senate resolution no.167

Senators McCann, Bullock, Polehanki, McMorrow, Santana, Chang, Wojno, Geiss and Irwin offered the following resolution:

A resolution to designate October 21, 2022, as Disability Awareness and Education Day.

Whereas, People with disabilities are a historically excluded group with a rich culture and legacy of fighting for their civil rights; and

Whereas, Over 2 million adults in Michigan have some type of disability; and

Whereas, Michigan has a proud and distinguished history of protecting the rights of people with disabilities through the Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act; and

Whereas, Education and awareness of the barriers which stand in the way of progress, physically deny access, or contribute to stereotypes and assumptions will provide an understanding of challenges faced by people with disabilities; and

Whereas, People with disabilities have the right to personal control over their own lives and to fully participate in everyday activities of work, home, family, and community; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body designate October 21, 2022, as Disability Awareness and Education Day; and be it further

Resolved, That we honor, celebrate, educate, and raise awareness of the disability community and its history.