Senators Prusi, Thomas, Cherry, Olshove, Hunter, Anderson, Basham, Clark-Coleman, Clarke, Switalski, Jacobs, Whitmer, Scott, Brater, Gleason and Barcia offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 172.

            A resolution to memorialize the Congress of the United States to extend unemployment benefits and Medicaid funding.

            Whereas, Our nation--and the state of Michigan in particular--faces one of the most challenging economies of recent decades. Despite widespread job losses and a tanked housing market that has limited worker mobility, a series of extensions of federal unemployment benefits has brought some measure of hope to the many hardworking men and women who have been unfairly victimized by the ravaged economy. Moreover, federal supplements to Medicaid funding have helped the states cope with the huge increase in the demand for safety net health services; and

            Whereas, Nonetheless, intransigent Republicans in the United States Senate disappointingly threaten to end the extension of future federal unemployment benefits and essential supplemental Medicaid funding. Their partisan and ill-advised tactics would cut off immediately more than 87,000 Michigan workers who are currently collecting unemployment checks. Inaction on this extension would threaten the financial stability and basic human dignity of more than 408,000 Michigan workers who, through no fault of their own, have lost their jobs and will run out of employment security benefits by the end of this year; and

            Whereas, Failure to act on supplemental Medicaid funding is unconscionable at a time when state budgets are decimated by the forces of the economy, and so many more citizens are faced with urgent health needs. In Michigan alone, the loss of this funding is expected to result in a $500 million budget shortfall. Indeed, governors across the country and of both parties are shocked by the stance of the Republican senators, who seemingly believe that short-term deficit constraints are more valuable than human health and dignity; and

            Whereas, In fact, a federal extension of employment security benefits and adequate Medicaid funding are key components of any successful economic recovery. These unemployment and Medicaid benefits are directly and quickly reinvested back into the economy in the form of consumer purchases of food, gasoline, home heating fuels, and other critical medical needs. Clearly, with unemployment levels projected to hover in double digits for years to come and health care needs at critical levels, it is imperative that Congress pass an extension of unemployment benefits and supplemental Medicaid funding; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That we hereby memorialize the Congress of the United States to extend unemployment benefits and Medicaid funding; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and the members of the Michigan congressional delegation.