April 23, 2013, Introduced by Senators SMITH and HUNE and referred to the Committee on Insurance.




     A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


by amending sections 102, 3101, 3104, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3135, 3301,


and 3310 (MCL 500.102, 500.3101, 500.3104, 500.3113, 500.3114,


500.3115, 500.3135, 500.3301, and 500.3310), section 102 as amended


by 2000 PA 252, section 3101 as amended by 2008 PA 241, section


3104 as amended by 2002 PA 662, section 3113 as amended by 1986 PA


93, section 3114 as amended by 2002 PA 38, section 3135 as amended


by 2012 PA 158, and section 3310 as amended by 2001 PA 228, and by


adding chapter 32A.




     Sec. 102. As used in this act:


     (a) (1) "Commissioner" as used in this act means the


commissioner of the office of financial and insurance




     (b) (2) "Department" as used in this act means the office


department of insurance and financial and insurance services.


     (c) "Director" means the director of the department.


     Sec. 3101. (1) The Subject to chapter 32A, the owner or


registrant of a motor vehicle required to be registered in this


state shall maintain security for payment of benefits under


personal protection insurance, property protection insurance, and


residual liability insurance. Security shall only be required by


this subsection is only required to be in effect during the period


the motor vehicle is driven or moved upon on a highway.


Notwithstanding any other provision in this act, an insurer that


has issued an automobile insurance policy on a motor vehicle that


is not driven or moved upon on a highway may allow the insured


owner or registrant of the motor vehicle to delete a portion of the


coverages under the policy and maintain the comprehensive coverage


portion of the policy in effect.


     (2) As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Automobile insurance" means that term as defined in


section 2102.


     (b) "Highway" means that term as defined in section 20 of the


Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.20.


     (c) "Motorcycle" means a vehicle having that has a saddle or


seat for the use of the rider, is designed to travel on not more


than 3 wheels in contact with the ground, which and is equipped


with a motor that exceeds 50 cubic centimeters piston displacement.


The For purposes of this subdivision, the wheels on any attachment


to the vehicle shall not be considered as are not wheels in contact


with the ground. Motorcycle does not include a moped, as defined in


section 32b of the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.32b.


Motorcycle does not include or an ORV.


     (d) "Motorcycle accident" means a loss involving that involves


the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motorcycle as a


motorcycle, but does not involving involve the ownership,


operation, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle as a motor




     (e) "Motor vehicle" means a vehicle, including a trailer, that


is operated or designed for operation upon on a public highway by


power other than muscular power which and that has more than 2


wheels. Motor vehicle does not include a any of the following:


     (i) A motorcycle. or a


     (ii) A moped, as defined in section 32b of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.32b. Motor vehicle does not include a


     (iii) A farm tractor or other implement of husbandry which that


is not subject to the registration requirements of the Michigan


vehicle code pursuant to under section 216 of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.216. Motor vehicle does not include an


     (iv) An ORV.


     (f) "Motor vehicle accident" means a loss involving that


involves the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a motor


vehicle as a motor vehicle, regardless of whether the accident also


involves the ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of a


motorcycle as a motorcycle.


     (g) "ORV" means a motor-driven recreation vehicle designed for


off-road use and capable of cross-country travel without benefit of


road or trail, on or immediately over land, snow, ice, marsh,


swampland, or other natural terrain. ORV includes, but is not


limited to, a multitrack or multiwheel drive vehicle, a motorcycle


or related 2-wheel, 3-wheel, or 4-wheel vehicle, an amphibious


machine, a ground effect air cushion vehicle, an ATV as defined in


section 81101 of the natural resources and environmental protection


act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.81101, or other means of transportation


deriving that derives motive power from a source other than muscle


or wind. ORV does not include a vehicle described in this


subdivision that is registered for use upon on a public highway and


has the security described in this section, 3101 or section 3103,


or chapter 32A in effect.


     (h) "Owner" means any of the following:


     (i) A person who is renting or has the use of a motor vehicle,


or having the use thereof, under a lease or otherwise, for a period


that is greater than 30 days.


     (ii) A person who holds the legal title to a vehicle, other


than a person engaged in the business of leasing motor vehicles who


is the lessor of a motor vehicle pursuant to under a lease


providing that provides for the use of the motor vehicle by the


lessee for a period that is greater than 30 days.


     (iii) A person who has the immediate right of possession of a


motor vehicle under an installment sale contract.


     (i) "Registrant" does not include a person engaged in the


business of leasing motor vehicles who is the lessor of a motor


vehicle pursuant to under a lease providing that provides for the


use of the motor vehicle by the lessee for a period that is greater


than 30 days.


     (3) Security required by subsection (1) may be provided under


a policy issued by an insurer duly authorized to transact business


in this state which that affords insurance for the payment of


benefits described in subsection (1). A policy of insurance


represented or sold as providing the security required by


subsection (1) is considered to provide insurance for the payment


of the benefits.


     (4) Security required by subsection (1) may be provided by any


other method approved by the secretary of state as affording


security equivalent to that afforded by a policy of insurance, if


proof of the security is filed and continuously maintained with the


secretary of state throughout the period the motor vehicle is


driven or moved upon on a highway. The person filing who files the


security has all the obligations and rights of an insurer under


this chapter. When If the context permits, "insurer", as used in


this chapter, includes any person filing who files the security as


provided in this section.subsection. This subsection does not apply


to a policy under chapter 32A.


     Sec. 3104. (1) An The catastrophic claims association is


created as an unincorporated, nonprofit association. to be known as


the catastrophic claims association, hereinafter referred to as the


association, is created. Each insurer engaged in writing insurance


coverages that provide the security required by section 3101(1)


within this state, as a condition of its authority to transact


insurance in this state, shall be a member of the association and


shall be is bound by the plan of operation of the association. Each


insurer engaged in writing insurance coverages that provide the


security required by section 3103(1) within this state, as a


condition of its authority to transact insurance in this state,


shall be considered a member of the association, but only for


purposes of premiums under subsection (7)(d). Except as expressly


provided in this section, the association is not subject to any


laws of this state with respect to insurers, but in all other


respects the association is subject to the laws of this state to


the extent that the association would be if it were an insurer


organized and subsisting under chapter 50.


     (2) The association shall provide and each member shall accept


indemnification for 100% of the amount of ultimate loss sustained


under personal protection insurance coverages under this chapter in


excess of the following amounts in each loss occurrence:


     (a) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


before July 1, 2002, $250,000.00.


     (b) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003, $300,000.00.


     (c) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004, $325,000.00.


     (d) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005, $350,000.00.


     (e) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006, $375,000.00.


     (f) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, $400,000.00.


     (g) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008, $420,000.00.


     (h) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, $440,000.00.


     (i) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, $460,000.00.


     (j) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, $480,000.00.


     (k) For a motor vehicle accident policy issued or renewed


during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013, $500,000.00.


Beginning July 1, 2013, this $500,000.00 amount shall be increased


biennially on July 1 of each odd-numbered year, for policies issued


or renewed before July 1 of the following odd-numbered year, by the


lesser of 6% or the consumer price index, and rounded to the


nearest $5,000.00. This biennial adjustment shall be calculated by


the association by January 1 of the year of its July 1 effective




     (3) An insurer may withdraw from the association only upon


ceasing to write insurance that provides the security required by


section 3101(1) in this state.


     (4) An insurer whose membership in the association has been


terminated by withdrawal shall continue to be bound by the plan of


operation, and upon withdrawal, all unpaid premiums that have been


charged to the withdrawing member are payable as of the effective


date of the withdrawal.


     (5) An unsatisfied net liability to the association of an


insolvent member shall be assumed by and apportioned among the


remaining members of the association as provided in the plan of


operation. The association has all rights allowed by law on behalf


of the remaining members against the estate or funds of the


insolvent member for sums money due the association.


     (6) If a member has been merged or consolidated into another


insurer or another insurer has reinsured a member's entire business


that provides the security required by section 3101(1) in this


state, the member and successors in interest of the member remain


liable for the member's obligations.


     (7) The association shall do all of the following on behalf of


the members of the association:


     (a) Assume 100% of all liability as provided in subsection




     (b) Establish procedures by which members shall promptly


report to the association each claim that, on the basis of the


injuries or damages sustained, may reasonably be anticipated to


involve the association if the member is ultimately held legally


liable for the injuries or damages. Solely for the purpose of


reporting claims, the member shall in all instances consider itself


legally liable for the injuries or damages. The member shall also


advise the association of subsequent developments likely to


materially affect the interest of the association in the claim.


     (c) Maintain relevant loss and expense data relative to all


liabilities of the association and require each member to furnish


statistics, in connection with liabilities of the association, at


the times and in the form and detail as may be required by the plan


of operation.


     (d) In a manner provided for in the plan of operation,


calculate and charge to members of the association a total premium


sufficient to cover the expected losses and expenses of the


association that the association will likely incur during the


period for which the premium is applicable. The premium shall


include an amount to cover incurred but not reported losses for the


period and may be adjusted for any excess or deficient premiums


from previous periods. Excesses or deficiencies from previous


periods may be fully adjusted in a single period or may be adjusted


over several periods in a manner provided for in the plan of


operation. Each member shall be charged an amount equal to that


member's total written car years of insurance providing the


security required by section 3101(1) or 3103(1), or both, written


in this state during the period to which the premium applies,


multiplied by the average premium per car. The average premium per


car shall be the total premium calculated divided by the total


written car years of insurance providing the security required by


section 3101(1) or 3103(1) written in this state of all members


during the period to which the premium applies. A member shall be


charged a premium for a historic vehicle that is insured with the


member of 20% of the premium charged for a car insured with the


member. A member shall not be charged a premium for a car insured


with the member under a policy issued under chapter 32A. As used in


this subdivision:


     (i) "Car" includes a motorcycle but does not include a historic




     (ii) "Historic vehicle" means a vehicle that is a registered


historic vehicle under section 803a or 803p of the Michigan vehicle


code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.803a and 257.803p.


     (e) Require and accept the payment of premiums from members of


the association as provided for in the plan of operation. The


association shall do either of the following:


     (i) Require payment of the premium in full within 45 days after


the premium charge.


     (ii) Require payment of the premiums to be made periodically to


cover the actual cash obligations of the association.


     (f) Receive and distribute all sums money required by the


operation of the association.


     (g) Establish procedures for reviewing claims procedures and


practices of members of the association. If the claims procedures


or practices of a member are considered inadequate to properly


service the liabilities of the association, the association may


undertake or may contract with another person, including another


member, to adjust or assist in the adjustment of claims for the


member on claims that create a potential liability to the


association and may charge the cost of the adjustment to the




     (8) In addition to other powers granted to it by this section,


the association may do all of the following:


     (a) Sue and be sued in the name of the association. A judgment


against the association shall not create any direct liability


against the individual members of the association. The association


may provide for the indemnification of its members, members of the


board of directors of the association, and officers, employees, and


other persons lawfully acting on behalf of the association.


     (b) Reinsure all or any portion of its potential liability


with reinsurers licensed to transact insurance in this state or


approved by the commissioner.director.


     (c) Provide for appropriate housing, equipment, and personnel


as may be necessary to assure the efficient operation of the




     (d) Pursuant to the plan of operation, adopt reasonable rules


for the administration of the association, enforce those rules, and


delegate authority, as the board considers necessary to assure the


proper administration and operation of the association consistent


with the plan of operation.


     (e) Contract for goods and services, including independent


claims management, actuarial, investment, and legal services, from


others within or without this state to assure the efficient


operation of the association.


     (f) Hear and determine complaints of a company or other


interested party concerning the operation of the association.


     (g) Perform other acts not specifically enumerated in this


section that are necessary or proper to accomplish the purposes of


the association and that are not inconsistent with this section or


the plan of operation.


     (9) A board of directors is created , hereinafter referred to


as the board, which shall be responsible for the operation of and


shall operate the association consistent with the plan of operation


and this section.


     (10) The plan of operation shall provide for all of the




     (a) The establishment of necessary facilities.


     (b) The management and operation of the association.


     (c) Procedures to be utilized in charging premiums, including


adjustments from excess or deficient premiums from prior periods.


     (d) Procedures governing the actual payment of premiums to the




     (e) Reimbursement of each member of the board by the


association for actual and necessary expenses incurred on


association business.


     (f) The investment policy of the association.


     (g) Any other matters required by or necessary to effectively


implement this section.


     (11) Each board shall include members that would contribute a


total of not less than 40% of the total premium calculated pursuant


to subsection (7)(d). Each director shall be entitled to 1 vote.


The initial term of office of a director shall be 2 years.


     (12) As part of the plan of operation, the board shall adopt


rules providing for the composition and term of successor boards to


the initial board, consistent with the membership composition


requirements in subsections (11) and (13). Terms of the directors


shall be staggered so that the terms of all the directors do not


expire at the same time and so that a director does not serve a


term of more than 4 years.


     (13) The board shall consist of 5 directors , and the


commissioner director, who shall be an ex officio member of the


board without vote.


     (14) Each director shall be appointed by the commissioner


director and shall serve until that member's successor is selected


and qualified. The chairperson of the board shall be elected by the


board. A vacancy on the board shall be filled by the commissioner


director consistent with the plan of operation.


     (15) After the board is appointed, the The board shall meet as


often as the chairperson, the commissioner, director, or the plan


of operation shall require, requires, or at the request of any 3


members of the board. The chairperson shall retain the right to may


vote on all issues. Four members of the board constitute a quorum.


     (16) An annual report of the operations of the association in


a form and detail as may be determined by the board shall be


furnished to each member.


     (17) Not more than 60 days after the initial organizational


meeting of the board, the board shall submit to the commissioner


for approval a proposed plan of operation consistent with the


objectives and provisions of this section, which shall provide for


the economical, fair, and nondiscriminatory administration of the


association and for the prompt and efficient provision of


indemnity. If a plan is not submitted within this 60-day period,


then the commissioner, after consultation with the board, shall


formulate and place into effect a plan consistent with this




     (18) The plan of operation, unless approved sooner in writing,


shall be considered to meet the requirements of this section if it


is not disapproved by written order of the commissioner within 30


days after the date of its submission. Before disapproval of all or


any part of the proposed plan of operation, the commissioner shall


notify the board in what respect the plan of operation fails to


meet the requirements and objectives of this section. If the board


fails to submit a revised plan of operation that meets the


requirements and objectives of this section within the 30-day


period, the commissioner shall enter an order accordingly and shall


immediately formulate and place into effect a plan consistent with


the requirements and objectives of this section.


     (17) (19) The proposed plan of operation or Any amendments to


the plan of operation of the association are subject to majority


approval by the board, ratified and ratification by a majority of


the membership having a vote, with voting rights being apportioned


according to the premiums charged in subsection (7)(d) and are


subject to approval by the commissioner.director.


     (18) (20) Upon approval by the commissioner and ratification


by the members of the plan submitted, or upon the promulgation of a


plan by the commissioner, each An insurer authorized to write


insurance providing the security required by section 3101(1) in


this state, as provided in this section, is bound by and shall


formally subscribe to and participate in the plan approved of


operation as a condition of maintaining its authority to transact


insurance in this state.


     (19) (21) The association is subject to all the reporting,


loss reserve, and investment requirements of the commissioner


director to the same extent as would a member are the members of


the association.


     (20) (22) Premiums charged members by the association shall be


recognized in the rate-making procedures for insurance rates in the


same manner that expenses and premium taxes are recognized.


     (21) (23) The commissioner director or an authorized


representative of the commissioner director may visit the


association at any time and examine any and all of the


association's affairs.


     (22) (24) The association does not have liability for losses


occurring before July 1, 1978.


     (23) (25) As used in this section:


     (a) "Association" means the catastrophic claims association


created in subsection (1).


     (b) "Board" means the board of directors of the association


created in subsection (9).


     (c) (a) "Consumer price index" means the percentage of change


in the consumer price index for all urban consumers in the United


States city average for all items for the 24 months prior to before


October 1 of the year prior to before the July 1 effective date of


the biennial adjustment under subsection (2)(k) as reported by the


United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics, and


as certified by the commissioner.director.


     (d) (b) "Motor vehicle accident policy" means a policy


providing the coverages required under section 3101(1).


     (e) (c) "Ultimate loss" means the actual loss amounts that a


member is obligated to pay and that are paid or payable by the


member, and do not include claim expenses. An ultimate loss is


incurred by the association on the date that the loss occurs.


     Sec. 3113. A person is not entitled to be paid personal


protection insurance benefits for accidental bodily injury if at


the time of the accident any of the following circumstances




     (a) The person was using a motor vehicle or motorcycle which


he or she had taken unlawfully, unless the person reasonably


believed that he or she was entitled to take and use the vehicle.


     (b) The person was the owner or registrant of a motor vehicle


or motorcycle involved in the accident with respect to which the


security required by section 3101 or 3103 was not in effect.


     (c) The person was not a resident of this state, was an


occupant of a motor vehicle or motorcycle not registered in this


state, and was not insured by an insurer which has filed a


certification in compliance with section 3163.


     (d) The person was the owner or registrant of a motor vehicle


insured under a policy issued under chapter 32A.


     Sec. 3114. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2), (3), and


(5), (7), and (8), a personal protection insurance policy described


in section 3101(1) applies to accidental bodily injury to the


person named in the policy, the person's spouse, and a relative of


either domiciled in the same household, if the injury arises from a


motor vehicle accident. A personal injury insurance policy


described in section 3103(2) applies to accidental bodily injury to


the person named in the policy, the person's spouse, and a relative


of either domiciled in the same household, if the injury arises


from a motorcycle accident. When If personal protection insurance


benefits described in section 3107(1) or personal injury benefits


described in section 3103(2) are payable to or for the benefit of


an injured person under his or her own policy and would also be


payable under the policy of his or her spouse, relative, or


relative's spouse, the injured person's insurer shall pay all of


the benefits and is not entitled to recoupment from the other




     (2) A person suffering accidental bodily injury while an


operator or a passenger of a motor vehicle operated in the business


of transporting passengers shall receive the personal protection


insurance benefits to which the person is entitled from the insurer


of the motor vehicle. This subsection does not apply to a passenger


in the following, unless that passenger is not entitled to personal


protection insurance benefits under any other policy:


     (a) A school bus, as defined by the department of education,


providing transportation not prohibited by law.


     (b) A bus operated by a common carrier of passengers certified


by the department of transportation.


     (c) A bus operating under a government sponsored


transportation program.


     (d) A bus operated by or providing service to a nonprofit




     (e) A taxicab insured as prescribed in section 3101 or 3102.


     (f) A bus operated by a canoe or other watercraft, bicycle, or


horse livery used only to transport passengers to or from a


destination point.


     (3) An employee, his or her spouse, or a relative of either


domiciled in the same household, who suffers accidental bodily


injury while an occupant of a motor vehicle owned or registered by


the employer, shall receive personal protection insurance benefits


to which the employee is entitled from the insurer of the furnished




     (4) Except as provided in subsections (1) to (3), (7), and


(8), a person suffering accidental bodily injury arising from a


motor vehicle accident while an occupant of a motor vehicle shall


claim personal protection insurance benefits from insurers in the


following order of priority:


     (a) The insurer of the owner or registrant of the vehicle




     (b) The insurer of the operator of the vehicle occupied.


     (5) A Except as provided in subsections (7) and (8), a person


suffering accidental bodily injury arising from a motor vehicle


accident which that shows evidence of the involvement of a motor


vehicle while an operator or passenger of a motorcycle shall claim


personal protection insurance benefits from insurers in the


following order of priority:


     (a) The insurer of the owner or registrant of the motor


vehicle involved in the accident.


     (b) The insurer of the operator of the motor vehicle involved


in the accident.


     (c) The motor vehicle insurer of the operator of the


motorcycle involved in the accident.


     (d) The motor vehicle insurer of the owner or registrant of


the motorcycle involved in the accident.


     (6) If 2 or more insurers are in the same order of priority to


provide personal protection insurance benefits under subsection


(5), an insurer paying benefits due is entitled to partial


recoupment from the other insurers in the same order of priority,


together with a reasonable amount of partial recoupment of the


expense of processing the claim, in order to accomplish equitable


distribution of the loss among all of the insurers.


     (7) An automobile insurance policy issued under chapter 32A


applies only to the owner or registrant of the motor vehicle


insured under the policy, not to the owner's or registrant's spouse


or a relative of either domiciled in the same household. An owner


or registrant of a motor vehicle insured under an automobile


insurance policy issued under chapter 32A is not entitled to


benefits described in this section under an automobile insurance


policy issued to any of the following:


     (a) The owner's or registrant's spouse, relative, or


relative's spouse.


     (b) The owner, registrant, or operator of another vehicle


occupied by the owner or registrant of the motor vehicle insured


under the policy issued under chapter 32A.


     (8) Other than residual liability benefits described in


section 3009, an individual other than the owner or registrant of a


motor vehicle insured under an automobile insurance policy issued


under chapter 32A is not entitled to benefits under the policy. The


individual, if injured while an occupant of the motor vehicle or in


a motor vehicle accident that shows evidence of the involvement of


the motor vehicle, is only entitled to personal protection benefits


that are otherwise available to the individual under this chapter.


     Sec. 3115. (1) Except as provided in subsection (1) of section


3114 3114(1), a person suffering accidental bodily injury while not


an occupant of a motor vehicle shall claim personal protection


insurance benefits from insurers in the following order of




     (a) Insurers of owners or registrants of motor vehicles


involved in the accident.


     (b) Insurers of operators of motor vehicles involved in the




     (2) When 2 or more insurers are in the same order of priority


to provide personal protection insurance benefits an insurer paying


benefits due is entitled to partial recoupment from the other


insurers in the same order of priority, together with a reasonable


amount of partial recoupment of the expense of processing the


claim, in order to accomplish equitable distribution of the loss


among such insurers.


     (3) A limit upon the amount of personal protection insurance


benefits available because of accidental bodily injury to 1 person


arising from 1 motor vehicle accident shall be determined without


regard to the number of policies applicable to the accident.


     (4) The limit of liability for 2 or more motor vehicles under


1 policy or for 2 or more policies shall not be added together,


combined, or stacked to determine the limit of insurance coverage


available for each injured person covered under the policy.


     Sec. 3135. (1) A person remains subject to tort liability for


noneconomic loss caused by his or her ownership, maintenance, or


use of a motor vehicle only if the injured person has suffered


death, serious impairment of body function, or permanent serious




     (2) For a cause of action for damages pursuant to subsection


(1) filed on or after July 26, 1996, all of the following apply:


     (a) The issues of whether the injured person has suffered


serious impairment of body function or permanent serious


disfigurement are questions of law for the court if the court finds


either of the following:


     (i) There is no factual dispute concerning the nature and


extent of the person's injuries.


     (ii) There is a factual dispute concerning the nature and


extent of the person's injuries, but the dispute is not material to


the determination whether the person has suffered a serious


impairment of body function or permanent serious disfigurement.


However, for a closed-head injury, a question of fact for the jury


is created if a licensed allopathic or osteopathic physician who


regularly diagnoses or treats closed-head injuries testifies under


oath that there may be a serious neurological injury.


     (b) Damages shall be assessed on the basis of comparative


fault, except that damages shall not be assessed in favor of a


party who is more than 50% at fault.


     (c) Damages shall not be assessed in favor of a party who was


operating his or her own vehicle at the time the injury occurred


and did not have in effect for that motor vehicle the security


required by section 3101 at the time the injury occurred.


     (d) If the injured person was the owner or registrant of a


motor vehicle insured under a policy issued under chapter 32A, the


injured person is limited to a recovery of $20,000.00 in the


aggregate from all persons who are liable under subsection (1).


     (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, tort liability


arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use within this state


of a motor vehicle with respect to which the security required by


section 3101 was in effect is abolished except as to:


     (a) Intentionally caused harm to persons or property. Even


though a person knows that harm to persons or property is


substantially certain to be caused by his or her act or omission,


the person does not cause or suffer that harm intentionally if he


or she acts or refrains from acting for the purpose of averting


injury to any person, including himself or herself, or for the


purpose of averting damage to tangible property.


     (b) Damages for noneconomic loss as provided and limited in


subsections (1) and (2).


     (c) Damages for allowable expenses, work loss, and survivor's


loss as defined in sections 3107 to 3110 in excess of the daily,


monthly, and 3-year limitations contained in those sections. The


party liable for damages is entitled to an exemption reducing his


or her liability by the amount of taxes that would have been


payable on account of income the injured person would have received


if he or she had not been injured. This subdivision does not apply


to an owner or registrant of a motor vehicle insured under a policy


issued under chapter 32A.


     (d) Damages for economic loss by a nonresident in excess of


the personal protection insurance benefits provided under section


3163(4). Damages under this subdivision are not recoverable to the


extent that benefits covering the same loss are available from


other sources, regardless of the nature or number of benefit


sources available and regardless of the nature or form of the




     (e) Damages up to $1,000.00 to a motor vehicle, to the extent


that the damages are not covered by insurance. An action for


damages under this subdivision shall be conducted as provided in


subsection (4).


     (4) All of the following apply to an action for damages under


subsection (3)(e):


     (a) Damages shall be assessed on the basis of comparative


fault, except that damages shall not be assessed in favor of a


party who is more than 50% at fault.


     (b) Liability is not a component of residual liability, as


prescribed in section 3131, for which maintenance of security is


required by this act.


     (c) The action shall be commenced, whenever legally possible,


in the small claims division of the district court or the municipal


court. If the defendant or plaintiff removes the action to a higher


court and does not prevail, the judge may assess costs.


     (d) A decision of the court is not res judicata in any


proceeding to determine any other liability arising from the same


circumstances that gave rise to the action.


     (e) Damages shall not be assessed if the damaged motor vehicle


was being operated at the time of the damage without the security


required by section 3101.


     (5) As used in this section, "serious impairment of body


function" means an objectively manifested impairment of an


important body function that affects the person's general ability


to lead his or her normal life.






     Sec. 3275. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Automobile insurance" means that term as defined in


section 2102.


     (b) "Facility" means the Michigan automobile insurance


placement facility created under chapter 33.


     (c) "Federal poverty guidelines" means the poverty guidelines


published annually in the federal register by the United States


department of health and human services under its authority to


revise the poverty line under 42 USC 9902.


     (d) "Insurance agency" means an agency as that term is defined


in section 1243.


     (e) "Insurance producer" means that term as defined in section




     (f) "LCAP applicant" means an individual who meets all of the


qualifications of section 3277.


     (g) "Low-cost automobile insurance policy" means an automobile


insurance policy that satisfies the requirements of section 3278.


     Sec. 3276. An owner or registrant of a motor vehicle required


to be registered in this state who is an LCAP applicant may comply


with section 3101 by maintaining a low-cost automobile insurance




     Sec. 3277. (1) To qualify for a low-cost automobile insurance


policy, an individual must meet all of the following




     (a) Reside in a household with a gross annual household income


that is equal to 300% of the federal poverty guidelines or less.


     (b) Have been continuously licensed to drive an automobile for


a period of 3 years.


     (c) Not have had in the preceding 3 years more than 1 of


either, but not both, of the following:


     (i) A property-damage-only accident in which he or she was


substantially at fault.


     (ii) An insurance eligibility point for a moving violation, as


described in section 2103.


     (d) Not have had in the preceding 3 years a substantially at-


fault accident involving bodily injury or death.


     (e) Not have had a conviction for 1 or more of the following:


     (i) A violation of section 625 of the Michigan vehicle code,


1949 PA 300, MCL 257.625.


     (ii) A violation described in section 601b of the Michigan


vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.601b.


     (iii) A felony or misdemeanor conviction relating to the


operation of a motor vehicle.


     (2) An insured under a low-cost automobile insurance policy


shall not purchase or maintain any automobile personal protection


insurance coverage other than under a low-cost automobile insurance


policy for any additional vehicles in the insured's household.


     Sec. 3278. (1) An insurer that issues a low-cost automobile


insurance policy shall provide all of the following coverage under


the policy:


     (a) Security against loss resulting from liability imposed by


law for property damage, bodily injury, or death suffered by a


person arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of the


motor vehicle that meets the requirements of section 3009.


     (b) Security for the payment of first-party medical benefits,


payable if the owner or registrant of the automobile is involved in


a motor vehicle accident, as that term is defined in section 3101.


All of the following apply to benefits under this subdivision:


     (i) The benefits are payable only for medical expenses incurred


because of injury to the owner or registrant.


     (ii) The benefits are payable only if there is no other health


and accident coverage available to the owner or registrant for the


medical expenses incurred.


     (iii) The limit for benefits is $50,000.00.


     (iv) The benefits are payable only for medically appropriate


treatment by individuals licensed or authorized to render the


treatment under article 15 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838.


     (2) An insurer issuing a low-cost automobile insurance policy


shall not provide coverage in the policy for the payment of


benefits described in chapter 31 unless the benefits are required


under this section.


     Sec. 3280. (1) The facility shall provide for all of the




     (a) The equitable distribution of LCAP applicants to


designated participating members in accordance with the plan of


operation as amended under section 3310(3).


     (b) The issuance of low-cost automobile insurance policies to


LCAP applicants as provided in the amended plan of operation.


     (c) The appointment of a number of participating members to


act on behalf of the facility for the distribution of risks or for


the servicing of individuals insured under low-cost automobile


policies, as provided in the amended plan of operation and


consistent with this section. The facility shall do all of the




     (i) Appoint those members having the 5 highest participation


ratios, as defined in section 3303(e)(i), to act on behalf of the




     (ii) Appoint up to 5 additional members to act on behalf of the


facility from among other members who volunteer to so act and who


meet reasonable servicing standards established in the amended plan


of operation.


     (iii) Appoint additional members to act on behalf of the


facility as necessary to do all of the following:


     (A) Assure convenient access to the low-cost automobile


policies for all LCAP applicants in this state.


     (B) Assure a reasonable quality of service for individuals


insured under low-cost automobile insurance policies.


     (C) Assure a reasonable representation of the various


insurance marketing systems.


     (D) Assure reasonable claims handling.


     (E) Assure a reasonable range of choice of insurers for


individuals insured under low-cost automobile insurance policies.


     (d) Standards and monitoring procedures to assure that


participating members acting on behalf of the facility with respect


to low-cost automobile insurance policies do all of the following:


     (i) Provide service to individuals insured that is equivalent


to the service provided to persons insured by the insurer




     (ii) Handle claims in an efficient and reasonable manner.


     (iii) Provide internal review procedures for individuals insured


identical to those established under chapter 21 for persons insured




     (e) The establishment of procedures and guidelines for the


issuance of binders by insurance producers on receipt of the


application for coverage.


     (2) Sections 3330, 3340(1) to (3), 3355, 3360, and 3380 apply


to the offering of low-cost automobile insurance policies through


the facility.


     (3) A low-cost automobile insurance policy shall be issued for


an initial term of 6 months, renewable for subsequent 6-month




     Sec. 3281. The other chapters of this act apply to this


chapter unless the application of a provision in another chapter


would be inconsistent with this chapter.


     Sec. 3282. (1) An insurance producer that offers automobile


insurance under chapter 33 shall offer low-cost automobile


insurance policies to LCAP applicants.


     (2) An insurance producer that offers a low-cost automobile


insurance policy shall provide to an LCAP applicant a notice


relating to coverage under the policy. The insurance producer shall


provide the notice in a separate document at the time of


application and include the following statement in 14-point


boldfaced type or font:






     Insurance coverage under the policy you are buying provides


only limited medical coverage up to a maximum of $50,000.00. The


medical insurance covers only you as the owner of the vehicle.


     This insurance does not provide benefits that are provided


under a policy of no-fault insurance in this state, including, but


not limited to, any of the following:


     Wage-loss benefits.


     Survivor's benefits.


     Funeral expenses.


     Replacement services.


     Personal protection benefits for passengers in the vehicle,


pedestrians, or any other individual.


     (3) In applying for a low-cost automobile insurance policy, an


LCAP applicant shall certify, to the best of the applicant's


knowledge and belief, whether representations made in the


application and in documents submitted to demonstrate eligibility


for the low-cost automobile insurance policy are true and correct


and whether they contain any material misrepresentations or


omissions of fact.


     (4) A certification of the applicant under subsection (3) that


the representations in the application are true and correct is


proof that the applicant meets the qualifications.


     (5) An insurance producer or agency or an authorized


representative or employee of an insurance producer or agency


involved in the sale of automobile insurance under this chapter is


not liable to any person for damages arising from the reduction or


inadequacy of automobile insurance benefits and does not have any


other liability for damages caused by, arising out of, or related


to any actual or alleged act, error, or omission concerning the


choice of automobile insurance benefits under this chapter.


     Sec. 3283. An insurer may offer an insured under a low-cost


automobile insurance policy a premium installment option under


which the insured may pay a specified portion or portions of the


premium for the low-cost automobile insurance policy on a periodic


basis. A premium for a low-cost automobile insurance policy shall


not be financed in any other manner.


     Sec. 3284. (1) An insurer that issues a low-cost automobile


insurance policy under the pilot program may offer the insured any


other additional type of automobile insurance coverage such as


uninsured motorists coverage or collision coverage that is not


available under the low-cost automobile insurance policy.


     (2) An insurer shall not condition the sale of a low-cost


automobile insurance policy on the purchase of any other product or




     Sec. 3285. (1) A person who lawfully renders treatment to an


injured individual for an accidental bodily injury covered by a


low-cost automobile insurance policy may charge a reasonable amount


for the products, services, and accommodations rendered. The charge


shall not exceed the amount the person customarily receives for


like products, services, and accommodations in cases that do not


involve automobile insurance, the program for medical assistance


for the medically indigent under the social welfare act, 1939 PA


280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, or the federal medicare program


established under title XVIII of the social security act, 42 USC


1395 to 1395kkk-1.


     (2) Any information needed by an insurer to determine the


appropriate reimbursement under this section shall be provided by


the person providing the treatment or rehabilitative or


occupational training.


     (3) If an insurer needs information to determine the


appropriate reimbursement under this section and the information is


unavailable or not provided or the information provided is not


sufficient to determine the appropriate reimbursement, the insurer


shall pay the amount that would be paid under R 418.10101 to R


418.101503 of the Michigan administrative code or schedules of


maximum fees for worker's disability compensation developed under


those rules.


     (4) Whether a charge is reasonable or whether a product,


service, or accommodation is medically appropriate and medically


necessary is a question of law to be decided by the court.


     Sec. 3287. By April 1, 2014 and by April 1 of each subsequent


year, the automobile insurers who are participating in the low-cost


automobile insurance program shall submit the loss and expense data


from low-cost automobile insurance policies and a proposed rate for


the low-cost automobile insurance policy to the director.


     Sec. 3288. By August 1, 2016 and by August 1 of each


subsequent year, the director shall report to the legislature on


sales of low-cost automobile insurance policies and the results of


those sales.


     Sec. 3289. The director may issue an order or promulgate rules


under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL


24.201 to 24.328, to implement this chapter.


     Sec. 3290. This chapter does not apply after July 31, 2019.


     Sec. 3301. (1) Every insurer authorized to write automobile


insurance in this state shall participate in an organization for


the purpose of doing all of the following:


     (a) Providing the guarantee that automobile insurance coverage


will be available to any person who is unable to procure that


insurance through ordinary methods.


     (b) Preserving to the public the benefits of price competition


by encouraging maximum use of the normal private insurance system.


     (c) Assuring that low-cost automobile insurance policies are


offered and issued in this state under chapter 32A.


     (2) The organization created under this chapter shall be


called the "Michigan automobile insurance placement facility".


     Sec. 3310. (1) The board of governors of the facility shall


consist of 11 governors. Seven of the governors shall be elected as


provided in the plan of operation. Four governors shall be


appointed by the commissioner, director, of which 2 shall represent


insurance agents subject to section 1209(1) and 2 shall represent


the general public. Each governor appointed by the commissioner


pursuant to director under this subsection shall serve an annual


term. The 7 elected members of the board of governors of the


facility shall be elected to serve annual terms commencing within


45 days after the annual determination of participation ratios.


Vacancies shall be filled as provided for in the plan of operation.


     (2) Amendments to the plan of operation for the facility are


subject to majority approval by the board of governors and


ratification by a majority of the membership. The membership vote


shall be determined by participation ratio as defined in section


3303(e)(iii). The facility committee shall adopt a plan of operation


by majority vote of the committee and approved and ratified


amendments shall submit it be submitted to the commissioner


director for his or her approval. If the commissioner director


finds that the amendments to the plan meets meet the requirements


of this chapter and chapter 32A, as applicable, he or she shall


approve it. them. If the commissioner director finds that the


amendments to the plan fails fail to meet the requirements of this


chapter or chapter 32A, as applicable, he or she shall state in


what respects the plan is amendments are deficient and shall afford


the facility committee board of governors 10 days within which to


correct the deficiency. If the commissioner director and the


facility committee board of governors fail to agree that the


provisions of corrected amendments to the plan so submitted meet


the requirements of this chapter or chapter 32A, as applicable,


either party to the controversy may submit the issue to the circuit


court for Ingham county for a determination. If the commissioner


director fails to render a written decision on the amendments to


the plan of operation within 30 days after receipt of the plan,


amendments, the plan amendments shall be considered approved.


     (3) Amendments to the plan of operation shall be subject to


majority approval by the board of governors and ratified by


majority of the membership vote. The membership vote shall be


determined as defined in section 3303(e)(iii). Amendments to the plan


of operation shall be subject to the approval of the commissioner,


as provided in subsection (2).


     (3) By September 1, 2013, the board of governors shall approve


amendments to the plan of operation to assure that low-cost


automobile insurance policies under chapter 32A are offered to


residents of this state. The amendments shall be submitted to the


members for ratification and to the director for approval, as


required by subsection (2), so that the amendments will be in place


and low-cost automobile insurance policies offered in this state by


January 1, 2014.


     (4) Every insurer authorized to write automobile insurance in


this state shall adhere to the plan of operation.