September 14, 2010, Introduced by Senator GLEASON and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.




      A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 13101, 13102, 13104, 13105, 13106, 13107,


13108, 13109, 13110, and 13111 (MCL 333.13101, 333.13102,


333.13104, 333.13105, 333.13106, 333.13107, 333.13108, 333.13109,


333.13110, and 333.13111), sections 13101 and 13102 as amended


and sections 13104, 13105, 13106, 13107, 13108, 13109, 13110, and


13111 as added by 2007 PA 149, and by adding sections 13105a and


13112; and to repeal acts and parts of acts.




 1        Sec. 13101. (1) As used in this part:


 2        (a) "Alcoholic liquor" means that term as defined in section


 1  105 of the Michigan liquor control code of 1998, 1998 PA 58, MCL


 2  436.1105.


 3        (b) "Applicant" means the person who submits an application


 4  for a body art facility license under this part and includes the


 5  owner or operator, an agent of the owner or operator, or any


 6  other person operating under the apparent authority of the owner


 7  or operator of a body art facility that is required to be


 8  licensed under this part.


 9        (c) (b) "Body art facility" means the location at which an


10  individual does 1 or more of the following: for compensation:


11        (i) Performs tattooing.


12        (ii) Performs branding.


13        (iii) Performs body-piercing body piercing.


14        (d) (c) "Body-piercing" "Body piercing" means the


15  perforation of human tissue other than an ear for a nonmedical


16  purpose.


17        (e) (d) "Branding" means a permanent mark made on human


18  tissue by burning with a hot iron or other instrument.


19        (f) (e) "Controlled substance" means that term as defined in


20  section 7104.


21        (f) "Department" means the department of community health.


22        (g) "Critical violation" means a violation of this part that


23  is determined by the department or a local health department to


24  be more likely than other violations of this part to contribute


25  to illness in humans.


26        (h) "Licensee" means the person who is the holder of a


27  license under this part or the person who is legally responsible


 1  for the operation of a body art facility and includes the owner


 2  or operator, an agent of the owner or operator, or any other


 3  person operating under the apparent authority of the owner or


 4  operator of a body art facility that is required to be licensed


 5  under this part.


 6        (i) (g) "Local governing entity" means that term as defined


 7  in section 2406.


 8        (j) (h) "Minor" means an individual under 18 years of age


 9  who is not emancipated under section 4 of 1968 PA 293, MCL 722.4.


10        (k) (i) "Smoking" means that term as defined in section


11  12601.


12        (l) (j) "Tattoo" means 1 or more of the following:


13        (i) An indelible mark made upon the body of another


14  individual by the insertion of a pigment under the skin.


15        (ii) An indelible design made upon the body of another


16  individual by production of scars other than by branding.


17        (m) "Temporary body art facility" means a body art facility


18  that operates at a fixed or temporary location in this state for


19  a time period that does not exceed 14 consecutive days and


20  includes out-of-state facilities operating within this state.


21        (2) In addition, article 1 contains general definitions and


22  principles of construction applicable to all articles in this


23  code.


24        Sec. 13102. (1) Subject to section 13104, an An individual


25  shall not tattoo, brand, or perform body-piercing body piercing


26  on a minor unless the individual obtains the prior written


27  informed consent of the minor's parent or legal guardian and


 1  proof of that individual's authority to give the informed consent


 2  required under this section. The minor's parent or legal guardian


 3  shall execute the written, informed consent required under this


 4  subsection section in the presence of the individual performing


 5  the tattooing, branding, or body-piercing on the minor licensee


 6  or in the presence of an employee or agent of that individual the


 7  licensee. The minor's parent or legal guardian shall present to


 8  the licensee or employee or agent of the licensee the minor's


 9  birth certificate or legal proof of guardianship to establish the


10  individual's authority to give the informed consent required


11  under this section.


12        (2) An individual shall not tattoo, brand, or perform body-


13  piercing on another individual if the other individual is under


14  the influence of alcoholic liquor or a controlled substance.


15        Sec. 13104. (1) Beginning January 1, 2009, an An individual


16  shall not tattoo, brand, or perform body-piercing body piercing


17  on another individual unless the tattooing, branding, or body-


18  piercing body piercing occurs at a body art facility licensed


19  under this part. Any tattooing, branding, or body piercing


20  occurring in this state other than at a facility licensed under


21  this part is considered an imminent danger under section 2251 or


22  2451 and the department or a local health department shall order


23  the immediate cessation of that activity in the manner prescribed


24  in this act.


25        (2) The owner or operator of a body art facility shall apply


26  to the department for a body art facility license under this part


27  on a form provided by the department and at the time of


 1  application shall pay to the department the appropriate fee


 2  prescribed under subsection (3) (4). The department shall issue a


 3  license on an annual basis to a body art facility that meets the


 4  requirements of this part or for a time period not to exceed 14


 5  consecutive days to a temporary body art facility that meets the


 6  requirements of this part.


 7        (3) If the department determines that the application is


 8  complete and the body art facility proposed or operated by the


 9  applicant meets the requirements of this part and any rules


10  promulgated under this part, the department shall issue a the


11  appropriate license to the applicant for the operation of that


12  body art facility. Except for a temporary license issued under


13  this part, the license is effective for 3 years up to 1 year and


14  expires at 12 midnight on December 31. A temporary license issued


15  under this part is effective for not more than 14 consecutive


16  days and expires at 12 midnight on the date prescribed on the


17  temporary license.


18        (4) (3) Subject to section 13108 Except as otherwise


19  provided in this part, the owner or operator of a body art


20  facility applicant shall pay 1 of the following fees at the time


21  of application for a body art facility license:




     (a) For an initial 3-year annual license........$   500.00.


     (b) For a 3-year renewal of a license.........  $   300.00.


     (b) (c) For a temporary license to operate a body


art facility at a fixed location for not more than


a 2-week period 14 consecutive days................  $   100.00.





 1        (5) An applicant for a new annual license that is filed on


 2  or after July 1 shall only pay 50% of the fee prescribed in


 3  subsection (4)(a). A licensee that fails to submit an application


 4  for a license renewal on or before December 1, in addition to the


 5  license fee under subsection (4)(a), shall pay an additional


 6  $250.00 late fee.


 7        (6) The department shall issue a duplicate license upon


 8  request of a licensee and the payment of a duplicate license fee


 9  of $50.00.


10        (7) Unless a different distribution is provided for in a


11  cost reimbursement program under sections 2471 to 2498, the


12  department shall distribute a portion of a fee collected under


13  this section from an applicant or licensee to a local health


14  department authorized to enforce this part under section 13108 as


15  follows:


16        (a) From the annual license fee under subsection (4)(a) or


17  (5) and, if applicable, from the late fee under subsection (5),


18  50%.


19        (b) From the temporary license fee under subsection (4)(b),


20  75%.


21        (c) From the duplicate license fee under subsection (6),


22  50%.


23        (8) The department shall adjust the fees prescribed in this


24  section annually by an amount determined by the state treasurer


25  to reflect the cumulative annual percentage change in the


26  Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint consumer price index, but not by an


 1  amount that exceeds 5%. As used in this subsection, "Detroit-Ann


 2  Arbor-Flint consumer price index" means the most comprehensive


 3  index of consumer prices available for the Detroit, Ann Arbor,


 4  and Flint areas from the bureau of labor statistics of the United


 5  States department of labor.


 6        Sec. 13105. (1) Before issuing a license to an applicant


 7  under this part, the department shall receive the results of an


 8  inspection of the premises of the body art facility that is the


 9  subject of the application from the appropriate local health


10  department. The local health department shall convey the results


11  of the inspection of the premises of the body art facility that


12  is the subject of the application to the department as soon as


13  practical after the inspection occurs, along with its


14  recommendation on whether the department should issue a license


15  to that facility under this part.


16        (2) The appropriate local health department shall inspect


17  each body art facility prior to being licensed under this part


18  and shall at least annually inspect each body art facility


19  licensed under this part to ensure compliance with this part.


20  Subject to section 13108, the department shall authorize a local


21  health department under section 2235 to perform the inspections


22  required under this subsection.


23        (3) The department shall issue a license under this part to


24  a specific person for a body art facility at a specific or


25  temporary location.


26        (4) A license issued under this part is nontransferable.


27        Sec. 13105a. (1) An applicant or licensee shall give the


 1  local health department access to the body art facility and all


 2  of its books and records during all hours of operation and during


 3  other reasonable hours to allow the local health department to


 4  determine if the body art facility is in compliance with this


 5  part. An inspection of a body art facility under this part may be


 6  announced or unannounced. An applicant or licensee shall not do


 7  any of the following:


 8        (a) Refuse to permit the local health department to enter or


 9  inspect a body art facility.


10        (b) Refuse to produce the body art facility's books and


11  records for inspection.


12        (c) Any other activity that impedes the local health


13  department's ability to carry out its duties prescribed in this


14  part.


15        (2) As part of an inspection under this part, the local


16  health department may examine, take photographs, or make copies


17  of the books and records of the body art facility.


18        (3) Upon completion of an inspection under this part, the


19  local health department shall reduce its findings to writing on a


20  form prescribed by the department. The inspection report shall


21  include a summary of all findings of the inspection with regard


22  to items of compliance with this part. If any critical violations


23  are found, the inspection report shall include a compliance


24  schedule for the body art facility to follow, which schedule is


25  consistent with the department's standards established under this


26  part for body art facilities.


27        (4) An authorized representative of the local health


 1  department who participated in the conduct of the inspection


 2  shall sign and date the inspection report and obtain the


 3  signature of the licensee on the report. A copy of the signed and


 4  dated inspection report shall be delivered to the licensee.


 5        (5) If the local health department determines that the


 6  continued operation of a body art facility is an imminent danger


 7  under section 2451, the local health department shall order the


 8  immediate cessation of the operation of that facility in the


 9  manner prescribed in this act. A body art facility ordered to


10  cease operations under this subsection shall immediately cease


11  operations and shall not resume operations until the local health


12  department has conducted an inspection, has determined that the


13  operation of the body art facility is no longer an imminent


14  danger, and has issued an order allowing the body art facility to


15  resume operations.


16        (6) At any time it determines appropriate, a local health


17  department may place limitations on the license of a body art


18  facility, which limitations include the imposition of


19  restrictions or conditions, or both, on the operations of that


20  body art facility. A body art facility shall comply with all


21  license limitations imposed under this subsection until the local


22  health department has conducted an inspection, has determined


23  that the license limitations are no longer necessary, and has


24  issued an order allowing the body art facility to resume


25  operations without the license limitations.


26        Sec. 13106. The owner or operator of a body art facility


27  licensed under this part licensee shall apply to the department


 1  for renewal of the annual license not less than 30 days on or


 2  before the license expires. Upon payment of the renewal fee


 3  prescribed by section 13104(3), the department shall renew the


 4  license if the applicant is in compliance with this part and any


 5  rules promulgated under this part. The department shall consult


 6  with the appropriate local health department to determine that


 7  compliance December 1 each year. A licensee that fails to file an


 8  application for renewal as prescribed in this section is subject


 9  to the late fee under section 13104.


10        Sec. 13107. A person who owns or operates a body art


11  facility licensed under this part licensee shall do all of the


12  following:


13        (a) Display the license issued under this part in a


14  conspicuous place within the customer service area of the body


15  art facility.


16        (b) Comply with and ensure that the body art facility is in


17  compliance with this part and part 138 and with rules promulgated


18  under those parts.


19        (c) Develop and maintain a bloodborne infectious disease


20  exposure control plan that is specific to the location of that


21  facility and that is in compliance with applicable Michigan


22  occupational safety and health administration standards including


23  the standards for bloodborne infectious diseases under R


24  325.70001 to R 325.70018 of the Michigan administrative code.


25        (d) (c) Ensure that the body art facility as a whole, the


26  owner or operator, an agent of the owner or operator, an


27  employee, and any individual engaged in tattooing, cleaning


 1  tattooing instruments, performing branding or body-piercing body


 2  piercing, or cleaning branding or body-piercing body piercing


 3  instruments comply with the bloodborne pathogen safety standards


 4  under 29 CFR 1910.1030 who has the potential for occupational


 5  exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials


 6  receive training annually on bloodborne infectious diseases.


 7        (e) (d) Ensure that tattooing, branding, or body-piercing


 8  body piercing is performed in a sterile field with sterile


 9  needles, sterile instruments, and only single-use ink.


10        (f) (e) Maintain a confidential record of each individual


11  who has been tattooed or branded or who has had body-piercing


12  body piercing performed at the body art facility and make the


13  records available for inspection by a local health department.


14  The record shall include, at a minimum, the individual's name,


15  address, age date of birth, and signature; the procedure date;


16  the design and location of the tattooing, branding, or body-


17  piercing body piercing; the name of the individual performing the


18  tattooing, branding, or body-piercing body piercing; and any


19  known complications the individual has with any previous


20  tattooing, branding, or body-piercing done at that body art


21  facility body piercing procedure. The owner, operator, manager,


22  or person having control of the body art facility licensee or


23  employee of the licensee shall provide a copy of the record to


24  the individual at the time he or she is tattooed, is branded, or


25  has body-piercing body piercing performed. The department shall


26  develop guidelines for the confidential handling of this record,


27  including, but not limited to, the maintenance, storage,


 1  inspection, and destruction of the record.


 2        (g) (f) Prohibit smoking within the body art facility.


 3        (h) (g) Provide each customer with a written information


 4  sheet distributed or approved by the department that provides at


 5  least all of the following:


 6        (i) Instructions on the care of a tattoo site, brand site, or


 7  body-piercing body piercing site.


 8        (ii) A recommendation that an individual seek medical


 9  attention if the tattoo site, brand site, or body-piercing body


10  piercing site becomes infected or painful or if the person


11  develops a fever soon after being tattooed, branded, or having


12  body-piercing body piercing performed.


13        (iii) Notice that the individual may be allowed to donate


14  blood within the standard deferral period if the individual


15  presents a copy of the record required under subdivision (e) (f)


16  to the blood donor facility.


17        (i) (h) Maintain on file on the premises of the body art


18  facility and have available for inspection by a local health


19  department all of the following:


20        (i) All of the following regarding each technician employed


21  by or who performs tattooing, branding, or body piercing at the


22  body art facility:


23        (A) His or her full legal name.


24        (B) His or her exact duties at the facility.


25        (C) His or her date of birth.


26        (D) His or her gender.


27        (E) His or her home address.


 1        (F) His or her home and work telephone numbers.


 2        (G) His or her prior or other current places of employment


 3  as a technician, if known.


 4        (H) His or her training and experience.


 5        (I) An identification photo.


 6        (J) Documentation of compliance with the educational,


 7  training, or experience requirements of the department under this


 8  part.


 9        (K) Documentation of HBV vaccination status or other


10  vaccination status requirements of the department under this


11  part.


12        (ii) Full legal name of the body art facility.


13        (iii) The hours of operation of the body art facility.


14        (iv) All of the following regarding each owner and operator


15  of the body art facility:


16        (A) His or her full legal name.


17        (B) His or her home address.


18        (C) His or her home and work telephone numbers.


19        (v) A complete description of all tattooing, branding, or


20  body piercing performed at the body art facility.


21        (vi) A complete inventory record of all instruments, body


22  jewelry, sharps, and inks used for the tattooing, branding, or


23  body piercing performed at the body art facility. The inventory


24  record shall include the name of the item's manufacturer and


25  serial or lot number, if applicable. The body art facility may


26  provide invoices or orders to satisfy this the requirement if


27  determined appropriate by the department or the local health


 1  department of this subparagraph.


 2        (vii) A copy of this part and rules promulgated under this


 3  part.


 4        (viii) A copy of the current bloodborne infectious disease


 5  exposure control plan developed and maintained under subdivision


 6  (c).


 7        (ix) Documentation of the annual training required under


 8  subdivision (d).


 9        Sec. 13108. (1) Pursuant to section 2235, the department


10  shall authorize a local health department to enforce this part


11  and any rules promulgated under this part. A local health


12  department authorized to enforce this part and any rules


13  promulgated under this part shall enforce this part and any rules


14  promulgated under this part pursuant to sections 2461(2) and


15  2462. In addition to the penalties and remedies under this part,


16  a local health department may enforce this part and any rules


17  promulgated under this part through an action commenced pursuant


18  to section 2465 or any other appropriate action authorized by


19  law.


20        (2) If a local health department of a county or city under


21  part 24 is unable or unwilling to perform the functions required


22  in this section and the county or city is not part of a district


23  that has created a district health department pursuant to section


24  2415, the county or city, through an intergovernmental agreement,


25  may contract with another local governing entity to have that


26  entity's local health department perform the functions required


27  in this section. The contracting parties under this subsection


 1  shall obtain the department's approval before execution of the


 2  intergovernmental agreement.


 3        (3) Pursuant to section 2444, a local governing entity of a


 4  local health department authorized to enforce this part under


 5  this section may fix and require the payment of fees by


 6  applicants and licensees for services required to be performed by


 7  the local health department under this section part.


 8        (4) Unless they conflict with standards of this part or


 9  rules are promulgated by the department regarding safety


10  standards, a A local health department shall use as guidance in


11  enforcing this part the any safety standards or other


12  requirements issued by the national environmental health


13  association in "Body Art: A Comprehensive Guidebook and Model


14  Code" department applicable to body art facilities.


15        (5) In addition to any other enforcement action authorized


16  by law, a person alleging a violation of this part may bring a


17  civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction for appropriate


18  injunctive relief.


19        Sec. 13109. (1) Except as otherwise provided in sections


20  13103 and section 13110, a person who violates this part or a


21  rule promulgated under this part is guilty of a misdemeanor


22  punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 93 days or a fine


23  of not more than $100.00 $2,500.00, or both, for each violation.


24        (2) A person who violates this part or a rule promulgated


25  under this part is liable in a civil action for actual damages or


26  $1,000.00, whichever is greater, plus reasonable court costs,


27  attorney fees, and any other fines, fees, or claims for


 1  reimbursement as determined by the court or the department.


 2        Sec. 13110. A person shall not give or sell to a minor a


 3  body piercing tattooing, branding, or body piercing kit or other


 4  body piercing tattooing, branding, or body piercing device. A


 5  person who violates this section is responsible for a state civil


 6  infraction and is subject to a civil fine of not more than


 7  $500.00. This section shall be enforced pursuant to chapter 88 of


 8  the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.8801 to


 9  600.8835.


10        Sec. 13111. (1) A local governing entity of a local health


11  department authorized to enforce this part under section 13108


12  may adopt and enforce local codes, ordinances, or regulations


13  that are more stringent than the minimum applicable standards set


14  forth in this part, or rules promulgated under this part, or any


15  safety standards or other requirements issued by the department


16  applicable to body art facilities. This part shall not relieve


17  the applicant for a license or a licensee from the responsibility


18  for securing a local permit or complying with applicable local


19  codes, regulations, or ordinances that are in addition to this


20  part.


21        (2) A local health department may grant a variance to a body


22  art facility from a requirement of this part if the local health


23  department determines that the variance will not create or


24  increase the potential for a health hazard or nuisance and that


25  the activity or condition for which the variance is proposed will


26  not violate any other provisions of this part. The applicant or


27  licensee shall request the variance in writing, which writing


 1  shall include all of the following:


 2        (a) A statement of the proposed variance and a citation to


 3  the requirement of this part for which the variance is requested.


 4        (b) An analysis of the rationale for the variance.


 5        (c) A description of the alternative methods the applicant


 6  or licensee will utilize to ensure that the variance will not


 7  create or increase the potential for any health hazard or


 8  nuisance.


 9        (3) A variance granted under subsection (2) shall be in


10  writing and shall be maintained in the records of the local


11  health department for that body art facility.


12        Sec. 13112. (1) An individual shall not tattoo, brand, or


13  perform body piercing on another individual if the other


14  individual is under the influence of alcoholic liquor or a


15  controlled substance.


16        (2) An individual who is under the influence of alcoholic


17  liquor or a controlled substance shall not tattoo, brand, or


18  perform body piercing on another individual.


19        Enacting section 1. Section 13103 of the public health code,


20  1978 PA 368, MCL 333.13103, is repealed.