Senator O'Brien offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 213.

            A resolution to observe October 2016 as National Physical Therapy Month.

            Whereas, The state of Michigan encourages options for an active and healthy lifestyle; and

            Whereas, The state of Michigan now allows the citizens of Michigan to go directly to a physical therapist for injury prevention and promoting fitness; and

            Whereas, Physical therapists are experts in evaluating and treating movement dysfunction; and

            Whereas, In March 2016 the Centers for Disease Control released guidelines recommending nonpharmacological alternatives to prescription opioids, such as physical therapy, as the preferred option for treating chronic pain; and

            Whereas, The Michigan Physical Therapy Association speaks for the best interests of the public in recommending physical therapy by a licensed physical therapist to optimize movement and function; and

            Whereas, Through a national effort, the Michigan Physical Therapy Association and community members are encouraged to join together to raise awareness of the importance of movement and activity in preventive health during the month of October 2016; and

            Whereas, This effort will bring awareness to our communities and around the country for healthier and more active lifestyles; now, therefore be it,

            Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body observe October 2016 as National Physical Therapy Month in the state of Michigan, and in doing so, urge all citizens to join in a national effort to raise health and fitness awareness.