September 9, 2014, Introduced by Senators ANANICH, YOUNG, GREGORY, JOHNSON, SMITH, BIEDA, ANDERSON and WHITMER and referred to the Committee on Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing.




     A bill to require employers to provide paid sick leave to


certain employees; to specify the conditions for accruing and using


paid sick leave; to prohibit retaliation against an employee for


requesting, exercising, or enforcing rights granted in this act; to


prescribe powers and duties of certain state departments, agencies,


and officers; to provide for promulgation of rules; and to provide


remedies and sanctions.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "paid


sick leave act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Department" means the department of licensing and


regulatory affairs.


     (b) "Director" means the director of the department of


licensing and regulatory affairs or his or her designee.


     (c) "Domestic violence" has the same meaning as provided in


section 1 of 1978 PA 389, MCL 400.1501.


     (d) "Employee" means an individual engaged in service to an


employer in the business of the employer.


     (e) "Employer" means any person, firm, business, educational


institution, nonprofit agency, corporation, limited liability


company, or other entity that employs 1 or more individuals.


     (f) "Family member" includes all of the following:


     (i) A biological, adopted or foster child, stepchild or legal


ward, a child of a domestic partner, or a child to whom the


employee stands in loco parentis.


     (ii) A biological parent, foster parent, stepparent, or


adoptive parent or a legal guardian of an employee or an employee's


spouse or domestic partner or a person who stood in loco parentis


when the employee was a minor child.


     (iii) A person to whom the employee is legally married under the


laws of this state.


     (iv) A grandparent or spouse or domestic partner of a




     (v) A grandchild.


     (vi) A biological, foster, or adopted sibling or spouse or


domestic partner of a biological, foster, or adopted sibling.


     (vii) Any other individual related by blood or affinity whose


close association with the employee is the equivalent of a family




     (g) "Retaliatory personnel action" means any of the following:


     (i) Denial of any right guaranteed under this act.


     (ii) A threat, discharge, suspension, demotion, or other


adverse action against an employee for exercise of a right


guaranteed under this act.


     (iii) Sanctions against an employee who is a recipient of public


benefits for exercise of a right guaranteed under this act.


     (iv) Interference with, or punishment for, an employee's


participation in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or


hearing under this act.


     (h) "Sexual assault" means any act that constitutes a


violation of section 520b, 520c, 520d, 520e, 520f, or 520g of the


Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.520b, 750.520c, 750.520d,


750.520e, 750.520f, and 750.520g.


     (i) "Small business" means a private employer that is an


individual, firm, partnership, institution, corporation, or


association for which fewer than 10 individuals work for


compensation during a given week. In determining the number of


individuals performing work for compensation during a given week,


all individuals performing work for compensation on a full-time,


part-time, or temporary basis shall be counted, including


individuals made available to work through the services of a


temporary services or staffing agency or similar entity. An


employer is not a small business if it maintained 10 or more


employees on the payroll during any 20 or more calendar workweeks


in either the current or the preceding calendar year.


     Sec. 3. (1) Each employer shall provide paid sick leave


annually to each of the employer's employees in this state. Paid


sick leave shall accrue beginning January 1, 2015, at a rate of 1


hour of paid sick leave for each 30 hours worked. Paid sick leave


shall accrue in 1-hour increments up to a minimum of 40 hours per


calendar year for employees of a small business and 72 hours for


all other employees. However, a small business employer is not


required to permit an employee to use more than 40 hours, and other


employers are not required to permit an employee to use more than


72 hours, of accrued paid sick leave in a single year.


     (2) An employee may use accrued paid sick leave as accrued,


except that an employer may require an employee hired after January


1, 2015 to complete 90 days of service before using accrued paid


sick leave.


     (3) For purposes of paid sick leave accrual under this act, an


employee who is exempt from overtime requirements under section


13(a)(1) of the fair labor standards act, 29 USC 213(a)(1), is


assumed to work 40 hours in each workweek unless the employee's


normal work week is less than 40 hours, in which case paid sick


leave accrues based upon that normal workweek.


     (4) An employer is in compliance with this section if the


employer provides any paid leave, or combination of paid leave,


that may be used for the same purposes and under the same


conditions provided in sections 4 and 5 and that is accrued in


total at a rate equal to or greater than the rate described in


subsection (1). For the purposes of this subsection, "paid leave"


includes, but is not limited to, paid vacation, personal days, and


paid time off.


     (5) An employer shall pay each employee using paid sick leave


at a pay rate equal to the greater of either the normal hourly wage


for that employee or the minimum wage established under the


workforce opportunity wage act, 2014 PA 138, MCL 408.411 to


408.424, but not less than the minimum wage rate established in


section 4 of that act. For any employee whose hourly wage varies


depending on the work performed, the "normal hourly wage" means the


average hourly wage of the employee in the pay period immediately


prior to the pay period in which the employee used paid sick leave.


     (6) An employer shall not require an employee to search for or


secure a replacement worker as a condition for using paid sick




     Sec. 4. (1) An employer shall permit an employee to use the


paid sick leave accrued under section 3 for any of the following:


     (a) The employee's illness, injury, or health condition;


medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of the employee's mental


illness or physical illness, injury, or health condition; or


preventative medical care for the employee.


     (b) For the employee's family member's illness, injury, or


health condition; medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of the


employee's family member's mental or physical illness, injury, or


health condition; or preventative medical care for a family member


of the employee.


     (c) If the employee or the employee's family member is a


victim of domestic violence or sexual assault, for medical care or


psychological or other counseling for physical or psychological


injury or disability; to obtain services from a victim services


organization; to relocate due to domestic violence or sexual


assault; or to participate in any civil or criminal proceedings


related to or resulting from the domestic violence or sexual




     (2) If the employee's need to use paid sick leave is


foreseeable, an employer may require advance notice, not to exceed


7 days prior to the date the leave is to begin, of the intention to


use the leave. If the employee's need for the leave is not


foreseeable, an employer may require the employee to give notice of


the intention as soon as practicable.


     (3) For paid sick leave of more than 3 consecutive days, an


employer may require reasonable documentation that the sick leave


has been used for a purpose described in subsection (1).


Documentation signed by a health care professional indicating that


sick leave is necessary shall be considered reasonable


documentation. A police report indicating that the employee or the


employee's family member was a victim of domestic violence or


sexual assault; a court order; or a signed statement from a victim


and witness advocate affirming that the employee is involved in


legal action related to domestic violence or sexual assault shall


be considered reasonable documentation. An employer shall not


require that the documentation explain the nature of the illness or


the details of the violence. If an employer chooses to require


documentation for sick leave and the employee does not have health


insurance, the employer is responsible for paying all out-of-pocket


expenses the employee incurs in obtaining the documentation. If the


employee does have health insurance, the employer is responsible


for paying any costs charged to the employee by the health care


provider for providing the specific documentation required by the




     (4) An employer shall not require disclosure of details


relating to domestic violence or sexual assault or the details of


an employee's or an employee's family member's medical condition as


a condition of providing paid sick leave under this act. If an


employer possesses health information or information pertaining to


domestic violence or sexual assault about an employee or employee's


family member, that information shall be treated as confidential


and shall not be disclosed except to the affected employee or with


the permission of the affected employee.


     (5) Nothing in sections 3 to 6 requires an employer to provide


paid sick leave for any purposes other than as described in this




     Sec. 5. (1) If an employee is transferred to a separate


division, entity, or location, but remains employed by the same


employer, the employee shall retain all paid sick leave that was


accrued at the prior division, entity, or location and may use all


accrued paid sick leave as provided in section 4. If an employee


separates from employment and is rehired by the same employer


within 6 months of the separation, the employer shall reinstate


previously accrued paid sick leave that has not been used and the


reinstated employee shall be entitled to use accrued paid sick


leave and accrue additional paid sick leave upon reinstatement.


     (2) Nothing in this section or section 4 shall be construed to


require an employer to provide financial or other reimbursement to


an employee for accrued paid sick leave that has not been used upon


the employee's termination, resignation, retirement, or other


separation from employment.


     Sec. 6. (1) An employer or any other person shall not


interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of, or the attempt


to exercise, any right protected under this act.


     (2) An employer shall not take retaliatory personnel action or


discriminate against an employee because the employee has exercised


a right protected under this act. Rights protected by this act


include, but are not limited to, the right to use paid sick leave


pursuant to this act, the right to file a complaint or inform any


person about any employer's alleged violation of this act, the


right to cooperate with the department in its investigations of


alleged violations of this act, and the right to inform any person


of his or her rights under this act.


     (3) An employer's absence control policy shall not treat paid


sick leave taken under this act as an absence that may lead to or


result in discipline, discharge, demotion, suspension, or any other


adverse action.


     (4) The protections in this section apply to any person who


mistakenly but in good faith alleges a violation of this section.


     (5) There is a rebuttable presumption of a violation of this


section if an employer takes retaliatory personnel action against a


person within 90 days after that person does any of the following:


     (a) Files a complaint with the department or a court alleging


a violation of this section.


     (b) Informs any person about an employer's alleged violation


of this section.


     (c) Cooperates with the department or another person in the


investigation or prosecution of any alleged violation of this




     (d) Opposes any policy, practice, or act that is prohibited


under this section.


     (e) Informs any person of his or her rights under this




     Sec. 7. (1) If an employer violates this act, the employee


affected by the violation, at any time within 3 years after the


violation, may do any of the following:


     (a) Bring a civil action for appropriate relief, including


payment for used sick leave; rehiring or reinstatement to the


employee's previous job; payment of back wages; reestablishment of


employee benefits to which the employee otherwise would have been


eligible if the employee had not been subjected to retaliatory


personnel action or discriminated against; and an equal additional


amount as liquidated damages together with costs and reasonable


attorney fees as the court allows.


     (b) File a claim with the department, which shall investigate


the claim.


     (2) If the director determines that there is reasonable cause


to believe that an employer violated this act and the department is


subsequently unable to obtain voluntary compliance by the employer


within a reasonable time, the department shall bring a civil action


as provided in subsection (1)(a) on behalf of the employee. The


department may investigate and file a civil action under subsection


(1)(a) on behalf of all employees of that employer who are


similarly situated at the same work site and who have not brought a


civil action under subsection (1)(a). A contract or agreement


between the employer and the employee or any acceptance by the


employee of a paid leave policy that provides fewer rights or


benefits is not a bar to the action.


     (3) In addition to liability for civil remedies described in


this section, an employer who fails to offer paid sick leave in


violation of this act is subject to a civil fine of not more than




     Sec. 8. (1) An employer subject to the provisions of this act


shall provide notice to each employee at the time of hiring of all


of the following:


     (a) The amount of sick leave required to be provided to an


employee under this act.


     (b) The terms under which sick leave may be used.


     (c) That retaliation by the employer against an employee for


requesting or using sick leave for which the employee is eligible


is prohibited.


     (d) The employee's right to file a complaint with the


department for any violation of this section or of sections 3 to 6.


     (2) An employer shall display a poster at the employer's place


of business, in a conspicuous place that is accessible to


employees, that contains the information in subsection (1) in both


English and Spanish.


     (3) The department shall create and make available to


employers posters that contain the information required under


subsection (1) for employers' use in complying with this section.


Posters shall be provided in both English and Spanish


     Sec. 9. The department shall develop and implement a


multilingual outreach program to inform employees, parents, and


persons who are under the care of a health care provider about the


availability of paid sick leave under this act. This program shall


include distribution of notices and other written materials in


English and in other languages to all child care and elder care


providers, domestic violence shelters, schools, hospitals,


community health centers, and other health care providers.


     Sec. 10. An employer shall retain for 5 years records


documenting the hours worked and paid sick leave taken by


employees. To monitor compliance with the requirements of this act,


an employer shall allow the department access to those records,


with appropriate notice and at a mutually agreeable time. If a


question arises as to whether an employer has violated an


employee's right to paid sick leave under this act and the employer


does not maintain or retain adequate records documenting the hours


worked and paid sick leave taken by the employee or does not allow


the department reasonable access to those records, there is a


presumption that the employer has violated the act, which can be


rebutted only by clear and convincing evidence.


     Sec. 11. (1) This act provides minimum requirements pertaining


to paid sick leave and shall not be construed to preempt, limit, or


otherwise affect the applicability of any other law, regulation,


requirement, policy, or standard that provides for greater accrual


or use of time off, whether paid or unpaid, or that extends other


protections to employees.


     (2) Nothing in sections 3 to 6 shall be construed to prevent


an employer from providing more paid sick leave than is required


under this act, to diminish any rights provided to any employee


under a collective bargaining agreement, or to preempt or override


the terms of any collective bargaining agreement in effect prior to


January 1, 2015.


     (3) Nothing in sections 3 to 6 shall be construed to prohibit


an employer from establishing a policy that permits an employee to


donate unused accrued paid sick leave to another employee.


     Sec. 12. The director may promulgate rules in accordance with


the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201


to 24.328, as necessary to administer this act.


     Enacting section 1. This act takes effect January 1, 2015.