SB-0404, As Passed Senate, September 6, 2017

















May 24, 2017, Introduced by Senators O'BRIEN and KNEZEK and referred to the Committee on Veterans, Military Affairs and Homeland Security.



     A bill to amend 1972 PA 222, entitled


"An act to provide for an official personal identification card; to

provide for its form, issuance and use; to regulate the use and

disclosure of information obtained from the card; to prescribe the

powers and duties of the secretary of state; to prescribe fees; to

prescribe certain penalties for violations; and to provide an

appropriation for certain purposes,"


by amending section 2 (MCL 28.292), as amended by 2017 PA 31.




     Sec. 2. (1) An official state personal identification card


must contain the following:


     (a) An identification number permanently assigned to the


individual to whom the card is issued.


     (b) The full legal name, date of birth, sex, residence


address, height, weight, eye color, digital photographic image,


signature of or verification and certification by the applicant, as


determined by the secretary of state, and expiration date of the


official state personal identification card.


     (c) An indication that the identification card contains 1 or


more of the following:


     (i) The blood type of the individual.


     (ii) Immunization data of the individual.


     (iii) Medication data of the individual.


     (iv) A statement that the individual is deaf.


     (d) In the case of a holder of an official state personal


identification card who has indicated his or her wish to


participate in the anatomical gift donor registry under part 101 of


the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10123, a


heart insignia on the front of the official state personal


identification card.


     (e) If requested by an individual who is a veteran as that


term is defined in section 1 of 1965 PA 190, MCL 35.61, a


designation that the individual is a veteran. The designation shall


be in a style and format considered appropriate by the secretary of


state. The secretary of state shall require proof of discharge or


separation of service from the armed forces of this state, another


state, or the United States, and the nature of that discharge, for


the purposes of verifying an individual's status as a veteran under


this subdivision. The secretary of state shall consult with the


department of military and veterans affairs in determining the


proof that shall be required to identify an individual's status as


a veteran for the purposes of this subsection. The secretary of


state may provide the department of military and veterans affairs


and agencies of the counties of this state that provide veteran

services with information provided by an applicant under this


subsection for the purpose of veterans' benefits eligibility




     (f) Physical security features designed to prevent tampering,


counterfeiting, or duplication of the official state personal


identification card for fraudulent purposes.


     (2) In conjunction with the application for an official state


personal identification card, the secretary of state shall do all


of the following:


     (a) Provide the applicant with all of the following:


     (i) Information explaining the applicant's right to make an


anatomical gift in the event of death under part 101 of the public


health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10123, and in


accordance with this section.


     (ii) Information describing the donor registry program


maintained by Michigan's federally designated organ procurement


organization or its successor organization under section 10120 of


the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10120. The information


required under this subparagraph includes the address and telephone


number of Michigan's federally designated organ procurement


organization or its successor organization as described in section


10120 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10120.


     (iii) Information giving the applicant the opportunity to have


his or her name placed on the registry described in subparagraph




     (b) Provide the applicant with the opportunity to specify on


his or her official state personal identification card that he or

she is willing to make an anatomical gift in the event of death


under part 101 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL


333.10101 to 333.10123, and in accordance with this section.


     (c) Inform the applicant that, if he or she indicates to the


secretary of state under this section a willingness to have his or


her name placed on the donor registry described in subdivision


(a)(ii), the secretary of state will mark the applicant's record


for the donor registry.


     (3) The secretary of state may fulfill the requirements of


subsection (2) by 1 or more of the following methods:


     (a) Providing printed material enclosed with a mailed notice


for the issuance or renewal of an official state personal


identification card.


     (b) Providing printed material to an applicant who personally


appears at a secretary of state branch office.


     (c) Through electronic information transmittals for


applications processed by electronic means.


     (4) The secretary of state shall prescribe the form of the


official state personal identification card. The secretary of state


shall designate a space on the official state personal


identification card where the applicant may place a sticker or


decal of a uniform size as the secretary may specify to indicate


that the cardholder carries a separate emergency medical


information card. The sticker or decal may be provided by any


person, hospital, school, medical group, or association interested


in assisting in implementing the emergency medical information


card, but must meet the specifications of the secretary of state.

The sticker or decal also may be used to indicate that the


cardholder has designated 1 or more patient advocates in accordance


with section 5506 of the estates and protected individuals code,


1998 PA 386, MCL 700.5506. The emergency medical information card,


carried separately by the cardholder, may contain the information


described in subsection (2)(c), information concerning the


cardholder's patient advocate designation, other emergency medical


information, or an indication as to where the cardholder has stored


or registered emergency medical information. An original official


state personal identification card or the renewal of an existing


official state personal identification card issued to an individual


less than 21 years of age must be portrait or vertical in form, and


an official state personal identification card issued to an


individual 21 years of age or over must be landscape or horizontal


in form. Except as otherwise required in this act, other


information required on the official state personal identification


card under this act may appear on the official state personal


identification card in a form prescribed by the secretary of state.


     (5) The official state personal identification card must not


contain a fingerprint or finger image of the applicant.


     (6) Except as provided in this subsection, the secretary of


state shall retain and use an individual's digital photographic


image and signature described in subsection (1)(b) only for


programs administered by the secretary of state as specifically


authorized by law. An individual's digital photographic image or


signature must only be used as follows:


     (a) By a federal, state, or local governmental agency for a

law enforcement purpose authorized by law.


     (b) By the secretary of state for a use specifically


authorized by law.


     (c) For the secretary of state to forward to the department of


state police the images of individuals required to be registered


under the sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295, MCL 28.721


to 28.736, upon the department of state police providing the


secretary of state an updated list of those individuals.


     (d) For the secretary of state to forward to the department of


state police a digitized photograph taken of the applicant for an


official state personal identification card for use as provided in


section 5c of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.425c.


     (e) As necessary to comply with a law of this state or the


United States.


     (7) If an individual presents evidence of statutory blindness


as provided in 1978 PA 260, MCL 393.351 to 393.368, and is issued


or is the holder of an official state personal identification card,


the secretary of state shall mark the individual's official state


personal identification card in a manner that clearly indicates


that the cardholder is legally blind.


     (8) The secretary of state shall maintain a record of an


individual who indicates a willingness to have his or her name


placed on the donor registry described in subsection (2)(a)(ii).


Information about an individual's indication of a willingness to


have his or her name placed on the donor registry that is obtained


by the secretary of state and forwarded under this section is


exempt from disclosure under section 13(1)(d) of the freedom of

information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.243. As required in section


10120 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10120, the


secretary of state shall establish and maintain the donor registry


in a manner that complies with that section and that provides


electronic access, including, but not limited to, the transfer of


data to this state's federally designated organ procurement


organization or its successor organization, tissue banks, and eye




     (9) An official state personal identification card may contain


an identifier for voter registration purposes.


     (10) An official state personal identification card must


contain information appearing in electronic or machine readable


codes needed to conduct a transaction with the secretary of state.


The information must be limited to the information described in


subsection (1)(a) and (b) except for the person's digital


photographic image and signature or verification and certification,


state of issuance, and other information necessary for use with


electronic devices, machine readers, or automatic teller machines


and must not contain the individual's driving record or other


personal identifier. The official state personal identification


card must identify the encoded information.


     (11) An official state personal identification card must be


issued only upon authorization of the secretary of state, and must


be manufactured in a manner to prohibit as nearly as possible the


ability to reproduce, alter, counterfeit, forge, or duplicate the


official state personal identification card without ready



     (12) Except as otherwise provided in this act, an applicant


shall pay a fee of $10.00 to the secretary of state for each


original or renewal official state personal identification card


issued. The department of treasury shall deposit the fees received


and collected under this section in the state treasury to the


credit of the general fund. The legislature shall appropriate the


fees credited to the general fund under this act to the secretary


of state for the administration of this act. Appropriations from


the Michigan transportation fund created under section 10 of 1951


PA 51, MCL 247.660, must not be used to compensate the secretary of


state for costs incurred and services performed under this section.


     (13) An original or renewal official state personal


identification card expires on the birthday of the individual to


whom it is issued in the fourth year following the date of issuance


or on the date the individual is no longer considered to be legally


present in the United States under section 1, whichever is earlier.


The secretary of state shall not issue an official state personal


identification card under this act for a period greater than 4


years. Except as provided in this subsection, the secretary of


state may issue a renewal official state personal identification


card for 1 additional 4-year period by mail or by other methods


prescribed by the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall


require renewal in person by an individual required under section


5a of the sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295, MCL 28.725a,


to maintain a valid operator's or chauffeur's license or official


state personal identification card.


     (14) The secretary of state shall waive the fee under this

section if the applicant is any of the following:


     (a) An individual 65 years of age or older.


     (b) An individual who has had his or her operator's or


chauffeur's license suspended, revoked, or denied under the


Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, because


of a mental or physical infirmity or disability.


     (c) An individual who presents evidence of statutory blindness


as provided in 1978 PA 260, MCL 393.351 to 393.368.


     (d) An individual who presents other good cause for a fee




     (e) An individual who decides to add or remove a heart


insignia described in subsection (1)(d).


     (f) An individual who is a veteran as that term is defined in


section 1 of 1965 PA 190, MCL 35.61. The secretary of state shall


require an individual who seeks a waiver of the fee under this


subdivision to provide the secretary of state the same


documentation required for a veteran designation under subsection


(1)(e) before granting the fee waiver.


     (15) An individual who has been issued an official state


personal identification card shall apply for a renewal official


state personal identification card if the individual changes his or


her name.


     (16) An individual who has been issued an official state


personal identification card shall apply for a corrected


identification card if he or she changes his or her residence


address. The secretary of state may correct the address on an


official state personal identification card by a method prescribed

by the secretary of state. A fee must not be charged for a change


of residence address.


     (17) An individual who has been issued an official state


personal identification card may apply for a renewal official state


personal identification card for 1 or more of the following




     (a) The individual wants to change any information on the


official state personal identification card.


     (b) An official state personal identification card issued


under this act is lost, destroyed, or mutilated, or becomes




     (18) An individual may indicate on an official state personal


identification card in a place designated by the secretary of state


his or her blood type, emergency contact information, immunization


data, medication data, or a statement that the individual is deaf.


     (19) No later than January 1, 2017, the secretary of state


shall develop and shall, in conjunction with the department of


state police, implement a process using the L.E.I.N. or any other


appropriate system that limits access to law enforcement that


allows law enforcement agencies of this state to access emergency


contact information that the holder of an official state personal


identification card has voluntarily provided to the secretary of


state. As used in this subsection, "emergency contact information"


means the name, telephone number, or address of an individual that


is used for the sole purpose of contacting that individual when the


holder of an official state personal identification card has been


involved in an emergency.

     (20) If an applicant provides proof to the secretary of state


that he or she is a minor who has been emancipated under 1968 PA


293, MCL 722.1 to 722.6, the official state personal identification


card must bear the designation of the individual's emancipated


status in a manner prescribed by the secretary of state.


     (21) The secretary of state shall inquire of each individual


who applies for or who holds an official state personal


identification card, in person or by mail, whether he or she agrees


to participate in the anatomical gift donor registry under part 101


of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10123.


An individual who has agreed to participate in the donor registry


is not considered to have revoked that agreement solely because the


individual's official state personal identification card has


expired. Enrollment in the donor registry is a legal agreement that


remains binding and in effect after the donor's death regardless of


the expressed desires of the deceased donor's next of kin who may


oppose the donor's anatomical gift.


     (22) A valid official state personal identification card


presented by the individual to whom the card is issued is


considered the same as a valid state of Michigan driver license


when identification is requested except as otherwise specifically


provided by law.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.