November 10, 2011, Introduced by Senator JONES and referred to the Committee on Redistricting.




     A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled


"Revised judicature act of 1961,"


by amending sections 525, 549d, and 550a (MCL 600.525, 600.549d,


and 600.550a), section 550a as amended by 2002 PA 92.




     Sec. 525. The Except as otherwise provided in this section,


the twenty-fourth judicial circuit consists of the county of


Sanilac and has 1 judge. Beginning on the date on which a vacancy


occurs in the office of circuit judge of the fifty-second judicial


circuit or the beginning date of the term for which the incumbent


circuit judge of the fifty-second judicial circuit no longer seeks


election or reelection to that office, whichever is earlier, the


twenty-fourth judicial circuit consists of the counties of Huron


and Sanilac and has 1 judge.


     Sec. 549d. (1) The Except as provided in subsection (2), the


fifty-second judicial circuit consists of the county of Huron and


has 1 judge.


     (2) Effective the earlier of the following dates, the fifty-


second judicial circuit is abolished:


     (a) The date on which a vacancy occurs in the office of


circuit judge of the fifty-second judicial circuit.


     (b) The beginning date of the term for which the incumbent


circuit judge of the fifty-second judicial circuit no longer seeks


election or reelection to that office.


     Sec. 550a. (1) If a new judicial circuit is proposed by law,


that new circuit shall not be created and any circuit judgeship


proposed for the circuit shall not be authorized or filled by


election unless each county in the proposed circuit, by resolution


adopted by the county board of commissioners, approves the creation


of the new circuit and each judgeship proposed for the circuit and


unless the clerk of each county adopting that resolution files a


copy of the resolution with the state court administrator not later


than 4 p.m. of the sixteenth Tuesday preceding the August primary


immediately following the effective date of the amendatory act


permitting the creation of the new circuit. The state court


administrator shall immediately notify the elections division of


the department of state with respect to each new judicial circuit


and circuit judgeship authorized pursuant to under this subsection.


     (2) By proposing a new judicial circuit and 1 or more circuit


judgeships for the circuit, the legislature is not creating that


circuit or any judgeship in the circuit. If a county, acting


through its board of commissioners, approves the creation of a new


circuit and 1 or more circuit judgeships proposed by law for that


circuit, that approval constitutes an exercise of the county's


option to provide a new activity or service or to increase the


level of activity or service offered in the county beyond that


required by existing law, as the elements of that option are


defined by 1979 PA 101, MCL 21.231 to 21.244, and a voluntary


acceptance by the county of all expenses and capital improvements


which that may result from the creation of the new circuit and each


judgeship. However, the exercise of the option does not affect the


state's obligation to pay a portion of the circuit judge's or


judges' salary as provided by law, or to appropriate and disburse


funds to the county for the necessary costs of state requirements


established by a state law which becomes effective that takes


effect on or after December 23, 1978.


     (3) Each circuit judgeship created pursuant to under


subsection (1) shall be filled by election pursuant to under the


Michigan election law, 1954 PA 116, MCL 168.1 to 168.992. The first


term of each circuit judgeship shall be is 6 years, unless the law


permitting the creation of the new circuit and 1 or more judgeships


provides for a term of a different length.


     (4) The reformation of the eleventh, twenty-third, twenty-


sixth, thirty-fourth, fiftieth, and fifty-third judicial circuits


pursuant to the 2002 amendatory act that added this subsection


under 2002 PA 92 does not require the a resolution of approval of


by the county board of commissioners under this section or section




     (5) The division of a circuit or the consolidation of 2 or


more circuits that does not result in an increase in the total


number of judgeships does not require a resolution of approval by


the county board of commissioners under this section or section

