Senator Jones offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 52.

            A resolution declaring May 2011 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, It is most appropriate to join with motorcyclists throughout the state of Michigan in commemorating May 2011 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. This prudent observation elicits all Michigan motorists the opportunity to re-dedicate themselves to the utmost standards of highway safety; and

            Whereas, The emergence of spring is synonymous with the return of motorcycle mavens to our state’s roadways. Throughout Michigan, motorcyclists have been on the cutting edge of promoting the wise and sensible use of this enjoyable mode of travel. Indeed, the disproportionate number of motorcycle fatalities makes it vitally important to encourage motorcyclists to understand and practice the highest degree of safety. It is also important to remind other drivers that highway safety is beneficial to all parties traveling on public roadways; and

            Whereas, Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month encourages motorcycle operators to don proper protective riding attire; maintain their motorcycles at a high level of safe operating conditions; abide by the laws of the road; and implement operating techniques providing an additional standard of safety. Additionally, car and truck drivers are informed of the fact that motorcyclists are resuming their travels on our public roadways, and each is encouraged to be exceptionally vigilant and watchful when approaching or passing a motorcycle on the highway. It is a distinct pleasure, on this occasion, to encourage all of those who share our streets that safety is every driver’s responsibility; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body commemorate May 2011 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in the state of Michigan. All of Michigan’s citizens are urged to identify and know the different types and scope of vehicles on our public roadways and to maintain a caring attitude toward proper allocation of lanes on the road, making the roads of our Great Lakes State safer for all.