SB-0553, As Passed House, November 1, 2017

SB-0553, As Passed Senate, October 5, 2017


















September 13, 2017, Introduced by Senator HANSEN and referred to the Committee on Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.




     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 24 (MCL 211.24), as amended by 2016 PA 25.




     Sec. 24. (1) On or before the first Monday in March in each


year, the assessor shall make and complete an assessment roll, upon


which he or she shall set down all of the following:


     (a) The name and address of every person liable to be taxed in


the local tax collecting unit with a full description of all the


real property liable to be taxed. If the name of the owner or


occupant of any tract or parcel of real property is known, the


assessor shall enter the name and address of the owner or occupant


opposite to the description of the property. If unknown, the real


property described upon the roll shall be assessed as "owner


unknown". All contiguous subdivisions of any section that are owned


by 1 person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity and all


unimproved lots in any block that are contiguous and owned by 1


person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity shall be assessed


as 1 parcel, unless demand in writing is made by the owner or


occupant to have each subdivision of the section or each lot


assessed separately. However, failure to assess contiguous parcels


as entireties does not invalidate the assessment as made. Each


description shall show as near as possible the number of acres


contained in it, as determined by the assessor. It is not necessary


for the assessment roll to specify the quantity of land comprised


in any town, city, or village lot.


     (b) The assessor shall estimate, according to his or her best


information and judgment, the true cash value and assessed value of


every parcel of real property and set the assessed value down


opposite the parcel.


     (c) The assessor shall calculate the tentative taxable value


of every parcel of real property and set that value down opposite


the parcel.


     (d) The assessor shall determine the percentage of value of


every parcel of real property that is exempt from the tax levied by


a local school district for school operating purposes to the extent


provided under section 1211 of the revised school code, 1976 PA


451, MCL 380.1211, and set that percentage of value down opposite


the parcel.


     (e) The assessor shall determine the date of the last transfer

of ownership of every parcel of real property occurring after


December 31, 1994 and set that date down opposite the parcel.


     (f) The assessor shall estimate the true cash value of all the


personal property of each person, and set the assessed value and


tentative taxable value down opposite the name of the person. In


determining the property to be assessed and in estimating the value


of that property, the assessor is not bound to follow the


statements of any person, but shall exercise his or her best


judgment. For taxes levied after December 31, 2003, the assessor


shall separately state the assessed value and tentative taxable


value of any leasehold improvements.


     (g) Property assessed to a person other than the owner shall


be assessed separately from the owner's property and shall show in


what capacity it is assessed to that person, whether as agent,


guardian, or otherwise. Two or more persons not being copartners,


owning personal property in common, may each be assessed severally


for each person's portion. Undivided interests in lands owned by


tenants in common, or joint tenants not being copartners, may be


assessed to the owners.


     (2) Subject to this section, a local tax collecting unit may


use a computerized database system as the assessment roll described


in subsection (1) if the local tax collecting unit and the assessor


certify in a form and manner prescribed by the state tax commission


that the proposed system has the capacity to enable a local tax


collecting unit to comply and the local tax collecting unit


complies with all of the following requirements:


     (a) The assessor shall certify the assessment roll and

maintain a computer printed format or a disk, external drive, or


other electronic data processing format compatible with the


computer system used by the local tax collecting unit. The


affidavit attached to or included with the assessment roll shall


include documentation that the assessment roll has been backed up


through a computer backup system and a sworn statement by the


assessor that the backup system contains a true and complete record


of the assessment roll. The affidavit attached to or included with


the assessment roll shall include documentation that authorizes and


reports all changes in the assessment roll as certified by the




     (b) The local tax collecting unit shall certify and maintain a


retention policy that complies with the requirements of section 5


of 1913 PA 271, MCL 399.5, section 11 of the Michigan history


center act, 2016 PA 470, MCL 399.11, and section 491 of the


Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.491.


     (c) The local tax collecting unit shall certify that the


computerized database system has internal and external security


procedures sufficient to assure the integrity of the system.


     (d) Not later than May 1 of the third year following the year


in which a local tax collecting unit begins using a computerized


database system as the assessment roll in accordance with this


subsection and every 3 years thereafter, the local tax collecting


unit shall certify to the state tax commission that the


requirements of this subsection are being met.


     (e) An assessor or local tax collecting unit that provides a


computer terminal for public viewing of the assessment roll is

considered as having the assessment roll available for public




     (f) If at any time the state tax commission believes that a


local tax collecting unit is no longer in compliance with this


subsection, the state tax commission shall provide written notice


to the local tax collecting unit. The notice shall specify the


reasons that use of the computerized database system as the


original assessment roll is no longer in compliance with this


subsection. The local tax collecting unit has 60 days to provide


evidence that the local tax collecting unit is in compliance with


this subsection or that action to correct noncompliance has been


implemented. If, after the expiration of 60 days, the state tax


commission believes that the local tax collecting unit is not


taking satisfactory steps to correct a condition of noncompliance,


the state tax commission upon its own motion may withdraw approval


of the use of the computerized database system as the original


assessment roll. Proceedings of the state tax commission under this


subsection shall be in accordance with rules for other proceedings


for the commission promulgated under the administrative procedures


act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, and shall not be


considered a contested case.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 564                                    


          of the 99th Legislature is enacted into law.