1.1A bill for an act
1.2relating to health; requiring annual reports on nursing personnel staffing in
1.3medical clinics; providing penalties;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
1.4Statutes, chapter 144.

1.8    Subdivision 1. Report required. (a) For purposes of monitoring and enhancing
1.9patient care and safety, all entities owning or operating a medical clinic within Minnesota
1.10shall file annual reports for each clinic location with the Minnesota Department of Health
1.11reflecting both patient activity and nursing personnel staffing levels for the preceding
1.12calendar year. For purposes of this section, "nursing personnel" means the paid on-duty
1.13nurses, certified medical assistants, and nursing assistants that provide direct hands-on
1.14patient care.
1.15(b) A reporting entity with its principal offices in Minnesota that owns or operates
1.16a clinic in another state shall also file an annual report on patient activity and nursing
1.17personnel staffing levels for each non-Minnesota clinic. An entity required to report under
1.18this section must report the separate number of nursing personnel in each Minnesota clinic
1.19and each out-of-state clinic. The report must describe the number of nurses, certified
1.20medical assistants, and nursing assistants at each clinic. Reports shall be separately
1.21filed annually for each clinic by September 1 for the preceding calendar year beginning
1.22September 1, 2013, for the 2013 calendar year. The reports must state nursing personnel
1.23to patient activity ratio.
2.1    Subd. 2. Patient activity. Patient activity must be stated as the average number of
2.2patients treated by the medical clinic for the reporting year. Nursing personnel staffing
2.3levels shall be the average number of full-time nursing personnel employed at the medical
2.4clinic adjusted for the full-time equivalency of part-time staff.
2.5    Subd. 3. Posting reports. The reports are public documents and must be posted
2.6in a prominent location at each clinic site for review by patients, visitors, and staff.
2.7Copies must also be provided to pertinent collective bargaining representatives of clinic
2.8staff upon request.
2.9    Subd. 4. Enforcement; penalties. Any entity that violates the requirements of this
2.10section is subject to a fine of $300 for each violation. A fine authorized by this subdivision
2.11may be imposed in a civil action brought by the attorney general on behalf of the state
2.12of Minnesota, and shall be deposited in the state treasury.
2.13EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment.