May 1, 2014, Introduced by Senator PAPPAGEORGE and referred to the Committee on Veterans, Military Affairs and Homeland Security.




     A bill to amend 1986 PA 54, entitled


"Building officials and inspectors registration act,"


by amending section 13 (MCL 338.2313), as amended by 2012 PA 314.




     Sec. 13. (1) The commission shall charge fees for registration


of building officials, inspectors, and plan reviewers and for the


examination and evaluation of training and educational programs and




     (2) An applicant for registration shall pay the following


applicable registration fee to the commission for each year the


registration covers:


     (a) If paid after September 30, 2015, $10.00.


     (b) If paid on or before September 30, 2015, $25.00.


     (3) A fee established by the commission for the examination


and evaluation of training and educational programs and courses


shall bear a reasonable relation to the cost for those conducting


those training and educational programs and courses.


     (4) The commission shall deposit any fees received under this


section in the state construction code fund created in section 22


of the Stille-DeRossett-Hale single state construction code act,


1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1522.


     (5) The commission shall waive any fee otherwise required


under this section if the individual responsible for paying the fee


is, and provides proof satisfactory to the commission that he or


she is, an honorably discharged veteran of the armed forces of the


United States.applicant is an individual who served in the armed


forces and he or she provides to the department a form DD214, form


DD215, or any other form that is satisfactory to the department


that demonstrates he or she was separated from that service with an


honorable character of service or under honorable conditions


(general) character of service.