June 23, 2009, Introduced by Senators VAN WOERKOM, JELINEK, CROPSEY, SANBORN, HARDIMAN, BIRKHOLZ, GILBERT, STAMAS, OLSHOVE, BARCIA and GLEASON and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Bioeconomy.




     A bill to amend 1988 PA 466, entitled


"Animal industry act,"


by amending section 3 (MCL 287.703), as amended by 2002 PA 458, and


by adding section 7a.




     Sec. 3. (1) "Accredited veterinarian" means a veterinarian


approved by the administrator of the United States department of


agriculture, animal and plant health inspection service in


accordance with provisions of 9 C.F.R. CFR part 161, and considered


preapproved to perform certain functions of federal and cooperative


state/federal programs.


     (2) "Animal" means mollusks, crustaceans, and vertebrates


other than human beings, including, but not limited to, livestock,


exotic animals, aquaculture, and domestic animals.


     (3) "Animal movement certificate" means animal movement


authorization established in a manner approved and issued by the


director that contains, at a minimum, the following information


regarding animals or an animal:


     (a) The point of origin and point of destination.


     (b) Official identification.


     (c) Anticipated movement date.


     (d) Any required official test results for bovine




     (4) "Aquaculture" means the commercial husbandry of


aquaculture species on the approved list of aquaculture species


under the Michigan aquaculture development act, 1996 PA 199, MCL


286.871 to 286.884, including, but not limited to, the culturing,


producing, growing, using, propagating, harvesting, transporting,


importing, exporting, or marketing of any products, coproducts, or


by-products of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, reptiles, and


amphibians, reared or cultured under controlled conditions in an


aquaculture facility.


     (5) "Aquaculture facility" means that term as defined under


the Michigan aquaculture development act, 1996 PA 199, MCL 286.871


to 286.884.


     (6) "Approved vaccine" means a veterinary biological


administered to livestock or other animals to induce immunity in


the recipient and approved by the state veterinarian.


     (7) "Carcasses" means the dead bodies of animals, poultry, or


aquaculture. Carcasses do not include rendered products.


     (8) "Cattle" means all bovine (genus bos) animals, bovinelike


animals (genus bison), also commonly referred to as American


buffalo or bison, and any cross of these species unless otherwise


specifically provided.


     (9) "Cattle importation lot" means a premises registered with


the department and used only to feed cattle in preparation for




     (10) "Commingling" means concurrently or subsequently sharing


or subsequent use by livestock or other domestic animals of the


same pen or same section in a facility or same section in a


transportation unit where there is physical contact or contact with


bodily excrements, aerosols, or fluids from other livestock or


domestic animals.


     (11) "Consignee" means the person receiving the animals at the


point of destination named on the official interstate or intrastate


health certificate, official interstate certificate of veterinary


inspection or animal movement certificate, entry authorization


form, fish disease inspection report, owner-shipper statement, or


sales invoice.


     (12) "Contagious disease" means an illness due to a specific


infectious agent or suspected infectious agent or its toxic


products which arises through transmission of that agent or its


products from an infected animal, or inanimate reservoir to a


susceptible host, either directly or indirectly through an


intermediate plant or animal host, vector, or the inanimate


environment, or via an airborne mechanism.


     (13) "Council" means the animal care advisory council created


in section 7a.


     (14) (13) "Dealer" means any person required to be licensed


under 1937 PA 284, MCL 287.121 to 287.131, and engaged in the


business of buying, receiving, selling, exchanging, transporting,


negotiating, or soliciting the sale, resale, exchange,


transportation, or transfer of livestock.


     (15) (14) "Department" means the Michigan department of




     (16) (15) "Direct movement" means transfer of animals to a


destination without unloading the animals en route and without


exposure to any other animals or bodily excrements, aerosols, or


fluids from other animals.


     (17) (16) "Director" means the director of the Michigan


department of agriculture or his or her authorized representative.


     (18) (17) "Disease" means any animal health condition with


potential for economic impact, public or animal health concerns, or


food safety concerns.


     (19) (18) "Distribute" means to deliver other than by


administering or dispensing a veterinary biological.


     (20) (19) "Domestic animal" means those species of animals


that live under the husbandry of humans.


     (21) (20) "Emergency fish diseases" means certain infectious


diseases of fish that are transmissible directly or indirectly from


1 fish to another and are not known to exist within the waters of


the state. Emergency fish diseases include, but are not limited to,


viral hemorrhagic septicemia, infectious hematopoietic necrosis,


ceratomyxosis, and proliferative kidney disease.


     (22) (21) "Equine" means all animals of the equine family,


which includes horses, asses, jacks, jennies, hinnies, mules,


donkeys, burros, ponies, and zebras.


     (23) (22) "Exhibition or exposition" means a congregation,


gathering, or collection of livestock that are presented or exposed


to public view for show, display, swap, exchange, entertainment,


educational event, instruction, advertising, or competition.


Exhibition or exposition does not include livestock for sale at


public stockyards, auctions, saleyards, and livestock yards


licensed under the provisions of 1937 PA 284, MCL 287.121 to




     (24) (23) "Exhibition facility" means any facility used or


intended to be used for public view, show, display, swap, exchange,


entertainment, advertisement, educational event, or competition


involving livestock. Exhibition facility does not include a public


stockyard, an auction saleyard, and a livestock yard where


livestock are accepted on consignment and the auction method is


used in the marketing of the livestock.


     (25) (24) "Exhibitor" means any person who presents livestock


for public display, exhibition, or competition or enters livestock


in a fair, show, exhibition, or exposition.


     (26) (25) "Exotic animal" means those animals that are not


native to North America.


     (27) (26) "Fair" means a competition and educational


exhibition of agricultural commodities and manufactured products


for which premiums may be paid and which is conducted by an


association or governmental entity.


     (28) "Farm" means that term as defined in section 2 of the


Michigan right to farm act, 1981 PA 93, MCL 286.472.


     (29) (27) "Feral swine" means swine which have lived their


life lives or any part of their life lives as free roaming or not


under the husbandry of humans.


     Sec. 7a. (1) There is created an animal care advisory council


within the department.


     (2) The director, or his or her designee, is considered a


nonvoting ex officio member of the council. The council members


shall include representation from the following:


     (a) Two veterinarians specializing in food animal and


livestock health issues appointed from a list of candidates


provided by the Michigan veterinary medical association.


     (b) Two individuals directly involved in agriculture


production appointed from a list of candidates provided by the


producers of the agricultural commodities for which this act


established animal care guidelines.


     (c) One individual specializing in animal welfare research and


husbandry practices with internationally recognized peer-reviewed


published research appointed from a list of candidates provided by


the dean of the college of agriculture and natural resources at


Michigan state university.


     (d) One individual representing an animal welfare agency


appointed from a list of candidates provided by the Michigan humane




     (e) One individual representing the food processing industry


in the state appointed from a list of candidates provided by the


Michigan food processors association.


     (f) One individual representing the retail food industry in


the state appointed from a list of candidates provided by the


Michigan grocer's association.


     (g) One individual representing restaurants appointed from a


list of candidates provided by the Michigan restaurant association.


     (3) The members of the council shall be appointed by the


director with the advice and consent of the commission of


agriculture. Individuals shall serve a term of 4 years, except that


the first term for 1 veterinarian, 1 agricultural producer, the


animal welfare and husbandry researcher, the welfare agency


representative, and the food processing representative shall be for


6 years.


     (4) The council shall elect a chair and vice-chair to serve a


term of 2 years initially, and thereafter a term of 1 year. Members


may be reelected to serve consecutive terms as chair and vice-


chair. The director shall serve as the secretary of the council.


     (5) The council is an advisory entity and shall provide


recommendations to the director and the commission of agriculture


and shall do all of the following:


     (a) Not later than 18 months after the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this section, review the on-farm


certification program for animal care standards based upon sound


scientific principles. The recommendations described in this


subdivision may be made through subcommittees appointed by the


council that include noncouncil members who specialize in science-


based species-specific issues.


     (b) Not less than every 5 years, consider and change species-


specific science-based animal care standards and implementation


guidelines that consider changes or developments in the existing


national standards.


     (c) Develop a process for the certification of third-party


auditors by the department and impose an appropriate fee to be paid


by the third-party auditor to the department for certification.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 655                                    


          of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.