March 5, 2009, Introduced by Senators HUNTER and THOMAS and referred to the Committee on Finance.




     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending sections 7u and 28 (MCL 211.7u and 211.28), section 7u


as amended by 2003 PA 140 and section 28 as amended by 2006 PA 143.




     Sec. 7u. (1) The principal residence of persons a person who,


in the judgment of the supervisor and board of review, by reason of


poverty, are is unable to contribute toward the public charges is


eligible for exemption in whole or in part from taxation the


collection of taxes under this act. This section does not apply to


the property of a corporation.


     (2) To be eligible for exemption under this section, a person


shall do all of the following on an annual basis:


     (a) Be an owner of Own and occupy as a principal residence the


property for which an exemption is requested. An exemption under


this section is not available for a principal residence with a


taxable value greater than $200,000.00. A person is not eligible


for an exemption under this section if that person has an ownership


interest in any property other than the principal residence for


which an exemption is requested.


     (b) File a claim with the supervisor or board of review on a


form provided by the local assessing tax collecting unit,


accompanied by federal and state income tax returns for all persons


residing in the principal residence, including any property tax


credit returns, filed in the immediately preceding year or in the


current year. The filing of a claim under this subsection


constitutes an appearance before the board of review for the


purpose of preserving the claimant's right to appeal the decision


of the board of review regarding the claim.


     (c) Produce a valid driver's license or other form of


identification if requested by the supervisor or board of review.


     (d) Produce a deed, land contract, or other evidence of


ownership of the property for which an exemption is requested if


required by the supervisor or board of review.


     (e) Meet the federal poverty guidelines updated published


annually in the federal register by the United States department of


health and human services under its authority of section 673 of


subtitle B of title VI of the omnibus budget reconciliation act of


1981, Public Law 97-35, 42 U.S.C. to revise the poverty line under


42 USC 9902, or alternative guidelines adopted by the governing


body of the local assessing tax collecting unit provided the


alternative guidelines do not provide income eligibility


requirements less than the federal guidelines.


     (3) The application for an exemption under this section shall


be filed after January 1 but before the day prior to the last day


of the board of review.


     (4) The governing body of the local assessing tax collecting


unit shall determine and make available to the public the policy


and guidelines the local assessing unit uses for the granting of


exemptions under this section. The guidelines shall include but are


not be limited to the specific income and asset levels of the


claimant and total household income and assets.


     (5) The board of review shall follow the policy and guidelines


of the local assessing tax collecting unit in granting or denying


an exemption under this section unless the board of review


determines there are substantial and compelling reasons why there


should be a deviation from the policy and guidelines and the


substantial and compelling reasons are communicated in writing to


the claimant.


     (6) A person who files a claim under this section is not


prohibited from also appealing the assessment on the property for


which that claim is made before the board of review in the same




     (7) A person who files a fraudulent claim for exemption under


this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not


more than $5,000.00 or imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or




     (8) The local tax collecting unit may review exemptions


granted under this section for the 5 immediately preceding years.


If the local tax collecting unit determines that an exemption under


this section was erroneously granted, the assessor shall remove the


exemption of the property and, if the tax roll is in the local tax


collecting unit's possession, amend the tax roll to reflect the


denial and the local treasurer shall within 30 days of the date of


the denial issue a corrected tax bill for any additional taxes with


interest at the rate of 1.25% per month or fraction of a month and


penalties computed from the date the taxes were last payable


without interest or penalty. If the tax roll is in the county


treasurer's possession, the tax roll shall be amended to reflect


the denial and the county treasurer shall within 30 days of the


date of the denial prepare and submit a supplemental tax bill for


any additional taxes, together with interest at the rate of 1.25%


per month or fraction of a month and penalties computed from the


date the taxes were last payable without interest or penalty.


Interest on any tax set forth in a corrected or supplemental tax


bill shall again begin to accrue 60 days after the date the


corrected or supplemental tax bill is issued at the rate of 1.25%


per month or fraction of a month. Taxes levied in a corrected or


supplemental tax bill shall be returned as delinquent on the March


1 in the year immediately succeeding the year in which the


corrected or supplemental tax bill is issued. However, if the


property has been transferred to a bona fide purchaser before


additional taxes were billed to the seller as a result of the


denial of a claim for exemption, the taxes, interest, and penalties


shall not be a lien on the property and shall not be billed to the


bona fide purchaser, and the local tax collecting unit if the local


tax collecting unit has possession of the tax roll or the county


treasurer if the county has possession of the tax roll shall notify


the department of treasury of the amount of tax due, interest, and


penalties through the date of that notification. The department of


treasury shall then assess the owner who claimed the exemption


under this section for the tax, interest, and penalties accruing as


a result of the denial of the claim for exemption, if any, as for


unpaid taxes provided under 1941 PA 122, MCL 205.1 to 205.31, and


shall deposit any tax, penalty, or interest collected into the


state school aid fund. The denial shall be made on a form


prescribed by the department of treasury.


     (9) (7) As used in this section, "principal residence" means


principal residence or qualified agricultural property as those


terms are defined in section 7dd.


     Sec. 28. (1) Those electors of the township appointed by the


township board shall constitute a board of review for the township.


At least 2/3 of the members shall be property taxpayers of the


township. Members appointed to the board of review shall serve for


terms of 2 years beginning at noon on January 1 of each odd-


numbered year. Each member of the board of review shall qualify by


taking the constitutional oath of office within 10 days after


appointment. The township board may fill any vacancy that occurs in


the membership of the board of review. A member of the township


board is not eligible to serve on the board or to fill any vacancy.


A spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, son, or daughter,


including an adopted child, of the assessor is not eligible to


serve on the board or to fill any vacancy. A majority of the board


of review constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, but


a lesser number may adjourn and a majority vote of those present


shall decide all questions. At least 2 members of a 3-member board


of review shall be present to conduct any business or hearings of


the board of review.


     (2) The township board may appoint 3, 6, or 9 electors of the


township, who shall constitute a board of review for the township.


If 6 or 9 members are appointed as provided in this subsection, the


membership of the board of review shall be divided into board of


review committees consisting of 3 members each for the purpose of


hearing and deciding issues protested pursuant to section 30. Two


of the 3 members of a board of review committee constitute a quorum


for the transaction of the business of the committee. All meetings


of the members of the board of review and committees shall be held


during the same hours of the same day and at the same location.


     (3) A township board may appoint not more than 2 alternate


members for the same term as regular members of the board of


review. Each alternate member shall be a property taxpayer of the


township. Alternate members shall qualify by taking the


constitutional oath of office within 10 days after appointment. The


township board may fill any vacancy that occurs in the alternate


membership of the board of review. A member of the township board


is not eligible to serve as an alternate member or to fill any


vacancy. A spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, son, or


daughter, including an adopted child, of the assessor is not


eligible to serve as an alternate member or to fill any vacancy. An


alternate member may be called to perform the duties of a regular


member of the board of review in the absence of a regular member.


An alternate member may also be called to perform the duties of a


regular member of the board of review for the purpose of reaching a


decision in issues protested in which a regular member has


abstained for reasons of conflict of interest.


     (4) The Subject to subsection (5), the size, composition, and


manner of appointment of the board of review of a city may be


prescribed by the charter of a city. In the absence of or in place


of a charter provision and subject to subsection (5), the governing


body of the city, by ordinance, may establish the city board of


review in the same manner and for the same purposes as provided by


this section for townships.


     (5) In addition to any other requirements prescribed by


charter or ordinance, a person shall meet all of the following


requirements in order to serve on the board of review for a city:


     (a) Satisfactorily complete a criminal background check


conducted by the police department of that city.


     (b) Have no outstanding liens for delinquent property taxes in


that city.


     (c) Is not related to any member of the city council.


     (6) A member of the board of review for a city shall not


participate in any decision regarding an exemption under section 7u


if that board of review member knows the person claiming the


exemption or knows any person related to or affiliated in any way


with the person claiming the exemption.


     (7) (5) A majority of the entire board of review membership


shall indorse the assessment roll as provided in section 30. The


duties and responsibilities of the board contained in section 29


shall be carried out by the entire membership of the board of


review and a majority of the membership constitutes a quorum for


those purposes.