June 7, 2012, Introduced by Senator CASWELL and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.




     A bill to amend 1939 PA 280, entitled


"The social welfare act,"


by amending section 55 (MCL 400.55), as amended by 1998 PA 516.




     Sec. 55. The county department shall administer a public


welfare program, as follows:


     (a) To grant general assistance, including medical care as


defined in this section and care in the county medical care


facility, but not including hospitalization and infirmary care


except for care in the county medical care facility or a county


infirmary existing on January 1, 1981, to any person domiciled in


the county who has a legal settlement in this state. General


assistance may also be granted to a person who has a legal


settlement in this state but no domicile in the county and a


recoupment may be made when appropriate in the manner provided in


cases of emergency hospitalization under this act. In a temporary


emergency, general assistance may be given to indigents without a


settlement in this state as the county department considers


necessary, including, if other funds are not available for the


purpose, all necessary expenses in transporting an indigent to his


or her domicile in this state, or in another state or nation, when


information reasonably tends to show that the person has a home


available in his or her place of domicile in this state or a legal


residence in another state or nation. A legal settlement in this


state is acquired by an emancipated person who has lived


continuously in this state for 1 year with the intent to make it


his or her home and who, during the 1-year period has not received


public assistance, other than assistance received during and as a


direct result of a civil defense emergency, or support from


relatives. Time spent in a public institution shall is not be


counted in determining settlement. A legal settlement shall be is


lost by remaining away from this state for an uninterrupted period


of 1 year except that absence from this state for labor or other


special or temporary purpose shall not occasion does not cause loss


of settlement.


     (b) To administer categorical assistance including medical




     (c) To supervise and be responsible for the operation of the


county infirmary and county medical care facility. In a county


having a population of 1,000,000 or more which that maintains a


county infirmary or county hospital or a joint infirmary and


hospital providing for mental patients, the institution and the


admissions to the institution shall be are subject to the control


of a board to be known as the board of county institutions. The


board shall consist of 5 members appointed by the county board of


commissioners, except that in a county having a board of county


auditors, 3 members of the board of county institutions shall be


appointed by the county board of commissioners and 2 members shall


be appointed by the board of county auditors. Each member of the


board shall hold office for a term and receive compensation as the


county board of commissioners provides by ordinance. In relation to


the administration of the institutions the board shall have has and


succeed succeeds to all powers and duties formerly vested by law,


general, local or special, in the superintendents of the poor in


the county and the board of county institutions as constituted on


April 13, 1943. The board of county institutions of the county may


also maintain outpatient facilities for the treatment of needy


persons suffering from mental disorders. The board shall also have


has the same powers as are given to the county board in section 78.


     (d) To furnish in all cases, insofar as practicable, care and


treatment which that will tend to restore needy persons to a


condition of financial and social independence.


     (e) To require that each applicant shall furnish proof


satisfactory to the county board that the applicant is entitled to


the aid, assistance, or benefit sought.


     (f) To investigate, in respect to each application for any


form of public aid or assistance, the circumstances of the


applicant, both at the time of application and periodically during


the receipt of aid or assistance.


     (g) To maintain adequate social and financial records


pertaining to each recipient of aid or assistance and so far as is


practicable engage in the prevention of social disabilities.


     (h) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, to


investigate, when requested by the probate court or the family


division of circuit court, matters pertaining to dependent,


neglected, and delinquent children and wayward minors under the


court's jurisdiction, to provide supervision and foster care as


provided by court order, and to furnish the court, on request,


investigational service in respect to the hospitalization of


children under the program of services for crippled children


established under part 58 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.5801 to 333.5879, which services shall include the follow-


up investigation and continuing observations. If the county is a


county juvenile agency as defined in section 2 of the county


juvenile agency act, 1998 PA 518, MCL 45.622, the county


department's obligations under this subdivision are limited to


public wards within the county's jurisdiction under the youth


rehabilitation services act, 1974 PA 150, MCL 803.301 to 803.309,


and county juvenile agency services as defined in section 117a.


     (i) To assist other departments, agencies, and institutions of


the federal, state, and county governments, when so requested, in


performing services in conformity with the purposes of this act.


     (j) To assist in the development of sound programs and


standards of child welfare, and promote programs and policies


looking toward the prevention of dependency, neglect, and


delinquency and other conditions affecting adversely the welfare of


families and children.


     (k) To create within the county department a division of


medical care. The county board may appoint a properly qualified and


licensed doctor of medicine as the head of the division and an


advisory committee. The advisory committee shall consist of 1


doctor of medicine, nominated by the county medical society; 1


dentist, nominated by the district dental society; and 1


pharmacist, nominated by the district pharmaceutical association,


to assist in formulating policies of medical care and auditing and


reviewing bills. "Medical care" as used in this act means medical


care rendered under the supervision of a licensed physician in an


organized out-patient department of a hospital licensed by the


department of public community health under article 17 of the


public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20101 to 333.22260, or


home and office attendance by a physician, osteopathic physician


and surgeon, or podiatrist licensed under article 15 of the public


health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838; and when


prescribed by the physician, osteopathic physician and surgeon, or


podiatrist, diagnostic services requiring the use of equipment not


available in his or her offices, if the services do not require


overnight care, dental service, optometric service, bedside nursing


service in the home, or pharmaceutical service. The private


physician-patient relationship shall be maintained. The normal


relationships between the recipients of dental, optometric,


nursing, and pharmaceutical services, and the services furnished by


a physician, osteopathic physician and surgeon, podiatrist, or a


chiropractor licensed under article 15 of the public health code,


1978 PA 368, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, and the persons furnishing


these services shall be maintained. This section shall does not


affect the office of a city physician or city pharmacist


established under a city charter, a county health officer, or the


medical superintendent of a county hospital. This section shall


permit permits the use of a case management system, a patient care


management system, or other alternative system for providing


medical care.


     (l) To cause to be suitably buried the body of a deceased


indigent person who has a domicile in the county, when requested by


the person's relative or friend, or of a stranger, when requested


by a public official following an inquest. To provide financial


assistance for the cremation of an unclaimed body. As used in this


subdivision, "unclaimed body" means a dead human body for which the


deceased has not provided a disposition, for which an estate or


assets to defray costs of disposition do not exist, and that is not


claimed for disposition by a person, relative, or court appointed


fiduciary who has the right to control disposition of the body.


     (m) To administer additional welfare functions as are vested


in the department, including hospitalization.


     (n) To act as an agent for the state department in matters


requested by the state department under the rules of the state




     (o) To provide temporary general assistance for each family


found ineligible for aid to dependent children assistance by reason


of unsuitable family home as provided in section 56.