Introduced by Senator Casperson


AN ACT to amend 1937 PA 153, entitled “An act relative to printing for this state; to establish the requirements of responsible bidders; to provide exemptions from this act; to prescribe penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act,” by amending section 1 (MCL 24.61).

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 1. (1) All printing that this state is chargeable, or that is paid for with funds appropriated wholly or in part by this state, excepting printing for primary school districts, counties, townships, cities, villages, or legal publications ordered for or by elective state officers, shall bear the label of the branch of the allied printing trades council of the locality in which it is printed, except under the following conditions:

(a) Printing firms not having the use of the allied printing trades council union label in the locality in which it is printed and who are desirous of presenting bids for printing as enumerated in this section are required to establish consideration as a responsible bidder as follows:

(i) As a condition to consideration as a responsible bidder printing concerns must file with the secretary of state a sworn statement to the effect that employees in the employ of the concern that is to produce the printing are receiving the prevailing wage rate and are working under conditions prevalent in the locality in which the work is produced.

(ii) Whenever a collective bargaining agreement is in effect between an employer and employees who are represented by a responsible organization that is in no way influenced or controlled by the management, that agreement and its provisions are considered as conditions prevalent in that locality and are the minimum requirements for being adjudged a responsible bidder under this act.

(iii) Printing firms having the use of the allied printing trades council union label are considered as having complied with the provisions of this act, but nothing in these provisions shall be construed as exempting those bidders from any provision of the act, and those bidders are required to conform with all of its provisions.

(b) The state-owned printing operation in the G. Robert Cotton correctional facility is exempt from this section. However, the state-owned printing operation described in this subdivision shall not perform printing under this section other than the needs and requirements of the department of corrections.

(c) Legislative printing, including bills and resolutions passed by the legislature, shall be printed or reproduced in accordance with and subject to article IV of the state constitution of 1963, and pursuant to the specifications, terms, and conditions considered necessary by the legislative council.

(2) For all printing described in subsection (1), all other things being equal, preference shall be given for printing offered by Michigan-based firms or by facilities with respect to which the operator is designated as a clean corporate citizen under part 14 of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.1401 to 324.1429.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Secretary of the Senate

Clerk of the House of Representatives

