SB-0739, As Passed Senate, June 4, 2014




























     A bill to amend 1986 PA 281, entitled


"The local development financing act,"


by amending section 5 (MCL 125.2155), as amended by 2010 PA 276.




     Sec. 5. (1) The authority shall be under the supervision and


control of a board of 7 members appointed by the chief executive


officer of the city, village, or urban township creating the


authority subject to the approval of the governing body creating


the authority. The board shall include 1 member appointed by the


county board of commissioners of the county in which the authority


is located. The board shall include 1 member representing a


community or junior college in whose district the authority is


located appointed by the chief executive officer of that community


or junior college. The board shall also include 2 members appointed


by the chief executive officer of each local governmental unit,


other than the city, village, or urban township creating the


authority, which levied 20% or more of the ad valorem property


taxes levied against all property located in an authority district


in the year before the year in which the authority district is


established. However, those additional members shall only vote on


matters relating to authority districts located within their


respective local unit of government. Of the members first


appointed, an equal number, as near as possible, shall have terms


designated by the governing body creating the authority of 1 year,


2 years, 3 years, and 4 years. However, a member shall hold office


until the member's successor is appointed. After the first


appointment, each member shall serve for a term of 4 years. An


appointment to fill a vacancy shall be made in the same manner as


the original appointment. An appointment to fill an unexpired term


shall be for the unexpired portion of the term only. Members of the


board shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for


actual and necessary expenses.


     (2) The chairperson of the board shall be elected by the




     (3) Before assuming the duties of office, a member shall


qualify by taking and subscribing to the constitutional oath of




     (4) The board shall adopt rules governing its procedure and


the holding of regular meetings, subject to the approval of the


governing body. Special meetings may be held when called in the


manner provided in the rules of the board. Meetings of the board


shall be open to the public, in accordance with the open meetings


act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. The rules of procedure of


the authority may permit a person to be appointed to the board in


his or her capacity as a public official, whether appointed or


elected. The rules of procedure of the authority may also provide


that the member's term on the board shall expire upon expiration of


the member's service as a public official. The expiration of


service as a public official shall be defined to also include the


public official's resignation or removal from the position as a


public official.


     (5) Subject to notice and an opportunity to be heard, a member


of the board may be removed before the expiration of his or her


term for cause by the governing body. Removal of a member is


subject to review by the circuit court.


     (6) All expense items of the authority shall be publicized


annually and the financial records shall be open to the public


pursuant to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231


to 15.246.


     (7) The provisions of subsections (1) and (5) of this section


shall not apply to an authority exercising its powers under section

