June 12, 2014, Introduced by Senators CASPERSON, SCHUITMAKER and CASWELL and referred to the Committee on Insurance.




     A bill to amend 1984 PA 218, entitled


"Third party administrator act,"


by amending section 2 (MCL 550.902).




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Administrative services manager" or "manager" means an


individual responsible for conducting the daily operations of a


third party administrator.


     (b) "Benefit plan" or "plan" means a medical, surgical,


dental, vision, or health care benefit plan and may include


coverage under a policy or certificate issued by a carrier.


     (c) "Board" means the TPA advisory board created under section




     (d) "Carrier" means any of the following:


     (i) An an insurer which is or health maintenance organization


regulated pursuant to under the insurance code of 1956, Act No. 218


of the Public Acts of 1956, being sections 1956 PA 218, MCL 500.100


to 500.8302, of the Michigan Compiled Laws.


     (ii) A medical care corporation regulated pursuant to Act No.


108 of the Public Acts of 1939, being sections 550.301 to 550.316


of the Michigan Compiled Laws.


     (iii) A hospital service corporation regulated pursuant to Act


No. 109 of the Public Acts of 1939, being sections 550.501 to


550.517 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.


     (iv) A health care corporation regulated pursuant to the


nonprofit health care corporation reform act, Act No. 350 of the


Public Acts of 1980, being sections 550.1101 to 550.1704 of the


Michigan Compiled Laws.


     (v) A health maintenance organization regulated under part 210


of the public health code, Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978,


being sections 333.21001 to 333.21099 of the Michigan Compiled




     (vi) A or a dental care corporation regulated pursuant to Act


No. 125 of the Public Acts of 1963, being sections under 1963 PA


125, MCL 550.351 to 550.373. of the Michigan Compiled Laws.


     (e) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of insurance of this




     (f) "Department" means the department of insurance and


financial services.


     (g) "Director" means the director of the department.


     (h) (f) "ERISA" means the employee retirement income security


act of 1974, as amended, Public Law 93-406, 88 Stat. 829.29 USC


1001 to 1461.


     (i) "Maximum allowable cost price" or "MAC price" means a


maximum reimbursement amount for a multiple source drug that is


listed in the orange book and is nationally available.


     (j) "Multiple source drug" means a drug for which there are 3


or more drug products, each of which meets all of the following


requirements, as determined by the director:


     (i) Is listed as A- or B-rated in the orange book, has an "NR"


or "NA" rating by medi-span, or has a similar rating by a


nationally recognized reference.


     (ii) Is generally and readily available for purchase by


pharmacies in this state from national or regional wholesalers and


is not obsolete.


     (k) "Nationally available" means that the drug product is


available for purchase by pharmacies or chain-operated warehouses


in sufficient supply from national pharmaceutical wholesalers and


is not obsolete or temporarily unavailable.


     (l) "Obsolete" means that the drug product may be listed in the


national pricing compendia but is no longer actively marketed by


the manufacturer or labeler.


     (m) "Orange book" means the publication entitled "Approved


Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations" that


identifies drug products approved on the basis of safety and


effectiveness by the United States food and drug administration


under the authority of the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act, 21


USC 301 to 399f.


     (n) (g) "Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship,


partnership, corporation, association, or any other legal entity.


     (o) (h) "Personal data" means any record or information


pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, or health of an individual


covered by a plan.


     (p) "Pharmacy" means that term as defined in section 17707 of


the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.17707.


     (q) "Pharmacy benefit manager" or "PBM" means a person that


contracts with a pharmacy on behalf of a benefit plan for the


pharmacy to provide pharmacy services to individuals covered by the


plan and that determines reimbursement to the pharmacy for the


pharmacy services provided to individuals covered by the plan. A


person that engages in, or subcontracts for, 3 or more of the


following activities is considered a PBM subject to this act:


     (i) Claims processing.


     (ii) Pharmacy network management.


     (iii) Pharmacy discount card management.


     (iv) Payment of claims to pharmacies for prescription drugs


dispensed to individuals covered by the plan.


     (v) Clinical formulary development and management services


including, but not limited to, utilization management and quality


assurance programs.


     (vi) Rebate contracting and administration.


     (vii) Conducting of audits of network pharmacies.


     (viii) Setting of pharmacy reimbursement pricing and


methodologies, including MAC price, and determining single source


drugs or multiple source drugs.


     (ix) Retention of any spread or differential between what is


received from plans as reimbursement for prescription drugs and


what is paid to pharmacies by the PBM for the drugs.


     (r) (i) "Processes claims" means the administrative services


performed in connection with a claim for benefits under a plan.


     (s) (j) "Service contract" means the written agreement for the


provision of administrative services between the TPA and a plan, a


sponsor of a plan, or a carrier.


     (t) "Temporarily unavailable" means that the drug product is


experiencing short-term supply interruptions for which only


inconsistent or intermittent supply is available in the current




     (u) (k) "Third party administrator" or "TPA" means a person


who processes claims pursuant to a service contract and who may


also provide 1 or more other administrative services pursuant to a


service contract, other than under a worker's compensation self-


insurance program pursuant to section 611 of the worker's


disability compensation act of 1969, Act No. 317 of the Public Acts


of 1969, being section 1969 PA 317, MCL 418.611. of the Michigan


Compiled Laws. Third party administrator includes a pharmacy


benefit manager. Third party administrator does not include a


carrier or employer sponsoring a plan.