SB-0659, As Passed House, May 12, 2016
























     A bill to amend 2008 PA 525, entitled


"Fostering futures scholarship trust fund act,"


by amending section 3 (MCL 722.1023), as amended by 2014 PA 530.




     Sec. 3. (1) The fostering futures scholarship trust fund is


created in the state treasury as a charitable and educational


endowment fund. Money in the trust fund shall be expended only as


provided in this section. The department shall be the administrator


of the trust fund for auditing purposes and all powers, purposes,


and duties of the trust fund shall be exercised by the department.


     (2) The state treasurer shall credit to the trust fund any


amounts received under section 9 and interest and earnings accrued


from the saving and investment of that money.


     (3) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the


trust fund. The state treasurer has the same authority to invest


the assets of the trust fund as is granted to an investment


fiduciary under the public employee retirement system investment


act, 1965 PA 314, MCL 38.1132 to 38.1141. The state treasurer shall


comply with the divestment from terror act, 2008 PA 234, MCL


129.291 to 129.301, in making investments under this act.


     (4) Except as provided in subsections (6) and (7), all money


contributed to the fund annually, plus 5% of the 12-quarter rolling


average of the fund, including unrealized gains and losses, shall


be available for disbursement upon the authorization of the


department as provided in section 10.


     (5) Money in the trust fund shall be available for


disbursement upon appropriation.


     (6) No money shall be expended from the trust fund until the


date that the deposits credited into the trust fund from all


sources as provided under this section equal or exceed $500,000.00.


No money shall be expended from the trust fund if the amount in the


trust fund is less than $500,000.00 or if the expenditure will


cause the amount remaining in the trust fund to be less than




     (7) No appropriations shall be made from the trust fund until


the date that the deposits credited into the trust fund from all


sources equal or exceed $500,000.00. No money shall be appropriated


from the trust fund if the amount in the trust fund is less than


$500,000.00 or if the appropriation will cause the amount remaining


in the trust fund to be less than $500,000.00.


     (8) All expenses authorized under this act or necessary to


implement this act shall only be funded by the trust fund created

in this section.


     (9) Money in the trust fund at the close of the year shall


remain in the trust fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.


     (10) The trust fund administrative costs shall not exceed 15%


of the amount in the trust fund over $500,000.00.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.