April 12, 2016, Introduced by Senators O'BRIEN, SCHUITMAKER, BRANDENBURG and NOFS and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.




      A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 17001 and 17011 (MCL 333.17001 and 333.17011),


section 17001 as amended by 2006 PA 161 and section 17011 as


amended by 2006 PA 398, and by adding sections 16326, 17079, 17080,


and 17081.




 1        Sec. 16326. Fees for an individual licensed or seeking


 2  licensure to engage in practice as an anesthesiologist assistant


 3  under part 170 are as follows:




      (a) Application processing fee...................  $ 20.00


      (b) License fee, per year........................    50.00


      (c) Educational limited license..................    25.00

 1        Sec. 17001. (1) As used in this part:


 2        (a) "Academic institution" means either of the following:


 3        (i) A medical school approved by the board.


 4        (ii) A hospital licensed under article 17 that meets all both


 5  of the following requirements:


 6        (A) Was the sole sponsor or a co-sponsor, if each other co-


 7  sponsor is either a medical school approved by the board or a


 8  hospital owned by the federal government and directly operated by


 9  the United States department Department of veterans' affairs,


10  Veterans Affairs, of not less than 4 postgraduate education


11  residency programs approved by the board under section 17031(1) for


12  not less than the 3 years immediately preceding the date of an


13  application for a limited license under section 16182(2)(c) or an


14  application for a full license under section 17031(2), provided


15  that if at least 1 of the residency programs is in the specialty


16  area of medical practice, or in a specialty area that includes the


17  subspecialty of medical practice, in which the applicant for a


18  limited license proposes to practice or in which the applicant for


19  a full license has practiced for the hospital.


20        (B) Has spent not less than $2,000,000.00 for medical


21  education during each of the 3 years immediately preceding the date


22  of an application for a limited license under section 16182(2)(c)


23  or an application for a full license under section 17031(2). As


24  used in this subparagraph, sub-subparagraph, "medical education"


25  means the education of physicians and candidates for degrees or


26  licenses to become physicians, including, but not limited to,


27  physician staff, residents, interns, and medical students.


 1        (b) "Anesthesiologist" means a physician who has been trained


 2  in the specialty of anesthesiology by completing a residency in


 3  anesthesiology approved by the American Board of Anesthesiology or


 4  the American Osteopathic Board of Anesthesiology or by completing


 5  another residency in anesthesiology or other training program,


 6  which residency or program is approved by the board.


 7        (c) "Anesthesiologist assistant" means an individual who is


 8  licensed under this part to engage in practice as an


 9  anesthesiologist assistant.


10        (d) (b) "Electrodiagnostic studies" means the testing of


11  neuromuscular functions utilizing nerve conduction tests and needle


12  electromyography. It does not include the use of surface


13  electromyography.


14        (e) "Immediately available", as it relates to engaging in


15  practice as an anesthesiologist assistant, means that a medically


16  directing anesthesiologist is in the physical proximity of an


17  anesthesiologist assistant that allows the anesthesiologist to


18  return and reestablish direct contact with the patient to meet the


19  patient's medical needs and address any of the patient's urgent or


20  emergent clinical problems.


21        (f) (c) "Medical care services" means those services within


22  the scope of practice of physicians licensed by the board, except


23  those services that the board determines shall not be delegated by


24  a physician without endangering because a delegation would endanger


25  the health and safety of patients, as provided for in section


26  17048(3).


27        (g) (d) "Physician" means an individual who is licensed under


 1  this article to engage in the practice of medicine.


 2        (h) (e) "Podiatrist" means an individual licensed under this


 3  article to engage in the practice of podiatric medicine and


 4  surgery.


 5        (i) "Practice of anesthesiology" means engaging in the


 6  practice of medicine as an anesthesiologist.


 7        (j) (f) "Practice of medicine" means the diagnosis, treatment,


 8  prevention, cure, or relieving of a human disease, ailment, defect,


 9  complaint, or other physical or mental condition, by attendance,


10  advice, device, diagnostic test, or other means, or offering,


11  undertaking, attempting to do, or holding oneself out as able to


12  do, any of these acts.


13        (k) "Practice as an anesthesiologist assistant" means the


14  practice of anesthesiology performed under the supervision of an


15  anesthesiologist.


16        (l) (g) "Practice as a physician's assistant" means the


17  practice of medicine, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or


18  podiatric medicine and surgery performed under the supervision of a


19  physician or podiatrist licensed under this article.


20        (m) (h) "Supervision" means that term as defined in section


21  16109, except that it also includes the existence of a


22  predetermined plan for emergency situations, including, but not


23  limited to, the designation of a physician to supervise a


24  physician's assistant in the absence of the primary supervising


25  physician or the designation of an anesthesiologist to supervise an


26  anesthesiologist assistant in the absence of the primary


27  supervising anesthesiologist.


 1        (n) (i) "Task force" means the joint task force created in


 2  section 17025.


 3        (2) In addition to the definitions in this part, article 1


 4  contains definitions and principles of construction applicable to


 5  all articles in this code and part 161 contains definitions


 6  applicable to this part.


 7        Sec. 17011. (1) An individual shall not engage in the practice


 8  of medicine or practice as a physician's assistant unless licensed


 9  or otherwise authorized by this article. An individual shall not


10  engage in teaching or research that requires the practice of


11  medicine unless the individual is licensed or otherwise authorized


12  by this article.


13        (2) Notwithstanding section 16145 or rules promulgated under


14  that section, the board may grant a license to an individual who


15  meets the requirements of section 16186 or 17031(2) after reviewing


16  the applicant's record of practice, experience, and credentials and


17  determining that the applicant is competent to practice medicine.


18        (3) For individuals applying for licensure under section


19  16186, the board shall not impose requirements on graduates of


20  medical schools located outside the United States or Canada that


21  exceed the requirements imposed on graduates of medical schools


22  located in the United States or Canada.


23        (4) Notwithstanding section 16145 or rules promulgated under


24  that section, the board may grant a license in accordance with


25  section 16186 after determining that each of the following


26  conditions is satisfied:


27        (a) The applicant has disclosed that a sanction is in force


 1  against him or her as described in section 16174(2)(b) and


 2  considering the reasons for the sanction and the applicant's record


 3  of practice, experience, credentials, and competence to engage in


 4  the practice of medicine, that sanction should not prevent the


 5  applicant from being granted a license in this state.


 6        (b) The sanction imposed by the other state is not permanent.


 7        (c) The sanction imposed by the other state was not the result


 8  of a patient safety violation.


 9        (d) If the applicant was required by the state that imposed


10  the sanction to participate in and complete a probationary period


11  or treatment plan as a condition of the continuation of his or her


12  licensure, the applicant did not complete the probationary period


13  or treatment plan because the applicant ceased engaging in the


14  practice of medicine in that state.


15        (e) As a condition of licensure under this subsection, the


16  applicant voluntarily agrees to complete a probationary period or


17  treatment plan, the terms of which are no less stringent than those


18  imposed by the state that imposed the sanction.


19        (5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the


20  following words, titles, or letters or a combination thereof, of


21  the words, titles, or letters, with or without qualifying words or


22  phrases, are restricted in use only to those individuals authorized


23  under this part to use the terms and in a way prescribed in this


24  part: "doctor of medicine", "m.d.", "physician's assistant", and


25  "p.a.", "anesthesiologist assistant", and "a.a.". Notwithstanding


26  section 16261, an individual who was specially trained at an


27  institution of higher education in this state to assist a physician


 1  in the field of orthopedics and, upon completion of training,


 2  received a 2-year associate of science degree as an orthopedic


 3  physician's assistant before January 1, 1977 may use the title


 4  "orthopedic physician's assistant" whether or not the individual is


 5  licensed under this part.


 6        Sec. 17079. (1) After the effective date of the rules


 7  promulgated by the board under section 17080, an individual shall


 8  not engage in practice as an anesthesiologist assistant unless he


 9  or she is licensed or otherwise authorized under this article as an


10  anesthesiologist assistant.


11        (2) The board may issue an educational limited license under


12  section 16182(2)(a) to an individual who provides satisfactory


13  evidence to the board that he or she meets all of the requirements


14  for licensure except the certifying examination. An educational


15  limited license issued under this section is valid until the


16  expiration of a period determined by the board that does not exceed


17  1 year or until the results of the required certifying examination


18  are made available, whichever is earlier.


19        Sec. 17080. (1) The board, in consultation with the


20  department, shall promulgate rules that specify the standards and


21  qualifications for licensure as an anesthesiologist assistant. The


22  board shall require at least all of the following in the rules for


23  licensure:


24        (a) Completion of a graduate level training program accredited


25  by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education


26  Programs or its successor agency and approved by the department.


27        (b) Successful completion of a certifying examination for


 1  anesthesiologist assistants administered by the National Commission


 2  for Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants or its successor


 3  agency and approved by the department.


 4        (c) Successful completion of a course in advanced cardiac


 5  life-support techniques offered or approved by the American Heart


 6  Association, the American Red Cross, or a similar organization and


 7  approved by the department.


 8        (2) In addition to the rules promulgated under subsection (1),


 9  the board, in consultation with the department, shall promulgate


10  rules to do all of the following:


11        (a) Establish and, where appropriate, limit the duties and


12  activities related to the practice of anesthesiology that may be


13  performed by anesthesiology assistants.


14        (b) Require immediate availability of the supervising


15  anesthesiologist at all times.


16        (c) Require the supervising anesthesiologist to ensure that


17  all activities, functions, services, and treatment measures


18  performed by an anesthesiologist assistant are properly documented


19  by the anesthesiologist assistant.


20        (d) Require the anesthesiologist assistant to inform the


21  supervising anesthesiologist of serious adverse events.


22        (e) Establish an appropriate ratio of supervising


23  anesthesiologists to anesthesiologist assistants, except in


24  emergency cases.


25        (3) Subject to section 16204, the board shall by rule


26  prescribe continuing education requirements as a condition for the


27  renewal of an anesthesiologist assistant license.


 1        Sec. 17081. (1) After issuing a license to an anesthesiologist


 2  assistant, the board shall register the anesthesiologist assistant


 3  on an anesthesiologist assistants' roster. The board shall include


 4  all of the following information on the roster:


 5        (a) The anesthesiologist assistant's name and address.


 6        (b) Other board-required information.


 7        (2) Every 2 years, each anesthesiologist assistant in this


 8  state shall submit to the board proof of completion of board-


 9  required continuing education.


10        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


11  after the date it is enacted into law.