Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 2003;
7.17    (17) to the extent deducted in computing federal taxable income, the amount of the
7.18deduction allowable under section 199 of the Internal Revenue Code;
7.19    (18) the exclusion allowed under section 139A of the Internal Revenue Code for
7.20federal subsidies for prescription drug plans;
7.21    (19) the amount of expenses disallowed under section 290.10, subdivision 2;
7.22    (20) for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, an amount equal to the
7.23interest and intangible expenses, losses, and costs paid, accrued, or incurred by any
7.24member of the taxpayer's unitary group to or for the benefit of a corporation that is a
7.25member of the taxpayer's unitary business group that qualifies as a foreign operating
7.26corporation. For purposes of this clause, intangible expenses and costs include:
7.27    (i) expenses, losses, and costs for, or related to, the direct or indirect acquisition,
7.28use, maintenance or management, ownership, sale, exchange, or any other disposition of
7.29intangible property;
7.30    (ii) losses incurred, directly or indirectly, from factoring transactions or discounting
7.32    (iii) royalty, patent, technical, and copyright fees;
7.33    (iv) licensing fees; and
7.34    (v) other similar expenses and costs.
8.1For purposes of this clause, "intangible property" includes stocks, bonds, patents, patent
8.2applications, trade names, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, mask works, trade
8.3secrets, and similar types of intangible assets.
8.4This clause does not apply to any item of interest or intangible expenses or costs paid,
8.5accrued, or incurred, directly or indirectly, to a foreign operating corporation with respect
8.6to such item of income to the extent that the income to the foreign operating corporation
8.7is income from sources without the United States as defined in subtitle A, chapter 1,
8.8subchapter N, part 1, of the Internal Revenue Code;
8.9    (21) for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, except as already included
8.10in the taxpayer's taxable income pursuant to clause (20), any interest income and income
8.11generated from intangible property received or accrued by a foreign operating corporation
8.12that is a member of the taxpayer's unitary group. For purposes of this clause, income
8.13generated from intangible property includes:
8.14    (i) income related to the direct or indirect acquisition, use, maintenance or
8.15management, ownership, sale, exchange, or any other disposition of intangible property;
8.16    (ii) income from factoring transactions or discounting transactions;
8.17    (iii) royalty, patent, technical, and copyright fees;
8.18    (iv) licensing fees; and
8.19    (v) other similar income.
8.20For purposes of this clause, "intangible property" includes stocks, bonds, patents, patent
8.21applications, trade names, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, mask works, trade
8.22secrets, and similar types of intangible assets.
8.23This clause does not apply to any item of interest or intangible income received or accrued
8.24by a foreign operating corporation with respect to such item of income to the extent that
8.25the income is income from sources without the United States as defined in subtitle A,
8.26chapter 1, subchapter N, part 1, of the Internal Revenue Code;
8.27    (22) for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, the dividends attributable to
8.28the income of a foreign operating corporation that is a member of the taxpayer's unitary
8.29group in an amount that is equal to the dividends paid deduction of a real estate investment
8.30trust under section 561(a) of the Internal Revenue Code for amounts paid or accrued by
8.31the real estate investment trust to the foreign operating corporation;
8.32    (23) for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, the income of a foreign
8.33operating corporation that is a member of the taxpayer's unitary group in an amount that
8.34is equal to gains derived from the sale of real or personal property located in the United
9.1    (24) the additional amount allowed as a deduction for donation of computer
9.2technology and equipment under section 170(e)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code, to the
9.3extent deducted from taxable income; and
9.4(25) discharge of indebtedness income resulting from reacquisition of business
9.5indebtedness and deferred under section 108(i) of the Internal Revenue Code.
9.6EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
9.7beginning after December 31, 2010.

9.8    Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.01, subdivision 19d, is amended to read:
9.9    Subd. 19d. Corporations; modifications decreasing federal taxable income. For
9.10corporations, there shall be subtracted from federal taxable income after the increases
9.11provided in subdivision 19c:
9.12    (1) the amount of foreign dividend gross-up added to gross income for federal
9.13income tax purposes under section 78 of the Internal Revenue Code;
9.14    (2) the amount of salary expense not allowed for federal income tax purposes due to
9.15claiming the work opportunity credit under section 51 of the Internal Revenue Code;
9.16    (3) any dividend (not including any distribution in liquidation) paid within the
9.17taxable year by a national or state bank to the United States, or to any instrumentality of
9.18the United States exempt from federal income taxes, on the preferred stock of the bank
9.19owned by the United States or the instrumentality;
9.20    (4) amounts disallowed for intangible drilling costs due to differences between
9.21this chapter and the Internal Revenue Code in taxable years beginning before January
9.221, 1987, as follows:
9.23    (i) to the extent the disallowed costs are represented by physical property, an amount
9.24equal to the allowance for depreciation under Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 290.09,
9.25subdivision 7
, subject to the modifications contained in subdivision 19e; and
9.26    (ii) to the extent the disallowed costs are not represented by physical property, an
9.27amount equal to the allowance for cost depletion under Minnesota Statutes 1986, section
9.28290.09, subdivision 8 ;
9.29    (5) the deduction for capital losses pursuant to sections 1211 and 1212 of the
9.30Internal Revenue Code, except that:
9.31    (i) for capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning after December 31, 1986,
9.32capital loss carrybacks shall not be allowed;
9.33    (ii) for capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning after December 31, 1986,
9.34a capital loss carryover to each of the 15 taxable years succeeding the loss year shall be
10.1    (iii) for capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1987, a
10.2capital loss carryback to each of the three taxable years preceding the loss year, subject to
10.3the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 290.16, shall be allowed; and
10.4    (iv) for capital losses incurred in taxable years beginning before January 1, 1987,
10.5a capital loss carryover to each of the five taxable years succeeding the loss year to the
10.6extent such loss was not used in a prior taxable year and subject to the provisions of
10.7Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 290.16, shall be allowed;
10.8    (6) an amount for interest and expenses relating to income not taxable for federal
10.9income tax purposes, if (i) the income is taxable under this chapter and (ii) the interest and
10.10expenses were disallowed as deductions under the provisions of section 171(a)(2), 265 or
10.11291 of the Internal Revenue Code in computing federal taxable income;
10.12    (7) in the case of mines, oil and gas wells, other natural deposits, and timber for
10.13which percentage depletion was disallowed pursuant to subdivision 19c, clause (9), a
10.14reasonable allowance for depletion based on actual cost. In the case of leases the deduction
10.15must be apportioned between the lessor and lessee in accordance with rules prescribed
10.16by the commissioner. In the case of property held in trust, the allowable deduction must
10.17be apportioned between the income beneficiaries and the trustee in accordance with the
10.18pertinent provisions of the trust, or if there is no provision in the instrument, on the basis
10.19of the trust's income allocable to each;
10.20    (8) for certified pollution control facilities placed in service in a taxable year
10.21beginning before December 31, 1986, and for which amortization deductions were elected
10.22under section 169 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December
10.2331, 1985, an amount equal to the allowance for depreciation under Minnesota Statutes
10.241986, section 290.09, subdivision 7;
10.25    (9) amounts included in federal taxable income that are due to refunds of income,
10.26excise, or franchise taxes based on net income or related minimum taxes paid by the
10.27corporation to Minnesota, another state, a political subdivision of another state, the
10.28District of Columbia, or a foreign country or possession of the United States to the extent
10.29that the taxes were added to federal taxable income under section 290.01, subdivision 19c,
10.30clause (1), in a prior taxable year;
10.31    (10) for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, 80 percent of royalties,
10.32fees, or other like income accrued or received from a foreign operating corporation
10.33or a foreign corporation which is part of the same unitary business as the receiving
10.34corporation, unless the income resulting from such payments or accruals is income from
10.35sources within the United States as defined in subtitle A, chapter 1, subchapter N, part
10.361, of the Internal Revenue Code;
11.1    (11) income or gains from the business of mining as defined in section 290.05,
11.2subdivision 1
, clause (a), that are not subject to Minnesota franchise tax;
11.3    (12) the amount of disability access expenditures in the taxable year which are not
11.4allowed to be deducted or capitalized under section 44(d)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code;
11.5    (13) the amount of qualified research expenses not allowed for federal income tax
11.6purposes under section 280C(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, but only to the extent that
11.7the amount exceeds the amount of the credit allowed under section 290.068;
11.8    (14) the amount of salary expenses not allowed for federal income tax purposes due
11.9to claiming the Indian employment credit under section 45A(a) of the Internal Revenue
11.11    (15) for a corporation whose foreign sales corporation, as defined in section 922
11.12of the Internal Revenue Code, constituted a foreign operating corporation during any
11.13taxable year ending before January 1, 1995, and a return was filed by August 15, 1996,
11.14claiming the deduction under section 290.21, subdivision 4, for income received from
11.15the foreign operating corporation, an amount equal to 1.23 multiplied by the amount of
11.16income excluded under section 114 of the Internal Revenue Code, provided the income is
11.17not income of a foreign operating company;
11.18    (16) any decrease in subpart F income, as defined in section 952(a) of the Internal
11.19Revenue Code, for the taxable year when subpart F income is calculated without regard to
11.20the provisions of Division C, title III, section 303(b) of Public Law 110-343;
11.21    (17) in each of the five tax years immediately following the tax year in which an
11.22addition is required under subdivision 19c, clause (15), an amount equal to one-fifth of
11.23the delayed depreciation. For purposes of this clause, "delayed depreciation" means the
11.24amount of the addition made by the taxpayer under subdivision 19c, clause (15). The
11.25resulting delayed depreciation cannot be less than zero;
11.26    (18) in each of the five tax years immediately following the tax year in which an
11.27addition is required under subdivision 19c, clause (16), an amount equal to one-fifth of
11.28the amount of the addition; and
11.29(19) to the extent included in federal taxable income, discharge of indebtedness
11.30income resulting from reacquisition of business indebtedness included in federal taxable
11.31income under section 108(i) of the Internal Revenue Code. This subtraction applies only
11.32to the extent that the income was included in net income in a prior year as a result of the
11.33addition under section 290.01, subdivision 19c, clause (25).
11.34EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
11.35beginning after December 31, 2010.

12.1    Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.01, subdivision 29, is amended to read:
12.2    Subd. 29. Taxable income. The term "taxable income" means:
12.3(1) for individuals, estates, and trusts, the same as taxable net income;
12.4(2) for corporations, the taxable net income less
12.5(i) the net operating loss deduction under section 290.095; and
12.6(ii) the dividends received deduction under section 290.21, subdivision 4; plus
12.7(iii) the exemption for operating in a job opportunity building zone under section
12.8469.317; Minnesota development subsidies.
12.9(iv) the exemption for operating in a biotechnology and health sciences industry
12.10zone under section 469.337; and
12.11(v) the exemption for operating in an international economic development zone
12.12under section 469.326.
12.13EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
12.14December 31, 2010.

12.15    Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.01, is amended by adding a subdivision
12.16to read:
12.17    Subd. 33. Minnesota development subsidies. (a) "Minnesota development
12.18subsidies" means the greater of the following amounts:
12.19(1) one-half of the amount deducted by the taxpayer in computing federal taxable
12.20income for the taxable year, as property taxes, business expenses, or otherwise, that is
12.21attributable to property taxes paid by the taxpayer, either directly or indirectly through a
12.22lease or otherwise, on property located in a tax increment financing district, as defined in
12.23section 469.174, or that receives an abatement under sections 469.1813 to 469.1815, if the
12.24owner of the property or a related party has entered a development or similar agreement
12.25with respect to the increment district or derives a benefit from the abatement by its
12.26property having access to or use of public improvements financed with the abatement or
12.27otherwise; or
12.28(2) the amount of payments received by the taxpayer under a development or similar
12.29agreement that provides for payments or reimbursements from the proceeds of increments
12.30from a tax increment financing district or from an abatement under sections 469.1813 to
12.31469.1815, but excluding reimbursements under a development action response plan, as
12.32defined in section 469.174, subdivision 17, to pay for its costs incurred to fund removal
12.33or remedial actions.
13.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
13.2December 31, 2010.

13.3    Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.06, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
13.4    Subdivision 1. Computation, corporations. The franchise tax imposed upon
13.5corporations shall be computed by applying to their taxable income the rate of 9.8 7.5
13.7EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
13.8December 31, 2010.

13.9    Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.0921, subdivision 1, is amended to read:
13.10    Subdivision 1. Tax imposed. In addition to the taxes computed under this chapter
13.11without regard to this section, the franchise tax imposed on corporations includes a tax
13.12equal to the excess, if any, for the taxable year of:
13.13(1) 5.8 4.5 percent of Minnesota alternative minimum taxable income; over
13.14(2) the tax imposed under section 290.06, subdivision 1, without regard to this
13.16EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
13.17December 31, 2010.

13.18    Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.17, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
13.19    Subd. 4. Unitary business principle. (a) If a trade or business conducted wholly
13.20within this state or partly within and partly without this state is part of a unitary business,
13.21the entire income of the unitary business is subject to apportionment pursuant to section
13.22290.191 . Notwithstanding subdivision 2, paragraph (c), none of the income of a unitary
13.23business is considered to be derived from any particular source and none may be allocated
13.24to a particular place except as provided by the applicable apportionment formula. The
13.25provisions of this subdivision do not apply to business income subject to subdivision 5,
13.26income of an insurance company, or income of an investment company determined under
13.27section 290.36.
13.28(b) The term "unitary business" means business activities or operations which
13.29result in a flow of value between them. The term may be applied within a single legal
13.30entity or between multiple entities and without regard to whether each entity is a sole
13.31proprietorship, a corporation, a partnership or a trust.
14.1(c) Unity is presumed whenever there is unity of ownership, operation, and use,
14.2evidenced by centralized management or executive force, centralized purchasing,
14.3advertising, accounting, or other controlled interaction, but the absence of these
14.4centralized activities will not necessarily evidence a nonunitary business. Unity is also
14.5presumed when business activities or operations are of mutual benefit, dependent upon or
14.6contributory to one another, either individually or as a group.
14.7(d) Where a business operation conducted in Minnesota is owned by a business
14.8entity that carries on business activity outside the state different in kind from that
14.9conducted within this state, and the other business is conducted entirely outside the state, it
14.10is presumed that the two business operations are unitary in nature, interrelated, connected,
14.11and interdependent unless it can be shown to the contrary.
14.12(e) Unity of ownership is not deemed to exist when a corporation is involved unless
14.13that corporation is a member of a group of two or more business entities and more than 50
14.14percent of the voting stock of each member of the group is directly or indirectly owned
14.15by a common owner or by common owners, either corporate or noncorporate, or by one
14.16or more of the member corporations of the group. For this purpose, the term "voting
14.17stock" shall include membership interests of mutual insurance holding companies formed
14.18under section 66A.40.
14.19(f) The net income and apportionment factors under section 290.191 or 290.20 of
14.20foreign corporations and other foreign entities which are part of a unitary business shall
14.21not be included in the net income or the apportionment factors of the unitary business.
14.22A foreign corporation or other foreign entity which is required to file a return under this
14.23chapter shall file on a separate return basis. The net income and apportionment factors
14.24under section 290.191 or 290.20 of foreign operating corporations shall not be included in
14.25the net income or the apportionment factors of the unitary business except as provided
14.26in paragraph (g). The legislature intends that the provisions of this paragraph are not
14.27severable from the provisions of section 290.01, subdivision 5, clauses (4) to (6), and if
14.28any of those provisions are found to be unconstitutional, the provisions of this paragraph
14.29are void for the respective taxable years.
14.30(g) The adjusted net income of a foreign operating corporation shall be deemed to
14.31be paid as a dividend on the last day of its taxable year to each shareholder thereof, in
14.32proportion to each shareholder's ownership, with which such corporation is engaged in
14.33a unitary business. Such deemed dividend shall be treated as a dividend under section
14.34290.21, subdivision 4.
14.35Dividends actually paid by a foreign operating corporation to a corporate shareholder
14.36which is a member of the same unitary business as the foreign operating corporation shall
15.1be eliminated from the net income of the unitary business in preparing a combined report
15.2for the unitary business. The adjusted net income of a foreign operating corporation
15.3shall be its net income adjusted as follows:
15.4(1) any taxes paid or accrued to a foreign country, the commonwealth of Puerto
15.5Rico, or a United States possession or political subdivision of any of the foregoing shall
15.6be a deduction; and
15.7(2) the subtraction from federal taxable income for payments received from foreign
15.8corporations or foreign operating corporations under section 290.01, subdivision 19d,
15.9clause (10), shall not be allowed.
15.10If a foreign operating corporation incurs a net loss, neither income nor deduction
15.11from that corporation shall be included in determining the net income of the unitary
15.13(h) (g) For purposes of determining the net income of a unitary business and the
15.14factors to be used in the apportionment of net income pursuant to section 290.191 or
15.15290.20 , there must be included only the income and apportionment factors of domestic
15.16corporations or other domestic entities other than foreign operating corporations that are
15.17determined to be part of the unitary business pursuant to this subdivision, notwithstanding
15.18that foreign corporations or other foreign entities might be included in the unitary business.
15.19(i) (h) Deductions for expenses, interest, or taxes otherwise allowable under
15.20this chapter that are connected with or allocable against dividends, deemed dividends
15.21described in paragraph (g), or royalties, fees, or other like income described in section
15.22290.01, subdivision 19d, clause (10), shall not be disallowed.
15.23(j) (i) Each corporation or other entity, except a sole proprietorship, that is part of
15.24a unitary business must file combined reports as the commissioner determines. On the
15.25reports, all intercompany transactions between entities included pursuant to paragraph (h)
15.26(g) must be eliminated and the entire net income of the unitary business determined in
15.27accordance with this subdivision is apportioned among the entities by using each entity's
15.28Minnesota factors for apportionment purposes in the numerators of the apportionment
15.29formula and the total factors for apportionment purposes of all entities included pursuant
15.30to paragraph (h) (g) in the denominators of the apportionment formula.
15.31(k) (j) If a corporation has been divested from a unitary business and is included in a
15.32combined report for a fractional part of the common accounting period of the combined
15.34(1) its income includable in the combined report is its income incurred for that part
15.35of the year determined by proration or separate accounting; and
16.1(2) its sales, property, and payroll included in the apportionment formula must
16.2be prorated or accounted for separately.
16.3EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
16.4beginning after December 31, 2010.

16.5    Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.191, subdivision 2, is amended to read:
16.6    Subd. 2. Apportionment formula of general application. (a) Except for those
16.7trades or businesses required to use a different formula under subdivision 3 or section
16.8290.36 , and for those trades or businesses that receive permission to use some other
16.9method under section 290.20 or under subdivision 4, a trade or business required to
16.10apportion its net income must apportion its income to this state on the basis of the
16.11percentage obtained by taking the sum of:
16.12(1) the percent for the sales factor under paragraph (b) of the percentage which
16.13the sales made within this state in connection with the trade or business during the tax
16.14period are of the total sales wherever made in connection with the trade or business during
16.15the tax period;.
16.16(2) the percent for the property factor under paragraph (b) of the percentage which
16.17the total tangible property used by the taxpayer in this state in connection with the trade or
16.18business during the tax period is of the total tangible property, wherever located, used by
16.19the taxpayer in connection with the trade or business during the tax period; and
16.20(3) the percent for the payroll factor under paragraph (b) of the percentage which
16.21the taxpayer's total payrolls paid or incurred in this state or paid in respect to labor
16.22performed in this state in connection with the trade or business during the tax period are
16.23of the taxpayer's total payrolls paid or incurred in connection with the trade or business
16.24during the tax period.
16.25(b) For purposes of paragraph (a) and subdivision 3, the following percentages apply
16.26for the taxable years specified:
Taxable years beginning
during calendar year
Sales factor
Property factor
Payroll factor
2014 and later calendar years
17.1EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
17.2December 31, 2010.

17.3    Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 290.191, subdivision 3, is amended to read:
17.4    Subd. 3. Apportionment formula for financial institutions. Except for an
17.5investment company required to apportion its income under section 290.36, a financial
17.6institution that is required to apportion its net income must apportion its net income to this
17.7state on the basis of the percentage obtained by taking the sum of:
17.8(1) the percent for the sales factor under subdivision 2, paragraph (b), of the
17.9percentage which the receipts from within this state in connection with the trade or
17.10business during the tax period are of the total receipts in connection with the trade or
17.11business during the tax period, from wherever derived;.
17.12(2) the percent for the property factor under subdivision 2, paragraph (b), of the
17.13percentage which the sum of the total tangible property used by the taxpayer in this
17.14state and the intangible property owned by the taxpayer and attributed to this state in
17.15connection with the trade or business during the tax period is of the sum of the total
17.16tangible property, wherever located, used by the taxpayer and the intangible property
17.17owned by the taxpayer and attributed to all states in connection with the trade or business
17.18during the tax period; and
17.19(3) the percent for the payroll factor under subdivision 2, paragraph (b), of the
17.20percentage which the taxpayer's total payrolls paid or incurred in this state or paid in
17.21respect to labor performed in this state in connection with the trade or business during
17.22the tax period are of the taxpayer's total payrolls paid or incurred in connection with
17.23the trade or business during the tax period.
17.24EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for taxable years beginning after
17.25December 31, 2010.

17.26    Sec. 15. REPEALER.
17.27Minnesota Statutes 2010, sections 290.01, subdivision 6b; 290.06, subdivisions
17.2824, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32; 290.068, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6a, and 7; 290.0921,
17.29subdivision 7; 290.191, subdivision 4; 469.317; 469.318; 469.321; 469.322; 469.323;
17.30469.324; 469.325; 469.326; 469.327; 469.328; 469.329; 469.337; 469.338; and 469.339,
17.31are repealed.
17.32EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective for returns filed for taxable years
17.33beginning after December 31, 2010.