October 22, 2014, Introduced by Senator WALKER and referred to the Committee on Energy and Technology.




     A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled


"Revised judicature act of 1961,"


by amending section 2425 (MCL 600.2425) and by adding section






     Sec. 2425. (1) If Subject to subsection (2), if an action to


abate a public nuisance is brought by a private citizen, whether or


not the attorney general or prosecuting attorney intervenes, and


the court finds that there was no reasonable ground or cause for


the action, costs may be taxed against such citizen. In such a


case, attorney's fees are proper costs.


     (2) If, in an action alleging public or private nuisance


caused by a wind energy system, the defendant prevails for reasons


set forth in section 2941a(2), costs and reasonable attorney fees


shall be taxed against the plaintiff.


     (3) (2) When If the attorney general or prosecuting attorney


intervenes, the costs incurred by such that officer shall be


payable paid by the county in which the nuisance exists and all


costs collected in the action shall be paid into the treasury of


such that county.


     Sec. 2941a. (1) As used in this section:


     (a) "Commission" means the Michigan public service commission.


     (b) "Extension siting guidelines" means "Michigan Land Use


Guidelines for Siting Wind Energy Systems", published by the


Michigan state university extension and, if published after the


effective date of this section, adopted by the commission pursuant


to subsection (4).


     (c) "Wind energy system" means a system that converts wind


energy into electricity through the use of 1 or more wind turbine


generators and includes the turbines, blades, and towers as well as


related electrical equipment. Wind energy system does not include


wiring to connect the system to the electric grid.


     (2) A wind energy system is not a public or private nuisance


if the wind energy system complies with both of the following:


     (a) The extension siting guidelines in effect on the date the


wind energy system first began operating.


     (b) Any applicable zoning ordinance in effect at the time the


wind energy system first began operating.


     (3) An action for a public or private nuisance based on a wind


energy system's noncompliance with the applicable extension siting


guidelines or an applicable zoning ordinance as provided under


subsection (2) may be brought only by those property owners or


other persons with respect to whom the violation occurs.


     (4) The commission shall by rule adopt for the purposes of


this section the most recent version of the "Michigan Land Use


Guidelines for Siting Wind Energy Systems", published by the


Michigan state university extension after the effective date of


this section if the changes in the updated version will protect


human health and safety and the environment and promote the cost-


effective generation of electricity from wind.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.1123                                          


            of the 97th Legislature is enacted into law.