Senator Hertel offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 171.

            A resolution to recognize May 20-26, 2018, as Invisible Illness Awareness Week.     Whereas, An invisible illness is a chronic condition that is not easily observed by the general public and is often not readily detected by medical professionals; and

Whereas, Examples of invisible illnesses include lupus, fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, Crohn’s disease, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, among others. These illnesses can be debilitating and prevent a person from performing traditional everyday activities; and

            Whereas, Invisible illnesses aren't easily identified. A person with an invisible illness may feel judged by others or feel as though others simply do not understand what they are going through. A person with a chronic condition may be dealing with exhaustion, constant aches or pains, dizziness, or cognitive impairments, and yet may appear to be completely healthy on the outside; and

            Whereas, Nearly 1 in 2 Americans have a chronic medical condition of one kind or another; and

Whereas, Ninety-six percent of people with chronic medical conditions live with an ailment that is invisible, and about a quarter of them have some type of activity limitation, ranging from mild to severe; and

            Whereas, The onset or duration of an invisible illness can negatively affect a person's physical, emotional, economic, educational, and social well-being due to activity limitations; and

            Whereas, There is a need for increased awareness about invisible illnesses to create a more accepting and understanding world for those who suffer; and

            Whereas, The theme of this year's Invisible Illness Awareness Week is "One Nation: Invisible, but Indivisible," because of the widespread scope of the illnesses; and

            Whereas, The purpose of Invisible Illness Awareness Week is to increase understanding of invisible illnesses among the general public and medical community, while reducing the stigma surrounding the illnesses in order to create an environment in which there is better care, earlier and more accurate diagnosis, and knowledge that invisible illness patients can lead a healthy life; and

            Whereas, We join with the many individuals who are afflicted by these disorders and support increased awareness of invisible illnesses; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize May 20-26, 2018, as Invisible Illness Awareness Week.