March 3, 2010, Introduced by Senators SCOTT and SWITALSKI and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.




     A bill to make appropriations for the department of human


services and certain state purposes related to public welfare


services for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011; to provide


for the expenditure of the appropriations; to create funds; to


provide for the imposition of fees; to provide for reports; to


provide for the disposition of fees and other income received by


the state agency; and to provide for the powers and duties of


certain individuals, local governments, and state departments,


agencies, and officers.








     Sec. 101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this act, the


amounts listed in this part are appropriated for the department of


human services for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, from


the funds indicated in this part. The following is a summary of the


appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated classified positions....... 11,761.5


   Unclassified positions............................ 6.0


   Total full-time equated positions............ 11,767.5


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $  7,004,335,700


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers............................................         1,130,300


ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $  7,003,205,400


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................     5,134,298,100


Federal – FMAP stimulus................................        13,467,500


Federal – other ARRA revenues..........................       785,712,400


   Special revenue funds:


Total local revenues...................................        35,251,800


Total private revenues.................................         9,491,500


Total other state restricted revenues..................        65,778,800


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    959,205,300




   Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 6.0


   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 625.7


Unclassified salaries--6.0 FTE positions............... $        647,900


Salaries and wages--274.7 FTE positions................        17,670,800


Contractual services, supplies, and materials..........        10,148,500


Demonstration projects--9.0 FTE positions..............         8,892,100


Inspector general salaries and wages--99.0 FTE


   positions............................................         6,044,000


Electronic benefit transfer EBT........................        13,009,000


Michigan community service commission--15.0 FTE


   positions............................................         9,159,100


AFC, children's welfare and day care


   licensure--228.0 FTE positions.......................        25,329,700


State office of administrative hearings and rules......       5,808,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     96,709,100


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................        63,116,000


   Special revenue funds:


Total local revenues...................................           175,000


Total private revenues.................................         3,211,100


Licensing fees.........................................           541,100


Health systems fees and collections....................           216,100


Total other state restricted revenues..................            25,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     29,424,800




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 198.7


Child support enforcement operations--192.7 FTE


   positions............................................ $     23,345,100


Legal support contracts................................       138,753,600


Child support incentive payments.......................        32,409,600


State disbursement unit--6.0 FTE positions.............      17,554,400


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    212,062,700


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................       195,519,800


   Special revenue funds:


Total local revenues...................................           340,000


Total other state restricted revenues..................         3,395,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     12,807,900




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 20.0


Bureau of community action and economic


   opportunity--20.0 FTE positions...................... $      2,327,900


Community services block grant.........................        25,650,000


Weatherization assistance..............................      27,400,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     55,377,900


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................        55,377,900


   Special revenue funds:


State general fund/general purpose..................... $              0




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 44.7


Executive direction and support--5.0 FTE positions..... $        551,100


Guardian contract......................................           600,000


Adult services policy and administration--6.0 FTE


   positions............................................           663,300


Office of program policy--33.7 FTE positions...........         5,570,500


Employment and training support services...............        14,735,000


JET Plus...............................................        20,000,000


Wage employment verification reporting.................           848,700


Urban and rural empowerment/enterprise zones...........               100


Nutrition education....................................        30,000,000


Crisis prevention and elder law of Michigan food for


   the elderly project..................................         100,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     73,068,700


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................        43,252,500


Federal – emergency TANF contingency fund revenues


   (ARRA)...............................................        20,000,000


   Special revenue funds:


Total private revenues.................................            25,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      9,791,200




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 235.0


Salaries and wages--93.2 FTE positions................. $      6,845,900


Contractual services, supplies, and materials..........         2,892,700


Foster care payments...................................       174,581,800


Foster care - children with serious emotional


   disturbance waiver...................................         1,769,000


Adoption subsidies.....................................       230,783,700


Adoption support services--7.2 FTE positions...........        19,825,600


Youth in transition--2.0 FTE positions.................        16,393,700


Interstate compact.....................................           231,600


Children's benefit fund donations......................            21,000


Families first.........................................        18,450,700


Strong families/safe children--3.0 FTE positions.......        16,580,600


Child protection and permanency--37.5 FTE positions....        19,030,900


Zero to three..........................................         3,843,800


Family reunification program...........................         3,977,100


Family preservation and prevention services


   administration--14.5 FTE positions...................         2,121,900


Children's trust fund administration--12.0 FTE


   positions............................................         1,055,400


Children's trust fund grants...........................         3,825,100


ECIC, early childhood investment corporation...........        14,623,000


Attorney general contract..............................         3,559,000


Prosecuting attorney contracts.........................         2,561,700


Child protection--5.0 FTE positions....................           838,300


Subsidized guardianship program........................         4,773,000


Domestic violence prevention and treatment--14.6 FTE


   positions............................................        14,871,200


Rape prevention and services--0.5 FTE position.........         3,300,000


Title IV-E compliance and accountability office--5.0


   FTE positions........................................           429,800


Child welfare institute--40.0 FTE positions............         6,631,100


Transitional supportive housing (ARRA).................         2,000,000


Child advocacy centers—-0.5 FTE position...............       1,000,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    576,817,600


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Federal - FMAP stimulus................................        12,602,800


Child care and development block grant (ARRA)..........         1,960,600


Federal – transitional supportive housing revenues


   (ARRA)...............................................         2,000,000


Total other federal revenues...........................       358,823,500


   Special revenue funds:


Local funds - county chargeback........................        19,426,200


Private - children's benefit fund donations............            21,000


Private - collections..................................         2,300,000


Compulsive gambling prevention fund....................         1,040,000


Children's trust fund..................................         3,824,100


Sexual assault victims’ prevention and treatment


   fund.................................................         1,000,000


Child advocacy centers fund............................         1,000,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    172,819,400




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 248.5


Secure juvenile services—-204.0 FTE positions.......... $     25,304,500


Child care fund........................................       226,947,700


Child care fund administration--5.8 FTE positions......           806,000


County juvenile officers...............................         3,904,300


Community support services--2.0 FTE positions..........         1,400,700


Juvenile justice, administration and maintenance—-31.7


   FTE positions........................................         4,431,800


W.J. Maxey memorial fund...............................            45,000


Juvenile accountability block grant--1.0 FTE position..         1,306,600


Committee on juvenile justice administration--4.0


   FTE positions........................................           547,600


Committee on juvenile justice grants...................       5,000,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    269,694,200


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................       133,355,100


   Special revenue funds:


Local funds - state share education funds..............         1,526,200


Local funds - county chargeback........................        11,141,200


Total private revenues.................................            45,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    123,626,700




   Full-time equated classified positions........ 9,614.5


Field staff, salaries and wages--9,416.5 FTE positions. $    491,250,500


Contractual services, supplies, and materials..........        17,039,100


Medical/psychiatric evaluations........................         6,831,900


Donated funds positions--156.0 FTE positions...........        12,862,900


Training and program support--23.0 FTE positions.......         3,297,900


Wayne County gifts and bequests........................           100,000


Volunteer services and reimbursement...................         1,036,100


Volunteer services and reimbursement (ARRA)—-2.0 FTE


   positions............................................           250,000


SSI advocates--17.0 FTE positions......................       1,575,200


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    534,243,600


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Federal - FMAP stimulus................................           537,300


Federal – faith-based grant revenues (ARRA)............           250,000


Total other federal revenues...........................       333,455,700


   Special revenue funds:


Local funds............................................         2,643,200


Private funds - donated funds..........................           859,700


Private funds - Wayne County gifts.....................           100,000


Private funds - hospital contributions.................         2,929,700


Supplemental security income recoveries................           728,200


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    192,739,800




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 747.4


Disability determination operations-—721.9 FTE


   positions............................................ $    107,738,500


Medical consultation program--21.4 FTE positions.......         3,038,900


Retirement disability determination--4.1 FTE positions.         836,800


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    111,614,200


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG from DTMB - office of retirement systems...........         1,130,300


ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $    110,483,900


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................       107,604,300


   Special revenue funds:


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      2,879,600




Rent and facilities.................................... $     45,469,600


Occupancy charge.......................................         8,260,500


Travel.................................................         6,487,100


Equipment..............................................           227,300


Worker's compensation..................................         3,525,900


Advisory commissions...................................            17,900


Payroll taxes and fringe benefits......................     328,036,200


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    392,024,500


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Federal – emergency TANF contingency fund revenues


   (ARRA)...............................................         4,068,400


Federal - FMAP stimulus................................           327,400


Total other federal revenues...........................       247,027,800


   Special revenue funds:


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    140,600,900




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 27.0


Family independence program............................ $    441,112,500


State disability assistance payments...................        37,311,800


Food assistance program benefits.......................     3,026,343,500


Food assistance program benefits (ARRA)................       566,785,600


State supplementation..................................        59,263,800


State supplementation administration...................         2,601,000


Low-income home energy assistance program..............       116,451,600


Food bank funding......................................         1,345,000


Homeless programs......................................        11,646,700


Multicultural integration funding......................         1,815,500


Indigent burial........................................         4,209,200


Emergency services local office allocations............        21,615,500


Child development and care.............................       223,018,300


Day care training, technology, and oversight--20.0


   FTE positions........................................         2,590,900


Refugee assistance program--7.0 FTE positions..........      24,258,200


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $  4,540,369,100


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Federal – emergency TANF contingency fund revenues


   (ARRA)...............................................       190,647,800


Federal supplemental nutrition assistance revenues


   (ARRA)...............................................       566,785,600


Total federal revenues.................................     3,493,421,500


   Special revenue funds:


Child support collections..............................        29,531,700


Supplemental security income recoveries................        17,467,600


Public assistance recoupment revenue...................         7,010,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $    235,504,900




Information technology services and projects........... $     96,723,100


Child support automation...............................      45,631,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    142,354,100


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................       103,344,000


   Special revenue funds:


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     39,010,100












     Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state


constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources


under part 1 for fiscal year 2010-2011 is $1,024,984,100.00 and


state spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2010-2011 is $111,792,500.00. The


itemized statement below identifies appropriations from which


spending to local units of government will occur:




Child care fund........................................ $    102,777,800


County juvenile officers...............................         3,658,800


Legal support contracts................................         2,486,100


State disability assistance payments...................         2,286,600


Child support enforcement operations................... $         583,200


TOTAL.................................................. $    111,792,500


     Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this bill are


subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101


to 18.1594.


     Sec. 203. As used in this bill:


     (a) "AFC" means adult foster care.


     (b) "ARRA" means the American recovery and reinvestment act of


2009, Public Law 111-5.


     (c) "CFSR" means child and family services review.


     (d) "Children's rights settlement agreement" means the


settlement agreement entered in the case of Dwayne B. vs. Granholm,


docket no. 2:06-cv-13548 in the United States district court for


the eastern district of Michigan.


     (e) "Current fiscal year" means fiscal year ending September


30, 2011.


     (f) "Department" means the department of human services.


     (g) "Director" means the director of the department of human




     (h) "DTMB" means the department of technology, management, and




     (i) "ECIC" means early childhood investment corporation.


     (j) "FMAP" means federal medical assistance percentage.


     (k) "FTE" means full-time equated.


     (l) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


     (m) "JET" means jobs, education, and training program.


     (n) "Previous fiscal year" means fiscal year ending September


30, 2010.


     (o) "RSDI" means retirement survivors disability insurance.


     (p) "SSI" means supplemental security income.


     (q) "Temporary assistance for needy families" or "TANF" or


"title IV-A" means part A of title IV of the social security act,


42 USC 601 to 604, 605 to 608, and 609 to 619.


     (r) "Title IV-D" means part D of title IV of the social


security act, 42 USC 651 to 655 and 656 to 669b.


     (s) "Title IV-E" means part E of title IV of the social


security act, 42 USC 670 to 673, 673b to 679, and 679b.


     (t) "VA" means veterans affairs.


     Sec. 204. The civil service commission shall bill the


department and agencies at the end of the first fiscal quarter for


the charges authorized by section 5 of article XI of the state


constitution of 1963. Payments shall be made for the total amount


of the billing by the end of the second fiscal quarter.


     Sec. 208. The department receiving appropriations in part 1


shall use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of


this bill. This requirement may include transmission of reports via


electronic mail to the recipients identified for each reporting


requirement, or it may include placement of reports on an Internet


or Intranet site.


     Sec. 209. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for


the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if


competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or


services, or both, are available. Preference should be given to


goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses, if they are competitively priced and of comparable


quality. In addition, preference should be given to goods or


services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality.


     Sec. 210. The director shall take all reasonable steps to


ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for


and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both.


Each director shall strongly encourage firms with which the


department contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in


depressed and deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.


     Sec. 211. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a


principal executive department, state agency, or authority to hire


a person to provide legal services that are the responsibility of


the attorney general. This prohibition does not apply to legal


services for bonding activities and for those activities that the


attorney general authorizes.


     Sec. 212. (1) In addition to funds appropriated in part 1 for


all programs and services, there is appropriated for write-offs of


accounts receivable, deferrals, and for prior year obligations in


excess of applicable prior year appropriations, an amount equal to


total write-offs and prior year obligations, but not to exceed


amounts available in prior year revenues or current year revenues


that are in excess of the authorized amount.


     (2) The department's ability to satisfy appropriation fund


sources in part 1 shall not be limited to collections and accruals


pertaining to services provided in the current fiscal year, but


shall also include reimbursements, refunds, adjustments, and


settlements from prior years. The department shall submit a written


report to the chairpersons of the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees on the department budget that identifies all


reimbursements, refunds, adjustments, and settlements from prior


years to be used to satisfy appropriation fund sources.


     Sec. 213. (1) The department may retain all of the state's


share of food assistance overissuance collections as an offset to


general fund/general purpose costs. Retained collections shall be


applied against federal funds deductions in all appropriation units


where department costs related to the investigation and recoupment


of food assistance overissuances are incurred. Retained collections


in excess of such costs shall be applied against the federal funds


deducted in the executive operations appropriation unit.


     (2) The department shall report to the legislature during the


senate and house budget hearings on the status of the food stamp


error rate. The report shall include at least all of the following:


     (a) An update on federal sanctions and federal requirements


for reinvestment due to the food stamp error rate.


     (b) Review of the status of training for employees who


administer the food assistance program.


     (c) An outline of the past year's monthly status of worker to


food stamp cases and monthly status of worker to food stamp




     (d) Corrective action through policy, rules, and programming


being taken to reduce the food stamp error rate.


     (e) Any other information regarding the food stamp error rate,


including information pertaining to technology and computer


applications used for the food assistance program.


     Sec. 215. If a legislative objective of this bill or the


social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, cannot be


implemented without loss of federal financial participation because


implementation would conflict with or violate federal regulations,


the department shall notify the state budget director, the house


and senate appropriations committees, and the house and senate


fiscal agencies and policy offices of that fact.


     Sec. 217. (1) Due to the current budgetary problems in this


state, out-of-state travel shall be limited to situations in which


1 or more of the following conditions apply:


     (a) The travel is required by legal mandate or court order or


for law enforcement purposes.


     (b) The travel is necessary to protect the health or safety of


Michigan citizens or visitors or to assist other states in similar




     (c) The travel is necessary to produce budgetary savings or to


increase state revenues, including protecting existing federal


funds or securing additional federal funds.


     (d) The travel is necessary to comply with federal




     (e) The travel is necessary to secure specialized training for


staff that is not available within this state.


     (f) The travel is financed entirely by federal or nonstate




     (2) Not later than January 1 of each year, each department


shall prepare a travel report listing all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately


preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with


funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be


submitted to the senate and house of representatives standing


committees on appropriations, the house and senate fiscal agencies,


and the state budget director. The report shall include the


following information:


     (a) The name of each person receiving reimbursement for travel


outside this state or whose travel costs were paid by this state.


     (b) The destination of each travel occurrence.


     (c) The dates of each travel occurrence.


     (d) A brief statement of the reason for each travel




     (e) The transportation and related costs of each travel


occurrence, including the proportion funded with state general


fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state


restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


     (f) A total of all out-of-state travel funded for the


immediately preceding fiscal year.


     Sec. 218. By February 15 of the current fiscal year, the


department shall prepare an annual report on the TANF federal block


grant. The report shall include projected expenditures for the


current fiscal year, an accounting of any previous year funds


carried forward, and a summary of all interdepartmental or


interagency agreements relating to the use of TANF funds. The


report shall be forwarded to the state budget director and the


house and senate appropriations subcommittees on the department


budget and the house and senate fiscal agencies and policy offices.


     Sec. 221. If the revenue collected by the department from


private and local sources exceeds the amount spent from amounts


appropriated in part 1, the revenue may be carried forward, with


approval from the state budget director, into the subsequent fiscal




     Sec. 223. The department shall make a determination of


Medicaid eligibility not later than 60 days after all information


to make the determination is received from the applicant when


disability is an eligibility factor. For all other Medicaid


applicants, the department shall make a determination of Medicaid


eligibility not later than 45 days after all information to make


the determination is received from the applicant.


     Sec. 227. The department, with the approval of the state


budget director, is authorized to realign sources of financing


authorizations in order to maximize temporary assistance for needy


families' maintenance of effort countable expenditures. This


realignment of financing shall not be made until 15 days after


notifying the chairs of the house and senate appropriations


subcommittees on the department budget and house and senate fiscal


agencies, and shall not produce an increase or decrease in any


line-item expenditure authorization.


     Sec. 259. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for


information technology, departments and agencies shall pay user


fees to the department of technology, management, and budget for


technology-related services and projects. Such user fees shall be


subject to provisions of an interagency agreement between the


department and agencies and the department of technology,


management, and budget.


     Sec. 279. All contracts relating to human services shall be


performance-based contracts that employ a client-centered results-


oriented process that is based on measurable performance indicators


and desired outcomes and includes the annual assessment of the


quality of services provided.


     Sec. 283. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the


department shall not enter into a contract with a non-profit


organization whose chief executive officer or other employee


receives financial compensation that is greater than 150% of the


Governor’s salary and wages.  This section shall apply to all new


contracts and contract extensions with non-profit organizations on


or after October 1, 2010.


     Sec. 284. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,


there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $200,000,000.00 for


federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 for state


restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this bill under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 for local


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this bill


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $20,000,000.00 for private


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this bill


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     Sec. 287. The department shall work collaboratively with the


child death review board and court system to improve communication


and coordination between entities on the review and examination of


child death in Michigan.


     Sec 298. From the money appropriated in part 1 for 200


limited-term eligibility full-time employees, the department shall


inform all employees hired with these funds that their employment


is temporary and should not be considered permanent. Any temporary


employee hired may be given preference by the department for hiring


if a suitable full-time permanent position becomes available within


the department.




     Sec. 307. (1) Of the money appropriated in part 1 for


demonstration projects, $500,000.00 shall be distributed as


provided in subsection (2). The amount distributed under this


subsection shall not exceed 50% of the total operating expenses of


the program described in subsection (2), with the remaining 50%


paid by local United Way organizations and other nonprofit


organizations and foundations.


     (2) Money distributed under subsection (1) shall be


distributed to Michigan 2-1-1, a nonprofit corporation organized


under the laws of this state that is exempt from federal income tax


under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC


501(c)(3), and whose mission is to coordinate and support a


statewide 2-1-1 system. Michigan 2-1-1 shall use the money only to


fulfill the Michigan 2-1-1 business plan adopted by Michigan 2-1-1


in January 2005.


     (3) Michigan 2-1-1 shall report annually to the department and


the house and senate standing committees with primary jurisdiction


over matters relating to human services and telecommunications on


2-1-1 system performance, including, but not limited to, call


volume by community health and human service needs and unmet needs


identified through caller data and customer satisfaction metrics.


     Sec. 309. The department shall assess fees in the licensing


and regulation of child care organizations as defined in 1973 PA


116, MCL 722.111 to 722.128, and adult foster care facilities as


defined in the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA


218, MCL 400.701 to 400.737. Fees collected by the department shall


be used exclusively for the purpose of licensing and regulating


child care organizations and adult foster care facilities.


     Sec. 310. The department shall furnish the clerk of the house,


the secretary of the senate, the senate and house fiscal agencies


and policy offices, the state budget office, and all members of the


house and senate appropriations committees with a summary of any


evaluation reports and subsequent approvals or disapprovals of


juvenile residential facilities operated by the department, as


required by section 6 of 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.116. If no


evaluations are conducted during the fiscal year, the department


shall notify the fiscal agencies and all members of the appropriate


subcommittees of the house and senate appropriations committees.




     Sec. 502. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for foster


care, the department shall provide 50% reimbursement to Indian


tribal governments for foster care expenditures for children who


are under the jurisdiction of Indian tribal courts and who are not


otherwise eligible for federal foster care cost sharing.


     Sec. 503. The department shall continue adoption subsidy


payments to families after the eighteenth birthday of an adoptee


who meets the following criteria:


     (a) Has not yet graduated from high school or passed a high


school equivalency examination.


     (b) Is making progress toward completing high school.


     (c) For a child adopted before the age of 16, has not yet


reached his or her nineteenth birthday.


     (d) For a child adopted at or after the age of 16, has not yet


reached his or her twentieth birthday.


     (e) Is not eligible for federal supplemental security income


(SSI) payments.


     Sec. 508. (1) In addition to the amount appropriated in part 1


for children's trust fund grants, money granted or money received


as gifts or donations to the children's trust fund created by 1982


PA 249, MCL 21.171 to 21.172, is appropriated for expenditure.


     (2) The state child abuse and neglect prevention board may


initiate a joint project with another state agency to the extent


that the project supports the programmatic goals of both the state


child abuse and neglect prevention board and the state agency. The


department may invoice the state agency for shared costs of a joint


project in an amount authorized by the state agency, and the state


child abuse and neglect prevention board may receive and expend


funds for shared costs of a joint project in addition to those


authorized by part 1.


     (3) The department may collaborate with the state child abuse


and neglect prevention board to develop recommendations on how to


best incorporate child abuse prevention strategies and practices


into suggested changes in state statute and department policy. The


department shall provide any recommendations developed with the


state child abuse and prevention board to the senate and house


standing committees on human services and appropriations


subcommittees on the department budget not later than March 1 of


the current fiscal year.


     (4) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for the children's


trust fund, the department may utilize interest and investment


revenue from the current fiscal year only for programs,


administration, services, or all sanctioned by the child abuse and


neglect prevention board.


     (5) The department and the child abuse neglect and prevention


board shall collaborate to ensure that administrative delays are


avoided and the local grant recipients and direct service providers


receive money in an expeditious manner. The department and board


shall seek to have the children's trust fund grants distributed no


later than October 31 of the current fiscal year.


     Sec. 509. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the


department shall not expend funds to preserve or reunite a family,


unless there is a court order requiring the preservation or


reuniting of the family or the court denies the petition, if either


of the following would result:


     (a) A child would be living in the same household with a


parent or other adult who has been convicted of criminal sexual


conduct against a child.


     (b) A child would be living in the same household with a


parent or other adult against whom there is a substantiated charge


of sexual abuse against a child.


     (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), this section shall not


prohibit counseling or other services provided by the department,


if the service is not directed toward influencing the child to


remain in an abusive environment, justifying the actions of the


abuser, or reuniting the family.


     Sec. 513. (1) The department shall not expend money


appropriated in part 1 to pay for the direct placement by the


department of a child in an out-of-state facility unless all of the


following conditions are met:


     (a) There is no appropriate placement available in this state


as determined by the department interstate compact office.


     (b) An out-of-state placement exists that is nearer to the


child's home than the closest appropriate in-state placement as


determined by the department interstate compact office.


     (c) The out-of-state facility meets all of the licensing


standards of this state for a comparable facility.


     (d) The out-of-state facility meets all of the applicable


licensing standards of the state in which it is located.


     (e) The department has done an on-site visit to the out-of-


state facility, reviewed the facility records, reviewed licensing


records and reports on the facility, and believes that the facility


is an appropriate placement for the child.


     (2) The department shall not expend money for a child placed


in an out-of-state facility without approval of the department


interstate compact office. The department shall notify the


appropriate state agency in that state including the name of the


out-of-state provider who accepted the placement.


     (3) The department shall submit a report by February 1 of each


year on the number of children who were placed in out-of-state


facilities during the previous fiscal year, the number of Michigan


children residing in such facilities at the time of the report, the


total cost and average per diem cost of these out-of-state


placements to this state, and a list of each such placement


arranged by the Michigan county of residence for each child.


     Sec. 514. The department shall make a comprehensive report


concerning children's protective services (CPS) to the legislature,


including the senate and house policy offices and the state budget


director, by January 1 of the current fiscal year, that shall


include all of the following:


     (a) Statistical information including, at a minimum, all of


the following:


     (i) The total number of reports of abuse or neglect


investigated under the child protection law, 1975 PA 238, MCL


722.621 to 722.638, and the number of cases classified under


category I or category II and the number of cases classified under


category III, category IV, or category V.


     (ii) Characteristics of perpetrators of abuse or neglect and


the child victims, such as age, relationship, race, and ethnicity


and whether the perpetrator exposed the child victim to drug


activity, including the manufacture of illicit drugs, that exposed


the child victim to substance abuse, a drug house, or




     (iii) The mandatory reporter category in which the individual


who made the report fits, or other categorization if the individual


is not within a group required to report under the child protection


law, 1975 PA 238, MCL 722.621 to 722.638.


     (b) New policies related to children's protective services


including, but not limited to, major policy changes and court


decisions affecting the children's protective services system


during the immediately preceding 12-month period.


     (c) The information contained in the report required under


section 8d(5) of the child protection law, 1975 PA 238, MCL


722.628d, on cases classified under category III.


     (d) The department policy, or changes to the department


policy, regarding termination of parental rights or foster


placement for children who have been exposed to the production of


illicit drugs in their dwelling place or a place frequented by the




     (e) The department policy, or changes to the department


policy, regarding children who have been exposed to the production


or manufacture of methamphetamines.


     Sec. 515. The department shall use performance-based models


for all foster care services. The goal of these models shall be to


ensure that foster care services are provided in a manner that


increases the state's compliance with CFSR and children's rights


settlement agreement goals. Not later than March 30 of the current


fiscal year, the department shall provide an update to the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on the department budget,


the senate and house fiscal agencies and policy offices, and the


office of the state budget on benchmarks developed in conjunction


with private providers for this performance model, results the


department or agencies have achieved in improving permanency


placements, and recommendations for further improvements for foster


care services across the entire state.


     Sec. 517. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the


department is authorized to allocate funds for activities and


services for at-risk children and families and cases classified by


the department as category III or category IV under sections 8 and


8d of the child protection law, 1975 PA 238, MCL 722.628 and




     (2) Funds appropriated in part 1 for zero to three may be used


to fund community-based collaborative prevention services designed


to do any of the following:


     (a) Foster positive parenting skills especially for parents of


children ages 0 to 3.


     (b) Improve parent/child interaction.


     (c) Promote access to needed community services.


     (d) Increase local capacity to serve families at risk.


     (e) Improve school readiness.


     (f) Support healthy family environments that discourage


alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.


     (3) Projects funded through the appropriation provided for in


subsection (2) shall provide a 25% local match of which not more


than 10% is in-kind goods or services unless the maximum percentage


is waived by the department.


     Sec. 523. From the money appropriated in part 1 for youth in


transition and domestic violence prevention and treatment, the


department is authorized to make allocations of TANF funds only to


agencies that report necessary data to the department for the


purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting requirements.


     Sec. 537. The department, in collaboration with child placing


agencies, shall develop a strategy to implement section 115o of the


social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.115o. The strategy shall


include a requirement that a department caseworker responsible for


preparing a recommendation to a court concerning a juvenile


placement shall provide, as part of the recommendation, information


regarding the requirements of section 115o of the social welfare


act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.115o.


     Sec. 548. During the annual budget presentation to the house


and senate appropriations subcommittees on the department budget,


the department shall report on progress in implementing the


recommendations of the task force that studied the disproportionate


representation of African-American and other children of color in


the child welfare and juvenile justice systems as required under


former section 548 of the fiscal year 2005-2006 budget act for the




     Sec. 570. (1) From the money appropriated in part 1 for the


subsidized guardianship program, the department shall provide


subsidies under this program to children who are wards of the court


under section 2(b) of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939,


1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.2.


     (2) The department shall report during the annual budget


presentation to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees


on the department budget the number of guardianship subsidies and


recommendations for any modifications in the subsidized


guardianship program.


     Sec. 575. (1) Of the funds provided for the training of human


services workers, particularly caseworkers, the department shall


use appropriated funds to begin cultural sensitivity training and


awareness with the goal of effectively reducing the number of


minority children inappropriately removed from their homes for


neglect and placed in the foster care system when more appropriate


action would include the provision of support services to the




     (2) Of the money appropriated to the department for family


preservation and prevention, more specific focus shall be placed on


preserving and reunifying families.


     Sec. 578. The department and child placing agencies shall


utilize a standardized assessment tool to measure the mental health


treatment needs of every child supervised by the department. The


department shall use the results of this assessment process to


determine what services are to be provided to the child while under


department supervision.


                Sec. 582. On the first working day of October and April, for


the preceding six months, the department shall submit a


comprehensive child welfare improvement report, compiling material


required by each section of this bill related to child welfare.


This report will be provided to the senate and house appropriations


subcommittees on the department budget, the senate and house


standing committees on human services, the senate and house fiscal


agencies, the senate and house policy offices, and the state budget


director and will provide an overview of the status of all


initiatives the department is required to carry out by this


appropriation bill and the impact of those initiatives on meeting


the benchmarks established in the federal child and family service


review process and the requirements established in the children's


rights settlement agreement. The report may include information


about other initiatives of the department and its service delivery


partners which support improvements in safety, permanency, and


well-being for the children and families served by Michigan's child


welfare system.


     Sec. 586. (1) Concurrent with public release, the department


shall transmit all reports from the court-appointed settlement


monitor, including, but not limited to, the needs assessment and


period outcome reporting, to the state budget office, the senate


and house appropriations subcommittees on the department budget,


and the senate and house fiscal agencies, without revision.


     (2) The department shall report monthly to the state budget


office, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on the


department budget, and the senate and house fiscal agencies, on the


number of children enrolled in the subsidized guardianship and


foster care - children with serious emotional disturbance waiver






     Sec. 601. (1) The department may terminate a vendor payment


for shelter upon written notice from the appropriate local unit of


government that a recipient's rental unit is not in compliance with


applicable local housing codes or when the landlord is delinquent


on property tax payments. A landlord shall be considered to be in


compliance with local housing codes when the department receives


from the landlord a signed statement stating that the rental unit


is in compliance with local housing codes and that statement is not


contradicted by the recipient and the local housing authority. The


department shall terminate vendor payments if a taxing authority


notifies the department that taxes are delinquent.


     (2) Whenever a client agrees to the release of his or her name


and address to the local housing authority, the department shall


request from the local housing authority information regarding


whether the housing unit for which vendoring has been requested


meets applicable local housing codes. Vendoring shall be terminated


for those units that the local authority indicates in writing do


not meet local housing codes until such time as the local authority


indicates in writing that local housing codes have been met.


     (3) In order to participate in the rent vendoring programs of


the department, a landlord shall cooperate in weatherization and


conservation efforts directed by the department or by an energy


provider participating in an agreement with the department when the


landlord's property has been identified as needing services.


     Sec. 603. (1) The department, as it determines is appropriate,


shall enter into agreements with energy providers by which cash


assistance recipients and the energy providers agree to permit the


department to make direct payments to the energy providers on


behalf of the recipient. The payments may include heat and electric


payment requirements from recipient grants and amounts in excess of


the payment requirements.


     (2) The department shall establish caps for natural gas, wood,


electric heat service, deliverable fuel heat services, and for


electric service based on available federal funds.


     (3) The department shall review and adjust the standard


utility allowance for the state food assistance program to ensure


that it reflects current energy costs in the state.


     Sec. 604. (1) The department shall operate a state disability


assistance program. Except as provided in subsection (3), persons


eligible for this program shall include needy citizens of the


United States or aliens exempted from the supplemental security


income citizenship requirement who are at least 18 years of age or


emancipated minors meeting 1 or more of the following requirements:


     (a) A recipient of supplemental security income, social


security, or medical assistance due to disability or 65 years of


age or older.


     (b) A person with a physical or mental impairment which meets


federal supplemental security income disability standards, except


that the minimum duration of the disability shall be 90 days.


Substance abuse alone is not defined as a basis for eligibility.


     (c) A resident of an adult foster care facility, a home for


the aged, a county infirmary, or a substance abuse treatment




     (d) A person receiving 30-day postresidential substance abuse




     (e) A person diagnosed as having acquired immunodeficiency




     (f) A person receiving special education services through the


local intermediate school district.


     (g) A caretaker of a disabled person as defined in subdivision


(a), (b), (e), or (f) above.


     (2) Applicants for and recipients of the state disability


assistance program shall be considered needy if they:


     (a) Meet the same asset test as is applied to applicants for


the family independence program.


     (b) Have a monthly budgetable income that is less than the


payment standards.


     (3) Except for a person described in subsection (1)(c) or (d),


a person is not disabled for purposes of this section if his or her


drug addiction or alcoholism is a contributing factor material to


the determination of disability. "Material to the determination of


disability" means that, if the person stopped using drugs or


alcohol, his or her remaining physical or mental limitations would


not be disabling. If his or her remaining physical or mental


limitations would be disabling, then the drug addiction or


alcoholism is not material to the determination of disability and


the person may receive state disability assistance. Such a person


must actively participate in a substance abuse treatment program,


and the assistance must be paid to a third party or through vendor


payments. For purposes of this section, substance abuse treatment


includes receipt of inpatient or outpatient services or


participation in alcoholics anonymous or a similar program.


     (4) A refugee or asylee who loses his or her eligibility for


the federal supplemental security income program by virtue of


exceeding the maximum time limit for eligibility as delineated in 8


USC 1612 and who otherwise meets the eligibility criteria under


this section shall be eligible to receive benefits under the state


disability assistance program.


     Sec. 605. The level of reimbursement provided to state


disability assistance recipients in licensed adult foster care


facilities shall be the same as the prevailing supplemental


security income rate under the personal care category.


     Sec. 606. County department offices shall require each


recipient of family independence program and state disability


assistance who has applied with the social security administration


for supplemental security income to sign a contract to repay any


assistance rendered through the family independence program or


state disability assistance program upon receipt of retroactive


supplemental security income benefits.


     Sec. 607. (1) The department's ability to satisfy


appropriation deductions in part 1 for state disability


assistance/supplemental security income recoveries and public


assistance recoupment revenues shall not be limited to recoveries


and accruals pertaining to state disability assistance, or family


independence assistance grant payments provided only in the current


fiscal year, but shall include revenues collected during the


current year that are prior year related and not a part of the


department’s accrued entries.


     (2) The department may use supplemental security income


recoveries to satisfy the deduct in any line in which the revenues


are appropriated, regardless of the source from which the revenue


is recovered.


     Sec. 608. Adult foster care facilities providing domiciliary


care or personal care to residents receiving supplemental security


income or homes for the aged serving residents receiving


supplemental security income shall not require those residents to


reimburse the home or facility for care at rates in excess of those


legislatively authorized. To the extent permitted by federal law,


adult foster care facilities and homes for the aged serving


residents receiving supplemental security income shall not be


prohibited from accepting third-party payments in addition to


supplemental security income provided that the payments are not for


food, clothing, shelter, or result in a reduction in the


recipient's supplemental security income payment.


     Sec. 609. The state supplementation level under the


supplemental security income program for the personal care/adult


foster care and home for the aged categories shall not be reduced


during the current fiscal year. The legislature shall be notified


not less than 30 days before any proposed reduction in the state


supplementation level.


     Sec. 610. In developing good cause criteria for the state


emergency relief program, the department shall grant exemptions if


the emergency resulted from unexpected expenses related to


maintaining or securing employment.


     Sec. 611. A provider of indigent burial services may collect


additional payment from relatives or other persons on behalf of the


deceased if the total additional payment does not exceed $4,000.00.


     Sec. 612. For purposes of determining housing affordability


eligibility for state emergency relief, a group is considered to


have sufficient income to meet ongoing housing expenses if their


total housing obligation does not exceed 75% of their total net




     Sec. 613. (1) From the money appropriated in part 1 for


indigent burial, the maximum allowable reimbursement limit for


indigent burials shall be $700.00, which shall be distributed as




     (a) $455.00 to the funeral director.


     (b) $145.00 to the cemetery or crematorium.


     (c) $100.00 to the provider of the vault.


     Sec. 614. The funds available in part 1 for burial services


shall be available if the deceased was an eligible recipient and an


application for emergency relief funds was made within 10 business


days of the burial or cremation of the deceased person. Each


provider of burial services shall be paid directly by the




     Sec. 615. Except as required by federal law or regulations,


funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used to provide public


assistance to a person who is an illegal alien. This section shall


not prohibit the department from entering into contracts with food


banks, emergency shelter providers, or other human services


agencies who may, as a normal part of doing business, provide food


or emergency shelter.


     Sec. 617. In operating the family independence program with


funds appropriated in part 1, the department shall not approve as a


minor parent's adult supervised household a living arrangement in


which the minor parent lives with his or her partner as the


supervising adult.


     Sec. 618. The department may only reduce, terminate, or


suspend assistance provided under the social welfare act, 1939 PA


280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, without prior notice in 1 or more of


the following situations:


     (a) The only eligible recipient has died.


     (b) A recipient member of a program group or family


independence assistance group has died.


     (c) A recipient child is removed from his or her family home


by court action.


     (d) A recipient requests in writing that his or her assistance


be reduced, terminated, or suspended.


     (e) A recipient has been approved to receive assistance in


another state.


     (f) A change in either state or federal law that requires


automatic grant adjustments for classes of recipients.


     (g) The only eligible recipient in the household has been




     (h) A recipient is no longer a Michigan resident.


     (i) A recipient is closed on 1 case to be activated on




     (j) Federal payments (other than RSDI, railroad retirement, or


VA) to the group have begun or increased.


     (k) A recipient is disqualified for intentional program




     (l) When the department's negative action is upheld in an


administrative hearing.


     Sec. 619. The department shall exempt from the denial of title


IV-A assistance and food assistance benefits, contained in 21 USC


862a, any individual who has been convicted of a felony that


included the possession, use, or distribution of a controlled


substance, after August 22, 1996, provided that the individual is


not in violation of his or her probation or parole requirements.


Benefits shall be provided to such individuals as follows:


     (a) A third-party payee or vendor shall be required for any


cash benefits provided.


     (b) An authorized representative shall be required for food


assistance receipt.


     Sec. 620. The department with the approval of the state budget


director is authorized to increase federal spending authority for


food assistance program benefits if projected caseload spending


will exceed the spending authority in part 1.  This authorization


adjustment shall be made 15 days after notifying the chairs of the


house and senate appropriations subcommittees on the department


budget and house and senate fiscal agencies.


     Sec. 621. Funds appropriated in part 1 may be used to support


multicultural integration and support services. The department


shall distribute all of the funds described in this section based


on assessed community needs.


     Sec. 631. The department shall maintain policies and


procedures to achieve all of the following:


     (a) The identification of individuals on entry into the system


who have a history of domestic violence, while maintaining the


confidentiality of that information.


     (b) Referral of persons so identified to counseling and


supportive services.


     (c) In accordance with a determination of good cause, the


waiving of certain requirements of family independence programs


where compliance with those requirements would make it more


difficult for the individual to escape domestic violence or would


unfairly penalize individuals who have been victims of domestic


violence or who are at risk of further domestic violence.


     Sec. 635. Within 24 hours of receiving all information


necessary to process an application for payments for child


development and care, the department shall determine whether the


child day care provider to whom the payments, if approved, would be


made, is listed on the child abuse and neglect central registry. If


the provider is listed on the central registry, the department


shall immediately send written notice denying the applicant's


request for child day care payments.


     Sec. 640. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for child


development and care services, the department may continue to


provide infant and toddler incentive payments to child development


and care providers serving children from 0 to 2-1/2 years of age


who meet licensing or training requirements.


     (2) The use of the funds under this section should not be


considered an ongoing commitment of funding.


     Sec. 643. As a condition of receipt of federal TANF funds,


homeless shelters and human services agencies shall collaborate


with the department to obtain necessary TANF eligibility


information on families as soon as possible after admitting a


family to the homeless shelter. From the funds appropriated in part


1 for homeless programs, the department is authorized to make


allocations of TANF funds only to the agencies that report


necessary data to the department for the purpose of meeting TANF


eligibility reporting requirements. Homeless shelters or human


services agencies that do not report necessary data to the


department for the purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting


requirements will not receive reimbursements which exceed the per


diem amount they received in fiscal year 2000. The use of TANF


funds under this section should not be considered an ongoing


commitment of funding.


     Sec. 645. An individual or family is considered homeless, for


purposes of eligibility for state emergency relief, if living


temporarily with others in order to escape domestic violence. For


purposes of this section, domestic violence is defined and verified


in the same manner as in the department's policies on good cause


for not cooperating with child support and paternity requirements.


     Sec. 653. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for food


assistance, an individual who is the victim of domestic violence


and does not qualify for any other exemption may be exempt from the


3-month in 36-month limit on receiving food assistance under 7 USC


2015. This exemption can be extended an additional 3 months upon


demonstration of continuing need.


     Sec. 660. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for food bank


funding, the department is authorized to make allocations of TANF


funds only to the agencies that report necessary data to the


department for the purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting


requirements. The agencies that do not report necessary data to the


department for the purpose of meeting TANF eligibility reporting


requirements will not receive allocations in excess of those


received in fiscal year 2000. The use of TANF funds under this


section should not be considered an ongoing commitment of funding.


     Sec. 665. The department shall partner with the department of


transportation and may partner with other entities to use TANF and


other sources of available funding to support public transportation


needs of TANF-eligible individuals. This partnership shall place a


priority on transportation needs for employment or seeking


employment or medical or health-related transportation.


     Sec. 666. The department shall continue efforts to increase


the participation of eligible family independence program


recipients in the federal and state earned income tax credit.


     Sec. 669. (1) The department shall distribute cash and food


assistance to recipients electronically by using debit or


purchasing cards.


     (2) The department shall allocate up to $12,751,000.00 for the


annual clothing allowance. The allowance shall be granted to all


eligible children as defined by the department.


     (3) The department shall take steps to inform family


independence program recipients eligible for the allowance under


subsection (2) that the money is to be used for clothing for


eligible children.


     Sec. 673. The department shall immediately send notification


to a client participating in the state child development and care


program and his or her child day care provider if the client's


eligibility is reduced or eliminated.


     Sec. 674. The department shall continue administrative efforts


to reduce waste, fraud, and abuse within the child development and


care program. Beginning December 31 of the current fiscal year, the


department shall report annually to the senate and house


appropriations subcommittees for the department budget, the senate


and house fiscal agencies and policy offices, and the state budget


director on the estimated impact of efforts to reduce inappropriate


payments through the child development and care program.


     Sec. 675. (1) The department shall establish a 1-time basic


training requirement for all enrolled child development and care


aides and relative providers. All enrolled providers will be


required to complete the basic training requirement in order to be


eligible for state child development and care reimbursement




     (2) The department shall ensure that additional annual


training beyond the basic training requirement is available for


enrolled providers and shall make enhanced reimbursement payments


to enrolled providers who complete at least 10 hours of optional


annual training.


     Sec. 677. The department shall establish a state goal for the


percentage of family independence program (FIP) cases involved in


employment activities. The percentage established shall not be less


than 50%. On a quarterly basis, the department shall report to the


senate and house appropriations subcommittees on the department


budget, the senate and house fiscal agencies and policy offices,


and the state budget director on the current percentage of FIP


cases involved in JET employment activities. If the FIP case


percentage is below the goal for more than 2 consecutive quarters,


the department shall develop a plan to increase the percentage of


FIP cases involved in employment-related activities. The department


shall deliver the plan during the next annual budget presentation


to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on the


department budget.


     Sec. 678. (1) The department shall provide the house and


senate appropriations subcommittees on the department budget with


an annual report on the activities of the early childhood


investment corporation (ECIC). The report is due by February 15 of


each year and shall contain at least the following information:


     (a) Detail of the amounts of grants awarded.


     (b) The grant recipients.


     (c) The activities funded by each grant.


     (d) An analysis of each grant recipient's success in


addressing the development of a comprehensive system of early


childhood services and supports.


     (2) All ECIC contracts for comprehensive systems planning


shall be bid out through a statewide request-for-proposal process.


     Sec. 695. The funds appropriated in part 1 for food assistance


program benefits (ARRA) that are financed by federal funds


designated as ARRA funding represent federal funds associated with


the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009, Public Law 111-


5. These federal funds are temporary in nature.




     Sec. 705. (1) The department, in conjunction with private


juvenile justice residential programs, shall develop a methodology


for measuring goals, objectives, and performance standards for the


delivery of juvenile justice residential programs based on national


standards and best practices. The department will provide a unified


data collection mechanism to ensure consistent reporting of


aggregate case information from the courts. These goals,


objectives, and performance standards shall apply to both public


and private delivery of juvenile justice residential programs, and


data shall be collected from both private and public juvenile


justice residential programs that can be used to evaluate


performance achievements, including, but not limited to, the




     (a) Admission and release data and other information related


to demographics of population served.


     (b) Program descriptions and information related to treatment,


educational services, and conditions of confinement.


     (c) Program outcomes including recidivism rates for youth


served by the facility.


     (d) Trends in census and population demographics.


     (e) Staff and resident safety.


     (f) Facility profile.


     (2) The department during the annual budget presentation shall


outline the progress of the development of the goals, objectives,


and performance standards, as well as the information collected


through the implementation of the performance measurement program.


The presentation shall include all of the following:


     (a) Actual cost and actual days of care by facility for the


most recently completed fiscal year. This report shall also include


the actual number of youth served as well as demographic




     (b) Actual cost per day per youth by facility for the most


recently completed fiscal year.


     (c) An analysis of the variance between the estimated cost and


days of care assumed in the original appropriation and the figures


in subdivisions (a) and (b).


     (d) Both the number of authorized FTE positions for each


facility and the number of actual on-board FTE positions for the


most recently completed fiscal year.


     Sec. 706. Counties shall be subject to 50% chargeback for the


use of alternative regional detention services, if those detention


services do not fall under the basic provision of section 117e of


the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.117e, or if a county


operates those detention services programs primarily with


professional rather than volunteer staff.


     Sec. 707. In order to be reimbursed for child care fund


expenditures, counties are required to submit department-developed


reports to enable the department to document potential federally


claimable expenditures. This requirement is in accordance with the


reporting requirements specified in section 117a(7) of the social


welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.117a.


     Sec. 708. As a condition of receiving money appropriated in


part 1 for the child care fund line item, by February 15 of the


current fiscal year, counties shall have an approved service


spending plan for the current fiscal year. Counties must submit the


service spending plan to the department by December 15 of the


current fiscal year for approval.


     Sec. 719. The department shall notify the legislature at least


30 days before closing or making any change in the status,


including the licensed bed capacity and operating bed capacity, of


a state juvenile justice facility.


     Sec. 723. A private provider of juvenile services may receive


funding for both secure and nonsecure services if the provider has


appropriate services for each security level and adequate measures


to physically separate residents of each security level.




     Sec. 750. The department shall maintain out-stationed


eligibility specialists in community-based organizations, nursing


homes, and hospitals.


     Sec. 751. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the


department may implement school-based family resource centers based


on the following guidelines:


     (a) The center is supported by the local school district.


     (b) The programs and information provided at the center do not


conflict with sections 1169, 1507, and 1507b of the revised school


code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1169, 380.1507, and 380.1507b.


     (c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), the center shall provide


information regarding crisis pregnancy centers or adoption service


providers in the area.


     (2) The department shall notify the senate and house


subcommittees on the department budget, the senate and house fiscal


agencies and policy offices, and the state budget office of family


resource center expansion efforts and shall provide all of the


following at the beginning of the selection process or no later


than 5 days after eligible schools receive opportunity




     (a) A list of eligible schools.


     (b) The selection criteria to be used.


     (c) The projected number to be opened.


     (d) The financial implications for expansion, including


funding sources.




     Sec. 801. The department disability determination services in


agreement with the department of technology, management and budget


office of retirement systems will develop the medical information


and make recommendations for medical disability retirement for


state employees, state police, judges, and schoolteachers.




     Sec. 901. (1) The appropriations in part 1 assume a total


federal child support incentive payment of $26,500,000.00.


     (2) From the federal money received for child support


incentive payments, $12,000,000.00 shall be retained by the state


and expended for child support program expenses.


     (3) From the federal money received for child support


incentive payments, $14,500,000.00 shall be paid to the counties


based on each county's performance level for each of the federal


performance measures as established in the code of federal


regulations, CFR 45.305.2.


     (4) If the child support incentive payment to the state from


the federal government is greater than $26,500,000.00, then 100% of


the excess shall be retained by the state and is appropriated until


the total retained by the state reaches $15,397,400.00.


     (5) If the child support incentive payment to the state from


the federal government is greater than the amount needed to satisfy


the provisions identified in subsections (1), (2), (3), and (4),


the additional funds shall be subject to appropriation by the




     (6) If the child support incentive payment to the state from


the federal government is less than $26,500,000.00, then the state


and county share shall each be reduced by 50% of the shortfall.


     Sec. 909. (1) If statewide retained child support collections


exceed $38,300,000.00, 75% of the amount in excess of


$38,300,000.00 is appropriated to legal support contracts. This


excess appropriation may be distributed to eligible counties to


supplement and not supplant county title IV-D funding.


     (2) Each county whose retained child support collections in


the current fiscal year exceed its fiscal year 2004-2005 retained


child support collections, excluding tax offset and financial


institution data match collections in both the current year and


fiscal year 2004-2005, shall receive its proportional share of the


75% excess.


     (3) Payments to counties contracting with collection agencies


shall be reduced by the amount paid to the vendor. This


authorization adjustment shall be made upon notification of the


chairs of the house and senate appropriations subcommittees on the


department budget, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and the


state budget director.


     Sec. 910. If title IV-D-related child support collections are


escheated, the state budget director is authorized to adjust the


sources of financing for the funds appropriated in part 1 for legal


support contracts to reduce federal authorization by 66% of the


escheated amount and increase general fund/general purpose


authorization by the same amount. This budget adjustment is


required to offset the loss of federal revenue due to the escheated


amount being counted as title IV-D program income in accordance


with federal regulations at 45 CFR 304.50.


     Sec. 911. The department will implement a $25.00 annual fee


pursuant to title IV-D, section 454(6)(B)(ii), of the social


security act, 42 USC 651. The fee shall be deducted from support


collected on behalf of the individual. Fee revenues shall be used


to administer and operate the child support program under part D of


title IV of the social security act.




     Sec. 1101. Not later than September 30 of each year, the


department shall submit for public hearing to the chairpersons of


the house and senate appropriations subcommittees dealing with


appropriations for the department budget the proposed use and


distribution plan for community services block grant funds


appropriated in part 1 for the succeeding fiscal year.


     Sec. 1102. The department shall develop a plan based on


recommendations from the department of civil rights and from Native


American organizations to assure that the community services block


grant funds are equitably distributed. The plan must be developed


by October 31 of the current fiscal year, and the plan shall be


delivered to the appropriations subcommittees on the department


budget in the senate and house, the senate and house fiscal


agencies, and the state budget director.