Senator Hertel offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 68.

            A resolution calling on the Governor, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to adopt a healthcare bill of rights and urging the Governor not to make cuts to the Medicaid program.

            Whereas, In 2010, the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as the ACA, was enacted into law. As a result of the ACA, 4.4 million people in Michigan with pre-existing conditions have gained access to quality healthcare coverage, the uninsured population has dropped by 45 percent, and lifetime limits on coverage have lifted for 3.5 million people; and

            Whereas, Michigan's Medicaid expansion program, the Healthy Michigan Plan, has allowed over 600,000 low-income individuals to gain health insurance, has generated 30,000 new jobs annually, and has resulted in $2.3 billion in additional personal spending power; and

            Whereas, The President and congressional leaders are calling for the enactment of the American Health Care Act, known as the AHCA, which would repeal key protections in the ACA; and

            Whereas, The Congressional Budget Office projects that the AHCA would increase medical costs on older and sicker individuals, while concurrently reducing the array of benefits provided to them. Under the AHCA, insurers would charge seniors five times more than younger policyholders, charge individuals with pre-existing conditions higher premium rates, and eliminate essential health benefits that cover crucial services such as cancer treatment, maternity care, and prescription drugs. In addition, the AHCA would make significant cuts in Medicaid funding to states; and

            Whereas, Michigan citizens have a right to high quality, affordable health insurance regardless of their age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, health status, or income; and

            Whereas, Michigan citizens have a right to essential health benefits with no annual or lifetime caps, including free preventative health services; and

            Whereas, Michigan citizens have a right to demand negotiations on affordable prescription drug coverage; and

            Whereas, Children and adults with pre-existing conditions have a right to affordable, comprehensive health insurance; and

            Whereas, Low-income Michigan citizens who are not eligible for Medicaid have a right to cost-sharing subsidies to assist with out-of-pocket health insurance costs; and

            Whereas, It is imperative that action is taken to recognize and preserve all of these rights and ensure that Michigan citizens continue to have access to affordable health care and individuals with pre-existing conditions are not charged higher premium rates for experiencing lapses in coverage; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That we call on the Governor, the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to adopt a healthcare bill of rights to safeguard individuals from healthcare premium hikes, annual or lifetime caps on coverage for essential health benefits, and discriminatory healthcare practices on the basis of pre-existing conditions; and be it further

Resolved, That we urge the Governor to not make any cuts to the Medicaid program, including traditional Medicaid and the Healthy Michigan Plan; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Director of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services, and the Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.